Judge Sullivan Scrambles For A Lifeline To Bail HIMSELF Out Of Dropped Flynn Case

Sullivan may vacate the 18 USC 1001 charge, and then charge Flynn with perjury.

You can't lie under oath to a federal judge.

1. A Federal Judge can NOT 'charge' anyone with a crime.

According to legal precedence Sullivan has no option but to dropt the case; however, he is bringing in his Trump-hating pal to discuss the ability to 'find' Flynn in COMTEMP of court.

2. Democrats lie under oath all the time. If all of their Democrats who lied under oath were in jail today, Gitmo would be full.

The last President to lie under oath and be found in Contempt was Slick Willy. He was given no jail time, but he did his license to practice law temporarily stripped.
"A Federal Judge can NOT 'charge' anyone with a crime"

Are you ever not a retard?

Apparently some people don’t know their constitution very well. The courts have inherent power. They may exercise it with people who are playing games.
Yep.....the Obama DOJ withheld exculpatory evidence (were playing games) and framed Michael Flynn. The Judge took a bribe from somebody in Obama's criminal organization (playing games) to string out the case till Trump is forced to pardon him. If Trump Wins reelection the Democrats (playing games) will try to impeach him for the pardon.
what does it say about Flynn's attorneys if they had him plead guilty, and affirm that guilty plea, when according to Barr there was never anything to go on? the firm representing Flynn wasn't a bottom of the barrel kind of operation.
From what I've read.....Flynn's original attorneys were corrupt and worked with prosecutors from the corrupt DOJ.
He fired them and his new attorney found that the DOJ set him up.
His new attorney is a hack who pleases the right wing rabble. She wasn’t interested in defending him legally (her motions were legally dubious and smacked down repeatedly by the judge, even calling them unprofessional). She was putting on a public show to gin up right wing outrage and pressure.

Flynn wasn’t set up no matter what way you look at it. No one made him lie.
Flynn’s new attorney actually worked for him instead of against him. Finding the withholding of evidence and now all the other garbage that has come out. Flynn WAS set up. He did not lie. Since you can not produce the ORiGINAL 302, neither you nor the liars in the FBI can say Flynn lied.

The original 302 has been presented and shows he lied. So do the notes from the interview. He lied. Get over it.

Flynn’s lawyer didn’t uncover anything. Her repeated motions for material were a joke and the judge dismissed all of her claims because she’s a shitty lawyer.
No she’s not. Lady is a bonafide shark with a record to back it up. That’s an awful argument. You’re picking sides and Sullivan is your hero. And it’s coming off the heels of an appellate court basically telling Sullivan he has 10 days to get his shit together. Are you really trying to argue Sullivan’s actions aren’t wildly abnormal? The prosecution said they were dropping charges...the judges role by law is over. The only thing he can legally do at this point is slam his gavel.

Maybe back in the day she was more competent but like so many, Trump has changed people into something a little more fringe. Sullivan’s rulings on her motions rip her professionalism.

She’s all over the map.

The judiciary doesn’t just have to roll over and obey the executive. I’d agree that Sullivan’s actions are wildly abnormal, but they’re only a reflection of the wildly abnormal situation the DoJ has put him in by dropping charges after a guilty plea with no claim of prosecutorial misconduct or exculpatory evidence.
Sullivan may vacate the 18 USC 1001 charge, and then charge Flynn with perjury.

You can't lie under oath to a federal judge.

1. A Federal Judge can NOT 'charge' anyone with a crime.

According to legal precedence Sullivan has no option but to dropt the case; however, he is bringing in his Trump-hating pal to discuss the ability to 'find' Flynn in COMTEMP of court.

2. Democrats lie under oath all the time. If all of their Democrats who lied under oath were in jail today, Gitmo would be full.

The last President to lie under oath and be found in Contempt was Slick Willy. He was given no jail time, but he did his license to practice law temporarily stripped.
"A Federal Judge can NOT 'charge' anyone with a crime"

Are you ever not a retard?

Apparently some people don’t know their constitution very well. The courts have inherent power. They may exercise it with people who are playing games.
Yep.....the Obama DOJ withheld exculpatory evidence (were playing games) and framed Michael Flynn. The Judge took a bribe from somebody in Obama's criminal organization (playing games) to string out the case till Trump is forced to pardon him. If Trump Wins reelection the Democrats (playing games) will try to impeach him for the pardon.
what does it say about Flynn's attorneys if they had him plead guilty, and affirm that guilty plea, when according to Barr there was never anything to go on? the firm representing Flynn wasn't a bottom of the barrel kind of operation.
From what I've read.....Flynn's original attorneys were corrupt and worked with prosecutors from the corrupt DOJ.
He fired them and his new attorney found that the DOJ set him up.
His new attorney is a hack who pleases the right wing rabble. She wasn’t interested in defending him legally (her motions were legally dubious and smacked down repeatedly by the judge, even calling them unprofessional). She was putting on a public show to gin up right wing outrage and pressure.

Flynn wasn’t set up no matter what way you look at it. No one made him lie.
Flynn’s new attorney actually worked for him instead of against him. Finding the withholding of evidence and now all the other garbage that has come out. Flynn WAS set up. He did not lie. Since you can not produce the ORiGINAL 302, neither you nor the liars in the FBI can say Flynn lied.

The original 302 has been presented and shows he lied. So do the notes from the interview. He lied. Get over it.

Flynn’s lawyer didn’t uncover anything. Her repeated motions for material were a joke and the judge dismissed all of her claims because she’s a shitty lawyer.
Do you ever not lie? The original 302 was never presented because it "went missing". If she's a shitty lawyer, then these prosecutors must be totally inept because she has won. The judge is a biased hack who just got slapped by his superiors. Case closed. Flynn wins and a lot of people are going to be paying him a lot of money.
Sullivan may vacate the 18 USC 1001 charge, and then charge Flynn with perjury.

You can't lie under oath to a federal judge.

1. A Federal Judge can NOT 'charge' anyone with a crime.

According to legal precedence Sullivan has no option but to dropt the case; however, he is bringing in his Trump-hating pal to discuss the ability to 'find' Flynn in COMTEMP of court.

2. Democrats lie under oath all the time. If all of their Democrats who lied under oath were in jail today, Gitmo would be full.

The last President to lie under oath and be found in Contempt was Slick Willy. He was given no jail time, but he did his license to practice law temporarily stripped.
"A Federal Judge can NOT 'charge' anyone with a crime"

Are you ever not a retard?

