Keystone takes the next step

Is there any other raw material that is imported into America to be used to produce a product where left wing whackos and politicians demanded that the finished product could only be sold in America?

USMB commies who want every drop of crude that is refined to stay in America could you please fill me in? I seriously would love to know.
Keystone is a political pipeline. The oil cartel wants it so we get it. That's why I bitch about it. That's why everybody should bitch about it. The RW's love it because some puke behind a desk is shoving something up their ass.

I think that is coming dangerously close to opposing something JUST because of WHO supports it. Sorry, I can't go there. I just think folks need to be able to wade through the noise, get ALL the facts, and make up their own mind from there.

Both sides have been dishonest on this one from what I found in my research.

the pipeline doesn't do a damn thing for this country after its built.
politicians are shoving it down the peoples throat.
politicians are giving Canada American taxpayers land
the oil boys are running the politicians.

its the principle of the People who are responsible for entire project. I don't give a damn who the people are.
Keystone is a political pipeline. The oil cartel wants it so we get it. That's why I bitch about it. That's why everybody should bitch about it. The RW's love it because some puke behind a desk is shoving something up their ass.

See here's where you really come off as a looney left wing bitch.

I don't consider Heidi Heitkamp a RW douche bag that would love to have something shoved up her ass.

She's a great blue dog Democrat who's been fighting the good fight for the last leg of Keystone to be built because it would benefit the oil producers from the Bakken to be able to ship their product via pipeline.
Is there any other raw material that is imported into America to be used to produce a product where left wing whackos and politicians demanded that the finished product could only be sold in America?

USMB commies who want every drop of crude that is refined to stay in America could you please fill me in? I seriously would love to know.
This extra dangerous sludge was always meant for export, always, and that helps America's energy problems how exactly? If it was supposed to help America it would stop in the Midwest, not head off to port eh? Bringing more oil, and the damage it causes, into the US for other people helps us how? Oh right, it doesn't.
Keystone is a political pipeline. The oil cartel wants it so we get it. That's why I bitch about it. That's why everybody should bitch about it. The RW's love it because some puke behind a desk is shoving something up their ass.

See here's where you really come off as a looney left wing bitch.

I don't consider Heidi Heitkamp a RW douche bag that would love to have something shoved up her ass.

She's a great blue dog Democrat who's been fighting the good fight for the last leg of Keystone to be built because it would benefit the oil producers from the Bakken to be able to ship their product via pipeline.

yeah, but you're an idiot.
Keystone is a political pipeline. The oil cartel wants it so we get it. That's why I bitch about it. That's why everybody should bitch about it. The RW's love it because some puke behind a desk is shoving something up their ass.

I think that is coming dangerously close to opposing something JUST because of WHO supports it. Sorry, I can't go there. I just think folks need to be able to wade through the noise, get ALL the facts, and make up their own mind from there.

Both sides have been dishonest on this one from what I found in my research.

the pipeline doesn't do a damn thing for this country after its built.
politicians are shoving it down the peoples throat.
politicians are giving Canada American taxpayers land
the oil boys are running the politicians.

its the principle of the People who are responsible for entire project. I don't give a damn who the people are.

"Canadian companies backing the Keystone XL – touted as enhancing US energy security with a big new surge of imported Canadian oil – actually expect it to supply more lucrative Gulf Coast export markets as well as raise Midwest oil prices by reducing “oversupply” in that region.

These little-publicized findings are contained in the studies and testimony of experts working for TransCanada, the company that wants to build the pipeline from Alberta’s tar sands across America’s heartland to Gulf Coast refineries."

Inside the Keystone pipeline How much would it really help US consumers -
China wants their oil and Canada their profits, don't try to stop them or you're un-american.

For crying out loud :lol:

Canada has this big body of water on the west coast called the freaking Pacific Ocean. Direct route to China.
Keystone is a political pipeline. The oil cartel wants it so we get it. That's why I bitch about it. That's why everybody should bitch about it. The RW's love it because some puke behind a desk is shoving something up their ass.

I think that is coming dangerously close to opposing something JUST because of WHO supports it. Sorry, I can't go there. I just think folks need to be able to wade through the noise, get ALL the facts, and make up their own mind from there.

Both sides have been dishonest on this one from what I found in my research.

the pipeline doesn't do a damn thing for this country after its built.
politicians are shoving it down the peoples throat.
politicians are giving Canada American taxpayers land
the oil boys are running the politicians.

its the principle of the People who are responsible for entire project. I don't give a damn who the people are.

"Canadian companies backing the Keystone XL – touted as enhancing US energy security with a big new surge of imported Canadian oil – actually expect it to supply more lucrative Gulf Coast export markets as well as raise Midwest oil prices by reducing “oversupply” in that region.

These little-publicized findings are contained in the studies and testimony of experts working for TransCanada, the company that wants to build the pipeline from Alberta’s tar sands across America’s heartland to Gulf Coast refineries."

Inside the Keystone pipeline How much would it really help US consumers -
China wants their oil and Canada their profits, don't try to stop them or you're un-american.

