July 4th: Trump hijacking Independence Day

I read somewhere about a veterans group handing out thousands of USS John McCain T-shirts for the event.
Find out where so I can douse the shirts with lighter fluid. No ship deserves to be named after John 'Songbird' McCain for what he did on the Carrier Forrestal causing the deaths of 134 servicemen.

It was not named after him you fucking moron

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You're sensitive.

what can I say, ignorance offends me.
Lakhota Are you triggered when the Air Force provides flyovers for sporting events? Or does your outrage only apply to when Trump is there?

Would you have been okay with President Obama hijacking Independence Day for political purposes - at taxpayer expense?

LMAO You think Trump is the only President to celebrate Independence Day with the nation??

Oh and you had no problem with Michelle going on vacation with her family while the economy was in the toilet and UE was through the roof.

All that was a taxpayer expense but you sure didn't post any threads protesting that waste of tax payer dollars.

What a biased hack you are.

Hey Claudette, how long did Da Mooch and Ma-ma-cita spend in Hawaii? Why, if I remember correctly, Da Mooch and friends, had 2 plane loads of peeps with them!

Know what? I really didn't care. No matter who the President, they and their family's deserve the perks. But it does seem that Lacooter has a very short memory as far as Obysmal and family, and at least our guy, The Trumpenmeister, doesn't take a damn salary! Now that is SPECTACULAR, especially when you remember their heroes, the CLINSTONES, stealing the damn silverware as they left the Whitehouse, lol.

But then again, Lacooter is a 100% partisan phony - baloney, so reading ANYTHING she/he says, is like going to the dentist for a root canal-)
If Demos are not allowed to speak then what is a democracy.

Who is preventing Democrats from expressing their views? Are there gangs of people wearing masks who are beating the shit out of Democrats in the street?

Well, you usually cant hear them speak because their wearing a black ski mask.

It's a balaclava, not a "ski mask". Where the fuck did you go to terrorist school anyways you capitalist pig?


Celebrating America always makes a self-hating-American liberal's little dick go limp. If you're bothered by July 4th celebrations, you are a traitorous pig who needs to exit this country immediately. I got tired of you crybaby, grievance-mongering, victim-mentality minorities always being pussy-hurt by anything that makes America look good (while USING America for every advantage you can), you liberal slime.
Celebrating America always makes a self-hating-American liberal's little dick go limp. If you're bothered by July 4th celebrations, you are a traitorous pig who needs to exit this country immediately. I got tired of you crybaby, grievance-mongering, victim-mentality minorities always being pussy-hurt by anything that makes America look good (while USING America for every advantage you can), you liberal slime.

Well, you're entitled to your opinion. Enjoy Trump's July 4th ME Day celebration.

We own




4th or July

The left owns

April 15th ....

Lol...lol... lol...lol...lol...

I live in one of the most liberal areas in America and yet I am seing flags everywhere for 4th of July.
Churches everywhere
Easter celebrated
Christmas too
And I'm not a Christian, so your claim about liberals is a fauxnews propaganda.

If you were Christian you wouldnt back a bully, adulterer, liar, who fuck porn stars and married to a gold digger.

A self professing non-Christian lecturing Christians on who they should support and but support. Tell us then, what do you think the reaction would be if all professing Christians simultaneously demanded that all political candidates be vetted by a Church committee before they could expect any votes?

The screams of "Theocracy", and "Taliban" would be epic.
Lakhota Are you triggered when the Air Force provides flyovers for sporting events? Or does your outrage only apply to when Trump is there?

Would you have been okay with President Obama hijacking Independence Day for political purposes - at taxpayer expense?

Obama did worse than that, Lakhota.
By pushing for the ACA mandates, handing out billions if not trillions to corporate insurance interests
Obama's abuse of Govt is STILL affecting Americans and public policy.

This breach that essentially "established political beliefs through govt"
OPENED THE DOOR to the current trend we see now of Christian RIGHT TO LIFE
asserting the same political tactic of VOTING IN THEIR BELIEFS by majority.

