Judge Sullivan Scrambles For A Lifeline To Bail HIMSELF Out Of Dropped Flynn Case

Sullivan may vacate the 18 USC 1001 charge, and then charge Flynn with perjury.

You can't lie under oath to a federal judge.

1. A Federal Judge can NOT 'charge' anyone with a crime.

According to legal precedence Sullivan has no option but to dropt the case; however, he is bringing in his Trump-hating pal to discuss the ability to 'find' Flynn in COMTEMP of court.

2. Democrats lie under oath all the time. If all of their Democrats who lied under oath were in jail today, Gitmo would be full.

The last President to lie under oath and be found in Contempt was Slick Willy. He was given no jail time, but he did his license to practice law temporarily stripped.
"A Federal Judge can NOT 'charge' anyone with a crime"

Are you ever not a retard?

Apparently some people don’t know their constitution very well. The courts have inherent power. They may exercise it with people who are playing games.
Yep.....the Obama DOJ withheld exculpatory evidence (were playing games) and framed Michael Flynn. The Judge took a bribe from somebody in Obama's criminal organization (playing games) to string out the case till Trump is forced to pardon him. If Trump Wins reelection the Democrats (playing games) will try to impeach him for the pardon.
what does it say about Flynn's attorneys if they had him plead guilty, and affirm that guilty plea, when according to Barr there was never anything to go on? the firm representing Flynn wasn't a bottom of the barrel kind of operation.
From what I've read.....Flynn's original attorneys were corrupt and worked with prosecutors from the corrupt DOJ.
He fired them and his new attorney found that the DOJ set him up.
His new attorney is a hack who pleases the right wing rabble. She wasn’t interested in defending him legally (her motions were legally dubious and smacked down repeatedly by the judge, even calling them unprofessional). She was putting on a public show to gin up right wing outrage and pressure.

Flynn wasn’t set up no matter what way you look at it. No one made him lie.
Flynn’s new attorney actually worked for him instead of against him. Finding the withholding of evidence and now all the other garbage that has come out. Flynn WAS set up. He did not lie. Since you can not produce the ORiGINAL 302, neither you nor the liars in the FBI can say Flynn lied.
Sullivan may vacate the 18 USC 1001 charge, and then charge Flynn with perjury.

You can't lie under oath to a federal judge.

1. A Federal Judge can NOT 'charge' anyone with a crime.

According to legal precedence Sullivan has no option but to dropt the case; however, he is bringing in his Trump-hating pal to discuss the ability to 'find' Flynn in COMTEMP of court.

2. Democrats lie under oath all the time. If all of their Democrats who lied under oath were in jail today, Gitmo would be full.

The last President to lie under oath and be found in Contempt was Slick Willy. He was given no jail time, but he did his license to practice law temporarily stripped.
"A Federal Judge can NOT 'charge' anyone with a crime"

Are you ever not a retard?

Apparently some people don’t know their constitution very well. The courts have inherent power. They may exercise it with people who are playing games.
Yep.....the Obama DOJ withheld exculpatory evidence (were playing games) and framed Michael Flynn. The Judge took a bribe from somebody in Obama's criminal organization (playing games) to string out the case till Trump is forced to pardon him. If Trump Wins reelection the Democrats (playing games) will try to impeach him for the pardon.
what does it say about Flynn's attorneys if they had him plead guilty, and affirm that guilty plea, when according to Barr there was never anything to go on? the firm representing Flynn wasn't a bottom of the barrel kind of operation.
From what I've read.....Flynn's original attorneys were corrupt and worked with prosecutors from the corrupt DOJ.
He fired them and his new attorney found that the DOJ set him up.
His new attorney is a hack who pleases the right wing rabble. She wasn’t interested in defending him legally (her motions were legally dubious and smacked down repeatedly by the judge, even calling them unprofessional). She was putting on a public show to gin up right wing outrage and pressure.

Flynn wasn’t set up no matter what way you look at it. No one made him lie.
Flynn’s new attorney actually worked for him instead of against him. Finding the withholding of evidence and now all the other garbage that has come out. Flynn WAS set up. He did not lie. Since you can not produce the ORiGINAL 302, neither you nor the liars in the FBI can say Flynn lied.

The original 302 has been presented and shows he lied. So do the notes from the interview. He lied. Get over it.

