Just Got My New Rates for 2017...350% Increase! Are You Kidding?

nahhh, If he receives subsidy, the subsidy will go up to cover the higher costs is what I had read.... those in need and on the exchange don't get hurt

Ok, well, now I have concrete absolute proof of our claim.

View attachment 96373

Here was my old plan.

$80, which was $20 higher than the previous plan.

Here's what it's saying now.

View attachment 96375

$125 a month. I can't afford that. Thus ends my health insurance. Can't afford that.

From $60 to $125? Nah, sorry. Doubled my premiums in 2 years.

And by the way, the $60 had a $2,500 deductible. The $80 had a $5,000 deductible. Now it will be a $7,150 deductible.

You people... just live in your stupid socialists bubble, where your heros on high tell you endlessly how much better everything is, and ignore the voices of the people who actually live in the real world, facing the real costs..... even though they are the very people you claim to want to help.

Since I can't afford health insurance, I'll just go to the ER if I get sick, and you morons can foot 100% of the bill.
You are comparing employee coverage that you got from your employer to an individual policy on the exchange. Why is that?

Who said I was comparing employer to an individual policy?

All three that I mentioned were private insurance policies.

If you've read my posts about my life, you know I rarely ever stay long at any job. I constantly had to chance insurance over and over, and finally realize it was better to just have private insurance.... or at least it was better to have private insurance.

You used to be able to get basic coverage for a very low price until Obama Care screwed it all up.
One of your comparative MemeIts listed the cost for an employee.

So I looked up the screen shot, and you are correct it does say that. I have absolutely not idea why. It's not an employee plan. I've never had an employee plan with Aetna. Here's another screen shot of the same plan, but this time it's my bill pay screen.

View attachment 96930

Type Individual List Bill. Same Premium $80. Again, I have no clue why the other screen says "employee". And if I click on "details", the other screen says employee. But it simply isn't. I got this policy through the health exchange last year. Plan effective date is 1/1/16.
That also appears to be a policy purchased through an employer, where you are reimbursed tax free for your coverage (socialism omfg!).

Here's how that works:

How List-Billing Works with HRAs

So your employer either stopped offering this program or you are no longer with the same employer. Therefore your comparison is invalid.
nahhh, If he receives subsidy, the subsidy will go up to cover the higher costs is what I had read.... those in need and on the exchange don't get hurt

Ok, well, now I have concrete absolute proof of our claim.

View attachment 96373

Here was my old plan.

$80, which was $20 higher than the previous plan.

Here's what it's saying now.

View attachment 96375

$125 a month. I can't afford that. Thus ends my health insurance. Can't afford that.

From $60 to $125? Nah, sorry. Doubled my premiums in 2 years.

And by the way, the $60 had a $2,500 deductible. The $80 had a $5,000 deductible. Now it will be a $7,150 deductible.

You people... just live in your stupid socialists bubble, where your heros on high tell you endlessly how much better everything is, and ignore the voices of the people who actually live in the real world, facing the real costs..... even though they are the very people you claim to want to help.

Since I can't afford health insurance, I'll just go to the ER if I get sick, and you morons can foot 100% of the bill.
Andy, I don't know why you have had to go from your employee health care plan to Obamacare on the exchange and can only presume you are between jobs?

Your employer paid a great deal of your health care insurance and Ocare does not contribute as much towards your policy it what it could be?

Whatever you do, please check out a Silver Plan, the govt will come in and help you with your deductibles and out of pocket expenses and some other things in ADDITION to the premium subsidy IF your income is low..

If you are healthy, and can afford to go for an annual check up with labs at least once a year out of your own pocket, and are not some Mountain Climber or race car driver that is prone to accidents, I would PASS on that useless bronze plan and pay the penalty, if you have to...but check out the penalty exemptions, cuz you may even be able to get out of that....depending on your circumstances.

As a citizen, I am willing to pay for you with my taxes if you end up in the Emergency Room.

The silver plans are horribly expensive. I'm simply not going to pay for them. It doesn't matter if the government will help cover deductibles, when I can't afford the premium to begin with. The lowest priced silver plan is over $200. I'll be lucky if I break $18,000 for this year, and you want me to cough up $200 a month?

And more importantly, before ObamaCare screwed up the entire market, I had cheaper insurance, that covered what I wanted.

Now, thanks to this idiocy, I can't afford it.

So yeah, I'll just pay the penalty, and the tax payers that screwed up the market with this socialist crap, can pay 100% of my bills instead.

You're assuming insurance companies wouldn't have increased prices to that much anyway, and are just blaming Obamacare because of their own reasons.

Capitalism in healthcare is the problem here. Of that $200 a month, $56 alone goes to the health insurance company. That's before you've paid for the hospital profits, the pharma company profits, the corruption (estimated to be 3% of US GDP, or at least 6% of what you're paying, so another $12 on top of your $56).

