Just watched Trumps speech

Have you ever prioritized your thoughts in way that filters non-important things?
Absolutely. For instance I give a low priority to teleprompters but you'd be amazed at the importance some people give to them.
Have you ever prioritized your thoughts in way that filters non-important things?
Absolutely. For instance I give a low priority to teleprompters but you'd be amazed at the importance some people give to them.
Aren't you concerned with WHAT he said? Or that he is immensely popular? Or how you may disagree with him? Aren't those topics more important than notes?
Gramps had been trashing Trump for weeks. I knew he would give in and support ANYONE who may become the nominee.We can guarantee Gramps will support Jeb, as all the "anyone but Romney" crowd supported him during the primaries last time. Disingenuous fucks.

I am VERY suspect of Trump. Nothing has changed.
Channeling a little Ross Perot tonight. Of course, many of the issues today were also big issues in the 1992 election and the famous Gore v Perot debate of CNN over NAFTA.

I actually think it might be kind of effective on a small scale. We remember the charts Perot used in 1992 to illustrate the debt and so forth. How about a side by side of the old chart Perot used next to what the #'s look like today?

Remember Perot got 20% of the vote in a climate not even close to as hostile toward the establishment as it is today. People were fed up then, but they believed they had an alternative in the Republican Party, which sweeped into power in 1994. Now, people have lost confidence in both parties. All of the issues highlighted by Perot are much worse today than in 1992. We see Trump come on the seen. Many people do not see an alternative this time. Trump appears to have arrived at the right place at the right time, at least so far. Bernie Sanders is also tapping into this feeling in a big way.

The big question for me on Trump and Sanders is the same. Will either be able to survive once an unlimited # of attack ads are unleashed on them by Jeb, Hillary and so on?

Some say NAFTA was a great success. I don't agree with that and I don't think many politicians, including Hillary Clinton, will be campaigning on how great it has worked out for the American people. Obama campaigned against it, and Hillary when asked if Perot was right during a debate in 2007, laughed it off saying all she remembered about the experience was a "bunch of charts". I wonder if Al Gore would highlight his support of NAFTA as part of a current campaign should he jump in to the mix?
The current suspicious over the Asian trade bill are the result of NAFTA in a lot of ways.
'We have to do something'

'They have no respect for us'


That was pretty much it from my sampling of the vid, I couldn't bear to watch it all.
I heard A LOT of empty rhetoric. The ONLY specifics i heard was his desire to impose a 35% tarrif on imports. Which i believe should be considered. Not necessarily that amount but a tarrif needs to be on the table.

Other than that all i heard was "I am great & will make America great by default"

The last time Nixon imposed tariffs--foreign countries just slamed them right back at us. They don't work, except cause a lot of stress and higher expense on the consumers.

LOOK--The only reason Donald Trump is in this race is to get Hillary Clinton elected. The Clinton's and the Trump's have been friends for DECADES. Even their daughters (Chelsea & Ivanka) are BFF's.
Political odd couple: Ivanka Trump and Chelsea Clinton - CNNPolitics.com

Hillary is in trouble, Bill calls Trump just prior to Trump announcing and the plan was formed. This was already stated by Carly Fiorina in the 1st debate.

1. Chase millions of voting Latino's into Hillary's column--DONE
2. Split the GOP--like was done to Bush 1 by Ross Perot--Clinton won.
3. Drop out of the race just prior to the election, securing the win for Hillary.

This is the Clinton/Trump strategy for Hillary's win. Donald Trump doesn't have any intentions at all of becoming President of the United States. Trump is simply Bill Clinton's Trojan Horse.


I can't say I'm all in for Trump quite yet but for me he's running about 90% agreement. I would hope he continues pissing off the left and the establishment Republicans because they are leading the country over the economic cliff.

I'm pretty sure it's to late to save the country from financial collapse given the past 7 years but basically if Trump was given a shot and what he's saying he follows through on as much as possible there may be some hope. People don't seem to realize that the national debt is about 5 trillion from the point of no return and exceedingly hard times for all Americans.
I heard A LOT of empty rhetoric. The ONLY specifics i heard was his desire to impose a 35% tarrif on imports. Which i believe should be considered. Not necessarily that amount but a tarrif needs to be on the table.

Other than that all i heard was "I am great & will make America great by default"

The last time Nixon imposed tariffs--foreign countries just slamed them right back at us. They don't work, except cause a lot of stress and higher expense on the consumers.

LOOK--The only reason Donald Trump is in this race is to get Hillary Clinton elected. The Clinton's and the Trump's have been friends for DECADES. Even their daughters (Chelsea & Ivanka) are BFF's.
Political odd couple: Ivanka Trump and Chelsea Clinton - CNNPolitics.com

Hillary is in trouble, Bill calls Trump just prior to Trump announcing and the plan was formed. This was already stated by Carly Fiorina in the 1st debate.