Flynn’s lawyer didn’t uncover anything. Her repeated motions for material were a joke and the judge dismissed all of her claims because she’s a shitty lawyer.
The prosecution can hardly claim that is immaterial, even though they (comically) did so right before moving to dismiss the case.
It is immaterial. It has nothing to do with the facts of the case.
Notes on the aim of the interview that include a discussion of trying to get him to lie is immaterial to a case where he is charged with lying?

You and I have a completely different understanding of what is "material."


What about those notes change the facts surrounding his actual statements? How did the notes from the meeting affect his decision to say what he said?

Explain what is material about them please.
The only person looking for a lifeline here is Flynn. He's pissed this judge off something royal and so has barr.
You say that like you imagine prosecutors ever turn over everything.....
The prosecutors by law have to turn over exculpatory evidence. The FBI withheld such evidence in order to engage in illegal spying and to justify their actions, whether found to be extreme abuse of power or criminal. An independent / objective US AG was selected to investigate, and he reportedly found BOTH.

As far as Martha Stewart goes, that opens up a whole new discussion about Insider Trading that should be discussed in a completely separate thread.

Again, never happens

Any conviction that has ever gone through a trial in the history of america. Never got ALL the exculpatory evidence.
Do you know what exculpatory means? If that’s every trial in America then there’s a huge systemic problem with our justice system...but that’s not the case. Cases have been dropped for less even when the person is dead to rights guilty. The prosecution is required to turn over ALL exculpatory evidence. And they do because they don’t want to loose. A Brady violation isn’t the prosecution had a case of the Monday’s and misspelled a name. It’s withholding evidence you’re supposed to turn over because it weakens your case. I’m mean sure they’re a few cases of the prosecution or investigators didn’t realize something was as important as it should be, but that’s extremely rare. Do you know how severely the defense would’ve torn up the prosecution with this evidence? It would’ve been a blood bath. They never would have brought this to trial. Which is why they A. Hid this, and B. Threatened to go after Flynn’s son if he didn’t take a guilty plea.

Also, do you care to tell me what was illegal in the phone call?

Find one

It doesn't happen

Only in the most egregious cases is it even brought up. Happens in every case

You guys live in a fucking fantasy world.
Oh Jesus, you have zero clue what you’re talking about. A simple google search of “famous Brady violations” would have given you lists of hundreds and saved you from looking very stupid right now. By the way in Flynn’s case, closing the case because there is no connection is not an easily overlooked detail for a prosecution to forget. I shouldn’t have to explain this.

We're a nation of hundreds of millions I was being facetious you fuckwit

my god

Doesn't happen
More from that link:

"The prosecutor is responsible for disclosing anything known by members of the prosecution team , which includes law enforcement, forensic investigators, and other experts. Under Kyles v. Whitley, a case interpreting the Brady doctrine, the government cannot claim ignorance. It must actually find out what information is in the files of the people on whose work and expertise it relies. This rule is important. Making prosecutors immune from Brady when the material is in the police or analysts’ files would create perverse incentives for prosecutors not to know about information favorable to the defense."

Can't claim ignorance just because it was the FBI's case file.


Yea in theory

In practice it never happens

It's an unenforceable mandate
But that's not an excuse.

It is still prosecutorial misconduct.

In Flynn's case, evidence showing that investigators were strategizing on how to get him to commit the very crime for which he is charged casts serious doubts on the entire case. The prosecution can hardly claim that is immaterial, even though they (comically) did so right before moving to dismiss the case. That motion came at the same time the lead prosecutor moved to withdraw from the case (running scared)

Whether the prosecutors knew about those handwritten notes or not (they did) is irrelevant. Having that information before he pled would have changed his decision.

what cast even more irrefutable doubt is that they closed their original investigation because there was nothing there (that’s coming from the FBI, not me), the investigatiors were then told to keep it open just a little bit longer from the FBI “brass”....and then they charge him with something flimsy (so flimsy they told him they’d go after his son if he didn’t take the deal) totally unrelated to what they were investigating...meaning they had ZERO justification to be listening in on his perfectly legal calls. Which is why they tried to throw the Logan act at him. Once again, a law from 1799 that ZERO people have ever been charged with ever. The Logan act also has no justification since Flynn was apart of the transition team, which is a legal governmental entity since 1968, and Flynn was also doing normal duties his job as incoming NSA. Even if that wasn’t the case, are you saying that the Obama administration wanted an escalation with Russia? How on earth was this not a political hit?
You say that like you imagine prosecutors ever turn over everything.....
The prosecutors by law have to turn over exculpatory evidence. The FBI withheld such evidence in order to engage in illegal spying and to justify their actions, whether found to be extreme abuse of power or criminal. An independent / objective US AG was selected to investigate, and he reportedly found BOTH.

