Kasich commits political suicide

Kasich is the only candidate who has actually been a key figure in creating a balanced federal budget.

Not just balanced, but one with surpluses out to the horizon.
Walker had that too, I believe.
G5000 referred to THE US BUDGET
Precisely. There is no other candidate who has that pedigree.

Hillary can claim, "Well, I was married to the guy who signed the balanced budget that Kasich helped write..."
Holy crap, so much for Kasich. I've been saying a Kasich/Rubio ticket would be the GOP's strongest, but that's history: Kasich lashes out: ‘What has happened to the conservative movement?’

I think this stuff makes him a Marxist/communist/socialist:

"I've about had it with these people," Kasich said at the rally in Westerville, Ohio. "We got one candidate that says we ought to abolish Medicaid and Medicare. You ever heard of anything so crazy as that? Telling our people in this country who are seniors, who are about to be seniors that we're going to abolish Medicaid and Medicare?"

Neurosurgeon Ben Carson has acknowledged that he would like to gut Medicare.

Kasich went on, saying, "We got one person saying we ought to have a 10 percent flat tax that will drive up the deficit in this country by trillions of dollars" and there's another challenger in the field "says we ought to take 10 or 11 people and pick them up — I don't know where we're going to go, their homes, their apartments — we're going to pick them up and scream at them to get out of our country. That's crazy. That is just crazy."

Donald Trump has expressed support for deporting immigrants living in the country illegally.

"We got people proposing healthcare reform that's going to leave, I believe, millions of people without adequate health insurance," Kasich says. "What has happened to our party? What has happened the conservative movement?"

He's just another Rino that needs to be poached
Who would you say is the bigger RINO, Kasich or Trump?
A Rino is a progressive professional career politician
Okay, who would you say is really more conservative, Kasich or Trump?
Kasich does not have an conservative bone in his body, he's a windsock he does whatever the political winds tell him. Typical progressive.
Trump is a shiny object
But, according to you, when Clinton was president Kasich was the leader in the house that balanced the budget.
Kasich is an illustration of why it would be best to have a President who has both legislative and executive experience. His experience as Governor of Ohio has forced him to recognize that ideological Conservatism is fine for think-tanks, but cannot work in actual government. Same for Progressivism.

Think of him as Compassionate Conservative 2.0 (after Bush43).

The problem is that his current rhetoric would be great in a General Election campaign, but as any observant person knows, will not get him very far in the primaries, where ideologues tend to rise to the top.

Unfortunately, this guy was my choice since before he even announced, but he is - as the saying goes - "toast."
That's really too bad, seriously.

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What's funny is Kasich is only one who was ever involved in balancing the budget. Him not being popular is proof repubs don't really care.
I don't think it's a matter of "caring" for those who believe three trillion in govt receipts is "enough." Rather, it's a reality that it is not enough given the govt a supermajority of Americans want. Do you wish to deal with the reality or dream of returning to the days before FDR and LBJ?

Clinton balanced the budget and it should have stayed balanced. Paying lots of interest is not good. We could have what people want and still be balanced.
Congress did, dumb a$$
So, then, it is Congress' fault that we have a large debt?
Progressives fault
Kasich is the only candidate who has actually been a key figure in creating a balanced federal budget.

Not just balanced, but one with surpluses out to the horizon.
Walker had that too, I believe.

Walker has a poor record for job creation. Wi looks embarrassingly bad when compared to neighbor mn.
Well, mn looks embarrassingly bad on unemployment compaired to its neighbors sd and nd...
And Wisconsin is worse than all three.
Kasich is an illustration of why it would be best to have a President who has both legislative and executive experience. His experience as Governor of Ohio has forced him to recognize that ideological Conservatism is fine for think-tanks, but cannot work in actual government. Same for Progressivism.

Think of him as Compassionate Conservative 2.0 (after Bush43).

The problem is that his current rhetoric would be great in a General Election campaign, but as any observant person knows, will not get him very far in the primaries, where ideologues tend to rise to the top.

Unfortunately, this guy was my choice since before he even announced, but he is - as the saying goes - "toast."
I agree with everything you say, except one thing.

Jack Kemp was Compassionate Conservative 1.0. :D

Kemp may even be the one who coined the term.

