Just In- Jobs only at 192K for March

Yep. We need more Gov't............Just one new rule every 2 and a 1/2 hours isn't enough..............

It's never enough.....

What exactly do you think was a good rate of hiring?

During the Reagan administration?
During the George W. Bush administration?

Both those guys spent like crazy...and there were ALOT of Federal, State and City hires.


Now it's all left to the private sector.

You guys should be dancing in the streets!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9G4jnaznUoQ]David Bowie & Mick Jagger - Dancing In The Street - YouTube[/ame]

Well Sallow...............Last year their were over 80,000 pages in the CFR.

Like 3600 new regulations.

Yet you still want more Gov't..............How many regulations per year is enough for you and your party of excuses................................
Oh, btw, any increases in parttime jobs instead of fulltime jobs, that's what conservatives WANT.

They believe that a business should get its labor in the cheapest form, at the lowest pay possible, with the least cost in benefits. If a business can do that by hiring parttimers, or contracting out, or anything of that nature,

conservatives consider that a good business practice...

...despite any of the right's false claims otherwise.
Oh, btw, any increases in parttime jobs instead of fulltime jobs, that's what conservatives WANT.

They believe that a business should get its labor in the cheapest form, at the lowest pay possible, with the least cost in benefits. If a business can do that by hiring parttimers, or contracting out, or anything of that nature,

conservatives consider that a good business practice...

...despite any of the right's false claims otherwise.

We are not the party of asses that created a law that guaranteed this would happen, and then blame others for being so retarded as to do so.

You can't fix stupid..........................
In 1993, there were just over Four Million Live Births inside this Country.

Demographics of the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Taking out 1/4 of them due to mortality, married and don't work, disability and stupidity (many of them are dimocraps) that leaves around Three Million of them looking for work. Today. Right fucking now.

So, just to keep up with NATURAL child births and them entering the work force, we need to create 250,000 jobs a Month.

Just to keep up with population growth.

HAHA, 250k jobs just to keep up with population growth. No.

How Many Jobs Does the Economy Need to Add to Bring Down Unemployment? - Real Time Economics - WSJ

Why Today?s Miserable Job Numbers Are Probably Wrong - TIME

How Many Jobs Does It Take to Keep Pace With the Growth of the Labor Force? | Beat the Press

Have we turned the corner on unemployment? - CBS News

Look, stupid....

In 1993, over 4,000,000 people were born in this Country.

What happened to them? Did they all go on welfare?

Even knocking off one-fourth of them leaves us with 3,000,000 people looking for work.

But, you're a dimocrap. What would you know about work :dunno:
Well Sallow...............Last year their were over 80,000 pages in the CFR.

Like 3600 new regulations.

Yet you still want more Gov't..............How many regulations per year is enough for you and your party of excuses................................

Are you saying less regulation creates jobs?

I just pointed out they don't.

Reagan cut regulations, that didn't help create jobs.
Bush defunded regulators and that didn't help create jobs.

Quite the contrary. Both those things led to financial cataclysm which LOST jobs.

Add in, both cut taxes on the wealthy and THAT didn't create jobs.

Reagan and Bush actually needed the government to HIRE more people to LOWER unemployment.

Conservatives have STOPPED Obama from doing that.
In 1993, there were just over Four Million Live Births inside this Country.

Demographics of the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Taking out 1/4 of them due to mortality, married and don't work, disability and stupidity (many of them are dimocraps) that leaves around Three Million of them looking for work. Today. Right fucking now.

So, just to keep up with NATURAL child births and them entering the work force, we need to create 250,000 jobs a Month.

Just to keep up with population growth.

HAHA, 250k jobs just to keep up with population growth. No.

How Many Jobs Does the Economy Need to Add to Bring Down Unemployment? - Real Time Economics - WSJ

Why Today?s Miserable Job Numbers Are Probably Wrong - TIME

How Many Jobs Does It Take to Keep Pace With the Growth of the Labor Force? | Beat the Press

Have we turned the corner on unemployment? - CBS News

Look, stupid....

In 1993, over 4,000,000 people were born in this Country.

What happened to them? Did they all go on welfare?

Even knocking off one-fourth of them leaves us with 3,000,000 people looking for work.

But, you're a dimocrap. What would you know about work :dunno:

No, I'll trust the experts instead of an idiot poster on a message board. You are the idiot poster by the way.
Oh, btw, any increases in parttime jobs instead of fulltime jobs, that's what conservatives WANT.