As far as Martha Stewart goes, that opens up a whole new discussion about Insider Trading that should be discussed in a completely separate thread.

Again, never happens

Any conviction that has ever gone through a trial in the history of america. Never got ALL the exculpatory evidence.
Do you know what exculpatory means? If that’s every trial in America then there’s a huge systemic problem with our justice system...but that’s not the case. Cases have been dropped for less even when the person is dead to rights guilty. The prosecution is required to turn over ALL exculpatory evidence. And they do because they don’t want to loose. A Brady violation isn’t the prosecution had a case of the Monday’s and misspelled a name. It’s withholding evidence you’re supposed to turn over because it weakens your case. I’m mean sure they’re a few cases of the prosecution or investigators didn’t realize something was as important as it should be, but that’s extremely rare. Do you know how severely the defense would’ve torn up the prosecution with this evidence? It would’ve been a blood bath. They never would have brought this to trial. Which is why they A. Hid this, and B. Threatened to go after Flynn’s son if he didn’t take a guilty plea.

Also, do you care to tell me what was illegal in the phone call?

Find one

It doesn't happen

Only in the most egregious cases is it even brought up. Happens in every case

You guys live in a fucking fantasy world.
Oh Jesus, you have zero clue what you’re talking about. A simple google search of “famous Brady violations” would have given you lists of hundreds and saved you from looking very stupid right now. By the way in Flynn’s case, closing the case because there is no connection is not an easily overlooked detail for a prosecution to forget. I shouldn’t have to explain this.

We're a nation of hundreds of millions I was being facetious you fuckwit

my god

Doesn't happen
More from that link:

"The prosecutor is responsible for disclosing anything known by members of the prosecution team , which includes law enforcement, forensic investigators, and other experts. Under Kyles v. Whitley, a case interpreting the Brady doctrine, the government cannot claim ignorance. It must actually find out what information is in the files of the people on whose work and expertise it relies. This rule is important. Making prosecutors immune from Brady when the material is in the police or analysts’ files would create perverse incentives for prosecutors not to know about information favorable to the defense."

Can't claim ignorance just because it was the FBI's case file.


Yea in theory

In practice it never happens

It's an unenforceable mandate
So FBI closed their case against Flynn. Filed a closure EC, meaning they no longer had justification to look into Flynn...and then the “27 floor” directs the investigation to stay open, and they charge Flynn with something totally flimsy and totally unrelated to their investigation, for a perfectly legal and above the board call...but they just forgot to mention all of that?

Lets get this straight, your argument isnt even over that there was a Brady violation (there was) but that Brady violations happen all the time (I am 100% convinced you have zero clue what’s even coming out of your mouth) and so what...prosecute him anyway? I guess fuck all Brady violations. It’s an unenforceable rule??? If the prosecution hides evidence that makes the defendant look favorable or even innocent, so what, no biggie I guess? This is the weakest argument yet.
The only person looking for a lifeline here is Flynn. He's pissed this judge off something royal and so has barr.
The judge has oversteppped his authority. He can't do anything to Flynn now.
An idiot ^^^ chimes in.

This isn't Sullivan's first dance. He's been through this before and did pretty much the same thing as this time. Sullivan is experienced and knows more than you. Infinitely more than you.
What can he do to Flynn?
He has options. He can vacate his guilty plea. He can charge Flynn with contempt for lying to his court. He can sentence for lying to the FBI.
The last two would be overstepping his bound. He would be ridiculed, and his decision would be reversed by a real court.

Sentencing a convicted felon in his court is overstepping his bound??


Once again, you show everyone here what a retard you are.