For crying out loud :lol:

Canada has this big body of water on the west coast called the freaking Pacific Ocean. Direct route to China.
Yes it does, but it has a problem. It can't refine this sludge there, and there are Indians in the way blocking the pipeline since they own the land and have said no fuckin' way Jose.
IMHO: The REAL questions are:
1) Is TransCanada compensating landowners fairly.
2) What is the plan for a clean up of a spill
3) Is there a plan for removing the pipeline when that's done
4) What are the options for landowners who do not want to sell/lease
5) Can your land be condemned by a foreign entity looking to produce products to sell overseas
6) have we offered subsidies to the U.S. refineries to assist them in retooling so they can handle this sludge
IMHO: The REAL questions are:
1) Is TransCanada compensating landowners fairly.
2) What is the plan for a clean up of a spill
3) Is there a plan for removing the pipeline when that's done
4) What are the options for landowners who do not want to sell/lease
5) Can your land be condemned by a foreign entity looking to produce products to sell overseas
6) have we offered subsidies to the U.S. refineries to assist them in retooling so they can handle this sludge
1. Doubtful, since it isn't possible.
2. No.
3. No
4. None
5. Yes, with our blessing
6. Good question
Is there any other raw material that is imported into America to be used to produce a product where left wing whackos and politicians demanded that the finished product could only be sold in America?

USMB commies who want every drop of crude that is refined to stay in America could you please fill me in? I seriously would love to know.
This extra dangerous sludge was always meant for export, always, and that helps America's energy problems how exactly? If it was supposed to help America it would stop in the Midwest, not head off to port eh? Bringing more oil, and the damage it causes, into the US for other people helps us how? Oh right, it doesn't.

You've been importing that "sludge for years. It won't stop coming. It already goes to mid west refineries.

You can't stop the import of the crude. Deal with it.

IMHO: The REAL questions are:
1) Is TransCanada compensating landowners fairly.
2) What is the plan for a clean up of a spill
3) Is there a plan for removing the pipeline when that's done
4) What are the options for landowners who do not want to sell/lease
5) Can your land be condemned by a foreign entity looking to produce products to sell overseas
6) have we offered subsidies to the U.S. refineries to assist them in retooling so they can handle this sludge
1. Doubtful, since it isn't possible.
2. No.
3. No
4. None
5. Yes, with our blessing
6. Good question

Actually, I've researched those answers myself (you didn't score 100% according to the information I was able to find sorry to say) but I just want people to consider, research, and decide for themselves without all the lies and hyper-partisan rhetoric.
IMHO: The REAL questions are:
1) Is TransCanada compensating landowners fairly.
2) What is the plan for a clean up of a spill
3) Is there a plan for removing the pipeline when that's done
4) What are the options for landowners who do not want to sell/lease
5) Can your land be condemned by a foreign entity looking to produce products to sell overseas
6) have we offered subsidies to the U.S. refineries to assist them in retooling so they can handle this sludge
1. Doubtful, since it isn't possible.
2. No.
3. No
4. None
5. Yes, with our blessing
6. Good question


Saudi built a $10 billion $$ refinery in Texas City . they partnered with Shell, Shell gets subsidies as does every other major oil company. So yes to #6
IMHO: The REAL questions are:
1) Is TransCanada compensating landowners fairly.
2) What is the plan for a clean up of a spill
3) Is there a plan for removing the pipeline when that's done
4) What are the options for landowners who do not want to sell/lease
5) Can your land be condemned by a foreign entity looking to produce products to sell overseas
6) have we offered subsidies to the U.S. refineries to assist them in retooling so they can handle this sludge

I'm not going to even bother with #1 thru #5 because the State Department and State governments have not only approved the other Keystone projects which by the way are fully operational but have fully supported the building of these pipelines.

But for #6 your Gulf refineries are already equipped to deal with heavy crude.
The refineries are listed as "committed shippers"

Just google "Keystone refinery subsidies"

They must be retooled to handle this particular brand of sludge. Did taxpayers help pay for it?
Do your research - make up your own mind.
The refineries are listed as "committed shippers"

Just google "Keystone refinery subsidies"

They must be retooled to handle this particular brand of sludge. Did taxpayers help pay for it?
Do your research - make up your own mind.

Royal Dutch is a shipper?

gee. who knew, the Saudi's who built the refinery and are partnered with RD?

JUST ... big word.
The refineries are listed as "committed shippers"

Just google "Keystone refinery subsidies"

They must be retooled to handle this particular brand of sludge. Did taxpayers help pay for it?
Do your research - make up your own mind.

Royal Dutch is a shipper?

gee. who knew, the Saudi's who built the refinery and are partnered with RD?

JUST ... big word.

Transcanada CEO says shippers still committeed to Keystone XL project - Oil Platts News Article Story

welcome to Saudi, Texas.

Whur evathang is BIG !!!

YeeeeeeeeHaaaaaaaaaaaa !
OK, so some folks are more committed to rhetoric and partisanship than finding out what the real issues and the real facts are, that's OK. It's America - it happens all the time.

So you guys can go ahead and debate and decide based on whatever criteria you prefer. Thanks for a (mostly) terrific discussion.

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