Justifiable use of deadly force or not?

Justifiable use of deadly force or not?

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Would it be ok for a child to do this on the play ground? Since when does the punishment for assault involve the DEATH PENALTY? Has anyone ever been given the death penalty for pushing a man to the ground in the United States?
He didn't get a death penalty, he got shot for attacking a man with a gun. He got what he deserved.
He backed away when the gun was drawn.

It'd be nice to now what was said in the moment he recovered from the violent shove.
Retreating is retreating. And he was unarmed. No excuse to go any further and shoot.

Wrong.... you saw the attack from the video, the victim saw the attack after violently experiencing it...big freaking difference.
He started it, big difference..
He didn't get a death penalty, he got shot for attacking a man with a gun. He got what he deserved.
He backed away when the gun was drawn.

It'd be nice to now what was said in the moment he recovered from the violent shove.
Retreating is retreating. And he was unarmed. No excuse to go any further and shoot.

Wrong.... you saw the attack from the video, the victim saw the attack after violently experiencing it...big freaking difference.
Not when it comes to shooting someone dead. You are opening the door to legitimizing killing a person for almost any reason under the vague term of “fear”.

No moron...... the victim on the ground saw a completely different attacker than you did from your home watching a video from the corner of the store, you dumb ass....
Do you know he was threatening anyone

There was no audio

Look no matter how you slice it the guy yelling was assaulted by the much larger guy

Would you feel your life might be in danger if a guy who was much bigger than you blindsided you and knocked you on your ass?
If I was knocked on my ace, and I pulled my piece that made the attacker stop and back up therefore showing me that it was over, then knowing me I wouldn't have shot the guy.

I would have held him there until the police arrived, but this cat I think knowing that he was in the wrong "killed" his prime witness before the cops got there. See how that worked ?? Dead guy's cant talk can they ?

How is he the prime witness? He didnt see anything.
I'd say the wife or whatever she is would be considered the prime witness.
Not prime your right, but still elliminating the witness who knew what he did probably served two purposes. It got rid of who he knew would be compassionate about barbequing his ace in court, and placing fear in the woman and her children who would talk against him. Now he has this women and children in fear for their lives.

Uuuuh.....the video pretty much shows what happened.
Girl and kids sitting in car. Weird dude yelling from 5 or 6 feet away.
Guy comes out of store and jacks the dude blindside.

Getting rid of what witness?
The guy shot wasn't a witness ?

Witness to what?
He ran out the door and slammed the dude.
Would it be ok for a child to do this on the play ground? Since when does the punishment for assault involve the DEATH PENALTY? Has anyone ever been given the death penalty for pushing a man to the ground in the United States?
He didn't get a death penalty, he got shot for attacking a man with a gun. He got what he deserved.
He backed away when the gun was drawn.

It'd be nice to now what was said in the moment he recovered from the violent shove.
Retreating is retreating. And he was unarmed. No excuse to go any further and shoot.

Have you read this thread from the beginning?
Somehow I doubt it since this is your first foray into the discusion and your response doesnt fit with my narrative.
Anyone entering the discussion is viewing the video and commenting. Not sure why they need to find a theme or narrative here.
He backed away when the gun was drawn.

It'd be nice to now what was said in the moment he recovered from the violent shove.
Retreating is retreating. And he was unarmed. No excuse to go any further and shoot.

Wrong.... you saw the attack from the video, the victim saw the attack after violently experiencing it...big freaking difference.
Not when it comes to shooting someone dead. You are opening the door to legitimizing killing a person for almost any reason under the vague term of “fear”.

No moron...... the victim on the ground saw a completely different attacker than you did from your home watching a video from the corner of the store, you dumb ass....
He has the gun. The attacker stopped. No reason to go further.
It will also make a difference that the attacker stayed squared up with the attacker and didn't turn away from him...
Would you turn your back on a gun?

I wouldn't push someone who was arguing over a parking space. Then I would put my hands up to show I wasn't a threat.

Ya gotta love the people who think starting shit with some guy while you're surrounded by your wife and kids is a good idea.
You get your family away as fast as you can.
No reason to expose them to potential violence or gun play.
It'd be nice to now what was said in the moment he recovered from the violent shove.
Retreating is retreating. And he was unarmed. No excuse to go any further and shoot.

Wrong.... you saw the attack from the video, the victim saw the attack after violently experiencing it...big freaking difference.
Not when it comes to shooting someone dead. You are opening the door to legitimizing killing a person for almost any reason under the vague term of “fear”.

No moron...... the victim on the ground saw a completely different attacker than you did from your home watching a video from the corner of the store, you dumb ass....
He has the gun. The attacker stopped. No reason to go further.

And if you studied self defense you would know that it isn't that simple after you have been violently attacked.... you ability to perceive time and distance and your visual awareness are reduced....... ever been in a car accident? The same effect as the attack.
If I was knocked on my ace, and I pulled my piece that made the attacker stop and back up therefore showing me that it was over, then knowing me I wouldn't have shot the guy.

I would have held him there until the police arrived, but this cat I think knowing that he was in the wrong "killed" his prime witness before the cops got there. See how that worked ?? Dead guy's cant talk can they ?

How is he the prime witness? He didnt see anything.
I'd say the wife or whatever she is would be considered the prime witness.
Not prime your right, but still elliminating the witness who knew what he did probably served two purposes. It got rid of who he knew would be compassionate about barbequing his ace in court, and placing fear in the woman and her children who would talk against him. Now he has this women and children in fear for their lives.

Uuuuh.....the video pretty much shows what happened.
Girl and kids sitting in car. Weird dude yelling from 5 or 6 feet away.
Guy comes out of store and jacks the dude blindside.