I'd estimate that at least 50% of what you're spending on healthcare just ends up in someone's pocket for doing something that shouldn't be done for profit.

Actually I'm not assuming much. In the 1990s, my premium was about $50 a month. In 2006, I got an insurance policy for just $67 a month.

You are suggesting that insurance premiums went from $67 in 2006, to $250 today just from the market? No, regulations caused that.

Second, without profit, none of the entire health care system would exist. A hospital without profit, closes and helps no one. Without profit doctors refuse to work. Without profit medical companies close and leave the market. Without profit, insurance doesn't exist.

Name one system, anywhere on this planet, that exists without profit? Greece? Closed hospitals, no drugs, patients stacked on beds like a warehouse?
View attachment 96931

20 patients in a room designed for 3. See all the help they are getting? Nope? Me neither. But at least the hospital isn't profiting.

View attachment 96932
Well look what we found! All the help those patients were not getting? It's right here! They are striking! Apparently doctors want to profit from their work. Darn greedy capitalists in that socialist system.

Point being, profit is what makes the world go around. Always has been, even in soviet Russia, and Communist China. And it always will be.

If you think you are ever going to get drugs without profit.... check out Cuba:

View attachment 96933

No profit here... no drugs for anyone to use either... but at least no profit. Contrary to the propaganda claim, many drugs are available in Cuba to tourists who pay profitable prices to Cuba's government. But to the average Cuban who is paid in pesos, drugs are almost non-existent. I heard that some can get two pills of Aspirin if they have a voucher, and only if the pills are available.

You know why France only has access to drugs that are 5 years old, and never uses the newest drugs? Because the older ones are cheaper, and come under the price cap. The older ones are cheaper, but they still make a profit.

And by the way, when the French government on rare occasion cuts prices on a drug, and makes it unprofitable... the drug companies stop selling it.

Nothing happens without profit. Nothing. You will never create a system, where that isn't the case. If you do, then you won't have a system anymore. I'll have a death trap.

Well I can't comment on your premiums, there are too many variables to suggest that there wasn't an increase or not. On average premiums have gone up every year, year on year.

Without profit the health industry would exist. It exists in the UK. It's that simple. People in the UK have never had to have pay for profit, except on the lower profit they pay for drugs and things than people in the US pay.

The UK spends half what the US spends. If the UK spent 75% of what the US spends, it would have an excellent service. Right now the Tories are trying to get a US system so they can benefit from it, it's ideology, and they're destroying what exists.

Greece is like it is because the country has gone through an economic DISASTER, to compare the US with Greece isn't fair. The UK system on the other hand is good. Cuba is even worse, it doesn't work because the country has suffered from a ridiculous US embargo, it's the EMBARGO, not the system that doesn't work.

Also there might be certain areas with profit, but we're talking the MASSIVE profits made for no reason here. Like the 28% of healthcare spending that goes on insurance companies that are totally unnecessary. Or massive profits for pharma companies which make huge profits on the back of US govt research, and then spend more money lobbying the govt to not pay taxes, so they don't pay for the funding they benefit from massively.
Are you kidding me, Fenton? That's your response? You progressives shoved this bill down the throats of everyone in this country and now healthcare costs are exploding and your only response is that we need to figure it out? HOW ABOUT FIGURING IT OUT BEFORE YOU PASSED LEGISLATION THAT AFFECTED 1/6 OF OUR ECONOMY AND MILLIONS OF PEOPLE!!! YOU ASSHAT!!!

Company/ Requested Premium Change / Approved
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc. 14.5% 19.0%

Why Florida OKed higher 2017 premiums than health insurers sought

Florida Blue -- up 19.0%, not 350%.

Do you ever stop lying, ya con tool?


Changes you'll see to your plan in 2017

Your new premium
* Your 2016 monthly premium is $120.61.
This reflects a monthly premium of $743.61 minus 623.00 of financial help per month.
* Starting in January, your estimated monthly premium will be $401.58.
I'm a Middle Class American. I used to have healthcare coverage that was affordable and I could see my long time doctor with that healthcare plan. Then you progressives "fixed" healthcare with the Affordable Care Act and I now longer can see that doctor because he's not taking ObamaCare patients and my healthcare premiums will be going up 350% as of January. My ass isn't broke yet but if you clowns get to run things for much longer...it probably WILL be!
Look how much healthcare went up from 2000-2008. Yes healthcare needs to be fixed. We should have never let the insurance giants write it. Single payer is what we need.

Take out the profit motive

Oh, for the love of God! The insurance giants didn't write the Affordable Care Act...that was written by Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, voted into being by Democrats and signed by Barack Obama! I'm sorry, Faun...but you guys OWN ObamaCare...lock stock and barrel!
The insurance companies did write it. They mandated that everyone must buy they products and they have some time where they get to raise their rates.