They believe that a business should get its labor in the cheapest form, at the lowest pay possible, with the least cost in benefits. If a business can do that by hiring parttimers, or contracting out, or anything of that nature,

conservatives consider that a good business practice...

...despite any of the right's false claims otherwise.

We are not the party of asses that created a law that guaranteed this would happen, and then blame others for being so retarded as to do so.

You can't fix stupid..........................

The law didn't "guarantee" it would happen and it's not happening all that much.

You have some conservative business owners spouting off about it, but in reality? It's the sort of practices they were ALREADY engaged in.

It's not like "Poppa Johns" is a great place to work, anyway.
Well Sallow...............Last year their were over 80,000 pages in the CFR.

Like 3600 new regulations.

Yet you still want more Gov't..............How many regulations per year is enough for you and your party of excuses................................

Are you saying less regulation creates jobs?

I just pointed out they don't.

Reagan cut regulations, that didn't help create jobs.
Bush defunded regulators and that didn't help create jobs.

Quite the contrary. Both those things led to financial cataclysm which LOST jobs.

Add in, both cut taxes on the wealthy and THAT didn't create jobs.

Reagan and Bush actually needed the government to HIRE more people to LOWER unemployment.

Conservatives have STOPPED Obama from doing that.

Again more excuses.................Under Reagan our economy recovered, after a major recession and stagflation.

Which of course you just refuse to acknowledge because it hurts your boot licking defense of Obama and the Dems...............

If the GOP have stopped Obama please explain how we are still getting about 10 new regulations a day now...................

Did they magically stop.......................

No they didn't...............

But let's just ignore that as Gov't agencies create new regs

We still have less employed people than in 2007, and half the jobs being created are part time, low wage.


Look, stupid....

In 1993, over 4,000,000 people were born in this Country.

What happened to them? Did they all go on welfare?

Even knocking off one-fourth of them leaves us with 3,000,000 people looking for work.

But, you're a dimocrap. What would you know about work :dunno:

No, I'll trust the experts instead of an idiot poster on a message board. You are the idiot poster by the way.

Answer the question, scumbag.

Where did those 3 Million people go? Where?

Here's why you are stupid.... The ignorant fucks doing the numbers are factoring in the Participation Rate.

Which is a stupid thing to do for 21 year-olds. Beyond stupid.

The participation rate applies to every one at every age. A forty-nine year-old Soccer Mom isn't likely to be working. Neither are people who are in their 50's and can afford to retire.

Fine, apply the PR (participation rate) to the population in general but to 21 year-olds?

Stupidity at its finest.

Now, it is true that that maybe 2 Million People are leaving the work force as my 3 Million are entering it but the fact remains......

Those three million kids are looking for work.

Or did Occupy Wall Street never happen?

You people are like Dodo Birds.

A Dodo Bird is a now extinct Bird who flew in decreasingly concentric circles until he disappeared up his own asshole.


I don't mind being contradicted, just tell me how you got there and why.

Don't just post some article from some 25 year-old punk out of J School for a year.

butt head
Oh, btw, any increases in parttime jobs instead of fulltime jobs, that's what conservatives WANT.

They believe that a business should get its labor in the cheapest form, at the lowest pay possible, with the least cost in benefits. If a business can do that by hiring parttimers, or contracting out, or anything of that nature,

conservatives consider that a good business practice...

...despite any of the right's false claims otherwise.

We are not the party of asses that created a law that guaranteed this would happen, and then blame others for being so retarded as to do so.

You can't fix stupid..........................

The law didn't "guarantee" it would happen and it's not happening all that much.

You have some conservative business owners spouting off about it, but in reality? It's the sort of practices they were ALREADY engaged in.

It's not like "Poppa Johns" is a great place to work, anyway.

We've already shown even the Unions saying it's BS............Some as much as saying fix it or get rid of it...........

And all your side does is deflect................It's what your side does..........

You ignore the damage and go LOOK at this .............ain't this great as you screw over millions of Americans with your policies...........

Creating new codes to be entered like being bit by a turtle in the SEA OF GOV'T RED TAPE.................

Your side doesn't have a leg to stand on, and the public sees it. Which is why your side is trying new strategies in the coming election to try and limit your losses............

The problem with lies is that the truth ALWAYS wins in the end.
We are not the party of asses that created a law that guaranteed this would happen, and then blame others for being so retarded as to do so.

You can't fix stupid..........................

The law didn't "guarantee" it would happen and it's not happening all that much.

You have some conservative business owners spouting off about it, but in reality? It's the sort of practices they were ALREADY engaged in.

It's not like "Poppa Johns" is a great place to work, anyway.

