Judge Jeanine: Time To Shut It Down And Lock Her Up (You Have To Watch This Folks)

Crooked Hillary needs to be locked up. And so does Barry Hussaine Obama!

I wonder if President Trump is planning a rally this week to celebrate the anti-Trump meltdown we are going to witness Monday on MSNBC and CNN! :p

i mentioned this before, but wouldnt we all love to see Marsha Brady sitting next to Hillary when they grill her again?
Poor Trumpflakes. Without the gubmint running cover for their racist douchebaggery, they'll have to crawl back under their rocks again.

And that's why they're making so many weepy hysterical threads.

Remember, when a Trumpflake cries, an angel gets his wings.
Russian contacts are now racist? Christ you people have lost your fucking minds. Welcome to panic mode dipshit. You're going to be there a while.
Hillary Clinton: at the time, i was informed that we were actually selling wheat and potatoes to russia.
i mentioned this before, but wouldnt we all love to see Marsha Brady sitting next to Hillary when they grill her again?
That would be fun. Marsha saying Russia, Russia, Russia! While trying to explain how the woman next to her is the only one in the room who got paid 150 million from Russia.
Poor Trumpflakes. Without the gubmint running cover for their racist douchebaggery, they'll have to crawl back under their rocks again.

And that's why they're making so many weepy hysterical threads.

Remember, when a Trumpflake cries, an angel gets his wings.
Russian contacts are now racist? Christ you people have lost your fucking minds. Welcome to panic mode dipshit. You're going to be there a while.
Hillary Clinton: at the time, i was informed that we were actually selling wheat and potatoes to russia.
And speeches for her husband at half a mill and that whole uranium thing. This should be fun.
i mentioned this before, but wouldnt we all love to see Marsha Brady sitting next to Hillary when they grill her again?
That would be fun. Marsha saying Russia, Russia, Russia! While trying to explain how the woman next to her is the only one in the room who got paid 150 million from Russia.
Marsha to the left of Hillary,,,but who can we seat to her right? Huma?
Somebody needs to do something about these crooks all the way back to the 2010 Uranium fiasco and fast or, it could get very ugly in the streets. All of Obama's people were dirty......even worse than known. All of them who taunted the taxpayer and USA law.
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The Russian bribes to the Obamas and Clintons is just small potatoes compared to the other bribes, mainly from Arab states, and then there are the OBama traitors at all levels of govt., the $600 billion giveaway to an openly terrorist state Obama was personally friendly with against his own country, the tip offs to terrorists on troop movements resulting in deaths of our soldiers under OBama and still going under Trump, especially the Yemen ambush, and the entire Democratic Party criminal syndicate could go down, but they will need to get rid of Mueller and not let the obviously dirty FBI handle any of it to be successful.
i mentioned this before, but wouldnt we all love to see Marsha Brady sitting next to Hillary when they grill her again?
That would be fun. Marsha saying Russia, Russia, Russia! While trying to explain how the woman next to her is the only one in the room who got paid 150 million from Russia.
Marsha to the left of Hillary,,,but who can we seat to her right? Huma?
There's nobody to the right of these people. It's all left and communism. All of her minions would be to her left.
i mentioned this before, but wouldnt we all love to see Marsha Brady sitting next to Hillary when they grill her again?
That would be fun. Marsha saying Russia, Russia, Russia! While trying to explain how the woman next to her is the only one in the room who got paid 150 million from Russia.
Marsha to the left of Hillary,,,but who can we seat to her right? Huma?
There's nobody to the right of these people. It's all left and communism. All of her minions would be to her left.
actually, why not seat the wicked with of the west to the right of Hillary?
i mentioned this before, but wouldnt we all love to see Marsha Brady sitting next to Hillary when they grill her again?
That would be fun. Marsha saying Russia, Russia, Russia! While trying to explain how the woman next to her is the only one in the room who got paid 150 million from Russia.
Marsha to the left of Hillary,,,but who can we seat to her right? Huma?
There's nobody to the right of these people. It's all left and communism. All of her minions would be to her left.
maybe sasquatch can sit next to Hillary?
Russian contacts are now racist?

Why would you say such a stupid thing"? After all, I didn't say or imply any such thing, and only a retard or liar would think I did. Since I'm assuming you're honest, that means you must be a retard.

Christ you people have lost your fucking minds.

I find your lack of self-awareness ... funny.

Look at all you Trumpflakes here. You're having a frantic circle jerk, again, because a fascist TV personality said to put Clinton in jail. You've lost your fucking minds.

Welcome to panic mode dipshit. You're going to be there a while.

So, how'd it go the previous hundred times when you said Clinton was going to jail, this time for sure!

Not so well? You ended up looking like someone who had snarfed too many lead paint chips as a baby? Imagine that.

And yet here you all are, falling for the same idiot conspiracy theory again. You just don't learn. That's why you Trumpflakes make such fine Useful Idiots for your masters.
Good Lord! This is powerful as she lays out the facts. This is our Republic at stake folks. You gotta see this!

Judge Jeanine: Time to shut it down and lock her up

Good Lord————— Coming from Fox News.
This is the only and only news media that protect and support Trump when he was talking about grabbing pussy, hitting a woman with a golf ball is dignified, Gen. Pershing story was real, trashing AG Sessions in public is acceptable, undermining Tillerson is acceptable, shutting down new media that Trump doesn’t like.
So coming from this judge a total Trump lap dog supposed to be credible? Very funny.
On top of that Hillary is now a civilian. So what’s the point of making this a big deal?

The only one that matters is this dirty president who is driving this country into disaster. Impeach - Impeach- Impeach - impeach.

Analytics company contacted WikiLeaks about Clinton emails - CNNPolitics
Good Lord! This is powerful as she lays out the facts. This is our Republic at stake folks. You gotta see this!

Judge Jeanine: Time to shut it down and lock her up

she's a full out nutbar. totally unhinged.
I take it you find this normal?
I really wish Pres. Trump would appoint Judge Jeanine to be the U.S. Attorney General. ..... :thup:

Not me. That old slut is as bad as Hillary. Matter of fact, if I remember right, Hillary faces her in a campaign for senate. Clinton smashed Judge Jeanine. She rattled her so badly, Jeaneane ran off a debate stage. Just desserts for an old slut who put an innocent cop in prison.
I think the judge is a very clear thinker and I agree with what she says. Seems like this kind of video is always sure to garner cries from the criminal supporters of "nazi", "deluded", etc, all time honored regressive fails.
Good Lord! This is powerful as she lays out the facts. This is our Republic at stake folks. You gotta see this!

Judge Jeanine: Time to shut it down and lock her up

she's a full out nutbar. totally unhinged.
I take it you find this normal?View attachment 157116
I Think Pelosi has medical disorders that will sideline her soon. The only question is what America hating monster will California elect to replace her with?

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