I have also supported Kasich since before he announced.
I like him to an extent, but he's a RINO..... haven't we had enough of the RINO's?
When you add the Rino's to the Democrats, that is about 70% of the electorate. Why does the minority that call themselves conservative think they should govern when most Americans reject them?

If they get elected, they get to govern... the notion that the majority of people n this country are centrists, or worse, leftists, well, I don't see it. Trump and Carson are saying things that a lot of conservatives are saying, and it is resonating.... big time.
But you didn't get elected, and I'm basing that on all the bitching about RINO'S
Neither Trump nor Carson will be elected President.

Wow.. crystal ball's working overtime I see.

Sorry, there's a helluva lot more excitement over Trump and Carson then your seventy year old washed up has been and that nutbag Sanders. Look at Bush, he's a RINO, actually, probably a leftist... and he's failing miserably. The GOP swept you guys in the last two elections. Wll it happen next year? I dunno, but rule it out is absurd... Obama's been an unmitigated disaster, as has been these RINO's.
Holy crap, so much for Kasich. I've been saying a Kasich/Rubio ticket would be the GOP's strongest, but that's history: Kasich lashes out: ‘What has happened to the conservative movement?’

I think this stuff makes him a Marxist/communist/socialist:

"I've about had it with these people," Kasich said at the rally in Westerville, Ohio. "We got one candidate that says we ought to abolish Medicaid and Medicare. You ever heard of anything so crazy as that? Telling our people in this country who are seniors, who are about to be seniors that we're going to abolish Medicaid and Medicare?"

Neurosurgeon Ben Carson has acknowledged that he would like to gut Medicare.

Kasich went on, saying, "We got one person saying we ought to have a 10 percent flat tax that will drive up the deficit in this country by trillions of dollars" and there's another challenger in the field "says we ought to take 10 or 11 people and pick them up — I don't know where we're going to go, their homes, their apartments — we're going to pick them up and scream at them to get out of our country. That's crazy. That is just crazy."

Donald Trump has expressed support for deporting immigrants living in the country illegally.

"We got people proposing healthcare reform that's going to leave, I believe, millions of people without adequate health insurance," Kasich says. "What has happened to our party? What has happened the conservative movement?"

Then this morning on the news they had footage where he was touting the stance against sending illegals home to Mexico.

Yeah. He ain't making any friends with conservatives.

I thought the same thing.
He is a conservative. He is simply a rational one; the kind who is practical and pragmatic.
Illegal immigration is why Donald Trump is so popular. Taking the opposing side is not going to appeal to an already angry GOP base.
I don't think it's a matter of "caring" for those who believe three trillion in govt receipts is "enough." Rather, it's a reality that it is not enough given the govt a supermajority of Americans want. Do you wish to deal with the reality or dream of returning to the days before FDR and LBJ?

Clinton balanced the budget and it should have stayed balanced. Paying lots of interest is not good. We could have what people want and still be balanced.
Congress did, dumb a$$

Sure just like republican majority congress is doing that now. Oh wait they are increasing spending and looking for more tax breaks for the rich. It would it have happened without clinton. And bush sure ruined fast with tax breaks and spending.
Congress is full of Rinos/moderates,they are unable to do anything for the good.
So, if Congress is full of RIno's and moderates, that means that the voters sent them there. Why, again, do conservatives think that we should pay any attention to them when most Americans don't vote for them?
Progressives value tax money and their cushy job above all else.
Then this morning on the news they had footage where he was touting the stance against sending illegals home to Mexico.

Yeah. He ain't making any friends with conservatives.

I thought the same thing.

Sure, REALITY is an anathema to dumb-witted ultra conservatives. Kasich is the ONLY decent GOper in that clown car.
No he isn't.
Kasich is the only candidate who has actually been a key figure in creating a balanced federal budget.

Not just balanced, but one with surpluses out to the horizon.
Walker had that too, I believe.
G5000 referred to THE US BUDGET
Precisely. There is no other candidate who has that pedigree.

Hillary can claim, "Well, I was married to the guy who signed the balanced budget that Kasich helped write..."
Plus, Kasich/Rubio would be perfect for electoral votes, an area of advantage for the Dems going in.
What's funny is Kasich is only one who was ever involved in balancing the budget. Him not being popular is proof repubs don't really care.
I don't think it's a matter of "caring" for those who believe three trillion in govt receipts is "enough." Rather, it's a reality that it is not enough given the govt a supermajority of Americans want. Do you wish to deal with the reality or dream of returning to the days before FDR and LBJ?