Judge Sullivan can sentence him if he wants and there's nothing Flynn can do about it other than wait for Impeached Trump to pardon him.
Link me up to a judge sentencing someone after the prosecution dropped the case.
Judge Sulliven was right when he accused Flynn of being treasonous. Glad he is taking the time to consider this at least.
OK... since you think that... aside from the MOUNTAIN of evidence showing Flynn was SET UP, and that ALL those who set him up gave closed door testimony that they had NOTHING ON HIM... show us your PROOF that Flynn COMMITTED TREASON... should we wait long for your proof or just call you a MORON now?
OK... since you think that... aside from the MOUNTAIN of evidence showing Flynn was SET UP, and that ALL those who set him up gave closed door testimony that they had NOTHING ON HIM...
Pitiful recall you have there. Flynn plead guilty in open court to two counts of perjury of his own will during the sentencing. There was no setup you bloody fool...Judge Sullivan gave Flynn every opportunity to correct ANY error.

If you or others wish to read the Court sentencing proceedings and see for your own ignorant self that Flynn AND HIS FOUR LAWYERS accepted the charges, accepted the verdict, accepted Flynn was not entrapped by the FBI and Flynn took responsibility for lying to the FBI, acknowledging the FBI had given him full warning that if he lied to the FBI he would be committing a felony. Read the transcript here ~~ https://www.justsecurity.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/121818am-USA-v-Michael-Flynn-Sentencing.pdf ~~

Your 'black helicopter' full of a "MOUNTAIN of evidence showing Flynn was SET UP" crashed with no fucking survivors. It's a pile of propaganda fit only for the unwashed mewling sycophants of the Orange Clown. Read the sentencing document linked above so you'll have at least one side of truth because you ain't gonna get the truth from a pile of Trump propaganda!
Flynn never plead guilty to perjury.
The only person looking for a lifeline here is Flynn. He's pissed this judge off something royal and so has barr.
The judge has oversteppped his authority. He can't do anything to Flynn now.
An idiot ^^^ chimes in.

This isn't Sullivan's first dance. He's been through this before and did pretty much the same thing as this time. Sullivan is experienced and knows more than you. Infinitely more than you.
Which is why the appeals court basically told him to explain himself and gave him a 10 day time table to drop the case...yeah the guys a genius. BTW that’s a panel of 3 judges higher up in the food chain than Sullivan.
Sullivan may vacate the 18 USC 1001 charge, and then charge Flynn with perjury.

You can't lie under oath to a federal judge.

1. A Federal Judge can NOT 'charge' anyone with a crime.

According to legal precedence Sullivan has no option but to dropt the case; however, he is bringing in his Trump-hating pal to discuss the ability to 'find' Flynn in COMTEMP of court.

2. Democrats lie under oath all the time. If all of their Democrats who lied under oath were in jail today, Gitmo would be full.

The last President to lie under oath and be found in Contempt was Slick Willy. He was given no jail time, but he did his license to practice law temporarily stripped.
"A Federal Judge can NOT 'charge' anyone with a crime"

Are you ever not a retard?

Apparently some people don’t know their constitution very well. The courts have inherent power. They may exercise it with people who are playing games.
Yep.....the Obama DOJ withheld exculpatory evidence (were playing games) and framed Michael Flynn. The Judge took a bribe from somebody in Obama's criminal organization (playing games) to string out the case till Trump is forced to pardon him. If Trump Wins reelection the Democrats (playing games) will try to impeach him for the pardon.
what does it say about Flynn's attorneys if they had him plead guilty, and affirm that guilty plea, when according to Barr there was never anything to go on? the firm representing Flynn wasn't a bottom of the barrel kind of operation.
From what I've read.....Flynn's original attorneys were corrupt and worked with prosecutors from the corrupt DOJ.
He fired them and his new attorney found that the DOJ set him up.
His new attorney is a hack who pleases the right wing rabble. She wasn’t interested in defending him legally (her motions were legally dubious and smacked down repeatedly by the judge, even calling them unprofessional). She was putting on a public show to gin up right wing outrage and pressure.

Flynn wasn’t set up no matter what way you look at it. No one made him lie.
And yet she keeps winning.
Sullivan may vacate the 18 USC 1001 charge, and then charge Flynn with perjury.

You can't lie under oath to a federal judge.

1. A Federal Judge can NOT 'charge' anyone with a crime.

According to legal precedence Sullivan has no option but to dropt the case; however, he is bringing in his Trump-hating pal to discuss the ability to 'find' Flynn in COMTEMP of court.

2. Democrats lie under oath all the time. If all of their Democrats who lied under oath were in jail today, Gitmo would be full.

