Kavanaugh hearings

Bolshevik-style behavior. Where is the Sergeant-at-Arms? Remove them, including the Democrat Senators behind it and engaging in it, from the chamber.
Bolshevik style behavior is dropping tens of thousands of important documents in the dead of night and hoping to install a party loyalist to a lifetime position without debate the next morning.

The Democrats have received a half million documents of Kavanaugh's. They asked for only 6000 for Sotomeyer.
40,000 dumped in the dead of night. What is the traitor right trying to hide?

probably nothing. what was Pelosi trying to hide by forcing a vote on obamacare before anyone had time to read the bill? Payback sucks doesn't it?
You had that with taxes. Minus hundreds of amendments like Democrats gave your treasonous party. Now why would that same party wait until it was too late to release the most damning Kavanaugh documents? We all know why.
there's something hidden? what are we hiding? there's something going on!
Bolshevik-style behavior. Where is the Sergeant-at-Arms? Remove them, including the Democrat Senators behind it and engaging in it, from the chamber.
Bolshevik style behavior is dropping tens of thousands of important documents in the dead of night and hoping to install a party loyalist to a lifetime position without debate the next morning.

Your baby's have more information about this candidate than any COTUS nominee ever. More than double the amount of stuff than your two progressive loons ever released so take your mock concern and shove it up your keester.
I’m thoroughly enjoying watching the sorry Democrats make complete fools out of themselves
If asking for time to read over 40,000 pieces of data that was dumped the night before the hearing is a comedy show for you bitches, imagine us doing that shit to you whores.....you'd be in therapy by noon and on drugs by days end. I personally think this shit is a waste of time, cause we don't have the votes, but wasting tax payers money on this shit is just the way they do things in this country.

Hmmmm, shall we discuss the passage of the obamacare bill that no one had time to read before having to vote on it. Karma sucks, dude. your assholes started it. your Reid changed the rules. Now its pay back time, deal with it.

It is refreshing to see one of the party loyalist inadvertently admit their party is no different than the other one!

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you missed the point, I was addressing karma. Yes, both play the games, but who changed the senate voting rules and who is bitching as that change is being rammed up their collective asses?

Yes, I know what you were addressing, my point still stands, when you choose to act like the other party, you become like the other party

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Hmmmm, shall we discuss the passage of the obamacare bill that no one had time to read before having to vote on it. Karma sucks, dude. your assholes started it. your Reid changed the rules. Now its pay back time, deal with it.
not a big fan of payback. we keep doing "payback" and we keep digging a hole of divide that is already doing much more damage than people seem to realize.
Just digging in after the crap that the other side has pulled.........

If Trump hadn't won...............Hillary would be stacking the court with leftist..............Oh well........
so each side pulls crap on the other and instead of growing up on both sides to stop it, we keep digging deeper holes cause "they made me do it".
Play that psycho dribble on someone else.............they used Federal agencies to attack citizens..........

They charge people with crimes that they committed themselves..........

Fuck them...........clear it up.
great. "payback" is a shitty policy for overall growth and pulling this country back together. you want to be in a "fuck 'em" mentality, great. i don't. i'd like to see the bullshit end and people working together for common goals.

I don't like it either, but it has always been that way. there were a few exceptions where we actually got things done, Reagan and O"Neill and Clinton and Newt. the problem is that the dems of today have no one like O"Neill and the republicans have no one like Newt.
Bolshevik-style behavior. Where is the Sergeant-at-Arms? Remove them, including the Democrat Senators behind it and engaging in it, from the chamber.
Bolshevik style behavior is dropping tens of thousands of important documents in the dead of night and hoping to install a party loyalist to a lifetime position without debate the next morning.

The Democrats have received a half million documents of Kavanaugh's. They asked for only 6000 for Sotomeyer.
40,000 dumped in the dead of night. What is the traitor right trying to hide?

It could all be guacamole recipes with no attempt to hide anything and just a tactic to send the Dims over the edge, or it could all be damning. He was a cheerleader under the Shrub's reign. That alone should be enough to disqualify the man.

I love kabuki theater.
All you rubes were cheerleaders under Dubya. In a few years, you’ll be trying to pretend you weren’t a cheerleader for the treasonous dotard, too.
I’m thoroughly enjoying watching the sorry Democrats make complete fools out of themselves
If asking for time to read over 40,000 pieces of data that was dumped the night before the hearing is a comedy show for you bitches, imagine us doing that shit to you whores.....you'd be in therapy by noon and on drugs by days end. I personally think this shit is a waste of time, cause we don't have the votes, but wasting tax payers money on this shit is just the way they do things in this country.

Hmmmm, shall we discuss the passage of the obamacare bill that no one had time to read before having to vote on it. Karma sucks, dude. your assholes started it. your Reid changed the rules. Now its pay back time, deal with it.

It is refreshing to see one of the party loyalist inadvertently admit their party is no different than the other one!