Clinton balanced the budget and it should have stayed balanced. Paying lots of interest is not good. We could have what people want and still be balanced.
I don't think Slick's budget projected surpluses in the years coming up when ALL of the boomers are retired, and before the majority have died off. But, what the budgets would have done is paid down the amount of debt held by foreign govts and private investors. Then, when the boomers retire, we could re-issue new debt, and then pay that down starting after 2025 or so, and begin to prepare for the millennial retirement.

Given the financial meltdown and lower taxes today, and the unreality of any belief that we could actually raise marginal rates of the superwealthy, I'm not sure we can do very much beyond hope we don't bleed to death while cutting the growth of entitlements and raising some revenue from eliminating the tax expenditures that are politically possible to achieve. Possibly we could up the taxes on financial speculators ... as opposed to investors.
Holy crap, so much for Kasich. I've been saying a Kasich/Rubio ticket would be the GOP's strongest, but that's history: Kasich lashes out: ‘What has happened to the conservative movement?’

I think this stuff makes him a Marxist/communist/socialist:

"I've about had it with these people," Kasich said at the rally in Westerville, Ohio. "We got one candidate that says we ought to abolish Medicaid and Medicare. You ever heard of anything so crazy as that? Telling our people in this country who are seniors, who are about to be seniors that we're going to abolish Medicaid and Medicare?"

Neurosurgeon Ben Carson has acknowledged that he would like to gut Medicare.

Kasich went on, saying, "We got one person saying we ought to have a 10 percent flat tax that will drive up the deficit in this country by trillions of dollars" and there's another challenger in the field "says we ought to take 10 or 11 people and pick them up — I don't know where we're going to go, their homes, their apartments — we're going to pick them up and scream at them to get out of our country. That's crazy. That is just crazy."

Donald Trump has expressed support for deporting immigrants living in the country illegally.

"We got people proposing healthcare reform that's going to leave, I believe, millions of people without adequate health insurance," Kasich says. "What has happened to our party? What has happened the conservative movement?"

Then this morning on the news they had footage where he was touting the stance against sending illegals home to Mexico.

Yeah. He ain't making any friends with conservatives.

I thought the same thing.
He is a conservative. He is simply a rational one; the kind who is practical and pragmatic.
Illegal immigration is why Donald Trump is so popular. Taking the opposing side is not going to appeal to an already angry GOP base.

Rich repubs don't want immigration reform, they love the cheap labor.
Kasich committed political suicide taking the Medicaid money years ago.
That actually demonstrates how pragmatic Kasich is. The taxpayers of his state were being taxed for ObamaCare's Medicaid expansion whether they took the money or not. So it is retarded not to take the money.

Just as I deeply oppose tax expenditures, I would be an idiot not to take advantage of every single one I can as long as I am being forced to pay higher tax rates because they exist.

The "establishment" candidate is now Rubio, who cannot tell us if he's ok with banning abortions for rape victims, and I'm honestly not sure whether he takes Genesis literally, and he's flip flopped at least once on what his tax plan would be.
He put his business tax plan online a while ago. I am probably the only person on this forum who has actually read it.

It's a good plan.
He's progressive, can't be trusted to keep his word.
Donald Trump has expressed support for deporting immigrants living in the country illegally.
Trump has said no such thing. What he did say is that he plans to deport all the "ILLEGAL ALIENS." He made it clear that LEGAL immigrants, and let's be clear, to be an IMMIGRANT, you must be here LEGALLY, then you are more than welcome.

This POLITICAL CORRECTNESS name change game doesn't work. It just causes confusion and people use it to lie.
What's funny is Kasich is only one who was ever involved in balancing the budget. Him not being popular is proof repubs don't really care.
I don't think it's a matter of "caring" for those who believe three trillion in govt receipts is "enough." Rather, it's a reality that it is not enough given the govt a supermajority of Americans want. Do you wish to deal with the reality or dream of returning to the days before FDR and LBJ?

Clinton balanced the budget and it should have stayed balanced. Paying lots of interest is not good. We could have what people want and still be balanced.
Congress did, dumb a$$
And what Republican in Congress was most responsible for that balanced budget, dumbass? Who Balanced the Budget?

Here is a little hint? His name is John Kasich.
He's a progressive, he is unable to keep his word never trust a progressive.

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