Ketanji Should Be Disqualified


Take a moment and realize the person that is downloading the sexual content of the child being abused is actually paying for this to be done, so let think and ask ourselves are those people any better than the abuser?

Now you may disagree with me and that is fine because we can’t and shouldn’t always agree but I would like you to ask yourself what if that was your child, a family member or you in that video that some person downloaded for their internet to sexually appease themselves with and then ask yourself this one question:

Would the person that downloaded the video for the intent of sexual pleasure actually hurt a child in real life?

In my personal opinion they would and have even if they have never touched a child as yet and why?

The downloading of such material has caused the harm and gave support of the abuse.

So again I believe the person that downloaded the material is as guilty as the rapist and should face severe penalties…

You will disagree and will not see it as I do but if someone is downloading such material then it is clear they are not fit for society in my personal opinion…

I do disagree with your position on this.

But I respect your opinion. And I appreciate the civil nature of your debates. It is getting rare around here.
BETTER IDEA: If she has any kids, they should all be molested by pedophiles whose cases she once handled and let off scott free.
That's what the sick pedophile Peter Fonda, who is hopefully burning in hell now, wanted to be done to Trumps kid. Truly sick. Children are innocent.
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See you there. I've reserved a table down front.
Sorry, but only you are going. I believe that Jesus paid for my sins, was God come down in the flesh leaving His power in Heaven and lived and died as a man and rose from the dead and took up His power up as God again and will return to rule in peace and destroy all Evil.
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What is on Hunter Biden’s laptop?
Same thing that was on Hillary Clinton’s
Same thing that is on Anthony Weiner’s

Satanic Ritual Abuse of Children.
Child Porn.
Thousands of pornograpic images of children .
Videos of homosexual satanic rituals.
Evidence of some parts of Gonernments duplicity with our foreign enemies and proof of drug trafficking and human trafficking.
Emails shared between members of The Child Trafficking Satanic Cults.
Snuff films of children being molested and ritually tortured then murdered.
Proof of DemNazi politicians involvement in all of it.
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That would solve nothing, because we already know that most people are a fairly simple binary choice.
The problem is not all fit those simple choices.
As I said before, not all people are XX or XY chromosomes, like XXY and XYY, etc.
And it gets a lot more complicated than that.
You either have a penis or a vagina. Male or female
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So life time appointments are good now? I remember a couple of years ago you leftists want to place limits on justices
Some do, when COTUS was written the average age of the population life expectancy was 41.7 for men; today the life expectancy in 2022 was 78 years for men.

The problem is the judiciary has become politicized, even before McConnell made up rules.
You either have a penis or a vagina. Male or female
Oh the ignorance.

"Ambiguous genitalia is a rare condition in which an infant's external genitals don't appear to be clearly either male or female. In a baby with ambiguous genitalia, the genitals may be incompletely developed or the baby may have characteristics of both sexes. The external sex organs may not match the internal sex organs or genetic sex.

"Ambiguous genitalia isn't a disease, it's a disorder of sex development. Usually, ambiguous genitalia is obvious at or shortly after birth, and it can be very distressing for families. Your medical team will look for the cause of ambiguous genitalia and provide information and counseling that can help guide decisions about your baby's gender and any necessary treatment."
Yeah I know she is now on SCOTUS but, why the FUCK is this regime applauding a woman that can't define what a woman is? Does that mean if a Woman is involved in a SCOTUS case she will have to recuse herself? One would think that, and her past record of leniency for pedophiles, would have precluded her from nomination in the first place but, Joe Biden is a political hack and cares not one iota for the American People.

No one can possibly come up with a single absolute definition of a woman.

There are at least 3 different criteria, of which all can be in conflict.

First there are chromosomes, and typically there are the choice of X or Y for the sexual chromosome pair.
The typically mean XX for women and XY for men, but we know there also are XXY, XYY, etc., so then your definition has to include all possibilities and only result in man or woman.

Second there is genitalia, and that is from fetal development. Typically a vagina is for women and a penis is for men, but since the chromosomes that normally produce the appropriate growth hormones can be over ridden by things like massive hormone contamination of the food chain, then that does not have to coincide with the chromosomes, and may be in total conflict between genitalia and chromosomes.

Third there is the psychological and physical gender orientation that comes after puberty.
And again this is not directly controlled by chromosomes, but by the appropriate growth hormones that the chromosomes are supposed to produce, but can be over ridden by environment, viruses, etc.
Since this happens 12 years after fetal development of genitalia, then mismatch is very possible.
Some women are born intersexed with multiple chromosone patterns and it's not uncommon.
LMAO!! You accuse Judge Jackson of being lenient on child rapists, and refuse to show any evidence. But you expect me to answer your demands?

Get fucked, you ignorant waste of skin. Oh, and maybe do a little research on how our justice system works. You know, like which crimes get which punishment.
This is what she is going to do. Its what she has been groomed for. Progs are the party who have turned judges into makers of laws. Repubs keep giving us judges where it is a roll of the dice if they are conservative. Progs do not. they are of the real cult. The Progressive Socialist Globalist godless one. The real power.
This is what she is going to do. Its what she has been groomed for. Progs are the party who have turned judges into makers of laws. Repubs keep giving us judges where it is a roll of the dice if they are conservative. Progs do not. they are of the real cult. The Progressive Socialist Globalist godless one. The real power.
Oh the ignorance.
Some do, when COTUS was written the average age of the population life expectancy was 41.7 for men; today the life expectancy in 2022 was 78 years for men.

The problem is the judiciary has become politicized, even before McConnell made up rules.
No that was the Reid rule.
Oh the ignorance.

"Ambiguous genitalia is a rare condition in which an infant's external genitals don't appear to be clearly either male or female. In a baby with ambiguous genitalia, the genitals may be incompletely developed or the baby may have characteristics of both sexes. The external sex organs may not match the internal sex organs or genetic sex.

"Ambiguous genitalia isn't a disease, it's a disorder of sex development. Usually, ambiguous genitalia is obvious at or shortly after birth, and it can be very distressing for families. Your medical team will look for the cause of ambiguous genitalia and provide information and counseling that can help guide decisions about your baby's gender and any necessary treatment."
You either have a penis or a vagina. Anyone who says otherwise is ignorant of basic life function.
You either have a penis or a vagina. Anyone who says otherwise is ignorant of basic life function.
I suppose your ignorance is combined with your being stubborn too. Have someone read the link above, so that maybe, possibly you would be able to comprehend all of the facts.
No he didn’t,
I'm afraid he did in a roundabout indirect way, because by elevating Jackson to the SC, no doubt MORE children will ultimately suffer from her future decisions now.

so let stop the wishing of abuse on children please
Bruce, no one here is wishing for any child to be abused, if you stopped long enough to read between the lines instead of superficially, you'd realize that. For one thing, "wishes" do not have the power to do anything. Second, if you spent more time reading the intent of the writer rather than the mere shallow words, you would have realized that I was really wishing that at some point Miss Jackson would suffer some action in life as a consequence of her own decisions that would come back to bite her on the ass in a way that taught her how wrong those earlier decisions were that she might learn from and grow.

Put more simply for you and the idiot ex-mod, my wish was actually to spare yet more children and others from succumbing to her further bad decisions, not to imperil more.

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