Apparently some people don’t know their constitution very well. The courts have inherent power. They may exercise it with people who are playing games.
Yep.....the Obama DOJ withheld exculpatory evidence (were playing games) and framed Michael Flynn. The Judge took a bribe from somebody in Obama's criminal organization (playing games) to string out the case till Trump is forced to pardon him. If Trump Wins reelection the Democrats (playing games) will try to impeach him for the pardon.
what does it say about Flynn's attorneys if they had him plead guilty, and affirm that guilty plea, when according to Barr there was never anything to go on? the firm representing Flynn wasn't a bottom of the barrel kind of operation.
From what I've read.....Flynn's original attorneys were corrupt and worked with prosecutors from the corrupt DOJ.
He fired them and his new attorney found that the DOJ set him up.
His new attorney is a hack who pleases the right wing rabble. She wasn’t interested in defending him legally (her motions were legally dubious and smacked down repeatedly by the judge, even calling them unprofessional). She was putting on a public show to gin up right wing outrage and pressure.

Flynn wasn’t set up no matter what way you look at it. No one made him lie.
Flynn’s new attorney actually worked for him instead of against him. Finding the withholding of evidence and now all the other garbage that has come out. Flynn WAS set up. He did not lie. Since you can not produce the ORiGINAL 302, neither you nor the liars in the FBI can say Flynn lied.

The original 302 has been presented and shows he lied. So do the notes from the interview. He lied. Get over it.

Flynn’s lawyer didn’t uncover anything. Her repeated motions for material were a joke and the judge dismissed all of her claims because she’s a shitty lawyer.
Do you ever not lie? The original 302 was never presented because it "went missing". If she's a shitty lawyer, then these prosecutors must be totally inept because she has won. The judge is a biased hack who just got slapped by his superiors. Case closed. Flynn wins and a lot of people are going to be paying him a lot of money.
Where is the evidence of this missing original 302?
or is it some fantasy conspiracy theory.

Flynn is attempting to undo his guilty plea, which makes his guilty plea perjury, a new crime.

Flynn set up his own perjury trap and dove right in.
Sullivan may vacate the 18 USC 1001 charge, and then charge Flynn with perjury.

You can't lie under oath to a federal judge.

1. A Federal Judge can NOT 'charge' anyone with a crime.

According to legal precedence Sullivan has no option but to dropt the case; however, he is bringing in his Trump-hating pal to discuss the ability to 'find' Flynn in COMTEMP of court.

2. Democrats lie under oath all the time. If all of their Democrats who lied under oath were in jail today, Gitmo would be full.

The last President to lie under oath and be found in Contempt was Slick Willy. He was given no jail time, but he did his license to practice law temporarily stripped.
"A Federal Judge can NOT 'charge' anyone with a crime"

Are you ever not a retard?

Apparently some people don’t know their constitution very well. The courts have inherent power. They may exercise it with people who are playing games.
Yep.....the Obama DOJ withheld exculpatory evidence (were playing games) and framed Michael Flynn. The Judge took a bribe from somebody in Obama's criminal organization (playing games) to string out the case till Trump is forced to pardon him. If Trump Wins reelection the Democrats (playing games) will try to impeach him for the pardon.
what does it say about Flynn's attorneys if they had him plead guilty, and affirm that guilty plea, when according to Barr there was never anything to go on? the firm representing Flynn wasn't a bottom of the barrel kind of operation.
From what I've read.....Flynn's original attorneys were corrupt and worked with prosecutors from the corrupt DOJ.
He fired them and his new attorney found that the DOJ set him up.
His new attorney is a hack who pleases the right wing rabble. She wasn’t interested in defending him legally (her motions were legally dubious and smacked down repeatedly by the judge, even calling them unprofessional). She was putting on a public show to gin up right wing outrage and pressure.

Flynn wasn’t set up no matter what way you look at it. No one made him lie.
Flynn’s new attorney actually worked for him instead of against him. Finding the withholding of evidence and now all the other garbage that has come out. Flynn WAS set up. He did not lie. Since you can not produce the ORiGINAL 302, neither you nor the liars in the FBI can say Flynn lied.

The original 302 has been presented and shows he lied. So do the notes from the interview. He lied. Get over it.

Flynn’s lawyer didn’t uncover anything. Her repeated motions for material were a joke and the judge dismissed all of her claims because she’s a shitty lawyer.
Do you ever not lie? The original 302 was never presented because it "went missing". If she's a shitty lawyer, then these prosecutors must be totally inept because she has won. The judge is a biased hack who just got slapped by his superiors. Case closed. Flynn wins and a lot of people are going to be paying him a lot of money.
Where is the evidence of this missing original 302?
or is it some fantasy conspiracy theory.

Flynn is attempting to undo his guilty plea, which makes his guilty plea perjury, a new crime.

Flynn set up his own perjury trap and dove right in.
Yep.....the truth doesn't matter to you Democrats.
The facts are the facts......and the lie that caused this whole mess doesn't matter to you folks.
Sick......really sick.
Sullivan may vacate the 18 USC 1001 charge, and then charge Flynn with perjury.

You can't lie under oath to a federal judge.

1. A Federal Judge can NOT 'charge' anyone with a crime.

According to legal precedence Sullivan has no option but to dropt the case; however, he is bringing in his Trump-hating pal to discuss the ability to 'find' Flynn in COMTEMP of court.

2. Democrats lie under oath all the time. If all of their Democrats who lied under oath were in jail today, Gitmo would be full.

The last President to lie under oath and be found in Contempt was Slick Willy. He was given no jail time, but he did his license to practice law temporarily stripped.
"A Federal Judge can NOT 'charge' anyone with a crime"

Are you ever not a retard?

Apparently some people don’t know their constitution very well. The courts have inherent power. They may exercise it with people who are playing games.
Yep.....the Obama DOJ withheld exculpatory evidence (were playing games) and framed Michael Flynn. The Judge took a bribe from somebody in Obama's criminal organization (playing games) to string out the case till Trump is forced to pardon him. If Trump Wins reelection the Democrats (playing games) will try to impeach him for the pardon.
what does it say about Flynn's attorneys if they had him plead guilty, and affirm that guilty plea, when according to Barr there was never anything to go on? the firm representing Flynn wasn't a bottom of the barrel kind of operation.
From what I've read.....Flynn's original attorneys were corrupt and worked with prosecutors from the corrupt DOJ.
He fired them and his new attorney found that the DOJ set him up.
His new attorney is a hack who pleases the right wing rabble. She wasn’t interested in defending him legally (her motions were legally dubious and smacked down repeatedly by the judge, even calling them unprofessional). She was putting on a public show to gin up right wing outrage and pressure.

Flynn wasn’t set up no matter what way you look at it. No one made him lie.
Flynn’s new attorney actually worked for him instead of against him. Finding the withholding of evidence and now all the other garbage that has come out. Flynn WAS set up. He did not lie. Since you can not produce the ORiGINAL 302, neither you nor the liars in the FBI can say Flynn lied.