We all know the aca needs to be fixed. Let's do it

Yeah, it needs flat out repealed. Unfortunately, I doubt you people will allow that to happen. You'll keep screwing up the system until we nationalize it, and people die on waiting lists like Canada.
Canada laughs at you. Especially how much you are paying

You bet they are:

With such premium increases, I am guessing the so-called Affordable Care Act must involve private capitalist insurance companies which care only about making big profits on the backs of ordinary people. If so, the Act needs to be repealed and replaced with proper socialized medical care.
The food industry pumps people full of unhealthy foods. The tobacco industry pumps them full of tobacco. The alcohol industry pumps them full of alcohol. The "illegal" drug industry pumps them full of the worst addictive substances. The pharmaceutical industry pumps them full of drugs. Then when they get sick, the hospital industry takes people in and charges outrageously for what should be simple procedures.

And who pays? Why, you do! The average, working American sucker!

How does it feel?

None of what you just said is true. People make choices. People choose to smoke. I never have. People choose to drink. I never have. People choose to do drugs. I never have.

Am I a super human? Do I have magical abilities to resist the super powers of all these industries?

Or maybe that's more American victimization wussy wimp blame shifting mentality. Grow up.

Second, as I have said numerous times, and will continue to say, it's the government, not the hospitals, that are driving up costs.

See when you setup a system where people have to pay for their own choices, like when they drink alcohol until they have health problems, and only they themselves have to pay that price of treatment.... people will be wiser in the choices they make.

But government just now, did exactly the opposite. For example banning the pre-existing condition clause. Well if someone drinks alcohol until they have a health issue, and then applies for coverage at the insurance company you have your policy with..... guess who pays for their treatments? You do.

Do this is the fault of socialism, not blaw blaw blaw industry and hospitals. The government did this with socialist regulations.
But government just now, did exactly the opposite. For example banning the pre-existing condition clause. Well if someone drinks alcohol until they have a health issue, and then applies for coverage at the insurance company you have your policy with..... guess who pays for their treatments? You do.
Andy, your point is well taken, but it falls short as an absolute. You are correct that most of us are responsible for making messes of our lives. Me, I smoked myself into mild emphysema before I quit 16 years ago. But what about the kid born with a leaky heart valve, or weak lungs? I worked with a woman whose husband got thrown out of an insurance plan years ago over a weak diseased heart. The plan was HealthPlus, an HMO. And I held her hand as she cried over her failed efforts to enroll him in another plan..any other plan. There were no takers. He died, of course. I know this is just another anecdotal story. And maybe he should have set aside those human feelings of wanting home and family when he was so sub-healthy all his life. Maybe he should have stayed on the outside looking in, but he was weak. And maybe the old plan of denial by insurers only hastened his inevitable death. Objectively, maybe denial of coverage for the incurable is logical. But I am more of a subjective person, and I praise the Act that would have added some time to this man's life, and some dignity, and maybe even saved for his survivors the homestead they lost. Maybe he was destined to die young, but to a loved one, time matters. 5, 10 more minutes is a gift. And if I seem too 'touchy-feely' I apologize. I do not participate in the ACA, and my insurance COB is higher than yours on an income about the same as yours. And I will gladly share my pittance to ease the lives of others.
Anyone who does not like the ACA rates is welcome to come back to coverage under private insurance plans in the USA...if they are healthy enough to be accepted.

That being the case, I guess that I don't understand just what the hell folks are whining about.

We can't. That's what we are complaining about. The ACA drastically increased the minimum requirements for health insurance.

What that did was eliminate all the cheaper plans. I can't get a $67 insurance policy that covers just what I need anymore. Those plans don't exist.

Outside of the ACA, the cheapest priced insurance is now $250 to $300 a month.

I can not just go back to the private market. The ACA wiped out the private market. And I can't afford what is on the ACA.

So thanks to you people.... no insurance at all. Now you get to pay 100% of my health care needs. Serves you morons right.

Poor baby......
Anyone who does not like the ACA rates is welcome to come back to coverage under private insurance plans in the USA...if they are healthy enough to be accepted.

That being the case, I guess that I don't understand just what the hell folks are whining about.

That is a legitimate question.

The first answer might be the stupid burden the law placed on policies that increased their costs by 4 fold.

If that had not happened, I think the ACA would have seemed less objectionable.

Well, so some insurer's are finding that ACA costs them money, and so they stop participating in ACA, in which case, ACA does NOT cost them money, and you are saying that they are raising their prices for traditional insurance because ACA is costing them money?

That's not true.

They are leaving the health care market place. That's true.

But all plans, of all types are affected by the ACA whether they are part of the market place or not.

