Ketanji Should Be Disqualified

The internet is not forever. And you are not the noble crusader you think you are. You are just another internet asshole.

I may be an "internet asshole", but I'm not the one minimizing sexual abuse of children. Freak.
You know what? I'll give you that. I am a crusader. A crusader against the abuse of children, doubly so for sexual abuse, and all those who would seek to minimize it - such as yourself.

There's a lot I'll put up with. Degenerate entertainment, Marxist teachers, toxic Tik-Toks, etc. I'm a father. I can take a lot. And as such I can shield my kids from most of society's debauchery.

However, I would tell you this: I will not move a single inch on the rape of children. There is no gray area. There are no mitigating factors. As a father I wouldn't think twice to rip your heart from your fucking chest to protect my kids, nor any other innocent child.

Try me at your own peril, pedo-apologist.

No, you are not a crusader. You are a wannabe.

I too am a father and a grandfather. I would not hesitate to destroy to protect my kids and grandkids. So your posturing is worthless.

I will not move an inch on child rape either. But what you have been going on and on about is not child rape. And you are lying if you claim it is.
No, you are not a crusader. You are a wannabe.

I too am a father and a grandfather. I would not hesitate to destroy to protect my kids and grandkids. So your posturing is worthless.

I will not move an inch on child rape either. But what you have been going on and on about is not child rape. And you are lying if you claim it is.

"I hate child rape"
"Videotaping child rape isn't actually as bad as raping a child!"

Shut the fuck up.
"I hate child rape"
"Videotaping child rape isn't actually as bad as raping a child!"

Shut the fuck up.

More lies. Not what I said.

The only thing relevant to the topic is whether possessing child porn should carry the same sentence as actually raping a child.
More lies. Not what I said.

The only thing relevant to the topic is whether possessing child porn should carry the same sentence as actually raping a child.

Explain exactly why the fuck it shouldn't, pedo-apologist.
Explain exactly why the fuck it shouldn't, pedo-apologist.

LMAO!! You accuse Judge Jackson of being lenient on child rapists, and refuse to show any evidence. But you expect me to answer your demands?

Get fucked, you ignorant waste of skin. Oh, and maybe do a little research on how our justice system works. You know, like which crimes get which punishment.
LMAO!! You accuse Judge Jackson of being lenient on child rapists, and refuse to show any evidence. But you expect me to answer your demands?

Get fucked, you ignorant waste of skin. Oh, and maybe do a little research on how our justice system works. You know, like which crimes get which punishment.

As I said in another reply, her jurist record is public. Google it. I am not your fucking search engine. If you fucking retards would actually spend 5 minutes a day doing a bit of research instead of reading CNN headlines this country would be in a far better position than it is.

Regardless, you are still running away from the question as to why child rapists deserve harsher punishment than those who consume the content they produce. Ergo, you're either an ignorant fuck who doesn't understand the basic principle of "supply vs demand", or you support it.

Either way you're a goddamn reprobate. No mercy for pedophiles, I don't give a fuck whether they touched a child or not. Fuck all of them straight to a biblical hell, and fuck you too.
Explain exactly why the fuck it shouldn't, pedo-apologist.

Is shoplifting a candybar the same as robbing a bank at gunpoint?
Was the slap on the Oscars show the same as beating someone to the point they are in a coma?
As I said in another reply, her jurist record is public. Google it. I am not your fucking search engine. If you fucking retards would actually spend 5 minutes a day doing a bit of research instead of reading CNN headlines this country would be in a far better position than it is.

Regardless, you are still running away from the question as to why child rapists deserve harsher punishment than those who consume the content they produce. Ergo, you're either an ignorant fuck who doesn't understand the basic principle of "supply vs demand", or you support it.

Either way you're a goddamn reprobate. No mercy for pedophiles, I don't give a fuck whether they touched a child or not. Fuck all of them straight to a biblical hell, and fuck you too.

I have done the research, asshole. And Judge Jackson did not preside over a case involving child rape or production of child porn.