We've already shown even the Unions saying it's BS............Some as much as saying fix it or get rid of it...........

And all your side does is deflect................It's what your side does..........

You ignore the damage and go LOOK at this .............ain't this great as you screw over millions of Americans with your policies...........

Creating new codes to be entered like being bit by a turtle in the SEA OF GOV'T RED TAPE.................

Your side doesn't have a leg to stand on, and the public sees it. Which is why your side is trying new strategies in the coming election to try and limit your losses............

The problem with lies is that the truth ALWAYS wins in the end.

I respectfully disagree.


The 'truth' is whatever the winners say it is.

For the Truth to be told, you have to keep lying scum from writing the history books.

In order to do that, you have to win.

Had Hitler won WWII, how do you think History would read today?

The winner tells the 'truth'.

The loser sits back and complains about it.

You want the truth out there? Make sure lying dimocrap scum are sitting on the sidelines complaining
Look, stupid....

In 1993, over 4,000,000 people were born in this Country.

What happened to them? Did they all go on welfare?

Even knocking off one-fourth of them leaves us with 3,000,000 people looking for work.

But, you're a dimocrap. What would you know about work :dunno:

No, I'll trust the experts instead of an idiot poster on a message board. You are the idiot poster by the way.

Answer the question, scumbag.

Where did those 3 Million people go? Where?

Here's why you are stupid.... The ignorant fucks doing the numbers are factoring in the Participation Rate.

Which is a stupid thing to do for 21 year-olds. Beyond stupid.

The participation rate applies to every one at every age. A forty-nine year-old Soccer Mom isn't likely to be working. Neither are people who are in their 50's and can afford to retire.

Fine, apply the PR (participation rate) to the population in general but to 21 year-olds?

Stupidity at its finest.

Now, it is true that that maybe 2 Million People are leaving the work force as my 3 Million are entering it but the fact remains......

Those three million kids are looking for work.

Or did Occupy Wall Street never happen?

You people are like Dodo Birds.

A Dodo Bird is a now extinct Bird who flew in decreasingly concentric circles until he disappeared up his own asshole.


I don't mind being contradicted, just tell me how you got there and why.

Don't just post some article from some 25 year-old punk out of J School for a year.

butt head

You answered your own question, genius. As the 3 million are entering the workforce, another 2 million are leaving. Those 3 million kids are looking for work at different times. Some are going to work right out of high school. Others go to college for 4 years. Others going to college for 8 years. Some will never end up working because they are lazy.

We are talking about a net gain of jobs here with the 192k number, not how many people were newly employed during a month.
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The law didn't "guarantee" it would happen and it's not happening all that much.

You have some conservative business owners spouting off about it, but in reality? It's the sort of practices they were ALREADY engaged in.

It's not like "Poppa Johns" is a great place to work, anyway.

We've already shown even the Unions saying it's BS............Some as much as saying fix it or get rid of it...........

And all your side does is deflect................It's what your side does..........

You ignore the damage and go LOOK at this .............ain't this great as you screw over millions of Americans with your policies...........

Creating new codes to be entered like being bit by a turtle in the SEA OF GOV'T RED TAPE.................

Your side doesn't have a leg to stand on, and the public sees it. Which is why your side is trying new strategies in the coming election to try and limit your losses............

The problem with lies is that the truth ALWAYS wins in the end.

I respectfully disagree.


The 'truth' is whatever the winners say it is.

For the Truth to be told, you have to keep lying scum from writing the history books.

In order to do that, you have to win.

Had Hitler won WWII, how do you think History would read today?

The winner tells the 'truth'.

The loser sits back and complains about it.

You want the truth out there? Make sure lying dimocrap scum are sitting on the sidelines complaining

I disagree. The Dems continue to lie about pretty much everything, and public support polls suggest the people aren't too happy about it.

When someone gets hammered by damage done by the ACA...........then they will hold those who created it accountable.....................which is part of the reason why the GOP took the house in the last election.................

I believe the truth is the answer to their lies.........over and over again...........just as they through the decades have lied so much that they twisted the lies into the truth through pure pravda....................

In the end, the truth can defeat a lie only when we stand our ground and attack the lies with truth as greatly as they push the lies.
Maybe a Stimulus is needed?
Throw a few Trillion in....
You know shovel ready jobs.
Rebuild the Infrastructure........ Yeah...That's the ticket.
Maybe a Stimulus is needed?
Throw a few Trillion in....
You know shovel ready jobs.
Rebuild the Infrastructure........ Yeah...That's the ticket.