The original 302 has been presented and shows he lied. So do the notes from the interview. He lied. Get over it.

Flynn’s lawyer didn’t uncover anything. Her repeated motions for material were a joke and the judge dismissed all of her claims because she’s a shitty lawyer.
Do you ever not lie? The original 302 was never presented because it "went missing". If she's a shitty lawyer, then these prosecutors must be totally inept because she has won. The judge is a biased hack who just got slapped by his superiors. Case closed. Flynn wins and a lot of people are going to be paying him a lot of money.
Where is the evidence of this missing original 302?
or is it some fantasy conspiracy theory.

Flynn is attempting to undo his guilty plea, which makes his guilty plea perjury, a new crime.

Flynn set up his own perjury trap and dove right in.
Yep.....the truth doesn't matter to you Democrats.
The facts are the facts......and the lie that caused this whole mess doesn't matter to you folks.
Sick......really sick.
This original 302 or missing 302 doesnt exist.
It only exists in your imagination.
Sullivan may vacate the 18 USC 1001 charge, and then charge Flynn with perjury.

You can't lie under oath to a federal judge.

1. A Federal Judge can NOT 'charge' anyone with a crime.

According to legal precedence Sullivan has no option but to dropt the case; however, he is bringing in his Trump-hating pal to discuss the ability to 'find' Flynn in COMTEMP of court.

2. Democrats lie under oath all the time. If all of their Democrats who lied under oath were in jail today, Gitmo would be full.

The last President to lie under oath and be found in Contempt was Slick Willy. He was given no jail time, but he did his license to practice law temporarily stripped.
"A Federal Judge can NOT 'charge' anyone with a crime"

Are you ever not a retard?

Apparently some people don’t know their constitution very well. The courts have inherent power. They may exercise it with people who are playing games.
Yep.....the Obama DOJ withheld exculpatory evidence (were playing games) and framed Michael Flynn. The Judge took a bribe from somebody in Obama's criminal organization (playing games) to string out the case till Trump is forced to pardon him. If Trump Wins reelection the Democrats (playing games) will try to impeach him for the pardon.
what does it say about Flynn's attorneys if they had him plead guilty, and affirm that guilty plea, when according to Barr there was never anything to go on? the firm representing Flynn wasn't a bottom of the barrel kind of operation.
From what I've read.....Flynn's original attorneys were corrupt and worked with prosecutors from the corrupt DOJ.
He fired them and his new attorney found that the DOJ set him up.
His new attorney is a hack who pleases the right wing rabble. She wasn’t interested in defending him legally (her motions were legally dubious and smacked down repeatedly by the judge, even calling them unprofessional). She was putting on a public show to gin up right wing outrage and pressure.

Flynn wasn’t set up no matter what way you look at it. No one made him lie.
Flynn’s new attorney actually worked for him instead of against him. Finding the withholding of evidence and now all the other garbage that has come out. Flynn WAS set up. He did not lie. Since you can not produce the ORiGINAL 302, neither you nor the liars in the FBI can say Flynn lied.

The original 302 has been presented and shows he lied. So do the notes from the interview. He lied. Get over it.

Flynn’s lawyer didn’t uncover anything. Her repeated motions for material were a joke and the judge dismissed all of her claims because she’s a shitty lawyer.
No she’s not. Lady is a bonafide shark with a record to back it up. That’s an awful argument. You’re picking sides and Sullivan is your hero. And it’s coming off the heels of an appellate court basically telling Sullivan he has 10 days to get his shit together. Are you really trying to argue Sullivan’s actions aren’t wildly abnormal? The prosecution said they were dropping charges...the judges role by law is over. The only thing he can legally do at this point is slam his gavel.

Maybe back in the day she was more competent but like so many, Trump has changed people into something a little more fringe. Sullivan’s rulings on her motions rip her professionalism.

She’s all over the map.

The judiciary doesn’t just have to roll over and obey the executive. I’d agree that Sullivan’s actions are wildly abnormal, but they’re only a reflection of the wildly abnormal situation the DoJ has put him in by dropping charges after a guilty plea with no claim of prosecutorial misconduct or exculpatory evidence.
Trump made her bad at her job? And Sullivan did NOT refute Powell’s arguments. He merely said he’s going to go with what Paige said. Again the FBI CANNOT claim any materiality to an investigation since their investigation on Flynn was effectively closed. That’s the biggest piece of evidence. Mind you this is all over a perfectly legal and proper phone call that no one has an objection too. The left is pretending like Flynn is al Capone, and this is their tax evasion. You cannot argue the Logan act, and you can not argue that he was a Russian asset in any sort of way. So the fact that Sullivan is holding this up without explanation over a legal phone call without any shady business is bizarre.

This is all part of a botched attempt to get Flynn to make up improper relations with Russia about trump. The fact that they even attempted the Logan act (if the phone call isn’t enough for you) should set off alarm bells. To justify all of this the FBI was using a dossier that they knew at the time was littered with holes. It’s like if cops used a CI that they knew hated a person, and the CI accused that person of absurd crimes, and the cops knew the CI was lying up and down, and still went after that person. After they investigate that person of the CI’s claims they find nothing the CI said was true, and that the person is innocent, but still try to find a way to charge him of something else. This is America. Our justice system investigates crimes, then goes after the people that commit them. Not the other way around which is find a person, and then find a crime. In Flynn’s case there is no crime. Flynn could tell the FBI he shits rainbows, if the FBI isn’t investigating what comes out of Flynn’s ass, they don’t have a crime.
The only person looking for a lifeline here is Flynn. He's pissed this judge off something royal and so has barr.
The judge has oversteppped his authority. He can't do anything to Flynn now.
An idiot ^^^ chimes in.

This isn't Sullivan's first dance. He's been through this before and did pretty much the same thing as this time. Sullivan is experienced and knows more than you. Infinitely more than you.
Which is why the appeals court basically told him to explain himself and gave him a 10 day time table to drop the case...yeah the guys a genius. BTW that’s a panel of 3 judges higher up in the food chain than Sullivan.
Imbecile, they gave him 10 days to respond to the DoJ's motion. Not 10 days to drop the case.

All that does is expedites Sullivan's decision, which can be vacate the guilty plea or hold Flynn in contempt and/or set a date for sentencing.
Fokker Services...anyone?
The only person looking for a lifeline here is Flynn. He's pissed this judge off something royal and so has barr.
The judge has oversteppped his authority. He can't do anything to Flynn now.
An idiot ^^^ chimes in.

This isn't Sullivan's first dance. He's been through this before and did pretty much the same thing as this time. Sullivan is experienced and knows more than you. Infinitely more than you.
What can he do to Flynn?
He has options. He can vacate his guilty plea. He can charge Flynn with contempt for lying to his court. He can sentence for lying to the FBI.
The last two would be overstepping his bound. He would be ridiculed, and his decision would be reversed by a real court.