The last President to lie under oath and be found in Contempt was Slick Willy. He was given no jail time, but he did his license to practice law temporarily stripped.
"A Federal Judge can NOT 'charge' anyone with a crime"

Are you ever not a retard?

Apparently some people don’t know their constitution very well. The courts have inherent power. They may exercise it with people who are playing games.
Yep.....the Obama DOJ withheld exculpatory evidence (were playing games) and framed Michael Flynn. The Judge took a bribe from somebody in Obama's criminal organization (playing games) to string out the case till Trump is forced to pardon him. If Trump Wins reelection the Democrats (playing games) will try to impeach him for the pardon.
what does it say about Flynn's attorneys if they had him plead guilty, and affirm that guilty plea, when according to Barr there was never anything to go on? the firm representing Flynn wasn't a bottom of the barrel kind of operation.
From what I've read.....Flynn's original attorneys were corrupt and worked with prosecutors from the corrupt DOJ.
He fired them and his new attorney found that the DOJ set him up.
His new attorney is a hack who pleases the right wing rabble. She wasn’t interested in defending him legally (her motions were legally dubious and smacked down repeatedly by the judge, even calling them unprofessional). She was putting on a public show to gin up right wing outrage and pressure.

Flynn wasn’t set up no matter what way you look at it. No one made him lie.
Flynn’s new attorney actually worked for him instead of against him. Finding the withholding of evidence and now all the other garbage that has come out. Flynn WAS set up. He did not lie. Since you can not produce the ORiGINAL 302, neither you nor the liars in the FBI can say Flynn lied.

The original 302 has been presented and shows he lied. So do the notes from the interview. He lied. Get over it.

Flynn’s lawyer didn’t uncover anything. Her repeated motions for material were a joke and the judge dismissed all of her claims because she’s a shitty lawyer.
Link to this original 302.
The only person looking for a lifeline here is Flynn. He's pissed this judge off something royal and so has barr.
The judge has oversteppped his authority. He can't do anything to Flynn now.
An idiot ^^^ chimes in.

This isn't Sullivan's first dance. He's been through this before and did pretty much the same thing as this time. Sullivan is experienced and knows more than you. Infinitely more than you.
What can he do to Flynn?
He has options. He can vacate his guilty plea. He can charge Flynn with contempt for lying to his court. He can sentence for lying to the FBI.
The last two would be overstepping his bound. He would be ridiculed, and his decision would be reversed by a real court.

Sentencing a convicted felon in his court is overstepping his bound??


Once again, you show everyone here what a retard you are.

Judge Sullivan can sentence him if he wants and there's nothing Flynn can do about it other than wait for Impeached Trump to pardon him.
Link me up to a judge sentencing someone after the prosecution dropped the case.
Right!?!? Like what does Sullivan expect? Flynn withdrew his plea. The prosecution says they aren’t going to prosecute. Does Sullivan expect the trial to happen and the first thing that comes out of the prosecutions mouth is “we rest our case”, and nothing else. I love how the left is acting like this is totally normal.
Last edited:
The only person looking for a lifeline here is Flynn. He's pissed this judge off something royal and so has barr.
The judge has oversteppped his authority. He can't do anything to Flynn now.
An idiot ^^^ chimes in.

This isn't Sullivan's first dance. He's been through this before and did pretty much the same thing as this time. Sullivan is experienced and knows more than you. Infinitely more than you.
What can he do to Flynn?
He has options. He can vacate his guilty plea. He can charge Flynn with contempt for lying to his court. He can sentence for lying to the FBI.
The last two would be overstepping his bound. He would be ridiculed, and his decision would be reversed by a real court.

Sentencing a convicted felon in his court is overstepping his bound??


Once again, you show everyone here what a retard you are.

Judge Sullivan can sentence him if he wants and there's nothing Flynn can do about it other than wait for Impeached Trump to pardon him.
Link me up to a judge sentencing someone after the prosecution dropped the case.
Right!?!? Like what does Sullivan expect? Flynn withdrew his plea. The prosecution says they aren’t going to prosecute. Does Flynn expect the trial to happen and the first thing that comes out of the prosecutions mouth is “we rest our case”, and nothing else. I love how the left is acting like this is totally normal.
It's funny how the right just ignores the corruption that has created this situation.

