Judge in Georgia Dismisses Three Trump Charges

Yet we are the arrogant American's? Look Goatboy, when I lived in Germany for over 3 years, I went into the society with an open mind, learned German as best I could, hung out with primarily Germans, and enjoyed their culture without trying to tell them they're doing it wrong....
Well thats what makes you a cuckold and a pushover and what makes me, me. I dont give a shit how you feel. :dunno:
People like you that come here and expect America to cater to you, are the arrogant ones, and in most cases would be met with a resounding rebuke...
I don't expect it, I just push and push until I get it and you pushovers get pushed over. That's how it works.
What you have wrong is that you're trying to make here whatever shithole you left to come here....If you don't like it here then leave.
Make me, bitch. :dunno::funnyface:
Legally? Yes. Assimilated? I dont know what that means. I support the tearing down of your deplorable history and the changing of your culture so I guess I expect you to assimilate to me. Is that what you mean? As for what I'm lying about I don't know what you're referring to. That's my impression of you impotent fucktards. What do I have wrong?
Wow, you are an entitled little brat. You have to be a special type of deplorable to move to another country and expect that country to erase its history and culture
Wow, you are an entitled little brat. You have to be a special type of deplorable to move to another country and expect that country to erase its history and culture
You're the cuckolds who allowed it in your laws. Don't cry to me you little bitch.
Well thats what makes you a cuckold and a pushover and what makes me, me. I dont give a shit how you feel. :dunno:

I don't expect it, I just push and push until I get it and you pushovers get pushed over. That's how it works.

Make me, bitch. :dunno::funnyface:
Your time is coming 🖕🏻
There is no law that states we have to assimilate to you, or cater to you.

Where did you get that idea?
I said your law allows us to change your culture. Just because there is no law that says you have to doesn't mean it isn't the natural progression when a country of cuckolds allow themselves to be replaced by immigrants with less and less respect for you, your culture and your history.
I said your law allows us to change your culture. Just because there is no law that says you have to doesn't mean it isn't the natural progression when a country of cuckolds allow themselves to be replaced by immigrants with less and less respect for you, your culture or your history?
Ah I see your point, yes our laws allowed xiden to take office and his admin allowed it. True, that’s why a record number of Americans are worse off now
Ah I see your point, yes our laws allowed xiden to take office and his admin allowed it. True, that’s why a record number of Americans are worse off now
So cry about, what the fuck do I care and why are you crying to me?
You sure talk big for an anonymous internet tough guy....lol
Am I wrong? Are you not losing your culture to the LGTBQ community and having your history torn down? If my facts didn't ring true they wouldn't bother you so much.
I’m not sure what you mean? Who’s crying? I am thrilled you and so open and honest with your intent to destroy the United States
Change the United States, destroy is the the word little bitch victims would use.
Am I wrong? Are you not losing your culture to the LGTBQ community and having your history torn down? If my facts didn't ring true they wouldn't bother you so much.
No we are not losing our culture to less than 1% of the country, that's just you trying to conflate....So, yes, as usual, You're wrong.
No we are not losing our culture to less than 1% of the country, that's just you trying to conflate....So, yes, as usual, You're wrong.
That 1% is sure pushing you fucktards around. Gay marriage legal, adult sex change legal in all states, supported by the military even when Robert E Lee isn't. Hell you can't even make it illegal for minors in all 50 States. Your whole culture keeps getting pushed back and back and back and you cuckolds keep taking it and letting it happen. :funnyface: Why should I believe it will ever be any different? Why?
That 1% is sure pushing you fucktards around. Gay marriage legal, adult sex change legal in all states, supported by the military even when Robert E Lee isn't. Hell you can't even make it illegal for minors in all 50 States. Your whole culture keeps getting pushed back and back and back and you cuckolds keep taking it and letting it happen. :funnyface: Why should I believe it will ever be any different? Why?
Well, I think you have a very skewed version of what's going on...Might I suggest you turn off MSNBC?
Well, I think you have a very skewed version of what's going on...Might I suggest you turn off MSNBC?
I don't even watch MSNBC. What I presented to you were facts and you came back to me with cosplay like the cuckold that you are.

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