Kavanaugh hearings

Good for them!
Bolshevik-style behavior. Where is the Sergeant-at-Arms? Remove them, including the Democrat Senators behind it and engaging in it, from the chamber.
Good for them. What ever it takes to stop an important appointment by a criminal is appropriate! This appointment should not be given a hearing until AFTER the mid-terms. Remember how President Obama's last appointee was treated???
This will make fantastic campaign video for this fall.
"Trump should say he'll release the Kavanaugh documents as soon as Democrats agree to release the FISA documents"
“We need 100,000 more pages of documents to review on this nominee!” -

“You already have 400,000 pages, and you’ve read almost none of it”

“But the good ones are the extra ones we’re asking for and have no idea what’s in them and won’t read either!”
Sorry...........all the documents were accidentally destroyed..................So sorry Dems.........

We will see if there is a copy laying around..........

We begin the search on a fishing trip and kill 2 birds with one stone.........I'm sure we may have dumped them somewhere near this reef.......Maybe the fish ate the documents.
Grassley should just tell those asshole Democrats to grow the fuck up and stop being butt hurt whiners.

You kidding? He's letting them show their true face, backed by the screamers in the peanut gallery they no doubt themselves arranged.
grassley: i have been in every supreme court hearing since abraham lincoln and i would like to read you some poetry that shows why kavanaugh is great
Bolshevik-style behavior. Where is the Sergeant-at-Arms? Remove them, including the Democrat Senators behind it and engaging in it, from the chamber.
Bolshevik style behavior is dropping tens of thousands of important documents in the dead of night and hoping to install a party loyalist to a lifetime position without debate the next morning.
You have to confirm Kavanaugh to see what's in the paperwork
Hmmmm, shall we discuss the passage of the obamacare bill that no one had time to read before having to vote on it. Karma sucks, dude. your assholes started it. your Reid changed the rules. Now its pay back time, deal with it.
not a big fan of payback. we keep doing "payback" and we keep digging a hole of divide that is already doing much more damage than people seem to realize.
Just digging in after the crap that the other side has pulled.........

If Trump hadn't won...............Hillary would be stacking the court with leftist..............Oh well........
so each side pulls crap on the other and instead of growing up on both sides to stop it, we keep digging deeper holes cause "they made me do it".
Play that psycho dribble on someone else.............they used Federal agencies to attack citizens..........

They charge people with crimes that they committed themselves..........

Fuck them...........clear it up.
great. "payback" is a shitty policy for overall growth and pulling this country back together. you want to be in a "fuck 'em" mentality, great. i don't. i'd like to see the bullshit end and people working together for common goals.

The country will not be pulled back together so long as the Democrats retain their current platform. There is no room for compromise.
Did anyone think it would be different?
Poor little babies can't stand the idea of a Trump nominee passing the process.

Let's be clear here that this should be no surprise. The Dems will NEVER confirm the appointment of Kavanaugh willingly. They will fight him tooth and nail. They oppose everything associated with Trump.

They oppose:

Trump's SC appointments.
Trump's cabinet choices.
Trump's use of presidential authority on presidential matters.
Trump's policies.
Trump's conferences and announcements.
Trump's comments.
Where Trump goes.
Where Trump doesn't go.
The way Trump combs his hair.
What Trump does when he's working.
What Trump does when he's resting.
Trump's diet.
Trump's family.
Trump's waistline.
Trump's toothpaste.
Trump's breathing.

They would bitch about the space he takes up when buried in the ground.

What is it, JUST A DAY after the great catharsis about how great McCain was and how he stood for unity and fairness? In 1993 and 1994, McCain voted to confirm President Clinton's nominees Stephen Breyer and Ruth Bader Ginsburg whom he considered to be qualified for the U.S. Supreme Court. He later explained that "under our Constitution, it is the president's call to make."

The Dems waxed poetic for a few days about what a visionary and leader McCain was. You can see how long that shit lasted.
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Grassley: “The borking of Robert Bork taught special-interest groups that they could demonize judicial nominees based solely on their worldview.“
Bolshevik-style behavior. Where is the Sergeant-at-Arms? Remove them, including the Democrat Senators behind it and engaging in it, from the chamber.
Bolshevik style behavior is dropping tens of thousands of important documents in the dead of night and hoping to install a party loyalist to a lifetime position without debate the next morning.

The Democrats have received a half million documents of Kavanaugh's. They asked for only 6000 for Sotomeyer.

I suspect they will read them as Much as they read ACA
Anybody know how to repair a Blackberry phone that has been smashed into a million pieces............
Bolshevik-style behavior. Where is the Sergeant-at-Arms? Remove them, including the Democrat Senators behind it and engaging in it, from the chamber.
I have it on the TV as I am moving my stuff to new home and its hilarious as hell. Now Americans can see what they get by voting for anti American scum leftists
Bolshevik-style behavior. Where is the Sergeant-at-Arms? Remove them, including the Democrat Senators behind it and engaging in it, from the chamber.
Bolshevik style behavior is dropping tens of thousands of important documents in the dead of night and hoping to install a party loyalist to a lifetime position without debate the next morning.
you mean those 33k emails by our communist friend Hitlery? I agree.

this is too easy.
Shameful politics.

I can’t believe Kamala Harris keeps screaming from the gallery.

What a psycho.

Fuck you Dems, you don’t let Congress read the ACA before voting, since when do these assholes care about due diligence and time needed.

I have a feeling they need until the day after the midterms to be “properly” prepared.
Get the fuck out of here with this disruption shit.......you bastards are at least getting a fuckin hearing for this Trump whore, Democrats and Obama were denied. Then to make matters worse, you whores, dump requested documents on the dems, the night before the fuckin hearings.....JUST ONE GOTDAMNED QUESTION....CAN YOU BASTARDS EVER AND I MEAN EVER DO ANY GOTDAMN THING THAT ISN'T CORRUPT????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
voted for the 45th president of the US., Now can you say that?

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