Flynn pled to avoid imprisonment, if he withdrew his plea then he should be sent to prison for the crimes he committed.
Sullivan may vacate the 18 USC 1001 charge, and then charge Flynn with perjury.

You can't lie under oath to a federal judge.

1. A Federal Judge can NOT 'charge' anyone with a crime.

According to legal precedence Sullivan has no option but to dropt the case; however, he is bringing in his Trump-hating pal to discuss the ability to 'find' Flynn in COMTEMP of court.

2. Democrats lie under oath all the time. If all of their Democrats who lied under oath were in jail today, Gitmo would be full.

The last President to lie under oath and be found in Contempt was Slick Willy. He was given no jail time, but he did his license to practice law temporarily stripped.
"A Federal Judge can NOT 'charge' anyone with a crime"

Are you ever not a retard?

Apparently some people don’t know their constitution very well. The courts have inherent power. They may exercise it with people who are playing games.
Yep.....the Obama DOJ withheld exculpatory evidence (were playing games) and framed Michael Flynn. The Judge took a bribe from somebody in Obama's criminal organization (playing games) to string out the case till Trump is forced to pardon him. If Trump Wins reelection the Democrats (playing games) will try to impeach him for the pardon.
what does it say about Flynn's attorneys if they had him plead guilty, and affirm that guilty plea, when according to Barr there was never anything to go on? the firm representing Flynn wasn't a bottom of the barrel kind of operation.
From what I've read.....Flynn's original attorneys were corrupt and worked with prosecutors from the corrupt DOJ.
He fired them and his new attorney found that the DOJ set him up.
His new attorney is a hack who pleases the right wing rabble. She wasn’t interested in defending him legally (her motions were legally dubious and smacked down repeatedly by the judge, even calling them unprofessional). She was putting on a public show to gin up right wing outrage and pressure.

Flynn wasn’t set up no matter what way you look at it. No one made him lie.
Flynn’s new attorney actually worked for him instead of against him. Finding the withholding of evidence and now all the other garbage that has come out. Flynn WAS set up. He did not lie. Since you can not produce the ORiGINAL 302, neither you nor the liars in the FBI can say Flynn lied.

The original 302 has been presented and shows he lied. So do the notes from the interview. He lied. Get over it.

Flynn’s lawyer didn’t uncover anything. Her repeated motions for material were a joke and the judge dismissed all of her claims because she’s a shitty lawyer.
No she’s not. Lady is a bonafide shark with a record to back it up. That’s an awful argument. You’re picking sides and Sullivan is your hero. And it’s coming off the heels of an appellate court basically telling Sullivan he has 10 days to get his shit together. Are you really trying to argue Sullivan’s actions aren’t wildly abnormal? The prosecution said they were dropping charges...the judges role by law is over. The only thing he can legally do at this point is slam his gavel.
The only person looking for a lifeline here is Flynn. He's pissed this judge off something royal and so has barr.
The judge has oversteppped his authority. He can't do anything to Flynn now.
An idiot ^^^ chimes in.

This isn't Sullivan's first dance. He's been through this before and did pretty much the same thing as this time. Sullivan is experienced and knows more than you. Infinitely more than you.
What can he do to Flynn?
He has options. He can vacate his guilty plea. He can charge Flynn with contempt for lying to his court. He can sentence for lying to the FBI.
The last two would be overstepping his bound. He would be ridiculed, and his decision would be reversed by a real court.

Sentencing a convicted felon in his court is overstepping his bound??


Once again, you show everyone here what a retard you are.

Judge Sullivan can sentence him if he wants and there's nothing Flynn can do about it other than wait for Impeached Trump to pardon him.
Link me up to a judge sentencing someone after the prosecution dropped the case.
Right!?!? Like what does Sullivan expect? Flynn withdrew his plea. The prosecution says they aren’t going to prosecute. Does Flynn expect the trial to happen and the first thing that comes out of the prosecutions mouth is “we rest our case”, and nothing else. I love how the left is acting like this is totally normal.
It's funny how the right just ignores the corruption that has created this situation.
Be specific, what corruption? The FBI admitted that they had no justification in looking into Flynn anymore by filing a closure EC. Flynn made a perfectly legal call without any shady business, without any relevance to the FBIs investigation. Unless the FBI wants to claim they opened a case looking into Flynn as a Logan act violation asking other countries not to escalate tensions...then that’d be material, although obviously nonsensical.