Sentencing a convicted felon in his court is overstepping his bound??


Once again, you show everyone here what a retard you are.

Judge Sullivan can sentence him if he wants and there's nothing Flynn can do about it other than wait for Impeached Trump to pardon him.
Link me up to a judge sentencing someone after the prosecution dropped the case.
Right!?!? Like what does Sullivan expect? Flynn withdrew his plea. The prosecution says they aren’t going to prosecute. Does Sullivan expect the trial to happen and the first thing that comes out of the prosecutions mouth is “we rest our case”, and nothing else. I love how the left is acting like this is totally normal.

There was no trial. There's not going to be a trial. And the prosecution already prosecuted. You have no idea what you're talking about.
Prosecution said they’re dropping charges. So Flynn probably has the best case in America for withdrawing a plea before sentencing. So if Sullivan vacates the plea even though he has no justification to do so, Flynn files an appeal that gets approved immediately because duh even the prosecution dropped the case...what does Sullivan think the prosecution is going to argue in appellate court?
Let's not blame His Honor.

The one who is to be blamed is the person who appointed him to that court. And to the Senate for confirming him.
The only person looking for a lifeline here is Flynn. He's pissed this judge off something royal and so has barr.
The judge has oversteppped his authority. He can't do anything to Flynn now.
An idiot ^^^ chimes in.

This isn't Sullivan's first dance. He's been through this before and did pretty much the same thing as this time. Sullivan is experienced and knows more than you. Infinitely more than you.
What can he do to Flynn?
He has options. He can vacate his guilty plea. He can charge Flynn with contempt for lying to his court. He can sentence for lying to the FBI.
The last two would be overstepping his bound. He would be ridiculed, and his decision would be reversed by a real court.

Sentencing a convicted felon in his court is overstepping his bound??


Once again, you show everyone here what a retard you are.

Judge Sullivan can sentence him if he wants and there's nothing Flynn can do about it other than wait for Impeached Trump to pardon him.
Link me up to a judge sentencing someone after the prosecution dropped the case.
Right!?!? Like what does Sullivan expect? Flynn withdrew his plea. The prosecution says they aren’t going to prosecute. Does Flynn expect the trial to happen and the first thing that comes out of the prosecutions mouth is “we rest our case”, and nothing else. I love how the left is acting like this is totally normal.
It's funny how the right just ignores the corruption that has created this situation.

Flynn pled to avoid imprisonment, if he withdrew his plea then he should be sent to prison for the crimes he committed.
Flynn is about to be exonerated and start suing for millions, racist.
The only person looking for a lifeline here is Flynn. He's pissed this judge off something royal and so has barr.
The judge has oversteppped his authority. He can't do anything to Flynn now.
An idiot ^^^ chimes in.

This isn't Sullivan's first dance. He's been through this before and did pretty much the same thing as this time. Sullivan is experienced and knows more than you. Infinitely more than you.
What can he do to Flynn?
He has options. He can vacate his guilty plea. He can charge Flynn with contempt for lying to his court. He can sentence for lying to the FBI.
The last two would be overstepping his bound. He would be ridiculed, and his decision would be reversed by a real court.

Sentencing a convicted felon in his court is overstepping his bound??


Once again, you show everyone here what a retard you are.

Judge Sullivan can sentence him if he wants and there's nothing Flynn can do about it other than wait for Impeached Trump to pardon him.
Link me up to a judge sentencing someone after the prosecution dropped the case.

I have no need to prove to an abject imbecile that a convicted felon can be sentenced.

So, you can't provide a link.

I accept your concession.
Sullivan may vacate the 18 USC 1001 charge, and then charge Flynn with perjury.

You can't lie under oath to a federal judge.

1. A Federal Judge can NOT 'charge' anyone with a crime.

According to legal precedence Sullivan has no option but to dropt the case; however, he is bringing in his Trump-hating pal to discuss the ability to 'find' Flynn in COMTEMP of court.

2. Democrats lie under oath all the time. If all of their Democrats who lied under oath were in jail today, Gitmo would be full.

The last President to lie under oath and be found in Contempt was Slick Willy. He was given no jail time, but he did his license to practice law temporarily stripped.
"A Federal Judge can NOT 'charge' anyone with a crime"

Are you ever not a retard?

Apparently some people don’t know their constitution very well. The courts have inherent power. They may exercise it with people who are playing games.
Yep.....the Obama DOJ withheld exculpatory evidence (were playing games) and framed Michael Flynn. The Judge took a bribe from somebody in Obama's criminal organization (playing games) to string out the case till Trump is forced to pardon him. If Trump Wins reelection the Democrats (playing games) will try to impeach him for the pardon.
what does it say about Flynn's attorneys if they had him plead guilty, and affirm that guilty plea, when according to Barr there was never anything to go on? the firm representing Flynn wasn't a bottom of the barrel kind of operation.
From what I've read.....Flynn's original attorneys were corrupt and worked with prosecutors from the corrupt DOJ.
He fired them and his new attorney found that the DOJ set him up.
His new attorney is a hack who pleases the right wing rabble. She wasn’t interested in defending him legally (her motions were legally dubious and smacked down repeatedly by the judge, even calling them unprofessional). She was putting on a public show to gin up right wing outrage and pressure.

Flynn wasn’t set up no matter what way you look at it. No one made him lie.
Flynn’s new attorney actually worked for him instead of against him. Finding the withholding of evidence and now all the other garbage that has come out. Flynn WAS set up. He did not lie. Since you can not produce the ORiGINAL 302, neither you nor the liars in the FBI can say Flynn lied.

The original 302 has been presented and shows he lied. So do the notes from the interview. He lied. Get over it.

Flynn’s lawyer didn’t uncover anything. Her repeated motions for material were a joke and the judge dismissed all of her claims because she’s a shitty lawyer.
No she’s not. Lady is a bonafide shark with a record to back it up. That’s an awful argument. You’re picking sides and Sullivan is your hero. And it’s coming off the heels of an appellate court basically telling Sullivan he has 10 days to get his shit together. Are you really trying to argue Sullivan’s actions aren’t wildly abnormal? The prosecution said they were dropping charges...the judges role by law is over. The only thing he can legally do at this point is slam his gavel.

Maybe back in the day she was more competent but like so many, Trump has changed people into something a little more fringe. Sullivan’s rulings on her motions rip her professionalism.

She’s all over the map.

The judiciary doesn’t just have to roll over and obey the executive. I’d agree that Sullivan’s actions are wildly abnormal, but they’re only a reflection of the wildly abnormal situation the DoJ has put him in by dropping charges after a guilty plea with no claim of prosecutorial misconduct or exculpatory evidence.
Sullivan's rulings mean squat, Dumbass.

