Ketanji Should Be Disqualified

No one said there are not easy one.
The point is that a "definition" has to work for everyone, including the hard ones.
For example, those with XXY or XYY, with the wrong genitalia, with the wrong puberty response due to pesticides, etc.
The definition does work, even for those you might have to dig a little deeper to find out.
If a gender identity case came up, it would include all the needed testimony for a judicial decision.
No preconceptions of prejudice are needed, wanted, or even legal.
Exactly the point. That people up for justice on the high court should not already have or express an opinion on subjects that are before the court. The idea of justice is that each case if judged on it's own merits, and that justices use the law to form their opinion. Not use their opinion to form the law.
Jan 6 is no different from BLM riot or the leftist Acts against Americans judicial process. Your dodge is noted. Your first post was shit down since no Republicans acted like leftists did during our judicial process in 2018.
The Jan 6 rioters are just as bad as the BLM rioters. I’m glad we agree on that.

They all deserve to go to jail and pay for throwing their temper tantrum. I‘m so glad we agree on that.

Isn’t it great that those Jan 6 crybabies are going to jail?
The definition does work, even for those you might have to dig a little deeper to find out.
What you didn't consider is the fact that every embryo starts out "female". It's the influence of male hormones that changes the fetus from female to male. With many external factors that can influence how the fetus develops, different than it's genetic predisposition.
What you didn't consider is the fact that every embryo starts out "female". It's the influence of male hormones that changes the fetus from female to male. With many external factors that can influence how the fetus develops, different than it's genetic predisposition.

I'll leave the mental gymnastics to you. I'm not interested in playing word games.
Yeah I know she is now on SCOTUS but, why the FUCK is this regime applauding a woman that can't define what a woman is? Does that mean if a Woman is involved in a SCOTUS case she will have to recuse herself? One would think that, and her past record of leniency for pedophiles, would have precluded her from nomination in the first place but, Joe Biden is a political hack and cares not one iota for the American People.
Its really hurting you now.
You'd be best to have a valium son. Youre in danger of harming yourself.
The Jan 6 rioters are just as bad as the BLM rioters. I’m glad we agree on that.

They all deserve to go to jail and pay for throwing their temper tantrum. I‘m so glad we agree on that.

Isn’t it great that those Jan 6 crybabies are going to jail?

Their problem is that they see the January 6th insurrectionists arrested in far greater numbers than the BLM rioters. But there are many reasons for that. The first being the BLM riots were state crimes, prosecuted by the state, where the January 6th insurrection was an example of "making a federal case out of it".

Secondly, is the evidence needed to prosecute the criminals. There is surprisingly little video footage of the BLM protests, save private surveillance cameras that may or may not have captured the actual criminal acts. Contrast this with January 6th, where nearly every inch of the capitol was under video surveillance.

And the ironic third reason is that the BLM rioters wore masks to comply with the legal requirements imposed by governors and mayors, to protect themselves from COVID-19. Which had the unintended consequence of hiding the identity of the rioters. Where the January 6th insurrections also protested the mask requirements, and thus exposed their faces for identification.
I'll leave the mental gymnastics to you. I'm not interested in playing word games.
It's not word games, it's science.

Geneticists have discovered that all human embryos start life as females, as do all embryos of mammals. About the 2nd month the fetal tests elaborate enough androgens to offset the maternal estrogens and maleness develops.
Their problem is that they see the January 6th insurrectionists arrested in far greater numbers than the BLM rioters. But there are many reasons for that. The first being the BLM riots were state crimes, prosecuted by the state, where the January 6th insurrection was an example of "making a federal case out of it".

Secondly, is the evidence needed to prosecute the criminals. There is surprisingly little video footage of the BLM protests, save private surveillance cameras that may or may not have captured the actual criminal acts. Contrast this with January 6th, where nearly every inch of the capitol was under video surveillance.

And the ironic third reason is that the BLM rioters wore masks to comply with the legal requirements imposed by governors and mayors, to protect themselves from COVID-19. Which had the unintended consequence of hiding the identity of the rioters. Where the January 6th insurrections also protested the mask requirements, and thus exposed their faces for identification.
You’re leaving out the media promotion aspect of both issues (Jan 6/ BLM, etc.) which is the greatest travesty of all.

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