1. Chase millions of voting Latino's into Hillary's column--DONE
2. Split the GOP--like was done to Bush 1 by Ross Perot--Clinton won.
3. Drop out of the race just prior to the election, securing the win for Hillary.

This is the Clinton/Trump strategy for Hillary's win. Donald Trump doesn't have any intentions at all of becoming President of the United States. Trump is simply Bill Clinton's Trojan Horse.


Let's say you are right. He would put his life on hold for a year to get hillary elected. I don't think the narcissist in him would allow that, but no matter. He is obviously enjoying this immensely. I think if there was a chance there was a deal, it's on the back window now. He sees himself as a winner and president of the US. Before, it was to split the vote, but the prize is larger now. He has something to prove and he hasn't shied away from a challenge before. I think he's in to win. He has big plans.
Playing this stupid game? Come on man the speech was just completed and LIVE. How could i possibly have a link
Post it when you get it. That's the minimum for a topic of debate.


Funny how so many people demand links but never give them themselves.
The ONLY time i demand links is when I'm being a smartass. If i have a sincere interest i will look it up myself.

Good to know.

I like people to provide links, not so I can look it up, but so they I know they have actually looked to see if what they're saying is true.
Get real. It took me under a minute, thanks to that wonderful Internet Al Gore invented.

Did you understand what I wrote? It's not about having the link. It's about knowing the other person is looking stuff up and backing their arguments up.
Those people who never link are often those who talk nonsense.

Oh, my internet's slow. Yesterday I did quite a few sources for one post, took me ages, with lots of time just staring at a screen doing nothing.
Trump's people predicted 36,000, then 42,000, but he got 20,000.
Remember when he mocked Rick Perry for having too few in a large space?

The event was originally planned for a hotel ballroom with a few hundred in attendance.
It started growing as more people got interested.
In order to fit the larger numbers they re set the event for the convention center or something..He said it would have held a few thousand..demand continued to grow and they had to move it to a stadium that HOLDS 40 some thousand...

No one EVER predicted he'd get 40,000...When he first scheduled the appearance he was only expecting a couple hundred.
I understand you need to try to find something to mock but keep looking...the event grew 50 times over what was originally expected.
WHOA! 42,000 RSVP to Attend DONALD TRUMP RALLY in Alabama - MASSIVE LINES at Stadium -LIVE FEED - The Gateway Pundit
Post it when you get it. That's the minimum for a topic of debate.


Funny how so many people demand links but never give them themselves.
The ONLY time i demand links is when I'm being a smartass. If i have a sincere interest i will look it up myself.

Good to know.

I like people to provide links, not so I can look it up, but so they I know they have actually looked to see if what they're saying is true.
Get real. It took me under a minute, thanks to that wonderful Internet Al Gore invented.

Did you understand what I wrote? It's not about having the link. It's about knowing the other person is looking stuff up and backing their arguments up.
Those people who never link are often those who talk nonsense.

Oh, my internet's slow. Yesterday I did quite a few sources for one post, took me ages, with lots of time just staring at a screen doing nothing.

You might consider installing ADBlockerPlus, (usually it's free) a lot of crap will disappear and you'll have an easier time navigating.

I also appreciate links whenever possible but I'm thinking you jumped the gun on this thread.
Trump's people predicted 36,000, then 42,000, but he got 20,000.
Remember when he mocked Rick Perry for having too few in a large space?

The event was originally planned for a hotel ballroom with a few hundred in attendance.
It started growing as more people got interested.
In order to fit the larger numbers they re set the event for the convention center or something..He said it would have held a few thousand..demand continued to grow and they had to move it to a stadium that HOLDS 40 some thousand...

No one EVER predicted he'd get 40,000...When he first scheduled the appearance he was only expecting a couple hundred.
I understand you need to try to find something to mock but keep looking...the event grew 50 times over what was originally expected.
WHOA! 42,000 RSVP to Attend DONALD TRUMP RALLY in Alabama - MASSIVE LINES at Stadium -LIVE FEED - The Gateway Pundit
I saw those lines! People in Alabama certainly are patient!
The only question is: when Trump is gone, will Trump supporters return to this and similar threads and admit that they were wrong, particularly if Trump helps get a democrat elected president.
The only question is: when Trump is gone, will Trump supporters return to this and similar threads and admit that they were wrong, particularly if Trump helps get a democrat elected president.
if he gets elected will you put that ^ as your sig line for his entire term? :cool-45:

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