He is a hack.
Sullivan may vacate the 18 USC 1001 charge, and then charge Flynn with perjury.

You can't lie under oath to a federal judge.

1. A Federal Judge can NOT 'charge' anyone with a crime.

According to legal precedence Sullivan has no option but to dropt the case; however, he is bringing in his Trump-hating pal to discuss the ability to 'find' Flynn in COMTEMP of court.

2. Democrats lie under oath all the time. If all of their Democrats who lied under oath were in jail today, Gitmo would be full.

The last President to lie under oath and be found in Contempt was Slick Willy. He was given no jail time, but he did his license to practice law temporarily stripped.
"A Federal Judge can NOT 'charge' anyone with a crime"

Are you ever not a retard?

Apparently some people don’t know their constitution very well. The courts have inherent power. They may exercise it with people who are playing games.
Yep.....the Obama DOJ withheld exculpatory evidence (were playing games) and framed Michael Flynn. The Judge took a bribe from somebody in Obama's criminal organization (playing games) to string out the case till Trump is forced to pardon him. If Trump Wins reelection the Democrats (playing games) will try to impeach him for the pardon.
what does it say about Flynn's attorneys if they had him plead guilty, and affirm that guilty plea, when according to Barr there was never anything to go on? the firm representing Flynn wasn't a bottom of the barrel kind of operation.
From what I've read.....Flynn's original attorneys were corrupt and worked with prosecutors from the corrupt DOJ.
He fired them and his new attorney found that the DOJ set him up.
His new attorney is a hack who pleases the right wing rabble. She wasn’t interested in defending him legally (her motions were legally dubious and smacked down repeatedly by the judge, even calling them unprofessional). She was putting on a public show to gin up right wing outrage and pressure.

Flynn wasn’t set up no matter what way you look at it. No one made him lie.
Flynn’s new attorney actually worked for him instead of against him. Finding the withholding of evidence and now all the other garbage that has come out. Flynn WAS set up. He did not lie. Since you can not produce the ORiGINAL 302, neither you nor the liars in the FBI can say Flynn lied.

The original 302 has been presented and shows he lied. So do the notes from the interview. He lied. Get over it.

Flynn’s lawyer didn’t uncover anything. Her repeated motions for material were a joke and the judge dismissed all of her claims because she’s a shitty lawyer.
Do you ever not lie? The original 302 was never presented because it "went missing". If she's a shitty lawyer, then these prosecutors must be totally inept because she has won. The judge is a biased hack who just got slapped by his superiors. Case closed. Flynn wins and a lot of people are going to be paying him a lot of money.
Where is the evidence of this missing original 302?
or is it some fantasy conspiracy theory.

Flynn is attempting to undo his guilty plea, which makes his guilty plea perjury, a new crime.

Flynn set up his own perjury trap and dove right in.
Where is the evidence of this missing original 302?

They can't produce it.

Sullivan may vacate the 18 USC 1001 charge, and then charge Flynn with perjury.

You can't lie under oath to a federal judge.

1. A Federal Judge can NOT 'charge' anyone with a crime.

According to legal precedence Sullivan has no option but to dropt the case; however, he is bringing in his Trump-hating pal to discuss the ability to 'find' Flynn in COMTEMP of court.

2. Democrats lie under oath all the time. If all of their Democrats who lied under oath were in jail today, Gitmo would be full.

The last President to lie under oath and be found in Contempt was Slick Willy. He was given no jail time, but he did his license to practice law temporarily stripped.
"A Federal Judge can NOT 'charge' anyone with a crime"

Are you ever not a retard?

Apparently some people don’t know their constitution very well. The courts have inherent power. They may exercise it with people who are playing games.
Yep.....the Obama DOJ withheld exculpatory evidence (were playing games) and framed Michael Flynn. The Judge took a bribe from somebody in Obama's criminal organization (playing games) to string out the case till Trump is forced to pardon him. If Trump Wins reelection the Democrats (playing games) will try to impeach him for the pardon.
what does it say about Flynn's attorneys if they had him plead guilty, and affirm that guilty plea, when according to Barr there was never anything to go on? the firm representing Flynn wasn't a bottom of the barrel kind of operation.
From what I've read.....Flynn's original attorneys were corrupt and worked with prosecutors from the corrupt DOJ.
He fired them and his new attorney found that the DOJ set him up.
His new attorney is a hack who pleases the right wing rabble. She wasn’t interested in defending him legally (her motions were legally dubious and smacked down repeatedly by the judge, even calling them unprofessional). She was putting on a public show to gin up right wing outrage and pressure.

Flynn wasn’t set up no matter what way you look at it. No one made him lie.
Flynn’s new attorney actually worked for him instead of against him. Finding the withholding of evidence and now all the other garbage that has come out. Flynn WAS set up. He did not lie. Since you can not produce the ORiGINAL 302, neither you nor the liars in the FBI can say Flynn lied.

The original 302 has been presented and shows he lied. So do the notes from the interview. He lied. Get over it.

Flynn’s lawyer didn’t uncover anything. Her repeated motions for material were a joke and the judge dismissed all of her claims because she’s a shitty lawyer.
Do you ever not lie? The original 302 was never presented because it "went missing". If she's a shitty lawyer, then these prosecutors must be totally inept because she has won. The judge is a biased hack who just got slapped by his superiors. Case closed. Flynn wins and a lot of people are going to be paying him a lot of money.
Where is the evidence of this missing original 302?
or is it some fantasy conspiracy theory.

Flynn is attempting to undo his guilty plea, which makes his guilty plea perjury, a new crime.

Flynn set up his own perjury trap and dove right in.
Where is the evidence of this missing original 302?

They can't produce it.

The evidence is that it's missing and Peter Strzok fabricated another one afterwards. They hid the original interview by another agent or destroyed it. That's the evidence.

Peter Strzok wiggles like a snake.gif

Sullivan may vacate the 18 USC 1001 charge, and then charge Flynn with perjury.

You can't lie under oath to a federal judge.

1. A Federal Judge can NOT 'charge' anyone with a crime.

According to legal precedence Sullivan has no option but to dropt the case; however, he is bringing in his Trump-hating pal to discuss the ability to 'find' Flynn in COMTEMP of court.

2. Democrats lie under oath all the time. If all of their Democrats who lied under oath were in jail today, Gitmo would be full.

The last President to lie under oath and be found in Contempt was Slick Willy. He was given no jail time, but he did his license to practice law temporarily stripped.
"A Federal Judge can NOT 'charge' anyone with a crime"

Are you ever not a retard?

