Ketanji Should Be Disqualified

She forfeited all credibility by accepting the nomination rooted specifically and solely on race and gender. She should have rejected it and demand to be scrutinized against several other qualified candidates first.
She’s demonstrated that she lacks integrity and objectivity, two of the most necessary qualifications for a SCOTUS justice.
Ah the sweet sound of MAGA tears. What a great way to start the day.
No one is crying liar, just pointing out reality. An out of touch racist should not be on the court. Stupid slut don't even know what she is?
She forfeited all credibility by accepting the nomination rooted specifically and solely on race and gender. She should have rejected it and demand to be scrutinized against several other qualified candidates first.
She’s demonstrated that she lacks integrity and objectivity, two of the most necessary qualifications for a SCOTUS justice.
She's a token
No one is crying liar, just pointing out reality. An out of touch racist should not be on the court. Stupid slut don't even know what she is?
Were you saying something? All I read was impotent whining about something that isn’t going to change.

Sucks for you huh?
It's only 1 person on the SC. Not a big deal. Relax.
lol. Not ever comprehending that you can have 4 for and four against and her vote decides. Naw, that couldn't possibly happen could it?
Nah. It was right-wing crybabies throwing a hissy fit. Obviously.
Jan 6 is no different from BLM riot or the leftist Acts against Americans judicial process. Your dodge is noted. Your first post was shit down since no Republicans acted like leftists did during our judicial process in 2018.
Is your mother a woman?

No one said there are not easy one.
The point is that a "definition" has to work for everyone, including the hard ones.
For example, those with XXY or XYY, with the wrong genitalia, with the wrong puberty response due to pesticides, etc.
So what? She doesn't even know what a woman is. She should recuse herself from any case that involves a woman.

When there a case where the definition of a woman become relevant, then she will hear appropriate testimony and THEN decide. Anyone who uses their own prejudices is not judge material.

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