Kasich commits political suicide

And again, Bedowin......if the poll questions recognized that the immigrants were here illegally, would you stop ignoring the polls?

If not, then your 'bet' that the polls didn't mention that the immigrants were illegal is just another pathetic excuse to ignore evidence that you don't want to believe.
how stupid are you going to look crying a posted things that didnt have to do with the topic when i re-post your laundry list of things you said earlier about how republicans are out of touch with the majority???

seriously are you retarded??????
And again, Bedowin......if the poll questions recognized that the immigrants were here illegally, would you stop ignoring the polls?

If not, then your 'bet' that the polls didn't mention that the immigrants were illegal is just another pathetic excuse to ignore evidence that you don't want to believe.

i answered this

go cry

Is there any possibility that you could address the discussion and stop the insults. It makes you into a joke.
5 out of the last 6 posts has you directly insulting people.

I said this before, if you are resorting to insulting people it means you have lost the debate.

bedowin, you make hard to see if you even have a case due to your constant insulting of other members of this board.

There is no hope of that.

As for the topic; I think educated persons (of which most of whom you see on television are) tend to endorse either passively or overtly good ideas. Most GOP ideas are simply put; bad.

When you look at the world spending on militaries; we spend 50 cents of every dollar spent on the military; world wide. This includes something like more than the next 12 highest countries spend combined (11 of them are allies).

When you look at the economy, ours is based on consumerism. When wages are stagnated by business owners who are trying to please wall street's investment community by having greater profits (thus spend less on labor); the economy drags.

When you look at taxes and we have a tax code that allows dividend income to be taxed lower than labor-income, it is no wonder that the disparity in wealth widens each year between those that are affluent and those that are not.

When you look at what the current and recent past GOP nominees for President endorsed, it was more military spending, opposition to higher wages through a minimum wage hike, and a tax code that calls for the affluent to pay even less.

There is no liberal bias. There is probably in intelligence bias. The GOP is not intelligent. Sorry.
The last two presidential elections no conservatives showed up to the polls just Rinos...

Your perception is my point. The fringe right perception of 'conservative' is so narrow, so exclusionary, so extreme.....that almost no republicans meet it. No moderates do. And obviously no liberals do.

In all of congress......perhaps 40 folks meet your definition. And among the general public, fewer still.

Actually, most Americans support lower taxes, balanced budgets, and secured borders. It's too bad the Republican Party got hijacked by Neocon/Progressive assholes. It's time to clean house.
So what? Most Americans support Medicare and Medicaid too. Most Americans want to have their cake and eat it too. Sane politicians realize tough choices have to be made that will be largely unpopular.

Bigger Government and Open Borders is not what most Republicans want. And they haven't been properly represented. It's time to change that.

We don't have 'open borders'. And on virtually every policy position by your hard right fringe, the American public is on the other side.

They oppose PP funding. The American people support it.
They oppose same sex marriage. The American people support it.
They oppose raising the minimum wage. The American people support it.
They oppose there being a minimum wage. The American people support it.
They oppose any global warming measures. The American people support it.
They denounce the very idea of climate change. The American people support it.
They oppose expanding environmental protections. The American people support it.
They oppose improving ties with Cuba. The American people support improved relations with Cuba.
They want an expanded role for the US military overseas. The American people don't.
They oppose immigration reform. The American people support it.
They support the Tea Party. Americans overwhelminly don't with support at record low.
They support lowering capital gains taxes. Most Americans support raising them.
They oppose net neutrality. The American people support it.
They oppose a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants. The American people support it.

this is you going off topic what, 10 or 11 times? IN ONE POST???

idiots and hypocrites
The GOP plans for Medicare is a sure fire loser for the GOP.
Going to a voucher system would end up putting millions and millions of fixed income seniors in the uninsured catogory. They want base the annual voucher increase on inflation. The problem with that is that the cost of healthcare/insurance has increased much more than the inflation rate. Between 1999-2009 which is before Obamacare, healthcare insurance increased 131%, inflation rose 38%. Clearly, senior citizens would be unable to afford healthcare insurance in no time.
The GOP plan is the kiss of death for millions of seniors. Kinda like a slow genocide.
Kasich realizes this
Obamacare is unacceptable, I will just pay the fine through the IRS much simpler that way, I will pay out of pocket if needed anyway.

My comment was about Medicare, not Obamacare, which I have never supported.

Is there any possibility that you could address the discussion and stop the insults. It makes you into a joke.
5 out of the last 6 posts has you directly insulting people.

I said this before, if you are resorting to insulting people it means you have lost the debate.

bedowin, you make hard to see if you even have a case due to your constant insulting of other members of this board.

There is no hope of that.

As for the topic; I think educated persons (of which most of whom you see on television are) tend to endorse either passively or overtly good ideas. Most GOP ideas are simply put; bad.

When you look at the world spending on militaries; we spend 50 cents of every dollar spent on the military; world wide. This includes something like more than the next 12 highest countries spend combined (11 of them are allies).