That is always the ticket for Big Gov't types..........Throw more money at it and kick the can down the road for our kids future................

It boogles the mind when you see the pure number of new regulations imposed each year by a gang of politicians always obsessed with their power.
No, I'll trust the experts instead of an idiot poster on a message board. You are the idiot poster by the way.

Answer the question, scumbag.

Where did those 3 Million people go? Where?

Here's why you are stupid.... The ignorant fucks doing the numbers are factoring in the Participation Rate.

Which is a stupid thing to do for 21 year-olds. Beyond stupid.

The participation rate applies to every one at every age. A forty-nine year-old Soccer Mom isn't likely to be working. Neither are people who are in their 50's and can afford to retire.

Fine, apply the PR (participation rate) to the population in general but to 21 year-olds?

Stupidity at its finest.

Now, it is true that that maybe 2 Million People are leaving the work force as my 3 Million are entering it but the fact remains......

Those three million kids are looking for work.

Or did Occupy Wall Street never happen?

You people are like Dodo Birds.

A Dodo Bird is a now extinct Bird who flew in decreasingly concentric circles until he disappeared up his own asshole.


I don't mind being contradicted, just tell me how you got there and why.

Don't just post some article from some 25 year-old punk out of J School for a year.

butt head

You answered your own question, genius. As the 3 million are entering the workforce, another 2 million are leaving. Those 3 million kids are looking for work at different times. Some are going to work right out of high school. Others go to college for 4 years. Others going to college for 8 years. Some will never end up working because they are lazy.

We are talking about a net gain of jobs here with the 192k number, not how many people were newly employed during a month.

I'm sticking by my 250,000 estimate.

dimocraps lie. It's what they do. ALL of them

US workforce expands as more job seekers seek jobs ? The Register

economists say you need around 250,000 jobs per month to keep up with the young entering the labor force and older workers holding onto their jobs because, let's face it, for many of those old folks, retirement is not really an option.

Two Million Fewer Americans Are Employed Than Were a Year Ago

This is supposed to be the fifth year of an economic “recovery,” but the jobs numbers continue to badly underperform. In February, U.S. employers added 175,000 workers to their payrolls, but that’s still below the 200,000 to 250,000 a month we need to bring down the real unemployment rate and to keep pace with young people entering the workforce.

But the employment anemia is still plaguing the U.S. economy. The labor force participation rate (63 percent) remains stuck at or near its lowest point since the late 1970s when the Bee Gees were the hottest music group in America. Amazingly, there are more than 2 million FEWER Americans in the labor force today than one year ago. Usually recoveries bring more Americans into the workforce.

Another troubling sign: weekly hours worked dipped by 0.2 hours in February. How much the record snow and cold impacted these numbers is yet undetermined.
The number of long term unemployed (six months or more) also rose by 203,000. Americans who lose their jobs are having a very hard time finding new ones.

Since this recovery began, job growth has maintained an underwhelming pace of half the employment growth of the average recovery. If the number of jobs had just kept pace with the growth of food stamps recipients, we would have at least 2 million more Americans working today. If the economy were where Obama promised it would be when he signed his stimulus bill, we would have at least 3 million more jobs and an unemployment rate of 5 percent.

It’s time for the White House to get serious about an aggressive jobs agenda. Right now it isn’t. Its two big ideas, Obamacare and the minimum wage hike, would erase nearly 3 million more jobs.

A pro-jobs agenda would mean suspending Obamacare, cutting tax rates on businesses, ending regulations that choke off jobs – especially in the energy industry – and bringing down government spending and debt to free up private sector resources. For the near 20 million Americans unemployed, underemployed, or out of the labor force, this is no recovery at all.

People like you..... You're no different than the communist cadre in Cuba or in the now-deceased Soviet Union.

You don't care about "The People". You don't care about the Country.

All you care about is "The Party"

"The Party Uber Alles" right douchebag?

Now, you'll convince yourself that the reason you back 'The Party' is that it's what's best for The People.

But I'll tell you something that I know for a FUCKING FACT....

scumbags like you.... You'll always make excuses for "The Party". Always have, always will.

Even if they started throwing dissenters in gulags or Concentration Camps, you'd defend "The Party".

And after they crank up the ovens, you'll pretend not to know

Like I've always said.... I know who you are. I know what you are. History is littered with the genocides and murders and wars caused by scumbags like you.

Keep defending "The Party" against all evidence.

It's what you do
And Feb was 197K so it wasn't the weather?


Discuss.. I have to go to work

I see what you did there. "Only" 192k.

192,000 in one month is very, very good.
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