For example, the pre-existing condition clauses, force insurance companies to cover people who refused to buy insurance until they got cancer. Well of course that drives up costs on the company, which drives up costs on the premium payers (us), whether the insurance company was part of the 'market place" or not.

Another example would be the requirements on what all policies must cover. For example alcoholism treatment. Alcoholism treatment is horribly expensive, because people go forever, and then they have an extremely high relapse rate.

That's massively expensive on the company, which is passed on to the premium payers (you and me), whether they are part of the health exchange market place or not.

The ACA screwed over the entire health care market universally. No one is exempt.

life is so unfair.....
Other societies have figure this out, we don't want it figured out here.

Are you kidding me, Fenton? That's your response? You progressives shoved this bill down the throats of everyone in this country and now healthcare costs are exploding and your only response is that we need to figure it out? HOW ABOUT FIGURING IT OUT BEFORE YOU PASSED LEGISLATION THAT AFFECTED 1/6 OF OUR ECONOMY AND MILLIONS OF PEOPLE!!! YOU ASSHAT!!!

Company/ Requested Premium Change / Approved
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc. 14.5% 19.0%

Why Florida OKed higher 2017 premiums than health insurers sought

Florida Blue -- up 19.0%, not 350%.

Do you ever stop lying, ya con tool?


Changes you'll see to your plan in 2017

Your new premium
* Your 2016 monthly premium is $120.61.
This reflects a monthly premium of $743.61 minus 623.00 of financial help per month.
* Starting in January, your estimated monthly premium will be $401.58.
Clearly you don't make enough money to be voting Republican.

And who knows what to believe. You've been so anti hillary since you got here in 2012. Your first post is a Benghazi thread. Do you know how many Benghazis happened on bush and Reagan's watch?

So you are a partisan hack. I hope your premiums bankrupt your stupid broke ass.

I'm a Middle Class American. I used to have healthcare coverage that was affordable and I could see my long time doctor with that healthcare plan. Then you progressives "fixed" healthcare with the Affordable Care Act and I now longer can see that doctor because he's not taking ObamaCare patients and my healthcare premiums will be going up 350% as of January. My ass isn't broke yet but if you clowns get to run things for much longer...it probably WILL be!
Look how much healthcare went up from 2000-2008. Yes healthcare needs to be fixed. We should have never let the insurance giants write it. Single payer is what we need.

Take out the profit motive

Oh, for the love of God! The insurance giants didn't write the Affordable Care Act...that was written by Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, voted into being by Democrats and signed by Barack Obama! I'm sorry, Faun...but you guys OWN ObamaCare...lock stock and barrel!
The insurance companies did write it. They mandated that everyone must buy they products and they have some time where they get to raise their rates.

We all know the aca needs to be fixed. Let's do it

Yeah, it needs flat out repealed. Unfortunately, I doubt you people will allow that to happen. You'll keep screwing up the system until we nationalize it, and people die on waiting lists like Canada.

I just don't see how you and anyone who looks at things another way are going to be able to have a rational reality based conversation, you're simply far too emotional, reactionary, angry, and all you’re really looking for is someone to blame. Lucky for you, you have “you people” for that. Have a nice weekend.
Are you kidding me, Fenton? That's your response? You progressives shoved this bill down the throats of everyone in this country and now healthcare costs are exploding and your only response is that we need to figure it out? HOW ABOUT FIGURING IT OUT BEFORE YOU PASSED LEGISLATION THAT AFFECTED 1/6 OF OUR ECONOMY AND MILLIONS OF PEOPLE!!! YOU ASSHAT!!!

Company/ Requested Premium Change / Approved
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc. 14.5% 19.0%

Why Florida OKed higher 2017 premiums than health insurers sought

Florida Blue -- up 19.0%, not 350%.

Do you ever stop lying, ya con tool?


Changes you'll see to your plan in 2017

Your new premium
* Your 2016 monthly premium is $120.61.
This reflects a monthly premium of $743.61 minus 623.00 of financial help per month.
* Starting in January, your estimated monthly premium will be $401.58.
I'm a Middle Class American. I used to have healthcare coverage that was affordable and I could see my long time doctor with that healthcare plan. Then you progressives "fixed" healthcare with the Affordable Care Act and I now longer can see that doctor because he's not taking ObamaCare patients and my healthcare premiums will be going up 350% as of January. My ass isn't broke yet but if you clowns get to run things for much longer...it probably WILL be!
Look how much healthcare went up from 2000-2008. Yes healthcare needs to be fixed. We should have never let the insurance giants write it. Single payer is what we need.

Take out the profit motive

Oh, for the love of God! The insurance giants didn't write the Affordable Care Act...that was written by Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, voted into being by Democrats and signed by Barack Obama! I'm sorry, Faun...but you guys OWN ObamaCare...lock stock and barrel!
The insurance companies did write it. They mandated that everyone must buy they products and they have some time where they get to raise their rates.

