Ketanji Should Be Disqualified

It's not word games, it's science.

Geneticists have discovered that all human embryos start life as females, as do all embryos of mammals. About the 2nd month the fetal tests elaborate enough androgens to offset the maternal estrogens and maleness develops.

The discussion here is about adults, not under developed babies. Most people know that you can't identify the sex of a human until a certain stage of development.
You’re leaving out the media promotion aspect of both issues (Jan 6/ BLM, etc.) which is the greatest travesty of all.
The problem is that one group rioted in protest of injustice, while the other were trying to overturn the Constitution.
The discussion here is about adults, not under developed babies. Most people know that you can't identify the sex of a human until a certain stage of development.
It also means that the human brain develops as male or female due to hormonal influence. Due to this you can have opposite differentiation of brain and body.
Male / Female is a matter of the bodies gender. But Man / Woman is a matter of the brains gender.
The problem is that one group rioted in protest of injustice, while the other were trying to overturn the Constitution.
I would say that Jan 6th was a protest to uphold the Constitution.
I would say that Jan 6th was a protest to uphold the Constitution.
The count was being done in accordance with the US Constitution. The insurrectionists were trying to interrupt that Constitutional process.

How is that upholding the Constitution?

It's not. It's sedicious.
It also means that the human brain develops as male or female due to hormonal influence. Due to this you can have opposite differentiation of brain and body.
Male / Female is a matter of the bodies gender. But Man / Woman is a matter of the brains gender.
A brain-body disconnect is an adverse condition that should treated as a handicap, not seen as a normal condition.
The count was being done in accordance with the US Constitution. The insurrectionists were trying to interrupt that Constitutional process.

How is that upholding the Constitution?

It's not. It's sedicious.
It is not the count that is in question it is whether or not the votes counted were legitimate.
A brain-body disconnect is an adverse condition that should treated as a handicap, not seen as a normal condition.
It's not a "normal" condition, but it is a condition where either brain or body has to be altered to match the other.
It is not the count that is in question it is whether or not the votes counted were legitimate.
And according to the Constitution, that decision is made by Congress. Who were in the middle of making it, when the insurrectionists stopped them from carrying out their Constitutional duty.

So they were far from upholding the Constitution, but instead attacking the very foundations of the US Constitution.
Stop beating a dead horse.

The lady was destined to be on the Court.

That is the zeitgeist of our times.

President Biden will get his wish to go down in American history as one of the most progressive Presidents.


If anyone is upset with his appointments to date, you ain't seen nothing yet!
The Jan 6 rioters are just as bad as the BLM rioters. I’m glad we agree on that.

They all deserve to go to jail and pay for throwing their temper tantrum. I‘m so glad we agree on that.

Isn’t it great that those Jan 6 crybabies are going to jail?

'Rise up, women!': Angry crowds flood Capitol Hill to protest Brett Kavanaugh nomination
Ah the sweet sound of MAGA tears. What a great way to start the day.
And you still try to dodge the fact no one rioted because she was appointed but kavanaugh you leftists whined.why the double standard?
Their problem is that they see the January 6th insurrectionists arrested in far greater numbers than the BLM rioters. But there are many reasons for that. The first being the BLM riots were state crimes, prosecuted by the state, where the January 6th insurrection was an example of "making a federal case out of it".

Secondly, is the evidence needed to prosecute the criminals. There is surprisingly little video footage of the BLM protests, save private surveillance cameras that may or may not have captured the actual criminal acts. Contrast this with January 6th, where nearly every inch of the capitol was under video surveillance.

And the ironic third reason is that the BLM rioters wore masks to comply with the legal requirements imposed by governors and mayors, to protect themselves from COVID-19. Which had the unintended consequence of hiding the identity of the rioters. Where the January 6th insurrections also protested the mask requirements, and thus exposed their faces for identification.
I remember when the police were told to give the protesters space to destroy. Cops were actually told to stand down.
It is possible to do that. You just don't like it when people do it.
I really don't give a shit what people decide to do, I am just saying it is not possible to change one's born gender. If you think it is, prove it.
And according to the Constitution, that decision is made by Congress. Who were in the middle of making it, when the insurrectionists stopped them from carrying out their Constitutional duty.

So they were far from upholding the Constitution, but instead attacking the very foundations of the US Constitution.
They didn't stop anything, Biden is POTUS. Some 'insurrection' eh?
The definition does work, even for those you might have to dig a little deeper to find out.

It does not at work because the word "female" is just as ambiguous as woman, so establishes nothing at all.
It does not define chromosomes, genitalia, psychology, or hormones.

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