'Justice' In The Police State: Police Burn Dorner To Death...

How many people care that there was a fire?

Not many. The owners will be able to collect on their fire insurance. Then the evil and greedy capitalists can rent it out again.
I also heard an officer saying to secure the back in case dorner ran out that way. They were trying to get him out of the building not necessarily burn him to death.

Maybe, but they did burn him to death. That's the reality.
Exactly! As they burned 21 innocent children to death at Waco.

As the song goes, it's getting to be a habit with them. But the problem is they do it covertly then deny it, which is a very dangerous precedent to be setting. We The People should decide if this is the way we want our police to handle situations like Waco and other holdouts..

The tear gas canisters used at Waco, and apparently in this example, burn off at 2800f. In a wooden structure like the Waco residence and this old log cabin there is no question that a fire will be started. If this is what the public representative wants, then the police are authorized to do it. But only in a police state are police presumed to have such arbitrary discretion.

So the question is who authorized the use of those canisters at Waco and in this most recent example?

Big Brother controls the information. Most Americans still believe their Government didn't burn all those innocent men, women, and children to death at Waco. The Government/Media Complex lies. That's just the nature of that beast.
Maybe, but they did burn him to death. That's the reality.

Probably not. There was a report of a single gunshot. That was likely when he shot himself.

Yes, and he probably started the fire himself too. Lets see, where have we heard that one before?

Regardless how the fire started, you have still failed to explain how a person can be "burned alive" when he has a way out. Or if we count the suicide gun, two ways out.
Maybe, but they did burn him to death. That's the reality.

Probably not. There was a report of a single gunshot. That was likely when he shot himself.

Yes, and he probably started the fire himself too. Lets see, where have we heard that one before?
It was confirmed by the reporter who was on scene, the one who recorded the firefight, that the shot came from inside the cabin.

There's no fuckin' conspiracy here.

Seriously, go seek help for your constant paranoia....you obviously need it.
I don't have any sympathy for a Cop killer. I have three friends and co-workers engraved on the Police Officer National memorial shot and killed in the line of duty (look them up if you want Bill Fitzgerald, Kenny Grant, Gary Stimolowski) but I draw the line at burning a suspect out of hiding. LAPD had to know that the tear gas canisters would spark a fire. Did they consider that innocent people might be imprisoned in the cabin?

Yeah, is this Justice in this new Police State? More Americans better start contemplating that question. It doesn't matter how you feel about Dorner.
I bet most Americans still believe their Government didn't burn all those innocent men, women, and children to death at Waco. Definitely Red Pill time for America.

I'll bet that most Americans have forgotten that David Koresh and his Branch Davidians killed six ATF agents, and that they had a large cache of automatic weapons, IEDs, and other illegal weapons.
The Davidians killed those ATF agents in what a Texas criminal court decided was self defense and dismissed all charges. Because according to Texas law that raid was unlawful (no warrant presented or possessed by the raiders) and an equal level of defensive force was justified (see Sections 9.32, 9.33, and 9.34 of Texas Penal Law.) Too bad Federal Law makes no such provision.

Also, you are quite mistaken about automatic weapons. The Davidians had no automatic weapons. No automatic weapon fire issued from the Davidians residence during the standoff and no automatic weapons were recovered from the ruins.

I'll also bet that most Americans have forgotten that David Koresh was a pedophile who raped girls in his Branch Davidian group as young as 12 years old, forced all married men in his group to surrender their wives to him, and Koresh fathered almost 20 children in his group of under 100 "believers".
Both the local Sheriff (Jack Harwell) and the Texas Department of Social Services investigated the charges of child molestation lodged against David Koresh by the jealous husband of a Davidian woman who left him to be with Koresh. All those charges were determined to be unfounded. But even if they were valid charges they would be well outside the jurisdiction of the BATF.

I'll bet that all people in this forum with functioning brains are wondering WHY "paulitician" is defending a cold-blooded murderer like Dorner, and a murderer and rapist and pedophile like David Koresh.
Paulitician is not defending anyone. He is condemning the precipitous and morally reprehensible actions of certain law enforcement agencies and the increasingly militaristic nature of law enforcement in America.

It appears that you read into these situations the things you wish to believe. Here is a link to some well researched facts about the Waco Siege: The Davidian Massacre -- Chpt. 05

Someone is listening. Thanks Mike.
I don't have any sympathy for a Cop killer. I have three friends and co-workers engraved on the Police Officer National memorial shot and killed in the line of duty (look them up if you want Bill Fitzgerald, Kenny Grant, Gary Stimolowski) but I draw the line at burning a suspect out of hiding. LAPD had to know that the tear gas canisters would spark a fire. Did they consider that innocent people might be imprisoned in the cabin?

Yeah, is this Justice in this new Police State? More Americans better start contemplating that question. It doesn't matter how you feel about Dorner.

It doesn't matter how you feel about Dorner. It matters about how you feel about targeting the police and killing innocent people. The question to be contemplated is "If I post a manifesto about killing people, then start actually murdering those solely in my judgment who deserve it, will I end up a cinder in some mountain cabin?" That's the question.

Just like the question to be contemplated by Dykes was how he felt about killing a bus driver and kidnapping a 5 year old boy. He ended up so full of holes he looked like hamburger. But, there was no fire! Like a fire changes anything.

