Ketanji Should Be Disqualified

Pedophiles are often rational people beyond their counter-nature proclivity. Prison serves as a legit prevention in the form of deterrence and isolation.

First of all, they likely got programmed wrong somehow, and a psychologist may be able to actually fix that.
Second is that prison may only serve to increase their sexual opportunities, making them rewarded instead of deterred.
Prisons are NOT isolating at all, and are the opposite, with much closer crowding than normal.
I really don't give a shit what people decide to do, I am just saying it is not possible to change one's born gender. If you think it is, prove it.
This reminds me of the kit cars. Where they cuold bolt new body panels onto a Pontiac Fiero, and turn it into almost any model car you wanted. From the outside most people couldn't tell the difference. But of course it was still a Pontiac Fiero on the inside. It would take a trained mechanic to tell the difference.
The Jan 6 rioters are just as bad as the BLM rioters. I’m glad we agree on that.

They all deserve to go to jail and pay for throwing their temper tantrum. I‘m so glad we agree on that.

Isn’t it great that those Jan 6 crybabies are going to jail?

I disagree.
While I may not agree with the BLM riots or the Jan 6 riots, they both were healthy expressions of political view and opinion.
Sure is was a temper tantrum in both cases, but we need MORE temper tantrums to get Congress less complacent.
Congress is doing nothing and fixing nothing.
That is infinitely worse than riots.
They didn't stop anything, Biden is POTUS. Some 'insurrection' eh?
They stopped the Constitutional certification of the 2020 presidential election. But only for a couple of hours. You're obviously confused over what happened. It's no different than having to point out the CSS started a civil war, but didn't win.
But they still started a war, none the less. Ultimate success isn't the criteria of determining starting a war, or of stopping a Constitutional election certification.
I'll leave the mental gymnastics to you. I'm not interested in playing word games.

Its not a word game.
It is a fact that the Y chromosome is badly deteriorated, and mostly ineffective.
And we have to all start out as an ovum, which only has an X chromosome, so we all start out female.
What people have to understand is that a male is just a female who has been exposed to lots of testosterone.
That is the only difference.
Which means if some mistake happens, like hormones from pesticides, things can turn out wrong.
I really don't give a shit what people decide to do, I am just saying it is not possible to change one's born gender. If you think it is, prove it.

The problem is you don't know how to define "gender"?
For example, if the chromosomes are XX for a female, and if the fetus is exposed to enough male hormones from pesticides, then the fetus will come out with a penis instead of a vagina.

Ketanji Should Be Disqualified​

Better that the AHole GOP RINOs hadn't qualified her in the first place.

Second is that prison may only serve to increase their sexual opportunities, making them rewarded instead of deterred.
Prisons are NOT isolating at all, and are the opposite, with much closer crowding than normal.
It always seemed ironic that when homosexuality was illegal, the punishment was to throw them into a closed unisex environment. It was like locking them up in a candy store.
A serial killer doesn't belong in a mental hospital or a prison. They 'belong' dead.

Maybe they do, but who has the authority to kill them?
Not ordinary citizens like you or me, so then certainly government can't have that authority we do not have to let them borrow.
The problem is not the serial killed being killed, but that there is no legal means by which that can possibly happen.
When government does it, that is an even worse crime than the serial killer, because it can't be legal and is in the most "cold blood" as one could possibly get.
The closest you could get to making it legal is if a relative of a victim did the execution.
But that runs the risk of looking like revenge is legal.
First of all, they likely got programmed wrong somehow, and a psychologist may be able to actually fix that.
Second is that prison may only serve to increase their sexual opportunities, making them rewarded instead of deterred.
Prisons are NOT isolating at all, and are the opposite, with much closer crowding than normal.
Certain areas of prisons do have total isolation and that's where many child molesters end up until they decide for themselves they want to go back to population.
Yeah I know she is now on SCOTUS but, why the FUCK is this regime applauding a woman that can't define what a woman is? Does that mean if a Woman is involved in a SCOTUS case she will have to recuse herself? One would think that, and her past record of leniency for pedophiles, would have precluded her from nomination in the first place but, Joe Biden is a political hack and cares not one iota for the American People.
Her judicial record on sex cases is in the mainstream of all judges, but you have your legacy of ignorance to keep.

maga fuckup
Yeah I know she is now on SCOTUS but, why the FUCK is this regime applauding a woman that can't define what a woman is? Does that mean if a Woman is involved in a SCOTUS case she will have to recuse herself? One would think that, and her past record of leniency for pedophiles, would have precluded her from nomination in the first place but, Joe Biden is a political hack and cares not one iota for the American People.

The only Qualifications stipulated in the Constitution for a Supreme Court Justice are ...

1. Nominated by the President of the United States
2. Confirmed by the Senate

You can make up whatever other qualifications you think should apply ...
but in a Constitutional sense, they mean nothing.

The discussion here is about adults, not under developed babies. Most people know that you can't identify the sex of a human until a certain stage of development.

Since all adults were once under developed babies, I don't get your problem.
The scientific facts are that you can NEVER easily identify sex by casual observation.
Genitalia are NOT sufficient.
If hormone poisoning during fetal development causes the wrong genitalia, no one can tell visually.
You have to examine chromosomes.
A brain-body disconnect is an adverse condition that should treated as a handicap, not seen as a normal condition.

No one is suggesting that the variances that sometimes happen are "normal".
But the point is that since they do happen, then they have to get included in legal definitions of things like man or woman.
They stopped the Constitutional certification of the 2020 presidential election. But only for a couple of hours. You're obviously confused over what happened. It's no different than having to point out the CSS started a civil war, but didn't win.
But they still started a war, none the less. Ultimate success isn't the criteria of determining starting a war, or of stopping a Constitutional election certification.
What war was started? We do not have American troops fighting each other as in the Civil War.

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