We all know the aca needs to be fixed. Let's do it

Yeah, it needs flat out repealed. Unfortunately, I doubt you people will allow that to happen. You'll keep screwing up the system until we nationalize it, and people die on waiting lists like Canada.
Canada laughs at you. Especially how much you are paying

As well they should, big american pharma makes up the difference on Canadian negotiated prescription pricing by tacking that "loss" onto the american people.
Ok, well, now I have concrete absolute proof of our claim.

View attachment 96373

Here was my old plan.

$80, which was $20 higher than the previous plan.

Here's what it's saying now.

View attachment 96375

$125 a month. I can't afford that. Thus ends my health insurance. Can't afford that.

From $60 to $125? Nah, sorry. Doubled my premiums in 2 years.

And by the way, the $60 had a $2,500 deductible. The $80 had a $5,000 deductible. Now it will be a $7,150 deductible.

You people... just live in your stupid socialists bubble, where your heros on high tell you endlessly how much better everything is, and ignore the voices of the people who actually live in the real world, facing the real costs..... even though they are the very people you claim to want to help.

Since I can't afford health insurance, I'll just go to the ER if I get sick, and you morons can foot 100% of the bill.
You are comparing employee coverage that you got from your employer to an individual policy on the exchange. Why is that?

Who said I was comparing employer to an individual policy?

All three that I mentioned were private insurance policies.

If you've read my posts about my life, you know I rarely ever stay long at any job. I constantly had to chance insurance over and over, and finally realize it was better to just have private insurance.... or at least it was better to have private insurance.

You used to be able to get basic coverage for a very low price until Obama Care screwed it all up.
One of your comparative MemeIts listed the cost for an employee.

So I looked up the screen shot, and you are correct it does say that. I have absolutely not idea why. It's not an employee plan. I've never had an employee plan with Aetna. Here's another screen shot of the same plan, but this time it's my bill pay screen.

View attachment 96930

Type Individual List Bill. Same Premium $80. Again, I have no clue why the other screen says "employee". And if I click on "details", the other screen says employee. But it simply isn't. I got this policy through the health exchange last year. Plan effective date is 1/1/16.
That also appears to be a policy purchased through an employer, where you are reimbursed tax free for your coverage (socialism omfg!).

Here's how that works:

How List-Billing Works with HRAs

So your employer either stopped offering this program or you are no longer with the same employer. Therefore your comparison is invalid.

Actually, the comparison is still valid regardless of this.

Whether the policy is one way, or the other way, or whichever way.... Both policies were through the Health Insurance market place.

It doesn't matter if the employer is paying for a portion of it or not. The premium to me is higher.

These were the only options I was giving. That $80 policy, was the only policy option I had. The $125 policy is the only option I have.

Even if you can't compare the two on their own merits, when *YOU* set me up so that I only have an Apple to buy before, and only have an Orange to buy now, then I have to compare Apple's and Orange's.

You did this, not me. You told me that I could get affordable Health Care through the insurance market place. So I went last year, the price was high. I went this year and the price is higher.

Now your telling me, I can't complain because the two insurance policies are not comparable? Whose fault is that? Yours. You setup this BS system.

So typical of left-wingers. Setup a system that fails people, and then blame the victims for their system failing.
Anyone who does not like the ACA rates is welcome to come back to coverage under private insurance plans in the USA...if they are healthy enough to be accepted.

That being the case, I guess that I don't understand just what the hell folks are whining about.

That is a legitimate question.

The first answer might be the stupid burden the law placed on policies that increased their costs by 4 fold.

If that had not happened, I think the ACA would have seemed less objectionable.

Well, so some insurer's are finding that ACA costs them money, and so they stop participating in ACA, in which case, ACA does NOT cost them money, and you are saying that they are raising their prices for traditional insurance because ACA is costing them money?

That's not true.

They are leaving the health care market place. That's true.

But all plans, of all types are affected by the ACA whether they are part of the market place or not.

For example, the pre-existing condition clauses, force insurance companies to cover people who refused to buy insurance until they got cancer. Well of course that drives up costs on the company, which drives up costs on the premium payers (us), whether the insurance company was part of the 'market place" or not.

Another example would be the requirements on what all policies must cover. For example alcoholism treatment. Alcoholism treatment is horribly expensive, because people go forever, and then they have an extremely high relapse rate.

That's massively expensive on the company, which is passed on to the premium payers (you and me), whether they are part of the health exchange market place or not.

The ACA screwed over the entire health care market universally. No one is exempt.

life is so unfair.....

