Just watched Trumps speech

If he is our nominee i will likely vote for him. I have yet to hear a reason not to. Having said that i support Walker.
Walker or Carson here. But please post links, because the retarded Libs have that liberal education. We will probably have to explain shit to them while they suck down that free beer we bought for them.
I heard A LOT of empty rhetoric. The ONLY specifics i heard was his desire to impose a 35% tarrif on imports. Which i believe should be considered. Not necessarily that amount but a tarrif needs to be on the table.

Other than that all i heard was "I am great & will make America great by default"

Politicians frequently talk in generalities. I'm kinda used to it. But I can't remember anyone running for president who ever talked more without really saying anything at all. In fact, Trump often sounds like a complete buffoon compared to the rest of the candidates, and all things considered, that's no easy task.
Oh i also heard him slam republicans for wanting to defund Planned Parenthood, although he was too much of a chicken shit to actually name planned parenthood by name.
As he spoke about it the crowd was DEAD QUIET. Obvious disapproval for his position.
Disapproval? Seriously? Forty thousand turned out to hear him speak. I didn't count the times he was applauded, but they were not quiet except for listening.
Then you were not paying attention. The moment he began mocking other republicans for wanting to defund Planned Parenthood the crowd grew silent. He quickly shifted topics because he knew his position was not inline with what the crowd wanted to hear.
If he is our nominee i will likely vote for him. I have yet to hear a reason not to. Having said that i support Walker.
I was a supporter of Walker, too but he came out with something that scared me away. For the life of me, I cannot remember what it was. Immigration? Amnesty? weak military? Can't remember.
I heard A LOT of empty rhetoric. The ONLY specifics i heard was his desire to impose a 35% tarrif on imports. Which i believe should be considered. Not necessarily that amount but a tarrif needs to be on the table.

Other than that all i heard was "I am great & will make America great by default"
Got a link?
Playing this stupid game? Come on man the speech was just completed and LIVE. How could i possibly have a link
Post it when you get it. That's the minimum for a topic of debate.


Funny how so many people demand links but never give them themselves.
Oh i also heard him slam republicans for wanting to defund Planned Parenthood, although he was too much of a chicken shit to actually name planned parenthood by name.
As he spoke about it the crowd was DEAD QUIET. Obvious disapproval for his position.
Disapproval? Seriously? Forty thousand turned out to hear him speak. I didn't count the times he was applauded, but they were not quiet except for listening.
Then you were not paying attention. The moment he began mocking other republicans for wanting to defund Planned Parenthood the crowd grew silent. He quickly shifted topics because he knew his position was not inline with what the crowd wanted to hear.
I was in and out. Maybe I missed it.

Over any of the Democrats in the race? In a heartbeat.

I'm not afraid to admit it, he's blowing my mind. I thought he'd be a flash in the pan, but he's got staying power and I believe he is SERIOUS. His poll numbers are great, he's got massive charisma, and he's got a boatload of money. Good luck trying to slow this guy down....he's the man to beat.
need a towel and cigarette?
I heard A LOT of empty rhetoric. The ONLY specifics i heard was his desire to impose a 35% tarrif on imports. Which i believe should be considered. Not necessarily that amount but a tarrif needs to be on the table.

Other than that all i heard was "I am great & will make America great by default"
Got a link?
Playing this stupid game? Come on man the speech was just completed and LIVE. How could i possibly have a link
Post it when you get it. That's the minimum for a topic of debate.


Funny how so many people demand links but never give them themselves.
The ONLY time i demand links is when I'm being a smartass. If i have a sincere interest i will look it up myself.
If he is our nominee i will likely vote for him. I have yet to hear a reason not to. Having said that i support Walker.
Walker or Carson here. But please post links, because the retarded Libs have that liberal education. We will probably have to explain shit to them while they suck down that free beer we bought for them.
you're the dumb bitch whining about a link, never able to figure out what google is used for. you're as lazy as gramps....
I heard A LOT of empty rhetoric. The ONLY specifics i heard was his desire to impose a 35% tarrif on imports. Which i believe should be considered. Not necessarily that amount but a tarrif needs to be on the table.

Other than that all i heard was "I am great & will make America great by default"

Politicians frequently talk in generalities. I'm kinda used to it. But I can't remember anyone running for president who ever talked more without really saying anything at all. In fact, Trump often sounds like a complete buffoon compared to the rest of the candidates, and all things considered, that's no easy task.

Over any of the Democrats in the race? In a heartbeat.

I'm not afraid to admit it, he's blowing my mind. I thought he'd be a flash in the pan, but he's got staying power and I believe he is SERIOUS. His poll numbers are great, he's got massive charisma, and he's got a boatload of money. Good luck trying to slow this guy down....he's the man to beat.
need a towel and cigarette?
Leave it to you to be crass and ignore the topic when it is uncomfortable for you.
I heard A LOT of empty rhetoric. The ONLY specifics i heard was his desire to impose a 35% tarrif on imports. Which i believe should be considered. Not necessarily that amount but a tarrif needs to be on the table.

Other than that all i heard was "I am great & will make America great by default"
Got a link?
Playing this stupid game? Come on man the speech was just completed and LIVE. How could i possibly have a link
Post it when you get it. That's the minimum for a topic of debate.


Funny how so many people demand links but never give them themselves.
The ONLY time i demand links is when I'm being a smartass. If i have a sincere interest i will look it up myself.
Frigidweirdo is just what his name implies. I am asking from a genuine interest, and will keep an eye out for the link.
I heard a guy who spoke from the heart without notes or a teleprompter.
Someone on another thread remarked on CNN commentators who categorised Trump's speech as 'stream of conscious' while he was reading from a list of talking points. Who is correct?
Trump's people predicted 36,000, then 42,000, but he got 20,000.
Remember when he mocked Rick Perry for having too few in a large space?
because we know Gramps was going to vote for him anyway... lol
Gramps, like, I suppose millions of others is taking him seriously, not like before. People are listening. More than that, they are angry. We can have the ordinary politician like what is in the WH or Congress..they talk and behave admirably and do what the lobbyists want. I would love to see how many Congresspeople went into chambers the first time with very little savings and come out a millionaire. I wish we could get the true numbers. Would we be astonished? Not me.
As to links, if posters are not discussing an agreed version of a speech or incident then the opportunity for talking past each other is too great.
If he is our nominee i will likely vote for him. I have yet to hear a reason not to. Having said that i support Walker.
Walker or Carson here. But please post links, because the retarded Libs have that liberal education. We will probably have to explain shit to them while they suck down that free beer we bought for them.

You know, there's a whole world out there that's not documented in minutiae with freakin' links.

I just saw an incredible sunset at the Grand Canyon. Link???????

I just read a library book which said .... Link??????

2+2=4. Link??????

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