Getting rid of what witness?
The guy shot wasn't a witness ?

Witness to what?
He ran out the door and slammed the dude.
He saw quickly the man badgering his girlfriend, wife or who ever she was, and you didn't see that ?? Hmmm.
It will also make a difference that the attacker stayed squared up with the attacker and didn't turn away from him...
Would you turn your back on a gun?

I wouldn't push someone who was arguing over a parking space. Then I would put my hands up to show I wasn't a threat.
If your family was involved, you don't know what you might do.

yes....I do.... I would not walk up to another person and shove them violently to the ground. This attacker obviously has a history of violence... normal people don't go straight to the physical assault in public, in a verbal altercation.....

Notice that they haven't talked about the attackers background or history? The same way they hid trayvon martin's history and the gentle giant's history....
He didn't get a death penalty, he got shot for attacking a man with a gun. He got what he deserved.
He backed away when the gun was drawn.

It'd be nice to now what was said in the moment he recovered from the violent shove.
Retreating is retreating. And he was unarmed. No excuse to go any further and shoot.

Have you read this thread from the beginning?
Somehow I doubt it since this is your first foray into the discusion and your response doesnt fit with my narrative.
Anyone entering the discussion is viewing the video and commenting. Not sure why they need to find a theme or narrative here.

If Coyote is going to comment on my position on the subject the only way she can be partial is to know my true position on the matter.
She skipped all that.
How is he the prime witness? He didnt see anything.
I'd say the wife or whatever she is would be considered the prime witness.
Not prime your right, but still elliminating the witness who knew what he did probably served two purposes. It got rid of who he knew would be compassionate about barbequing his ace in court, and placing fear in the woman and her children who would talk against him. Now he has this women and children in fear for their lives.

Uuuuh.....the video pretty much shows what happened.
Girl and kids sitting in car. Weird dude yelling from 5 or 6 feet away.
Guy comes out of store and jacks the dude blindside.

Getting rid of what witness?
The guy shot wasn't a witness ?

Witness to what?
He ran out the door and slammed the dude.
He saw quickly the man badgering his girlfriend, wife or who ever she was, and you didn't see that ?? Hmmm.

He had no idea what was said before he attacked the dude.
Retreating is retreating. And he was unarmed. No excuse to go any further and shoot.

Wrong.... you saw the attack from the video, the victim saw the attack after violently experiencing it...big freaking difference.
Not when it comes to shooting someone dead. You are opening the door to legitimizing killing a person for almost any reason under the vague term of “fear”.

No moron...... the victim on the ground saw a completely different attacker than you did from your home watching a video from the corner of the store, you dumb ass....
He has the gun. The attacker stopped. No reason to go further.

And if you studied self defense you would know that it isn't that simple after you have been violently attacked.... you ability to perceive time and distance and your visual awareness are reduced....... ever been in a car accident? The same effect as the attack.
Seems to me that when some has a gun then, they are far to quick to use it. The assaulter was unarmed. It was a public place with other people around. He started the confrontation. The video showed good distance between them.

That man should not have been killed.
Here is a better view of the attack....the attacker kept advancing after he pushed and didn't put up his hands as the gun came out..... he was still percieved as a threat by the victim.

Justifiable use of deadly force or not?

In the link below is an article with a video that shows a "stand your ground" incident in Clearwater Florida. A women illegally parked in a handicapped spot and got into an argument with a man who confronted her about it. The women's boyfriend, who was in the store at the time, comes out to see the argument and pushes the man to the ground. With the man on the ground he pulls out a gun and aims at the man who assaulted him. The man who committed the assault then backs up. Despite backing away, the man fires his gun anyways hitting the man in the chest. The injured man then runs into the store where he collapses on the ground and dies in front of his five your old son.

My opinion:

Both the women and her boyfriend committed illegal acts which led to the incident. But, I do not feel the man who was assaulted was justified in shooting his attacker. The Attacker had backed off after the gun was pulled. Parking in handicap spot and pushing someone to the ground or both illegal, but punishment for those actions would never warrant the death penalty. Had the attacker continued to assault or move towards the man pushed to the ground, then you might have a case where shooting the gun might be warranted. But that is not what happened. The attacker backed away after the gun was pulled. Then he was shot and killed, dying in front of his five year old son in the store. The man has two other children as well.

I've seen people get pushed to the ground like that in the school yard. Its wrong, you have a right to defend yourself. But in this case, taking another mans life was NOT justified. Call the police and the film of the incident would be enough evidence to punish the attacker in an appropriate manner.

The article and video of the incident are in the link below:


media link from youtube:

Whelp --- once again this is what gun fetishism and its psycho companion the idea that the answer to every situation is to shoot at it, leads to. As if we hadn't figured it out eons ago.
He backed away when the gun was drawn.

It'd be nice to now what was said in the moment he recovered from the violent shove.
Retreating is retreating. And he was unarmed. No excuse to go any further and shoot.

Have you read this thread from the beginning?
Somehow I doubt it since this is your first foray into the discusion and your response doesnt fit with my narrative.
Anyone entering the discussion is viewing the video and commenting. Not sure why they need to find a theme or narrative here.

If Coyote is going to comment on my position on the subject the only way she can be partial is to know my true position on the matter.
She skipped all that.
I viewed the video, did not all 65 pages of the thread.
It will also make a difference that the attacker stayed squared up with the attacker and didn't turn away from him...
Would you turn your back on a gun?
If I was retreating post haste
Had a rogue cop at night pull a gun on me by mistake. I never turned my back on him. I walked backwards with my hands up towards my vehicle, and I never turned my back to him. May not have been right, but it's what I did.

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