Life is more fair than leftwing policies. I'm not being screwed over by life on this. I'm being screwed over by Obama loving left-wing socialists. I'm sure the Cuban government elites are telling their impoverished people "life is unfair". Same with Greece, and Venezuela, and everywhere else you people ruin the lives of the public.
You are comparing employee coverage that you got from your employer to an individual policy on the exchange. Why is that?

Who said I was comparing employer to an individual policy?

All three that I mentioned were private insurance policies.

If you've read my posts about my life, you know I rarely ever stay long at any job. I constantly had to chance insurance over and over, and finally realize it was better to just have private insurance.... or at least it was better to have private insurance.

You used to be able to get basic coverage for a very low price until Obama Care screwed it all up.
One of your comparative MemeIts listed the cost for an employee.

So I looked up the screen shot, and you are correct it does say that. I have absolutely not idea why. It's not an employee plan. I've never had an employee plan with Aetna. Here's another screen shot of the same plan, but this time it's my bill pay screen.

View attachment 96930

Type Individual List Bill. Same Premium $80. Again, I have no clue why the other screen says "employee". And if I click on "details", the other screen says employee. But it simply isn't. I got this policy through the health exchange last year. Plan effective date is 1/1/16.
That also appears to be a policy purchased through an employer, where you are reimbursed tax free for your coverage (socialism omfg!).

Here's how that works:

How List-Billing Works with HRAs

So your employer either stopped offering this program or you are no longer with the same employer. Therefore your comparison is invalid.

Actually, the comparison is still valid regardless of this.

Whether the policy is one way, or the other way, or whichever way.... Both policies were through the Health Insurance market place.

It doesn't matter if the employer is paying for a portion of it or not. The premium to me is higher.

These were the only options I was giving. That $80 policy, was the only policy option I had. The $125 policy is the only option I have.

Even if you can't compare the two on their own merits, when *YOU* set me up so that I only have an Apple to buy before, and only have an Orange to buy now, then I have to compare Apple's and Orange's.

You did this, not me. You told me that I could get affordable Health Care through the insurance market place. So I went last year, the price was high. I went this year and the price is higher.

Now your telling me, I can't complain because the two insurance policies are not comparable? Whose fault is that? Yours. You setup this BS system.

So typical of left-wingers. Setup a system that fails people, and then blame the victims for their system failing.
I don't think they were through the market place. You may believe it, but you are wrong.
Anyone who does not like the ACA rates is welcome to come back to coverage under private insurance plans in the USA...if they are healthy enough to be accepted.

That being the case, I guess that I don't understand just what the hell folks are whining about.

We can't. That's what we are complaining about. The ACA drastically increased the minimum requirements for health insurance.

What that did was eliminate all the cheaper plans. I can't get a $67 insurance policy that covers just what I need anymore. Those plans don't exist.

Outside of the ACA, the cheapest priced insurance is now $250 to $300 a month.

I can not just go back to the private market. The ACA wiped out the private market. And I can't afford what is on the ACA.

So thanks to you people.... no insurance at all. Now you get to pay 100% of my health care needs. Serves you morons right.

Poor baby......

Typical left-winger. Always talking about how they stand up for the poor and lower-class. The moment you people meet the lower-class, your true selves are revealed, with mocking and insults.

Hypocrites. All of you. A non-hypocritical leftist, is like a dodo bird...
Who said I was comparing employer to an individual policy?

All three that I mentioned were private insurance policies.

If you've read my posts about my life, you know I rarely ever stay long at any job. I constantly had to chance insurance over and over, and finally realize it was better to just have private insurance.... or at least it was better to have private insurance.

You used to be able to get basic coverage for a very low price until Obama Care screwed it all up.
One of your comparative MemeIts listed the cost for an employee.

So I looked up the screen shot, and you are correct it does say that. I have absolutely not idea why. It's not an employee plan. I've never had an employee plan with Aetna. Here's another screen shot of the same plan, but this time it's my bill pay screen.

View attachment 96930

Type Individual List Bill. Same Premium $80. Again, I have no clue why the other screen says "employee". And if I click on "details", the other screen says employee. But it simply isn't. I got this policy through the health exchange last year. Plan effective date is 1/1/16.
That also appears to be a policy purchased through an employer, where you are reimbursed tax free for your coverage (socialism omfg!).

Here's how that works:

How List-Billing Works with HRAs

So your employer either stopped offering this program or you are no longer with the same employer. Therefore your comparison is invalid.

Actually, the comparison is still valid regardless of this.

Whether the policy is one way, or the other way, or whichever way.... Both policies were through the Health Insurance market place.

It doesn't matter if the employer is paying for a portion of it or not. The premium to me is higher.

These were the only options I was giving. That $80 policy, was the only policy option I had. The $125 policy is the only option I have.