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you missed the point, I was addressing karma. Yes, both play the games, but who changed the senate voting rules and who is bitching as that change is being rammed up their collective asses?

Yes, I know what you were addressing, my point still stands, when you choose to act like the other party, you become like the other party

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Do you think that is something new? a recent development? Ask Caesar about Brutus.
"And that's when I started cutting myself...." Justice Bret Kavanaugh's autobiography, 2048
Bolshevik-style behavior. Where is the Sergeant-at-Arms? Remove them, including the Democrat Senators behind it and engaging in it, from the chamber.
Bolshevik style behavior is dropping tens of thousands of important documents in the dead of night and hoping to install a party loyalist to a lifetime position without debate the next morning.
You have to confirm him to find out what’s in him.
Bolshevik-style behavior. Where is the Sergeant-at-Arms? Remove them, including the Democrat Senators behind it and engaging in it, from the chamber.
Bolshevik style behavior is dropping tens of thousands of important documents in the dead of night and hoping to install a party loyalist to a lifetime position without debate the next morning.

Your baby's have more information about this candidate than any COTUS nominee ever. More than double the amount of stuff than your two progressive loons ever released so take your mock concern and shove it up your keester.
Yes defend government opacity, Trumptard. Shove him through with the nuclear option before there can be any review. You pathetic statist.
Bolshevik-style behavior. Where is the Sergeant-at-Arms? Remove them, including the Democrat Senators behind it and engaging in it, from the chamber.
Bolshevik style behavior is dropping tens of thousands of important documents in the dead of night and hoping to install a party loyalist to a lifetime position without debate the next morning.

The Democrats have received a half million documents of Kavanaugh's. They asked for only 6000 for Sotomeyer.
40,000 dumped in the dead of night. What is the traitor right trying to hide?

It could all be guacamole recipes with no attempt to hide anything and just a tactic to send the Dims over the edge, or it could all be damning. He was a cheerleader under the Shrub's reign. That alone should be enough to disqualify the man.

I love kabuki theater.
All you rubes were cheerleaders under Dubya. In a few years, you’ll be trying to pretend you weren’t a cheerleader for the treasonous dotard, too.

Oh, treasonous dotard, you must be referring to Obama, or did you mean Hillary Clinton?
They cannot release those records because they contain ss#s and such.
Bolshevik-style behavior. Where is the Sergeant-at-Arms? Remove them, including the Democrat Senators behind it and engaging in it, from the chamber.
Bolshevik style behavior is dropping tens of thousands of important documents in the dead of night and hoping to install a party loyalist to a lifetime position without debate the next morning.

Your baby's have more information about this candidate than any COTUS nominee ever. More than double the amount of stuff than your two progressive loons ever released so take your mock concern and shove it up your keester.
Yes defend government opacity, Trumptard. Shove him through with the nuclear option before there can be any review. You pathetic statist.

Harry Reid created the nuclear option, you were fine with it then
Bolshevik-style behavior. Where is the Sergeant-at-Arms? Remove them, including the Democrat Senators behind it and engaging in it, from the chamber.
Bolshevik style behavior is dropping tens of thousands of important documents in the dead of night and hoping to install a party loyalist to a lifetime position without debate the next morning.

The Democrats have received a half million documents of Kavanaugh's. They asked for only 6000 for Sotomeyer.
40,000 dumped in the dead of night. What is the traitor right trying to hide?

It could all be guacamole recipes with no attempt to hide anything and just a tactic to send the Dims over the edge, or it could all be damning. He was a cheerleader under the Shrub's reign. That alone should be enough to disqualify the man.

I love kabuki theater.
All you rubes were cheerleaders under Dubya. In a few years, you’ll be trying to pretend you weren’t a cheerleader for the treasonous dotard, too.
Find one post in my history where I ever said something supportive about the Shrub. Get back to me on that and then withdraw your post.
Get the fuck out of here with this disruption shit.......you bastards are at least getting a fuckin hearing for this Trump whore, Democrats and Obama were denied. Then to make matters worse, you whores, dump requested documents on the dems, the night before the fuckin hearings.....JUST ONE GOTDAMNED QUESTION....CAN YOU BASTARDS EVER AND I MEAN EVER DO ANY GOTDAMN THING THAT ISN'T CORRUPT????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Bonus: the board Racist has his thong wedged over this.
Bolshevik-style behavior. Where is the Sergeant-at-Arms? Remove them, including the Democrat Senators behind it and engaging in it, from the chamber.
Bolshevik style behavior is dropping tens of thousands of important documents in the dead of night and hoping to install a party loyalist to a lifetime position without debate the next morning.
You have to confirm him to find out what’s in him.
Like your massive tax cuts for the 1%? Everyday your treasonous party behave more and more like organized crime.
Democrats Disrupt Kavanaugh Hearing From The Start

GOOD - This is a charade and the American people are going to be informed about it.

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