Apparently some people don’t know their constitution very well. The courts have inherent power. They may exercise it with people who are playing games.
Yep.....the Obama DOJ withheld exculpatory evidence (were playing games) and framed Michael Flynn. The Judge took a bribe from somebody in Obama's criminal organization (playing games) to string out the case till Trump is forced to pardon him. If Trump Wins reelection the Democrats (playing games) will try to impeach him for the pardon.
what does it say about Flynn's attorneys if they had him plead guilty, and affirm that guilty plea, when according to Barr there was never anything to go on? the firm representing Flynn wasn't a bottom of the barrel kind of operation.
From what I've read.....Flynn's original attorneys were corrupt and worked with prosecutors from the corrupt DOJ.
He fired them and his new attorney found that the DOJ set him up.
His new attorney is a hack who pleases the right wing rabble. She wasn’t interested in defending him legally (her motions were legally dubious and smacked down repeatedly by the judge, even calling them unprofessional). She was putting on a public show to gin up right wing outrage and pressure.

Flynn wasn’t set up no matter what way you look at it. No one made him lie.
Flynn’s new attorney actually worked for him instead of against him. Finding the withholding of evidence and now all the other garbage that has come out. Flynn WAS set up. He did not lie. Since you can not produce the ORiGINAL 302, neither you nor the liars in the FBI can say Flynn lied.

The original 302 has been presented and shows he lied. So do the notes from the interview. He lied. Get over it.

Flynn’s lawyer didn’t uncover anything. Her repeated motions for material were a joke and the judge dismissed all of her claims because she’s a shitty lawyer.
Do you ever not lie? The original 302 was never presented because it "went missing". If she's a shitty lawyer, then these prosecutors must be totally inept because she has won. The judge is a biased hack who just got slapped by his superiors. Case closed. Flynn wins and a lot of people are going to be paying him a lot of money.
Where is the evidence of this missing original 302?
or is it some fantasy conspiracy theory.

Flynn is attempting to undo his guilty plea, which makes his guilty plea perjury, a new crime.

Flynn set up his own perjury trap and dove right in.
Where is the evidence of this missing original 302?

They can't produce it.

The evidence is that it's missing and Peter Strock fabricated another one afterwards. They hid the original interview by another agent or destroyed it. That's the evidence.

Peter Strzok was one of the two interviewing agents. The 302 is written by both agents and signed by both agents attesting to the accuracy.

This is the biggest nothing burger out there.
Sullivan may vacate the 18 USC 1001 charge, and then charge Flynn with perjury.

You can't lie under oath to a federal judge.

1. A Federal Judge can NOT 'charge' anyone with a crime.

According to legal precedence Sullivan has no option but to dropt the case; however, he is bringing in his Trump-hating pal to discuss the ability to 'find' Flynn in COMTEMP of court.

2. Democrats lie under oath all the time. If all of their Democrats who lied under oath were in jail today, Gitmo would be full.

The last President to lie under oath and be found in Contempt was Slick Willy. He was given no jail time, but he did his license to practice law temporarily stripped.
"A Federal Judge can NOT 'charge' anyone with a crime"

Are you ever not a retard?

Apparently some people don’t know their constitution very well. The courts have inherent power. They may exercise it with people who are playing games.
Yep.....the Obama DOJ withheld exculpatory evidence (were playing games) and framed Michael Flynn. The Judge took a bribe from somebody in Obama's criminal organization (playing games) to string out the case till Trump is forced to pardon him. If Trump Wins reelection the Democrats (playing games) will try to impeach him for the pardon.
what does it say about Flynn's attorneys if they had him plead guilty, and affirm that guilty plea, when according to Barr there was never anything to go on? the firm representing Flynn wasn't a bottom of the barrel kind of operation.
From what I've read.....Flynn's original attorneys were corrupt and worked with prosecutors from the corrupt DOJ.
He fired them and his new attorney found that the DOJ set him up.
His new attorney is a hack who pleases the right wing rabble. She wasn’t interested in defending him legally (her motions were legally dubious and smacked down repeatedly by the judge, even calling them unprofessional). She was putting on a public show to gin up right wing outrage and pressure.

Flynn wasn’t set up no matter what way you look at it. No one made him lie.
Flynn’s new attorney actually worked for him instead of against him. Finding the withholding of evidence and now all the other garbage that has come out. Flynn WAS set up. He did not lie. Since you can not produce the ORiGINAL 302, neither you nor the liars in the FBI can say Flynn lied.

The original 302 has been presented and shows he lied. So do the notes from the interview. He lied. Get over it.

Flynn’s lawyer didn’t uncover anything. Her repeated motions for material were a joke and the judge dismissed all of her claims because she’s a shitty lawyer.
Do you ever not lie? The original 302 was never presented because it "went missing". If she's a shitty lawyer, then these prosecutors must be totally inept because she has won. The judge is a biased hack who just got slapped by his superiors. Case closed. Flynn wins and a lot of people are going to be paying him a lot of money.
Where is the evidence of this missing original 302?
or is it some fantasy conspiracy theory.

Flynn is attempting to undo his guilty plea, which makes his guilty plea perjury, a new crime.

Flynn set up his own perjury trap and dove right in.
Where is the evidence of this missing original 302?

They can't produce it.

The evidence is that it's missing and Peter Strock fabricated another one afterwards. They hid the original interview by another agent or destroyed it. That's the evidence.

Peter Strzok was one of the two interviewing agents. The 302 is written by both agents and signed by both agents attesting to the accuracy.

This is the biggest nothing burger out there.
Where's your link, liar?
Sullivan may vacate the 18 USC 1001 charge, and then charge Flynn with perjury.

You can't lie under oath to a federal judge.

1. A Federal Judge can NOT 'charge' anyone with a crime.

According to legal precedence Sullivan has no option but to dropt the case; however, he is bringing in his Trump-hating pal to discuss the ability to 'find' Flynn in COMTEMP of court.

2. Democrats lie under oath all the time. If all of their Democrats who lied under oath were in jail today, Gitmo would be full.

The last President to lie under oath and be found in Contempt was Slick Willy. He was given no jail time, but he did his license to practice law temporarily stripped.
"A Federal Judge can NOT 'charge' anyone with a crime"

Are you ever not a retard?

Apparently some people don’t know their constitution very well. The courts have inherent power. They may exercise it with people who are playing games.
Yep.....the Obama DOJ withheld exculpatory evidence (were playing games) and framed Michael Flynn. The Judge took a bribe from somebody in Obama's criminal organization (playing games) to string out the case till Trump is forced to pardon him. If Trump Wins reelection the Democrats (playing games) will try to impeach him for the pardon.
what does it say about Flynn's attorneys if they had him plead guilty, and affirm that guilty plea, when according to Barr there was never anything to go on? the firm representing Flynn wasn't a bottom of the barrel kind of operation.
From what I've read.....Flynn's original attorneys were corrupt and worked with prosecutors from the corrupt DOJ.
He fired them and his new attorney found that the DOJ set him up.
His new attorney is a hack who pleases the right wing rabble. She wasn’t interested in defending him legally (her motions were legally dubious and smacked down repeatedly by the judge, even calling them unprofessional). She was putting on a public show to gin up right wing outrage and pressure.