Dykes was white and didn't target police. He's just bad and deserved what he got. Dorner on the other hand is black and targeted the police. That makes him the good guy. Like Mumia, or Tookie Williams, both good guys.

You know who didn't think Dorner was a hero? His mother. She watched her son go up in flames on a tv set in a bar where she was enjoying a glass of wine and some chips. What kind of person is it that has created so much misery that his mother can watch him die while she is drinking wine and eating chips in a bar?

If you want a question to contemplate, try that one.
Someone is listening. Thanks Mike.

And someone else is frantically moving his own goalposts:
Thread title: 'Justice' In The Police State: Police Burn Dorner To Death...

How so?
You have yet to show the evidence that they "burned Dorner to death?

Christ, all the evidence thus far points to him taking his own life.....It was confirmed by a reporter, someone who has absolutely nothing to do with law enforcement, that the last shot came from inside the cabin.
And someone else is frantically moving his own goalposts:
Thread title: 'Justice' In The Police State: Police Burn Dorner To Death...

How so?
You have yet to show the evidence that they "burned Dorner to death?

Christ, all the evidence thus far points to him taking his own life.....It was confirmed by a reporter, someone who has absolutely nothing to do with law enforcement, that the last shot came from inside the cabin.

Oh well, if a reporter said it?...
Dorner claimed he was framed and did not murder anyone.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=24IGirE-HuM]21WIRE: Dorner Framed? Guest Chris Kitze on LAPD 'Waco' Kill, CNN Fakery - YouTube[/ame]
Did the po widdle lefties get their panties in a wad because they were cheated of their free mumia moment?

These things really aren't Left/Right issues. They're much much bigger than that.

To the left, Dorner is a superhero. He got smoked. Literally. Now the left wants to drag out some kind of perceived injustice! What the left really wanted was a few more dead bodies. They wanted Dorner rage acted out on the unjust cops. That's what they wanted.
Absolutely ludicrous. The 'left' does not identify with this person. Why would you make such a completely idiotic statement? It's just silly and pathetic. Is it the type of thing you would do, if someone who liked GW Bush did something like this, you'd consider him a hero? Are you projecting onto the 'left' what you would do in this situation? Your post is just so foolish and childish.
'Burn it Down' – Dorner's hideout deliberately torched by LAPD as dramatic manhunt ends

US Police were heard on Los Angeles TV and over LAPD audio yelling to burn down fugitive ex-cop Chris Dorner’s cabin, revealing a deliberate, considered plan to torch the building in which Dorner was believed to be hiding.

*Local news channel Kcal9 has played a recording in which police were heard to yell “burn this mother*****r down,” and another shouting, “f*****g burn this mother*****r,” as Dorner was barricaded inside his hideout.

The news followed an LAPD audio recording in which a police officer is heard to say, “Alright, we're gonna go ahead with the plan with the burners,” and continued, saying, “like we talked about,” as his colleague confirmed he is in agreement.

During a Wednesday press conference, the San Bernadino County Sheriff claimed that law enforcement did not "intentionally" set fire to the cabin.

Dorner had barricaded himself in the cabin in the San Bernardino Mountains near Big Bear, Los Angeles. The drawn-out and dramatic manhunt culminated with a siege and shootout.

His hideout cabin was apparently set alight after attempts to force him out using smoke bombs and teargas failed. The message “surrender or come out,” had been blasted into the building by law enforcement officials, and the media was ordered to shut off their live feeds during the stand-off.

Hundreds watched the building go up in flames. It was unknown what had caused the fire. Nobody had been seen attempting to escape, and a charred body was later recovered from the wreckage, leading to the widespread belief that Dorner had been burned alive. However, no one has been formally identified – it may take days for the authorities to officially confirm that it was Dorner...

'Burn it Down' ? Dorner's hideout deliberately torched by LAPD as dramatic manhunt ends ? RT
I have no sympathy on him. Saves the tax payers for him to spend time in jail and feed and house him. I just hope they pay these homeowners for burning their house down though.
CNN had a panel discussing Dorner's heroism.

Oh, and Free Mumia while you're at it.

Amazing. When I linked to the conspiracy-wacko site called "Before It's News" I thought I was providing an extreme/satirical example, as a joke. Here's the OP actually using that site. Not only that but invoking this video immediately after dismissing a report of a suicide shot because it was a "reporter". Just as the same poster denounced CNN over here based on his reliable source of Alex Jones to make the point. That's right -- Alex Jones. :rofl:

So again: news reporter unreliable; "Before it's News", credible. CNN unreliable; Alex Jones credible.
.... Even though the gaping holes in both arguments have had the proverbial trucks driven through them.

You may need more than logic lessons, P. You may need a psychologist.

Stay tuned for the shocking revelation that the entire cabin scene was staged in front of a green screen. On the moon. And directed by a dead Paul McCartney. That's what the "Paul" in Paulitiican really means you know. McCartney was killed by Anderson Cooper and the CIA because he knew too much about LBJ shooting Kennedy. Andy Kaufman told me that. He's right here. Elvis brought him over.

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No reasonable person has anything sympathy for this man.

He brought it on himself.

Just like Randy Weaver and family, once you point a gun at a peace officer, all bets are off. You're fucked and good riddance.

Call in the drones, I say.

Yeah, but you'd like to shoot anyone refusing to take a loyalty oath to Obama in the streets.

I'm just sayin....

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