Do you care about abuses Obama enacted and enforced that
VIOLATED Constitutional laws and ethics by imposing Party Politics?
Lakhota is a one trick pony person. he/she doesn't give a shit about anything else but Trump. he/she has the worse case of trump derangement syndrome the world has ever seen.
Trump's plans are a disgusting insult the United States or America. I live nearby and have always come out for the July 4th celebrations. WTF is this? A political show with tanks and a slut of a president making a self-aggrandizing speech? What do tanks belong in our Independence Day celebrations" Why does trump belong in this? Let him stay in his rooms across the Eplipse and shut the fuck up.

So in your own words how did the USA get it's independence from the British?

By sending them a Dear John letter you stupid dot head?


Please explain why tanks are required in our national celebration of independence. They never were before. Why now? why some showing of the military? Why the slut who wants to make a speech on the National Mall? Let the little bitty slut who wants tanks at the taxpayers' expense stay in his rooms and not ruin the celebration for the rest of us Americans.

Got a better idea, you tell us why not! We are paying for these things, we should get a look at them.

Besides, it gives a sense of pride in our military. Without them, there would be no Independence Day.

We should all quit bitching, and try and enjoy for at least 2 days out of the year together, Independence Day, and Christmas.
Trump's plans are a disgusting insult the United States or America. I live nearby and have always come out for the July 4th celebrations. WTF is this? A political show with tanks and a slut of a president making a self-aggrandizing speech? What do tanks belong in our Independence Day celebrations" Why does trump belong in this? Let him stay in his rooms across the Eplipse and shut the fuck up.

So in your own words how did the USA get it's independence from the British?

By sending them a Dear John letter you stupid dot head?


Please explain why tanks are required in our national celebration of independence. They never were before. Why now? why some showing of the military? Why the slut who wants to make a speech on the National Mall? Let the little bitty slut who wants tanks at the taxpayers' expense stay in his rooms and not ruin the celebration for the rest of us Americans.

Got a better idea, you tell us why not! We are paying for these things, we should get a look at them.

Besides, it gives a sense of pride in our military. Without them, there would be no Independence Day.

We should all quit bitching, and try and enjoy for at least 2 days out of the year together, Independence Day, and Christmas.

Fine. Just leave Trump out of it.
July 4th should be a nonpartisan day for all Americans to celebrate our independence instead of having it turned into a partisan political rally. It shouldn't be hijacked and turned into a narcissistic celebration of Trump.

So then Lacooter, if ANY of the Democratic hopefuls march in 4th of July parades, we Conservatives should start complaining like you? I don't think so!

The President and his family, SHOULD celebrate Independence Day! So should all the Democratic hopefuls, It is the essence of who we are, and what we won by fighting for our independence.
Trump's plans are a disgusting insult the United States or America. I live nearby and have always come out for the July 4th celebrations. WTF is this? A political show with tanks and a slut of a president making a self-aggrandizing speech? What do tanks belong in our Independence Day celebrations" Why does trump belong in this? Let him stay in his rooms across the Eplipse and shut the fuck up.

So in your own words how did the USA get it's independence from the British?

By sending them a Dear John letter you stupid dot head?


Please explain why tanks are required in our national celebration of independence. They never were before. Why now? why some showing of the military? Why the slut who wants to make a speech on the National Mall? Let the little bitty slut who wants tanks at the taxpayers' expense stay in his rooms and not ruin the celebration for the rest of us Americans.

Got a better idea, you tell us why not! We are paying for these things, we should get a look at them.

Besides, it gives a sense of pride in our military. Without them, there would be no Independence Day.

We should all quit bitching, and try and enjoy for at least 2 days out of the year together, Independence Day, and Christmas.

Fine. Just leave Trump out of it.

You know, ALL the living US Presidents, should come to Washington, and celebrate with OUR troops, Independence Day.


Because they ALL sent our troops off into a skirmish, a hotbed area, or a war. Our troops did the bidding of these Presidents, and invoked THEIR political will, like that definition or NOT, that is EXACTLY what these Presidents did! And yes, even President Obama did that!

So do NOT sit there, and pretend that your side is somehow, "holier than thou." Our troops DESERVE a cheer from all of these surviving Presidents, along with the citizens, for were it not for the man and woman in uniform, your side would not be having to change us to Socialism, we already would be!

And oh, by the way---------> President Trump should invite all the surviving Presidents to review the troops; the troops that ALL of these Presidents used, wisely or not...….to invoke their will, and project American power across the globe!