You talk about not being anyone's search engine, and yet you make claims you have no evidence for. You are simply a liar trying to virtue signal.
Is shoplifting a candybar the same as robbing a bank at gunpoint?
Was the slap on the Oscars show the same as beating someone to the point they are in a coma?

This is fucking retarded. Pocketing a candy bar is nowhere near the level of sticking a lethal weapon in someone's face. Furthermore, stealing a candy bar doesn't ravage an innocent child in perpetuity.

Just stop you fucking dumbass.
This is fucking retarded. Pocketing a candy bar is nowhere near the level of sticking a lethal weapon in someone's face. Furthermore, stealing a candy bar doesn't ravage an innocent child in perpetuity.

Just stop you fucking dumbass.

Being molested or raped ravages an innocent child. None of the cases Judge Jackson presided over involved that.

And no, I won't stop. I enjoy arguing with idiots. And you certainly qualify.
Why not? Mitt Romney did!
No he didn’t, so let stop the wishing of abuse on children please.

I already my peace about the selection in a few threads but wishing anyone children to be sexually assaulted or abused is just wrong.

I know you are better than that or had hoped you were and not as disgusting nor as vile as the idiots in life are or believed you were…
Can the NaziCon OP define what a woman is? Please tell us...

What's A Woman? GOP Senators Stumble On Their Own Question
Here they are.

Republicans mocked Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson last month for refusing to define the word “woman” during her Senate confirmation hearing.
But it turns out those same Republicans on the Judiciary Committee don’t agree on how to define a woman, and some wouldn’t ― or couldn’t ― give a definition.

“I don’t have anything for you on that,” said Sen. John Kennedy (R-La.).

“I’m not going to indulge you,” said Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas).

Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) said her definition of a woman is “Two X chromosomes.”
The spokesperson did not respond to questions about whether Blackburn considers women born with only one X chromosome to be women, or if she considers men born with two X chromosomes to be women.

Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) was bolder than most.
“Someone who can give birth to a child, a mother, is a woman,” he said. “Someone who has a uterus is a woman. It doesn’t seem that complicated to me.”
So if a woman has her uterus removed by a hysterectomy, is she still a woman?
“Yeah. Well, I don’t know, would they"?

Then the republican's favorite homo chimed in, of course.

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) said a woman is simply someone who is “biologically a woman,” adding that he thinks most Americans can figure out who’s a woman and who’s a man.
“The birds and the bees stuff ― it’s been a while, but I think I remember the general gist of the differences,” Graham said. “To have a hard time answering that question is kind of odd to me.”
More lies. Not what I said.

The only thing relevant to the topic is whether possessing child porn should carry the same sentence as actually raping a child.
Personally I believe it should…


The person downloading the material is doing so with the intention to watch and get themselves off on the sexual abuse of the child and in my opinion they are as bad as the person that sexually assaulted the child…

So yes it should carry the same penalty as if they had done the rape themselves…

Take a moment and realize the person that is downloading the sexual content of the child being abused is actually paying for this to be done, so let think and ask ourselves are those people any better than the abuser?

Now you may disagree with me and that is fine because we can’t and shouldn’t always agree but I would like you to ask yourself what if that was your child, a family member or you in that video that some person downloaded for their internet to sexually appease themselves with and then ask yourself this one question:

Would the person that downloaded the video for the intent of sexual pleasure actually hurt a child in real life?

In my personal opinion they would and have even if they have never touched a child as yet and why?

The downloading of such material has caused the harm and gave support of the abuse.

So again I believe the person that downloaded the material is as guilty as the rapist and should face severe penalties…

You will disagree and will not see it as I do but if someone is downloading such material then it is clear they are not fit for society in my personal opinion…
Personally I believe it should…


The person downloading the material is doing so with the intention to watch and get themselves off on the sexual abuse of the child and in my opinion they are as bad as the person that sexually assaulted the child…

So yes it should carry the same penalty as if they had done the rape themselves…

Actual pedophiles should be punished to the extreme.

But punishing someone who fantasizes to the same extent as someone who actually harms a child is simply wrong.

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