Ketanji Should Be Disqualified

Here is an experiment you can do. Pull down your pants and look at your crotch. What kind of genitalia do you have? If it has been that way since birth then, that is your born gender. If you can't identify with that gender, you have a condition called gender dysphoria. That does not magically make you a different born gender.

We are not talking about average people, but those where the process of fetal grown and puberty went wrong somehow.
Like if an XX chromosome person were poisoned with pesticides that made them born with a penis.
You not only would want to fix that which went wrong, but it would be essential since by puberty the mistake likely would have corrected itself and then they would have a female puberty.
Sorry bout that,

1. A real women knows she's a women and can give comfort to a man, hope that clears things up for you all.
2. A real good women knows her place is beside a good man.
3. G-D Bless good women.
4. A women can bring forth a wonderful gift to a man, a boy, or a girl, or both, maybe a pair of each.
5. A real women gives herself to her man wholeheartedly.
6. What a precious wonderful gift a women brings.
7. Thats what a women is.
8. That person who will sit on the SC chair is not a women.
9. Is she a biologist?
10. Insinuating only a biologist knows what a women is, she is so without understanding, G-D Bless Her Heart.

It's worthless people like you, disaffected and angry who whine and post negative words to no avail. Cry yourself to sleep; better than posting absurd questions which ring of hate and deserve no response. Then a final sentence which has not an iota of truth.
Her record is one of those "inconvenient truths" you Lefties like to champion. People who support her and those like her may get rear-ended by Karma someday. I don't wish having your kids or grandkids molested but it's a FACT that she has a pattern of going soft on that particular abomination.
Are you sure?

I think the 'feets too big"
We are not talking about average people, but those where the process of fetal grown and puberty went wrong somehow.
Like if an XX chromosome person were poisoned with pesticides that made them born with a penis.
You not only would want to fix that which went wrong, but it would be essential since by puberty the mistake likely would have corrected itself and then they would have a female puberty.
Some things are not fixable.
That's a mutation which is not even close to what we are discussing. Fashioning genitalia through surgery does not change one's born sex.

That is NOT a mutation in any way.
A mutation is a random damage or change to the chromosomes.
We are NOT talking about any change in the chromosomes.
We are talking about environmental hormones over ridding the ones the chromosome would normally make.

And the whole point of corrective genitalia surgery is to RESTORE the genitalia to be appropriate to the chromosomes.
The goal is NOT to change one's born sex but to change ones born genitalia to make their actual DNA sex.
We are not talking about average people, but those where the process of fetal grown and puberty went wrong somehow.
I will take your word on this because I'm no expert on it but what I AM certain of is the extreme rarity of those cases, statistically. NO human being should be shunned or hated because of the circumstances of their birth but when the entire country is held hostage to social demands for an infinitesimally small group, you can expect pushback. What is happening in women's sport today is disgusting and so are those who are pushing it on the rest of us.
Sorry dumbfuck, you still don’t have anything on Gaetz that approaches anything your beloved pedo coddler Jackson has done. Pathetic deflection attempt.
mat gaetz flew around the US with a 17 year old girl who was not related to him. His buddy in Florida has already admitted guilt in acquiring girls for him.

BTW show where Supreme Court justice Jackson was out of the mainstream.

Critics of Jackson's child sex abuse sentences backed judges with similar records

The Facts on Judge Jackson’s Sentencing in Child Porn Cases -
That is NOT a mutation in any way.
A mutation is a random damage or change to the chromosomes.
We are NOT talking about any change in the chromosomes.
We are talking about environmental hormones over ridding the ones the chromosome would normally make.

And the whole point of corrective genitalia surgery is to RESTORE the genitalia to be appropriate to the chromosomes.
The goal is NOT to change one's born sex but to change ones born genitalia to make their actual DNA sex.
OK so you are now bringing up very rare conditions in order to make some kind of point. I don't see how that advances the discussion. As far as changing genitalia, it depends on what you are talking about. A born woman with breasts, ovaries, uterus and penis might be a candidate for such surgery. But those conditions are very rare and not what we are talking about. Changing the goalposts midstream is a weak tactic.
I will take your word on this because I'm no expert on it but what I AM certain of is the extreme rarity of those cases, statistically. NO human being should be shunned or hated because of the circumstances of their birth but when the entire country is held hostage to social demands for an infinitesimally small group, you can expect pushback. What is happening in women's sport today is disgusting and so are those who are pushing it on the rest of us.

I agree that in sports, it does not matter how you define man or woman, but that someone with developmental advantages of testosterone can not then be allowed to compete against people who have not.
I will take your word on this because I'm no expert on it but what I AM certain of is the extreme rarity of those cases, statistically. NO human being should be shunned or hated because of the circumstances of their birth but when the entire country is held hostage to social demands for an infinitesimally small group, you can expect pushback. What is happening in women's sport today is disgusting and so are those who are pushing it on the rest of us.
Rigby has a habit of of moving the goalposts.
I agree that in sports, it does not matter how you define man or woman, but that someone with developmental advantages of testosterone can not then be allowed to compete against people who have not.
Someone with 'a developmental advantages of testosterone' is a MALE.
There is no god for any religion fascist fuckup.
If there is no God then why do you serve Satan and preach The Devil’s doctrine and get angry at the notion there is a God?

You will see God, but only on judgment day when you are forever cast away from Him.

You have a choice to escape that fate but you will reject your only hope.
OK so you are now bringing up very rare conditions in order to make some kind of point. I don't see how that advances the discussion. As far as changing genitalia, it depends on what you are talking about. A born woman with breasts, ovaries, uterus and penis might be a candidate for such surgery. But those conditions are very rare and not what we are talking about. Changing the goalposts midstream is a weak tactic.

Yes those are very rare circumstances, but YES those are EXACTLY what we are talking about that makes it impossible for an honest judge to say what a woman is.
The judges definition has to take in ALL cases, no matter how rare.
I don’t have a problem with protests as long as they’re peaceful. No different than Republican Senators walking out of the Supreme Court confirmation.

But they weren't peaceful.
Yes those are very rare circumstances, but YES those are EXACTLY what we are talking about that makes it impossible for an honest judge to say what a woman is.
The judges definition has to take in ALL cases, no matter how rare.
The question was about her personal view, and her personal view, seems be that she does not know what a woman is. That is simply ludicrous. An honest judge is an honest judge and Ketanji is not being honest when she says she honestly cannot define what a woman is, IMO.
Someone with 'a developmental advantages of testosterone' is a MALE.

Wrong again.
I am disappointed, since I would think you would have gotten it by now.
Developmental advantages of testosterone does NOT necessarily mean the person is a man.
It could simply mean the glands of the woman are defective and product too much testosterone and too little estrogen.
(all men and all women produce some testosterone and some estrogen, just very different amounts.)
If they accidentally got the wrong hormone by accident, I would not let them compete in sports where they may have an unfair advantage, but that does not mean I would necessarily force anything else on them.
Just let them be what gender they felt from puberty, and do corrective surgery if they want it.

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