Always remember this---------->without our men and women in uniform, we would not be debating with each other. Instead, we would be trying to figure out, where the hell our next meal was coming from, while trying to convince maybe the Germans, The Russians, or possibly the Chinese to give it to us.
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Politics has nothing to do with military honor of winning our war over British tyrannical rule over the colonists.

Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Martin Van Buren and James Polk all reviewed military parades on America's independence day.

They reviewed parades in other cities. They didn't have their own because they were jealous of France and North fucking Korea.

They were held in the capital city of Philadelphia.

Trump is not jealous of any country.
Stop believing in the false spins.
July 4th should be a nonpartisan day for all Americans to celebrate our independence instead of having it turned into a partisan political rally. It shouldn't be hijacked and turned into a narcissistic celebration of Trump.

It is a nonpartisan day for all Americans.

Your words do not match Trumps actions for our military.
What had been a nonpolitical, nonpartisan celebration on the National Mall will now likely be a multimillion-dollar, taxpayer-financed political rally, critics worry.

WASHINGTON ― President Donald Trump has hijacked what for decades had been a nonpolitical Independence Day celebration on the National Mall, packing his ticketed-event speech with political appointees and Republican donors.

The Republican National Committee has been offering major donors tickets to Trump’s speech, as have political appointees at the White House and executive branch agencies.

“He’s going to have tanks out there. It’s going to be cool,” joked one RNC fundraiser on condition of anonymity. He said he received an offer for the free tickets on Friday but did not request any. “He wants to have a parade like they have in Moscow or China or North Korea.”

Trump has been enamored of public displays of military might since he attended the Bastille Day festivities in Paris in 2017. His plan for a massive military parade last year was canceled after a Defense Department estimate became public showing that it would cost $92 million and damage the city’s roads because of the weight of tanks and other equipment.

The current plans for Thursday do not include a parade, but Trump is still pushing for tanks or other military vehicles to be displayed on the National Mall, The Washington Post reported, even though their weight is liable to damage the grass and roads. Flyovers by military planes ― including Air Force One and the Navy’s Blue Angels squadron ― are also planned.

More: RNC Giving Out Tickets To Trump’s Hijacked Fourth Of July Celebration

The Independence Day celebration has traditionally been a nonpartisan holiday. Now Trump is trying to turn it into a partisan political rally. I think that is ignorant. What do you think?
Independence day is for those who love America. We understand why you don't want to celebrate it.
Celebrating America always makes a self-hating-American liberal's little dick go limp. If you're bothered by July 4th celebrations, you are a traitorous pig who needs to exit this country immediately. I got tired of you crybaby, grievance-mongering, victim-mentality minorities always being pussy-hurt by anything that makes America look good (while USING America for every advantage you can), you liberal slime.
So says the anonymous little messageboard pussy.
No answer to my question? Funny. Thanks for playing...

There are things for which Trump is deserving of criticism, but this isn't one of them.

What's wrong with celebrating the 4th of July? What's wrong with putting some tanks and other military hardware on display for the public? It's not something the public typically gets to see and it's probably a good recruiting tool to encourage young people to consider serving in the military.

For radical extremists like you, every Trump statement or action is an outrage and your outrage only flows in one direction.
What's wrong is turning it into his personal political rally.
---------------------------------- personal political rally --- I think that that is what you ASSUME eh Crep ??

He is going to give an address from the White House (which is when the brand new Sherman tanks will be on display).

I am willing to make a wager that address will mirror every campaign speech he has every given...

You willing to take that wager?

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Sucker bet.
No answer to my question? Funny. Thanks for playing...

There are things for which Trump is deserving of criticism, but this isn't one of them.

What's wrong with celebrating the 4th of July? What's wrong with putting some tanks and other military hardware on display for the public? It's not something the public typically gets to see and it's probably a good recruiting tool to encourage young people to consider serving in the military.

For radical extremists like you, every Trump statement or action is an outrage and your outrage only flows in one direction.
What's wrong is turning it into his personal political rally.
---------------------------------- personal political rally --- I think that that is what you ASSUME eh Crep ??

He is going to give an address from the White House (which is when the brand new Sherman tanks will be on display).

I am willing to make a wager that address will mirror every campaign speech he has every given...

You willing to take that wager?

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Sucker bet.

which is why he ran from it like a mouse from a cat

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