Kellie Ward says Trump is a "role model".

Watching her being interviewed.

She is running for Senator in Arizona.

She was against healthcare and medicaid expansion.

She is vehemently against "Common Core".

The Common Core State Standards Initiative is an educational initiative in the United States that details what K–12 students should know in English language arts and mathematics at the end of each grade.

She defines the Swamp as a collection of insiders who have taken advantage of their positions. She said this is why we need more Republicans in power in DC.

Oh, and she said Trump is a "role model" and has made us world leader.

America is in decline.
Watching her being interviewed.

She is running for Senator in Arizona.

She was against healthcare and medicaid expansion.

She is vehemently against "Common Core".

The Common Core State Standards Initiative is an educational initiative in the United States that details what K–12 students should know in English language arts and mathematics at the end of each grade.

She defines the Swamp as a collection of insiders who have taken advantage of their positions. She said this is why we need more Republicans in power in DC.

Oh, and she said Trump is a "role model" and has made us world leader.

America is in decline.

Yep, helping people = bad
But Trump that is filling the white house with goldmansacks and other rich interest groups is somehow her role model.

Please reject the bitch!
Since looking up what Kelli Ward actually does, I've learned so much I didn't know about massage and chiropractors.

Once again hypocrisy rears it's ugly head.

Liberals are all about elevating women to leadership roles...until those women aren't liberals...then those highly educated, intelligent and successful women are insulted and belittled over and over again.

Kelli Ward has an accredited doctorate degree...that is eight year years of higher education completed at Duke University.

Liberals extoll the importance of higher education...until it's a Republican woman who has achieved it...then is worthless.

We see right through this bullshit. How many threads have you personally started Rderp pointing out the importance of higher education? I'll be happy to link to a few if you've forgotten. Sorry, but you can't have it both ways.
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lol, you're defending her like she defends Trump.

I'm pointing out the irony of you criticising a doctoral degree holder as stupid while donning your paper hat and nametag in your parents basement. Don't forget to smile when asking "may I take your order please".
lol, you're defending her like she defends Trump.

I'm pointing out the irony of you criticising a doctoral degree holder as stupid while donning your paper hat and nametag in your parents basement. Don't forget to smile when asking "may I take your order please".

I'm retired living on two pensions.

Are you making the case that every liberal with a doctorate is smarter than Trump?
lol, you're defending her like she defends Trump.

I'm pointing out the irony of you criticising a doctoral degree holder as stupid while donning your paper hat and nametag in your parents basement. Don't forget to smile when asking "may I take your order please".

I'm retired living on two pensions.

Are you making the case that every liberal with a doctorate is smarter than Trump?

Good grief I'm not even saying a person with a doctorate is necessarily smarter than the guy flipping burgers.

What I'm saying is that a person who has earned a doctoral degree has proven beyond doubt that they are not stupid...that in fact they are intelligent and have determination plus the ability and focus to achieve long term goals.

Trump has ALSO proven that he is intelligent, determined and has the ability and focus to achieve long term goals...the guy is a billionaire, he ran a successful global business empire, led a longshot primary bid to a successful capture of the Republican nomination...then captained an outsider presidential campaign against a candidate that had every advantage...and won in a historic upset.
Why don't you just show us on a doll where Trump touched you? Rather than making the same goddamned thread over and over and over again because your only activity in life is to freak out over every tiny, trivial, peripheral detail of Trump. Let me guess, you're one of the people who had a baby tantrum when Trump ate a well-done steak.
Well then, you must have answered the number one question:

Can we get Republicans to describe the kinds of jobs that are coming back from overseas?


What does the Republican American job situation have to do with your own stalker-like obsession with Donald Trump himself? Obviously he's not your usual, standard Republican.
You don't see any connection between Trump lying about jobs coming back and jobs not coming back? Really?
Last I checked the Trump economy is doing great.
lol, you're defending her like she defends Trump.

I'm pointing out the irony of you criticising a doctoral degree holder as stupid while donning your paper hat and nametag in your parents basement. Don't forget to smile when asking "may I take your order please".

So Kelli Ward is the white female Ben Carson?

What??? Put down the bong and step're beyond your limit.

Dr Kelli Ward is not the "female" anyone else.

I have no earthly idea why you feel she need to be described as anything other than a highly educated, intelligent, successful woman.

Why are those facts so hard for you to accept?
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Why don't you just show us on a doll where Trump touched you? Rather than making the same goddamned thread over and over and over again because your only activity in life is to freak out over every tiny, trivial, peripheral detail of Trump. Let me guess, you're one of the people who had a baby tantrum when Trump ate a well-done steak.

Trump doesn't eat steak, because Taco Bell doesn't have it.
Since looking up what Kelli Ward actually does, I've learned so much I didn't know about massage and chiropractors.

Once again hypocrisy rears it's ugly head.

Liberals are all about elevating women to leadership roles...until those women aren't liberals...then those highly educated, intelligent and successful women are insulted and belittled over and over again.

Kelli Ward has an accredited doctorate degree...that is eight year years of higher education completed at Duke University.

Liberals extoll the importance of higher education...until it's a Republican woman who has achieved it...then is worthless.

We see right through this bullshit. How many threads have you personally started Rderp pointing out the importance of higher education? I'll be happy to link to a few if you've forgotten. Sorry, but you can't have it both ways.
Do you have a link to all that?

Because my links come from Kelli Ward herself.

Kellie Ward says Trump is a "role model".

Who to believe? You or her?
Why don't you just show us on a doll where Trump touched you? Rather than making the same goddamned thread over and over and over again because your only activity in life is to freak out over every tiny, trivial, peripheral detail of Trump. Let me guess, you're one of the people who had a baby tantrum when Trump ate a well-done steak.
Well then, you must have answered the number one question:

Can we get Republicans to describe the kinds of jobs that are coming back from overseas?


What does the Republican American job situation have to do with your own stalker-like obsession with Donald Trump himself? Obviously he's not your usual, standard Republican.
You don't see any connection between Trump lying about jobs coming back and jobs not coming back? Really?
Last I checked the Trump economy is doing great.

Based off of Obama's economy! Thank him for turning things around and doing a kick ass job.

Deregulation is why we had the great recession in the first place...So shit will likely change.
If Trumps her Role model it wouldn't surprise me if she was one of those porno masseuses. lol

Maybe she'll be able to treat trump's alleged obsession with, and cravings for, Golden Showers.

No wonder trump's hair is that really weird shit-blonde color.
Kellie Ward says Trump is a "role model".

If Ward really thinks the Orange Douche is a role model then she's proven she's mentally unfit for public office.

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