Even if you can't compare the two on their own merits, when *YOU* set me up so that I only have an Apple to buy before, and only have an Orange to buy now, then I have to compare Apple's and Orange's.

You did this, not me. You told me that I could get affordable Health Care through the insurance market place. So I went last year, the price was high. I went this year and the price is higher.

Now your telling me, I can't complain because the two insurance policies are not comparable? Whose fault is that? Yours. You setup this BS system.

So typical of left-wingers. Setup a system that fails people, and then blame the victims for their system failing.
I don't think they were through the market place. You may believe it, but you are wrong.

Ok.... So why did I have to find the policy on Healthcare.gov, and why do I have to log into healthcare.gov to see the policy? And why is healthcare.gov sending me notification that my policy no longer is available?
Company/ Requested Premium Change / Approved
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc. 14.5% 19.0%

Why Florida OKed higher 2017 premiums than health insurers sought

Florida Blue -- up 19.0%, not 350%.

Do you ever stop lying, ya con tool?


Changes you'll see to your plan in 2017

Your new premium
* Your 2016 monthly premium is $120.61.
This reflects a monthly premium of $743.61 minus 623.00 of financial help per month.
* Starting in January, your estimated monthly premium will be $401.58.
Look how much healthcare went up from 2000-2008. Yes healthcare needs to be fixed. We should have never let the insurance giants write it. Single payer is what we need.

Take out the profit motive

Oh, for the love of God! The insurance giants didn't write the Affordable Care Act...that was written by Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, voted into being by Democrats and signed by Barack Obama! I'm sorry, Faun...but you guys OWN ObamaCare...lock stock and barrel!
The insurance companies did write it. They mandated that everyone must buy they products and they have some time where they get to raise their rates.

We all know the aca needs to be fixed. Let's do it

Yeah, it needs flat out repealed. Unfortunately, I doubt you people will allow that to happen. You'll keep screwing up the system until we nationalize it, and people die on waiting lists like Canada.
Canada laughs at you. Especially how much you are paying

You bet they are:

It's universal that the child-leftwing beliefs can be summed up by "the grass is always greener elsewhere".

When the WHO published their health care ranking that said France had the best health care in the world, it was amazing how many French rolled their eyes and laughed.

I had the same experience when I went on a long trip through Europe. I got back to the US, and all these lefties were talking about how great and wonderful Europe was. Everything they claimed about Europe, didn't match what I experienced living in Europe. Tiny little homes. Itty bitty junk cars that barely fit 2 people. People riding scooters half the size of a US Moped. No one had AC, not because it wasn't hot, but because they couldn't afford it. People hanging laundry to dry inside their homes, smaller than a college apartment, because no one could afford a clothes drier.

In the exact same way, everyone in the US says Canadian health care is fantastic. And they all assume Canadians love their health care system, until they actually meet Canadians.... and then shockingly, Canadians don't think their health care system is so great, especially when a hundred thousand Canadians seek treatment outside their country. Apparently 'free' isn't so wonderful.
Anyone who does not like the ACA rates is welcome to come back to coverage under private insurance plans in the USA...if they are healthy enough to be accepted.

That being the case, I guess that I don't understand just what the hell folks are whining about.

We can't. That's what we are complaining about. The ACA drastically increased the minimum requirements for health insurance.

What that did was eliminate all the cheaper plans. I can't get a $67 insurance policy that covers just what I need anymore. Those plans don't exist.

Outside of the ACA, the cheapest priced insurance is now $250 to $300 a month.

I can not just go back to the private market. The ACA wiped out the private market. And I can't afford what is on the ACA.

So thanks to you people.... no insurance at all. Now you get to pay 100% of my health care needs. Serves you morons right.

Poor baby......

Typical left-winger. Always talking about how they stand up for the poor and lower-class. The moment you people meet the lower-class, your true selves are revealed, with mocking and insults.

Hypocrites. All of you. A non-hypocritical leftist, is like a dodo bird...

Have some Velveeta with that Night Train whine....
Anyone who does not like the ACA rates is welcome to come back to coverage under private insurance plans in the USA...if they are healthy enough to be accepted.

That being the case, I guess that I don't understand just what the hell folks are whining about.

We can't. That's what we are complaining about. The ACA drastically increased the minimum requirements for health insurance.

What that did was eliminate all the cheaper plans. I can't get a $67 insurance policy that covers just what I need anymore. Those plans don't exist.

Outside of the ACA, the cheapest priced insurance is now $250 to $300 a month.

I can not just go back to the private market. The ACA wiped out the private market. And I can't afford what is on the ACA.

So thanks to you people.... no insurance at all. Now you get to pay 100% of my health care needs. Serves you morons right.

Poor baby......

Typical left-winger. Always talking about how they stand up for the poor and lower-class. The moment you people meet the lower-class, your true selves are revealed, with mocking and insults.