When you look at the economy, ours is based on consumerism. When wages are stagnated by business owners who are trying to please wall street's investment community by having greater profits (thus spend less on labor); the economy drags.

When you look at taxes and we have a tax code that allows dividend income to be taxed lower than labor-income, it is no wonder that the disparity in wealth widens each year between those that are affluent and those that are not.

When you look at what the current and recent past GOP nominees for President endorsed, it was more military spending, opposition to higher wages through a minimum wage hike, and a tax code that calls for the affluent to pay even less.

There is no liberal bias. There is probably in intelligence bias. The GOP is not intelligent. Sorry.

LOOK at the left-wing loser actually stupid enough, unaware and not cognizant of the fact she is replying to a post whining about me insulting people and parties with.......................................

wait for it.........................
wait for it.........................................................


a petty insult

and you morons wonder why, just because you smugly say things and insist you are more intelligent, that you still get laughed at and DISMISSED/?????
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YOU KEEP CRYING that i'm avodiing things that are inconveniant, running away from things.

can you agree, at a minimum that your question regarding people polled "supporting a path to citizenship" is relevant to the point of just what that "path" involves/?

can YOU be a man and not run away this time????
now i wil try again

do a majority of Americans; even if you frame it using the words illegal OR just immigrant, support what OBAMA is proposing as that "path to citizenship" you keep harping on???

is that too tough for you genius?????
bedowin62 said:
how stupid are you going to look crying a posted things that didnt have to do with the topic when i re-post your laundry list of things you said earlier about how republicans are out of touch with the majority???

seriously are you retarded??????

Read the OP. Kasich explicitly criticized the GOP party and the modern conservative movement. He cited example after example of issues that are getting support in the party that the rest of the country doesn't back. And I've offered further examples on the exact same front.

Um, where did anyone in the OP mention your red herring of the 'leftists' directly equating 'capitalism' with a 'democratic republic'?

Here's the OP:

Kasich commits political suicide | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Show me any mention of any of your inane, irrelevant blather. Or admit you're desperately trying to change the topic. As you clearly won't discuss Kasich, his criticisms of the GOP, the conservative movement, or the incompatibility of most fringe right policies and the support of the majority of Americans.

Keep running
if you want civility then give it. if you want to whine about going off topic then dont go off topic yourself.
bedowin62 said:
how stupid are you going to look crying a posted things that didnt have to do with the topic when i re-post your laundry list of things you said earlier about how republicans are out of touch with the majority???

seriously are you retarded??????

Read the OP. Kasich explicitly criticized the GOP party and the modern conservative movement. He cited example after example of issues that are getting support in the party that the rest of the country doesn't back. And I've offered further examples on the exact same front.

Um, where did anyone in the OP mention your red herring of the 'leftists' directly equating 'capitalism' with a 'democratic republic'?

Here's the OP:

Kasich commits political suicide | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Show me any mention of any of your inane, irrelevant blather. Or admit you're desperately trying to change the topic. As you clearly won't discuss Kasich, his criticisms of the GOP, the conservative movement, or the incompatibility of most fringe right policies and the support of the majority of Americans.

Keep running


did you not see my post above?

you are nobody to talk of going off topic

keep trying..............
YOU KEEP CRYING that i'm avodiing things that are inconveniant, running away from things.

can you agree, at a minimum that your question regarding people polled "supporting a path to citizenship" is relevant to the point of just what that "path" involves/?

Not to you. As all three polls acknowledged that the immigrants were here illegally. And you ignored them anyway.

Which is my point. You don't care how something is phrased. You don't care what question was asked. You don't even care who was asked, or who did the asking.

You only care about whether the answer affirms what you want to believe. If it does, you accept it. If it doesn't, you ignore it.

Exactly as you did all three polls that contradicted you.
bedowin62 said:
how stupid are you going to look crying a posted things that didnt have to do with the topic when i re-post your laundry list of things you said earlier about how republicans are out of touch with the majority???

seriously are you retarded??????

Read the OP. Kasich explicitly criticized the GOP party and the modern conservative movement. He cited example after example of issues that are getting support in the party that the rest of the country doesn't back. And I've offered further examples on the exact same front.

Um, where did anyone in the OP mention your red herring of the 'leftists' directly equating 'capitalism' with a 'democratic republic'?

Here's the OP:

Kasich commits political suicide | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Show me any mention of any of your inane, irrelevant blather. Or admit you're desperately trying to change the topic. As you clearly won't discuss Kasich, his criticisms of the GOP, the conservative movement, or the incompatibility of most fringe right policies and the support of the majority of Americans.

Keep running


did you not see my post above?

you are nobody to talk of going off topic

keep trying..............

Did you ever cite anywhere in the OP where any of your inane red herrings about 'leftists' equating 'capitalism' with a 'democratic republic' was located?


Keep running. All you have now are excuses why you won't discuss the OP, Kasich, his criticisms of the GOP, the conservative movement, or the incompatibility of most fringe right policies and the support of the majority of Americans.

So much for your 'false narrative'.
you're citing one item. i showed where you wnet off topic 11 times in one post

ur simply a joke dude

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