Ketanji Should Be Disqualified

Her judicial record on sex cases is in the mainstream of all judges, but you have your legacy of ignorance to keep.

maga fuckup
I see, protecting child molesters is mainstream to you? You need to be removed and locked up!
'Rise up, women!': Angry crowds flood Capitol Hill to protest Brett Kavanaugh nomination

And you still try to dodge the fact no one rioted because she was appointed but kavanaugh you leftists whined.why the double standard?
I don’t have a problem with protests as long as they’re peaceful. No different than Republican Senators walking out of the Supreme Court confirmation.

I disagree.
While I may not agree with the BLM riots or the Jan 6 riots, they both were healthy expressions of political view and opinion.
Sure is was a temper tantrum in both cases, but we need MORE temper tantrums to get Congress less complacent.
Congress is doing nothing and fixing nothing.
That is infinitely worse than riots.
They broke the law. They pay the price for breaking the law.
I see, protecting child molesters is mainstream to you? You need to be removed and locked up!
I'm just relying on facts, instead of phony bullshit.

You want to stop child molesters start with matt gaetz.
They stopped the Constitutional certification of the 2020 presidential election. But only for a couple of hours. You're obviously confused over what happened. It's no different than having to point out the CSS started a civil war, but didn't win.
But they still started a war, none the less. Ultimate success isn't the criteria of determining starting a war, or of stopping a Constitutional election certification.
Media fed loon spouting what the media feeds you...
I really don't give a shit what people decide to do, I am just saying it is not possible to change one's born gender. If you think it is, prove it.

Easy to prove.
Lets say you have XX chromosomes so should be a woman.
But then pesticides during fetal development caused you to be born with a penis.
If the pesticide no longer influence you at puberty, then you will become mentally a female as far as sexual proclivity.
So then you can either just go with the mental sexual proclivity, or you can also have corrective surgery to have a vagina instead of a penis.
What I read says they simply turn the penis inside out and make it go in instead of out.
All the nerves are still in tact.
Its not a word game.

What people have to understand is that a male is just a female who has been exposed to lots of testosterone.
That is the only difference.
Which means if some mistake happens, like hormones from pesticides, things can turn out wrong.
That's exactly right. It's a very delicate biological dance that has many ways of going wrong.

Personal care and beauty products contain several ingredients that often include a wide range of endocrine-disrupting chemicals like phthalates, parabens, phenols and toxic metals. These chemicals interact with hormone systems, influencing synthesis, regulation, transport, metabolism and hormone reception, which are all especially vulnerable during pregnancy.

“Alterations in hormone levels, especially during pregnancy, can have vast consequences beyond health at birth including changes in infant and child growth, pubertal trajectories
I really don't give a shit what people decide to do, I am just saying it is not possible to change one's born gender. If you think it is, prove it.

Not only do I think you are wrong, but I don't think you have any idea what "one's born gender" is?
It is chromosomes or genitalia?
I don't think you know.
I don't think anyone knows.
No one is suggesting that the variances that sometimes happen are "normal".
But the point is that since they do happen, then they have to get included in legal definitions of things like man or woman.
How is the definition of a man or woman solely a legal one? Law has to be based on some kind of reality. A man posing as a woman is fantasy for instance. Are we now supposed to change our laws to reflect people's fetishes?
Give it up dude.

It's over.

Lifetime appointment
No it’s not necessarily. You assholes were screeching you were going to impeach Kavanaugh and have your real leader AOC calling for impeachment of Clarence Thomas. Impeaching this pedo lover who doesn’t know if she’s a man or woman would be a public service.
Not only do I think you are wrong, but I don't think you have any idea what "one's born gender" is?
It is chromosomes or genitalia?
I don't think you know.
I don't think anyone knows.
Here is an experiment you can do. Pull down your pants and look at your crotch. What kind of genitalia do you have? If it has been that way since birth then, that is your born gender. If you can't identify with that gender, you have a condition called gender dysphoria. That does not magically make you a different born gender.
Maybe not, but I sure KNOW one when I SEE one.
View attachment 628383
Are you sure?

No it’s not necessarily. You assholes were screeching you were going to impeach Kavanaugh and have your real leader AOC calling for impeachment of Clarence Thomas. Impeaching this pedo lover who doesn’t know if she’s a man or woman would be a public service.
Pedo lover?

Supporters of mat gaetz.
Nice, but what if on chromosome inspection, they had an XY combination that had been over ridden by pesticide hormones?
It then is likely when they hit puberty 12 years later, and the pesticides are gone, they will feel the sexual impulses of a man.

I'll take my chances.

Too bad someone didn't hold that picture up to Katanji and asked her if that was a woman in her opinion.
Easy to prove.
Lets say you have XX chromosomes so should be a woman.
But then pesticides during fetal development caused you to be born with a penis.
If the pesticide no longer influence you at puberty, then you will become mentally a female as far as sexual proclivity.
So then you can either just go with the mental sexual proclivity, or you can also have corrective surgery to have a vagina instead of a penis.
What I read says they simply turn the penis inside out and make it go in instead of out.
All the nerves are still in tact.
That's a mutation which is not even close to what we are discussing. Fashioning genitalia through surgery does not change one's born sex.

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