Hypocrites. All of you. A non-hypocritical leftist, is like a dodo bird...

Have some Velveeta with that Night Train whine....

I would agree.

The sympathy is just overwhelming.

Now, if you cowtowed their point of view, my guess is that they would be very comforting.
Anyone who does not like the ACA rates is welcome to come back to coverage under private insurance plans in the USA...if they are healthy enough to be accepted.

That being the case, I guess that I don't understand just what the hell folks are whining about.

We can't. That's what we are complaining about. The ACA drastically increased the minimum requirements for health insurance.

What that did was eliminate all the cheaper plans. I can't get a $67 insurance policy that covers just what I need anymore. Those plans don't exist.

Outside of the ACA, the cheapest priced insurance is now $250 to $300 a month.

I can not just go back to the private market. The ACA wiped out the private market. And I can't afford what is on the ACA.

So thanks to you people.... no insurance at all. Now you get to pay 100% of my health care needs. Serves you morons right.

Poor baby......

Typical left-winger. Always talking about how they stand up for the poor and lower-class. The moment you people meet the lower-class, your true selves are revealed, with mocking and insults.

Hypocrites. All of you. A non-hypocritical leftist, is like a dodo bird...

Have some Velveeta with that Night Train whine....

Yeah, I know. You people hate the lower and middle class. You wouldn't care if we all died. :) Typical leftist. More people killed by left-wing policies than all the modern wars combined.
Anyone who does not like the ACA rates is welcome to come back to coverage under private insurance plans in the USA...if they are healthy enough to be accepted.

That being the case, I guess that I don't understand just what the hell folks are whining about.

We can't. That's what we are complaining about. The ACA drastically increased the minimum requirements for health insurance.

What that did was eliminate all the cheaper plans. I can't get a $67 insurance policy that covers just what I need anymore. Those plans don't exist.

Outside of the ACA, the cheapest priced insurance is now $250 to $300 a month.

I can not just go back to the private market. The ACA wiped out the private market. And I can't afford what is on the ACA.

So thanks to you people.... no insurance at all. Now you get to pay 100% of my health care needs. Serves you morons right.

Poor baby......

Typical left-winger. Always talking about how they stand up for the poor and lower-class. The moment you people meet the lower-class, your true selves are revealed, with mocking and insults.

Hypocrites. All of you. A non-hypocritical leftist, is like a dodo bird...

Have some Velveeta with that Night Train whine....

I would agree.

The sympathy is just overwhelming.

Now, if you cowtowed their point of view, my guess is that they would be very comforting.

Ok. I surrender. go ahead and repeal ACA. After all, that way I could resume my 50 year career as VP of life and health insurance underwriting. My job was to deny coverage to anyone I deemed to be a poor risk. Dying of congestive heart failure, for want of an open heart surgery? Tough shit, Here is a card. It has the number of an undertaker friend of mine. Give it to your wife.
Changes you'll see to your plan in 2017

Your new premium
* Your 2016 monthly premium is $120.61.
This reflects a monthly premium of $743.61 minus 623.00 of financial help per month.
* Starting in January, your estimated monthly premium will be $401.58.
Oh, for the love of God! The insurance giants didn't write the Affordable Care Act...that was written by Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, voted into being by Democrats and signed by Barack Obama! I'm sorry, Faun...but you guys OWN ObamaCare...lock stock and barrel!
The insurance companies did write it. They mandated that everyone must buy they products and they have some time where they get to raise their rates.

We all know the aca needs to be fixed. Let's do it

Yeah, it needs flat out repealed. Unfortunately, I doubt you people will allow that to happen. You'll keep screwing up the system until we nationalize it, and people die on waiting lists like Canada.
Canada laughs at you. Especially how much you are paying

You bet they are:

It's universal that the child-leftwing beliefs can be summed up by "the grass is always greener elsewhere".

When the WHO published their health care ranking that said France had the best health care in the world, it was amazing how many French rolled their eyes and laughed.

I had the same experience when I went on a long trip through Europe. I got back to the US, and all these lefties were talking about how great and wonderful Europe was. Everything they claimed about Europe, didn't match what I experienced living in Europe. Tiny little homes. Itty bitty junk cars that barely fit 2 people. People riding scooters half the size of a US Moped. No one had AC, not because it wasn't hot, but because they couldn't afford it. People hanging laundry to dry inside their homes, smaller than a college apartment, because no one could afford a clothes drier.

In the exact same way, everyone in the US says Canadian health care is fantastic. And they all assume Canadians love their health care system, until they actually meet Canadians.... and then shockingly, Canadians don't think their health care system is so great, especially when a hundred thousand Canadians seek treatment outside their country. Apparently 'free' isn't so wonderful.

No Canadian or European wants our healthcare.

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