Just Wondering Can MAGA Republicans Admit the Birther Scandal was a hoax and a Lie?

Can you admit Trump was lying about Obama's Birth Certificate?

  • Yes

    Votes: 2 33.3%
  • No

    Votes: 4 66.7%

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The Banker

Diamond Member
Oct 24, 2017
When you look back we forget how serious and foretelling the fake BS Birther Scandal was. 1) It was the first taste of trump's racist undertones used to appeal to the less educated Republican voters and/or racist Americans. 2) It was the first sign that Trump will tell any lie no matter how crazy and people will believe these crazy lies no matter what. 3) It was the start of the cult of Trump and the MAGA republicans

Trump has admitted that Obama has his US Birth Certificate, which means the whole scandal was a lie and total Bull shit, and a ploy.

Seeing how the republicans of America have such a hard time admitting mistakes and criticizing Trump, I am wondering if people can admit the Trump was full if shit when he questioned Obama's Birth Certificate, and it was all a ploy?

When you look back we forget how serious and foretelling the fake BS Birther Scandal was. 1) It was the first taste of trump's racist undertones used to appeal to the less educated Republican voters and/or racist Americans. 2) It was the first sign that Trump will tell any lie no matter how crazy and people will believe these crazy lies no matter what. 3) It was the start of the cult of Trump and the MAGA republicans

Trump has admitted that Obama has his US Birth Certificate, which means the whole scandal was a lie and total Bull shit, and a ploy.

Seeing how the republicans of America have such a hard time admitting mistakes and criticizing Trump, I am wondering if people can admit the Trump was full if shit when he questioned Obama's Birth Certificate, and it was all a ploy?

Which 'hoax'? Obama? Nikki Haley?
I mean what the fuck, at this stage you must really be missing your penis, only meaning left your vile existence is to troll, was it worth it, chopping off that little sucker, look upon the ruin it has wrought you, all the amputation of your penis left you is this pathetic and uncontrollable urge to troll... Oh well, you could move to Canada and apply for government assisted suicide, that might help matters a bit.... :banana:
Donald Trump NEVER stated publicly that B. Obama was not born in the U.S., or that he lacked a birth certificate. He merely pointed out (and mocked) that the aforesaid politician allowed the suspicions about his birthplace to fester for years, when he could have silenced them quickly and emphatically simply by releasing a copy of his birth certificate. Or even a copy of the BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT from the local Honolulu newspaper.

Anyone reasonably familiar with the relevant Constitutional Law knows that the place of Obama's birth WOULD HAVE NO EFFECT on his citizenship. Indeed, if he had been popped in the fucking Kremlin(!), he would still be a "natural born citizen," as required by Article 2 of the Constitution, because his mother was a U.S. citizen.

I challenge the OP to provide a single quotation from Trump that contradicts my first paragraph above. I won't hold my breath. Such quotations do not exist.

Now who is the conspiracy theorist?

and we never will....because it IS the truth and not a hoax.

Can MAGA Republicans Admit the Birther Scandal was a hoax and a Lie?​

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When you look back we forget how serious and foretelling the fake BS Birther Scandal was. 1) It was the first taste of trump's racist undertones used to appeal to the less educated Republican voters and/or racist Americans. 2) It was the first sign that Trump will tell any lie no matter how crazy and people will believe these crazy lies no matter what. 3) It was the start of the cult of Trump and the MAGA republicans

Trump has admitted that Obama has his US Birth Certificate, which means the whole scandal was a lie and total Bull shit, and a ploy.

Seeing how the republicans of America have such a hard time admitting mistakes and criticizing Trump, I am wondering if people can admit the Trump was full if shit when he questioned Obama's Birth Certificate, and it was all a ploy?

What's to admit?

The “Birther” theory was never believed by more than the outer fringes of Republicans/conservatives. If not for those of you on the left wrong seizing on it, as expressed by a few kooks and outliers, and then trying to paint all of conservatism by false association therewith, most of us probably never even would have heard of it.

Aside from whatever claims about where Obama was actually born, I don't think very many have tried to deny although I have seen a rather convoluted and dubious attempt at making the case) that Obama's mother was an American citizen, and therefore, by birth, so was Barack Obama.
When you look back we forget how serious and foretelling the fake BS Birther Scandal was. 1) It was the first taste of trump's racist undertones used to appeal to the less educated Republican voters and/or racist Americans. 2) It was the first sign that Trump will tell any lie no matter how crazy and people will believe these crazy lies no matter what. 3) It was the start of the cult of Trump and the MAGA republicans

Trump has admitted that Obama has his US Birth Certificate, which means the whole scandal was a lie and total Bull shit, and a ploy.