Flynn wasn’t set up no matter what way you look at it. No one made him lie.
Flynn’s new attorney actually worked for him instead of against him. Finding the withholding of evidence and now all the other garbage that has come out. Flynn WAS set up. He did not lie. Since you can not produce the ORiGINAL 302, neither you nor the liars in the FBI can say Flynn lied.

The original 302 has been presented and shows he lied. So do the notes from the interview. He lied. Get over it.

Flynn’s lawyer didn’t uncover anything. Her repeated motions for material were a joke and the judge dismissed all of her claims because she’s a shitty lawyer.
Do you ever not lie? The original 302 was never presented because it "went missing". If she's a shitty lawyer, then these prosecutors must be totally inept because she has won. The judge is a biased hack who just got slapped by his superiors. Case closed. Flynn wins and a lot of people are going to be paying him a lot of money.
Where is the evidence of this missing original 302?
or is it some fantasy conspiracy theory.

Flynn is attempting to undo his guilty plea, which makes his guilty plea perjury, a new crime.

Flynn set up his own perjury trap and dove right in.
Where is the evidence of this missing original 302?

They can't produce it.

The evidence is that it's missing and Peter Strock fabricated another one afterwards. They hid the original interview by another agent or destroyed it. That's the evidence.

Peter Strzok was one of the two interviewing agents. The 302 is written by both agents and signed by both agents attesting to the accuracy.

This is the biggest nothing burger out there.
Where's your link, liar?

My source is Judge Sullivan:
“[T]he Court agrees with the government that there were no material changes in the interview reports, and that those reports track the interviewing FBI agents’ notes.” Sullivan went on: “Having carefully reviewed the interviewing FBI agents’ notes, the draft interview reports, the final version of the FD302, and the statements contained therein, the Court agrees with the government that those documents are ‘consistent and clear that [Mr. Flynn] made multiple false statements to the [FBI] agents about his communications with the Russian Ambassador on January 24, 2017.’”

Sullivan may vacate the 18 USC 1001 charge, and then charge Flynn with perjury.

You can't lie under oath to a federal judge.

1. A Federal Judge can NOT 'charge' anyone with a crime.

According to legal precedence Sullivan has no option but to dropt the case; however, he is bringing in his Trump-hating pal to discuss the ability to 'find' Flynn in COMTEMP of court.

2. Democrats lie under oath all the time. If all of their Democrats who lied under oath were in jail today, Gitmo would be full.

The last President to lie under oath and be found in Contempt was Slick Willy. He was given no jail time, but he did his license to practice law temporarily stripped.
"A Federal Judge can NOT 'charge' anyone with a crime"

Are you ever not a retard?

Apparently some people don’t know their constitution very well. The courts have inherent power. They may exercise it with people who are playing games.
Yep.....the Obama DOJ withheld exculpatory evidence (were playing games) and framed Michael Flynn. The Judge took a bribe from somebody in Obama's criminal organization (playing games) to string out the case till Trump is forced to pardon him. If Trump Wins reelection the Democrats (playing games) will try to impeach him for the pardon.
what does it say about Flynn's attorneys if they had him plead guilty, and affirm that guilty plea, when according to Barr there was never anything to go on? the firm representing Flynn wasn't a bottom of the barrel kind of operation.
From what I've read.....Flynn's original attorneys were corrupt and worked with prosecutors from the corrupt DOJ.
He fired them and his new attorney found that the DOJ set him up.
His new attorney is a hack who pleases the right wing rabble. She wasn’t interested in defending him legally (her motions were legally dubious and smacked down repeatedly by the judge, even calling them unprofessional). She was putting on a public show to gin up right wing outrage and pressure.

Flynn wasn’t set up no matter what way you look at it. No one made him lie.
Flynn’s new attorney actually worked for him instead of against him. Finding the withholding of evidence and now all the other garbage that has come out. Flynn WAS set up. He did not lie. Since you can not produce the ORiGINAL 302, neither you nor the liars in the FBI can say Flynn lied.

The original 302 has been presented and shows he lied. So do the notes from the interview. He lied. Get over it.

Flynn’s lawyer didn’t uncover anything. Her repeated motions for material were a joke and the judge dismissed all of her claims because she’s a shitty lawyer.
Do you ever not lie? The original 302 was never presented because it "went missing". If she's a shitty lawyer, then these prosecutors must be totally inept because she has won. The judge is a biased hack who just got slapped by his superiors. Case closed. Flynn wins and a lot of people are going to be paying him a lot of money.
Where is the evidence of this missing original 302?
or is it some fantasy conspiracy theory.

Flynn is attempting to undo his guilty plea, which makes his guilty plea perjury, a new crime.

Flynn set up his own perjury trap and dove right in.
Where is the evidence of this missing original 302?

They can't produce it.

The evidence is that it's missing and Peter Strzok fabricated another one afterwards. They hid the original interview by another agent or destroyed it. That's the evidence.

View attachment 339458

Strzok and his lover Page rewrote the original 302. She wasn't in the original interview, so she was not suppose to be changing anything about it.
Sullivan may vacate the 18 USC 1001 charge, and then charge Flynn with perjury.

You can't lie under oath to a federal judge.

1. A Federal Judge can NOT 'charge' anyone with a crime.

According to legal precedence Sullivan has no option but to dropt the case; however, he is bringing in his Trump-hating pal to discuss the ability to 'find' Flynn in COMTEMP of court.

2. Democrats lie under oath all the time. If all of their Democrats who lied under oath were in jail today, Gitmo would be full.

The last President to lie under oath and be found in Contempt was Slick Willy. He was given no jail time, but he did his license to practice law temporarily stripped.
"A Federal Judge can NOT 'charge' anyone with a crime"

Are you ever not a retard?

Apparently some people don’t know their constitution very well. The courts have inherent power. They may exercise it with people who are playing games.
Yep.....the Obama DOJ withheld exculpatory evidence (were playing games) and framed Michael Flynn. The Judge took a bribe from somebody in Obama's criminal organization (playing games) to string out the case till Trump is forced to pardon him. If Trump Wins reelection the Democrats (playing games) will try to impeach him for the pardon.
what does it say about Flynn's attorneys if they had him plead guilty, and affirm that guilty plea, when according to Barr there was never anything to go on? the firm representing Flynn wasn't a bottom of the barrel kind of operation.
From what I've read.....Flynn's original attorneys were corrupt and worked with prosecutors from the corrupt DOJ.
He fired them and his new attorney found that the DOJ set him up.
His new attorney is a hack who pleases the right wing rabble. She wasn’t interested in defending him legally (her motions were legally dubious and smacked down repeatedly by the judge, even calling them unprofessional). She was putting on a public show to gin up right wing outrage and pressure.