Its pretty clear the FBI abused its Surveillance power here. It’s like if the cops came to your house with a warrant to search your house for drugs, didn’t find anything, and then illegally used that warrant to search your car parked on a public street (which was not specified in the warrant). asked you what was in your car. You told them what you remembered was in there, and they say “AHA! You didn’t tell us about the bag of tissues you have in your center console, take him away boys.” Except it’s worse than that. They threatened to go after Flynn’s son in order for him to take this guilty plea, that he most certainly would’ve fought otherwise.
The prosecution can hardly claim that is immaterial, even though they (comically) did so right before moving to dismiss the case.
It is immaterial. It has nothing to do with the facts of the case.
Notes on the aim of the interview that include a discussion of trying to get him to lie is immaterial to a case where he is charged with lying?

You and I have a completely different understanding of what is "material."


What about those notes change the facts surrounding his actual statements? How did the notes from the meeting affect his decision to say what he said?

Explain what is material about them please.
You don't seem to have one single fucking understanding of Brady evidence.

Any evidence that will allow a defendant to attack a prosecutor's case must be turned over. Evidence showing they were deliberately trying to get him to "lie" seriously weakens the intent or "knowingly" element.

Just admit that you are seriously ass hurt that all these actions to attack Trump are turning out to be complete bullshit and we were right.

The only person looking for a lifeline here is Flynn. He's pissed this judge off something royal and so has barr.
The judge has oversteppped his authority. He can't do anything to Flynn now.
An idiot ^^^ chimes in.

This isn't Sullivan's first dance. He's been through this before and did pretty much the same thing as this time. Sullivan is experienced and knows more than you. Infinitely more than you.
What can he do to Flynn?
He has options. He can vacate his guilty plea. He can charge Flynn with contempt for lying to his court. He can sentence for lying to the FBI.
The last two would be overstepping his bound. He would be ridiculed, and his decision would be reversed by a real court.

Sentencing a convicted felon in his court is overstepping his bound??


Once again, you show everyone here what a retard you are.

Judge Sullivan can sentence him if he wants and there's nothing Flynn can do about it other than wait for Impeached Trump to pardon him.
Link me up to a judge sentencing someone after the prosecution dropped the case.

I have no need to prove to an abject imbecile that a convicted felon can be sentenced.

The only person looking for a lifeline here is Flynn. He's pissed this judge off something royal and so has barr.
The judge has oversteppped his authority. He can't do anything to Flynn now.
An idiot ^^^ chimes in.

This isn't Sullivan's first dance. He's been through this before and did pretty much the same thing as this time. Sullivan is experienced and knows more than you. Infinitely more than you.
Which is why the appeals court basically told him to explain himself and gave him a 10 day time table to drop the case...yeah the guys a genius. BTW that’s a panel of 3 judges higher up in the food chain than Sullivan.
Imbecile, they gave him 10 days to respond to the DoJ's motion. Not 10 days to drop the case.

All that does is expedites Sullivan's decision, which can be vacate the guilty plea or hold Flynn in contempt and/or set a date for sentencing.
The only person looking for a lifeline here is Flynn. He's pissed this judge off something royal and so has barr.
The judge has oversteppped his authority. He can't do anything to Flynn now.
An idiot ^^^ chimes in.

This isn't Sullivan's first dance. He's been through this before and did pretty much the same thing as this time. Sullivan is experienced and knows more than you. Infinitely more than you.
What can he do to Flynn?
He has options. He can vacate his guilty plea. He can charge Flynn with contempt for lying to his court. He can sentence for lying to the FBI.
The last two would be overstepping his bound. He would be ridiculed, and his decision would be reversed by a real court.

Sentencing a convicted felon in his court is overstepping his bound??


Once again, you show everyone here what a retard you are.

Judge Sullivan can sentence him if he wants and there's nothing Flynn can do about it other than wait for Impeached Trump to pardon him.
Link me up to a judge sentencing someone after the prosecution dropped the case.
Right!?!? Like what does Sullivan expect? Flynn withdrew his plea. The prosecution says they aren’t going to prosecute. Does Sullivan expect the trial to happen and the first thing that comes out of the prosecutions mouth is “we rest our case”, and nothing else. I love how the left is acting like this is totally normal.

There was no trial. There's not going to be a trial. And the prosecution already prosecuted. You have no idea what you're talking about.

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