Seeing how the republicans of America have such a hard time admitting mistakes and criticizing Trump, I am wondering if people can admit the Trump was full if shit when he questioned Obama's Birth Certificate, and it was all a ploy?

It does not matter, the damage has been done and it continues.
Anyone reasonably familiar with the relevant Constitutional Law knows that the place of Obama's birth WOULD HAVE NO EFFECT on his citizenship. Indeed, if he had been popped in the fucking Kremlin(!), he would still be a "natural born citizen," as required by Article 2 of the Constitution, because his mother was a U.S. citizen.
Bullshit. A Natural Born Citizen of the USA is someone who was born in the USA to parents who are U.S. citizens.

Barack Hussein Obama Jr's father was never a U.S. citizen, he was a foreign exchange student. And in his third autobiography Obama emphatically states that he was born a British subject and he NEVER says that he was a natural born US citizen.

The advertisement for his first book clearly states that he was born in Kenya. Why would he allow that if it wasn't true?

In a speech after he left office, Obama publicly confessed to the world that he was from Kenya.

Face it, Obama usurped the US presidency.
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You are wrong, Muhammad. Simply, entirely wrong. Barry's mother was a natural born, U.S. citizen. End of discussion.

Even Ted Cruz, born in some third-world empire (Canada, I think) passes the test because his parents had been naturalized before he was born.
Donald Trump NEVER stated publicly that B. Obama was not born in the U.S., or that he lacked a birth certificate. He merely pointed out (and mocked) that the aforesaid politician allowed the suspicions about his birthplace to fester for years, when he could have silenced them quickly and emphatically simply by releasing a copy of his birth certificate. Or even a copy of the BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT from the local Honolulu newspaper.

Anyone reasonably familiar with the relevant Constitutional Law knows that the place of Obama's birth WOULD HAVE NO EFFECT on his citizenship. Indeed, if he had been popped in the fucking Kremlin(!), he would still be a "natural born citizen," as required by Article 2 of the Constitution, because his mother was a U.S. citizen.

I challenge the OP to provide a single quotation from Trump that contradicts my first paragraph above. I won't hold my breath. Such quotations do not exist.

Now who is the conspiracy theorist?
While Trump was worrying about Obama's birth certificate, he should have been making his tax returns public.
When you look back we forget how serious and foretelling the fake BS Birther Scandal was. 1) It was the first taste of trump's racist undertones used to appeal to the less educated Republican voters and/or racist Americans. 2) It was the first sign that Trump will tell any lie no matter how crazy and people will believe these crazy lies no matter what. 3) It was the start of the cult of Trump and the MAGA republicans

Trump has admitted that Obama has his US Birth Certificate, which means the whole scandal was a lie and total Bull shit, and a ploy.

Seeing how the republicans of America have such a hard time admitting mistakes and criticizing Trump, I am wondering if people can admit the Trump was full if shit when he questioned Obama's Birth Certificate, and it was all a ploy?

Naaaaaah, it had nothing to do with Trump at all.

It was from earlier elections featuring OBAMA, not Hillary and Trump!! My goodness. History, people, know your history.

It was a wonderful symbolic rejection of Obama. Saying he was not a citizen by law meant he didn't belong; not one of us; fraudulent; not our kind of folks, and drawing attention to his truly disgusting parental history.

It was obvious all along that it wasn't real, but it had its own truth.
When you look back we forget how serious and foretelling the fake BS Birther Scandal was. 1) It was the first taste of trump's racist undertones used to appeal to the less educated Republican voters and/or racist Americans. 2) It was the first sign that Trump will tell any lie no matter how crazy and people will believe these crazy lies no matter what. 3) It was the start of the cult of Trump and the MAGA republicans

Trump has admitted that Obama has his US Birth Certificate, which means the whole scandal was a lie and total Bull shit, and a ploy.

Seeing how the republicans of America have such a hard time admitting mistakes and criticizing Trump, I am wondering if people can admit the Trump was full if shit when he questioned Obama's Birth Certificate, and it was all a ploy?

Back to the archives again, eh?
It’s not an article, it’s the sleeve on his book. Was he too busy to fact check his own book for errors? Personally, I don’t care where he was born. He was a shit president who pushed shit policies.
There are very few US Presidents who weren't "shit" Presidents. For example, out of the first 16 Presidents, all but 3, were slaveowners. The ones who weren't slaveowners were John Adams, Quincy Adams and Abraham Lincoln.
There are very few US Presidents who weren't "shit" Presidents. For example, out of the first 16 Presidents, all but 3, were slaveowners. The ones who weren't slaveowners were John Adams, Quincy Adams and Abraham Lincoln.
Whataboutism is a tacit admission of agreement. Thanks.

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