Flynn wasn’t set up no matter what way you look at it. No one made him lie.
Flynn’s new attorney actually worked for him instead of against him. Finding the withholding of evidence and now all the other garbage that has come out. Flynn WAS set up. He did not lie. Since you can not produce the ORiGINAL 302, neither you nor the liars in the FBI can say Flynn lied.

The original 302 has been presented and shows he lied. So do the notes from the interview. He lied. Get over it.

Flynn’s lawyer didn’t uncover anything. Her repeated motions for material were a joke and the judge dismissed all of her claims because she’s a shitty lawyer.
Do you ever not lie? The original 302 was never presented because it "went missing". If she's a shitty lawyer, then these prosecutors must be totally inept because she has won. The judge is a biased hack who just got slapped by his superiors. Case closed. Flynn wins and a lot of people are going to be paying him a lot of money.
Where is the evidence of this missing original 302?
or is it some fantasy conspiracy theory.

Flynn is attempting to undo his guilty plea, which makes his guilty plea perjury, a new crime.

Flynn set up his own perjury trap and dove right in.
Where is the evidence of this missing original 302?

They can't produce it.

The evidence is that it's missing and Peter Strock fabricated another one afterwards. They hid the original interview by another agent or destroyed it. That's the evidence.

Peter Strzok was one of the two interviewing agents. The 302 is written by both agents and signed by both agents attesting to the accuracy.

This is the biggest nothing burger out there.
Where's your link, liar?

My source is Judge Sullivan:
“[T]he Court agrees with the government that there were no material changes in the interview reports, and that those reports track the interviewing FBI agents’ notes.” Sullivan went on: “Having carefully reviewed the interviewing FBI agents’ notes, the draft interview reports, the final version of the FD302, and the statements contained therein, the Court agrees with the government that those documents are ‘consistent and clear that [Mr. Flynn] made multiple false statements to the [FBI] agents about his communications with the Russian Ambassador on January 24, 2017.’”

Sorry, nice try. Thanks for playing.
Clearly the judge has gone from being an unbiased arbitor to being a prosecutor for the state, even though the state has dropped the charges. His word is useless....especially since the evidence doesn't match his extremely hostile statements against the accused.
Sullivan may vacate the 18 USC 1001 charge, and then charge Flynn with perjury.

You can't lie under oath to a federal judge.

1. A Federal Judge can NOT 'charge' anyone with a crime.

According to legal precedence Sullivan has no option but to dropt the case; however, he is bringing in his Trump-hating pal to discuss the ability to 'find' Flynn in COMTEMP of court.

2. Democrats lie under oath all the time. If all of their Democrats who lied under oath were in jail today, Gitmo would be full.

The last President to lie under oath and be found in Contempt was Slick Willy. He was given no jail time, but he did his license to practice law temporarily stripped.
"A Federal Judge can NOT 'charge' anyone with a crime"

Are you ever not a retard?

Apparently some people don’t know their constitution very well. The courts have inherent power. They may exercise it with people who are playing games.
Yep.....the Obama DOJ withheld exculpatory evidence (were playing games) and framed Michael Flynn. The Judge took a bribe from somebody in Obama's criminal organization (playing games) to string out the case till Trump is forced to pardon him. If Trump Wins reelection the Democrats (playing games) will try to impeach him for the pardon.
what does it say about Flynn's attorneys if they had him plead guilty, and affirm that guilty plea, when according to Barr there was never anything to go on? the firm representing Flynn wasn't a bottom of the barrel kind of operation.
From what I've read.....Flynn's original attorneys were corrupt and worked with prosecutors from the corrupt DOJ.
He fired them and his new attorney found that the DOJ set him up.
His new attorney is a hack who pleases the right wing rabble. She wasn’t interested in defending him legally (her motions were legally dubious and smacked down repeatedly by the judge, even calling them unprofessional). She was putting on a public show to gin up right wing outrage and pressure.

Flynn wasn’t set up no matter what way you look at it. No one made him lie.
Flynn’s new attorney actually worked for him instead of against him. Finding the withholding of evidence and now all the other garbage that has come out. Flynn WAS set up. He did not lie. Since you can not produce the ORiGINAL 302, neither you nor the liars in the FBI can say Flynn lied.

The original 302 has been presented and shows he lied. So do the notes from the interview. He lied. Get over it.

Flynn’s lawyer didn’t uncover anything. Her repeated motions for material were a joke and the judge dismissed all of her claims because she’s a shitty lawyer.
Do you ever not lie? The original 302 was never presented because it "went missing". If she's a shitty lawyer, then these prosecutors must be totally inept because she has won. The judge is a biased hack who just got slapped by his superiors. Case closed. Flynn wins and a lot of people are going to be paying him a lot of money.
Where is the evidence of this missing original 302?
or is it some fantasy conspiracy theory.

Flynn is attempting to undo his guilty plea, which makes his guilty plea perjury, a new crime.

Flynn set up his own perjury trap and dove right in.
Where is the evidence of this missing original 302?

They can't produce it.

The evidence is that it's missing and Peter Strock fabricated another one afterwards. They hid the original interview by another agent or destroyed it. That's the evidence.

Peter Strzok was one of the two interviewing agents. The 302 is written by both agents and signed by both agents attesting to the accuracy.

This is the biggest nothing burger out there.
Where's your link, liar?

My source is Judge Sullivan:
“[T]he Court agrees with the government that there were no material changes in the interview reports, and that those reports track the interviewing FBI agents’ notes.” Sullivan went on: “Having carefully reviewed the interviewing FBI agents’ notes, the draft interview reports, the final version of the FD302, and the statements contained therein, the Court agrees with the government that those documents are ‘consistent and clear that [Mr. Flynn] made multiple false statements to the [FBI] agents about his communications with the Russian Ambassador on January 24, 2017.’”

Sorry, nice try. Thanks for playing.
Clearly the judge has gone from being an unbiased arbitor to being a prosecutor for the state, even though the state has dropped the charges. His word is useless....especially since the evidence doesn't match his extremely hostile statements against the accused.

Facts don’t care about your feelings. You consider facts useless but that doesn’t stop them from being facts.

The 302 was written by both agents. Strzok was one of them. Page made some edits which were grammatical. These documents have all been released. You should think for yourself before just repeating biased TownHall pieces.

Answer this question. Did both agents sign off on the 302?

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