Keystone takes the next step

The Senate has passed the House's Pipeline bill with 10 Democrats voting in favor.
Yet Obama still threatens Veto
this pipeline is so evil. We have already done untold and permanent damage with all the fracking both poisoning the water table and destabilizing the outer crust we sit on. With no regard for anything but the few getting rich off this stupid fossil fuel

Look at it this way, one day, all that fracking will cause giant, I mean huge, earthquakes, and volcanoes that spew so much particulate matter into the sky that it will blot out the sun and we'll all die. Live it up and have a nice day.

holy shit, holy shit !!!!! the sky will fall because of fracking, everybody run--------------------------------

what a bunch of steaming bullshit.
Guess you don't have the facts about it or are afraid of the truth. pumping poison into the water table is just suicide and unholy any way you look at it. grow up stupid.
The Senate has passed the House's Pipeline bill with 10 Democrats voting in favor.
Yet Obama still threatens Veto
this pipeline is so evil. We have already done untold and permanent damage with all the fracking both poisoning the water table and destabilizing the outer crust we sit on. With no regard for anything but the few getting rich off this stupid fossil fuel

Look at it this way, one day, all that fracking will cause giant, I mean huge, earthquakes, and volcanoes that spew so much particulate matter into the sky that it will blot out the sun and we'll all die. Live it up and have a nice day.

holy shit, holy shit !!!!! the sky will fall because of fracking, everybody run--------------------------------

what a bunch of steaming bullshit.

You can always pick out those who are ignorant about fracking. They say dumbshit like blindpoo did.

Did you recently hear a whooshhing sound?

"destabilizing the outer crust we sit on"

that's actually what the liquid they are pumping is said to be doing you fucking moron. lol. we have already increased earthquake throughout the fracked area only to get worse not too mention the emissions now growing larger then car or power plants combined. you are a bright one tho.
"All the oil is going overseas!" "Nearly all the oil is staying here!" Jesus, did no one think to just look it up?

Fact Checking on Keystone XL and Exports - Oil Change InternationalOil Change International

According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, refineries in PADD 3 (called the Gulf Coast refineries district) produced 6.8 million bpd of refined product in August – the latest month data is available. However, some of these refineries are located in West Texas, New Mexico, Northern Louisiana and Arkansas, places too far inland to have access to the water for loading tankers. Coastal refineries in Texas and Louisiana produced about 6 million bpd of refined product, of which they exported 3.1 million bpd last month – over half of their production.

So it's hard to say for sure, but the answer is most likely a very boring one: a little more than half.
this pipeline is so evil. We have already done untold and permanent damage with all the fracking both poisoning the water table and destabilizing the outer crust we sit on. With no regard for anything but the few getting rich off this stupid fossil fuel

Look at it this way, one day, all that fracking will cause giant, I mean huge, earthquakes, and volcanoes that spew so much particulate matter into the sky that it will blot out the sun and we'll all die. Live it up and have a nice day.

holy shit, holy shit !!!!! the sky will fall because of fracking, everybody run--------------------------------

what a bunch of steaming bullshit.

You can always pick out those who are ignorant about fracking. They say dumbshit like blindpoo did.

Did you recently hear a whooshhing sound?

"destabilizing the outer crust we sit on"

that's actually what the liquid they are pumping is said to be doing you fucking moron. lol. we have already increased earthquake throughout the fracked area only to get worse not too mention the emissions now growing larger then car or power plants combined. you are a bright one tho.

Said by who?

But not to worry, when the Ice Sheets melt off Greenland's volcanoes they're gonna pop off like corks in warm Champagne bottles on New Years, thus blotting out the sun and killing us all.........
Forbes had a great article dispelling the myth of "ALL" oil going overseas.

Sigh. I really can't believe all the BS that the radical envirowhackos have put out there.

Here's part of the article. More at link.

"In my previous post about the outlandish rhetoric that has sprung up around the Keystone XL pipeline project, one of the comments included this often-repeated claim: “The problem is none of the oil will stay in the U.S. It will be sold to the highest bidder.”

First of all, the statement is simply wrong on its face. Exports of crude oil from the U.S. have been banned by Congress for more than 30 years.

(The one exception is a small amount of crude that can be exported from Alaska to Canada.) So under the current law, none of the crude from Keystone will be leaving the U.S.

There have been some murmurings in Congress recently that rising domestic crude production might warrant lifting the ban on exports, but that’s a long way from becoming reality.

The anti-Keystone rhetoric appears to be objecting to the rise in exports of refined product — mostly gasoline and diesel fuel. Last year, for the first time in six decades, the U.S. exported more gasoline and diesel than it imported.

The Keystone opposition wants to argue that this is an elaborate ploy to prop up profits for Gulf Coast refiners: The crude is sent down from Canada and the finished product is sold elsewhere, so there’s no benefit to the U.S.

But again, this argument fails on simple economics.

While refined exports did rise, it was a response to weaker domestic demand as the U.S. struggled to pull its way out of recession. In a down economy, people don’t drive as much, and companies don’t ship as many goods by truck.

Refiners chose to boost exports rather than curtail output, which would have triggered more layoffs in a weak economy.

The bulk of the exports went to Mexico, Canada and Brazil. Mexico and Canada, even without Keystone, are two of our biggest suppliers of crude (Canada is No. 1; Mexico is No. 4 behind Saudi Arabia and Venezuela). Gasoline, of course, is more expensive than crude, so we are in effect importing raw materials, adding value, and selling it back at a higher price – and maintaining U.S. jobs in the process. It also helps reduce the trade deficit.

What’s more, the exports of refined products have fallen as the domestic demand has recovered, according to the latest data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration.

Using the small amount of refined product exports as an argument to justify killing Keystone was specious at best, and it’s becoming more moot by the day."

Energy Reality Check Keystone Crude Won t Be Exported - Forbes
Something strikes me odd......

A while back Obama was bragging that we're exporting a record amount of oil.
If that's a good thing, what's so wrong with exporting even more?
Something strikes me odd......

A while back Obama was bragging that we're exporting a record amount of oil.
If that's a good thing, what's so wrong with exporting even more?
Ok, I'm truly not in the know about any of this stuff so bear with me or correct me Horty, Are we allowed to export our oil? I thought I had read somewhere, that there were laws in place that prevented us from doing that, BUT we could export oil byproducts, and some were complaining that the law is being sidestepped adding other things to the oil making it qualify for a byproduct...????

Did I understand any of it? NO!!! But if you do, or someone else does, or if I am just off the wall crazy with any of this, please speak up....I'd like to understand it all....
Something strikes me odd......

A while back Obama was bragging that we're exporting a record amount of oil.
If that's a good thing, what's so wrong with exporting even more?
Ok, I'm truly not in the know about any of this stuff so bear with me or correct me Horty, Are we allowed to export our oil? I thought I had read somewhere, that there were laws in place that prevented us from doing that, BUT we could export oil byproducts, and some were complaining that the law is being sidestepped adding other things to the oil making it qualify for a byproduct...????

Did I understand any of it? NO!!! But if you do, or someone else does, or if I am just off the wall crazy with any of this, please speak up....I'd like to understand it all....
Hey, sweetly. Missed ya.

I'm no expert either. I've been reading and learning too.
Someone said something about no exporting, but I swear I heard Obama bragging.
Someone will be along soon enough to correct me, I'm sure
Something strikes me odd......

A while back Obama was bragging that we're exporting a record amount of oil.
If that's a good thing, what's so wrong with exporting even more?
Ok, I'm truly not in the know about any of this stuff so bear with me or correct me Horty, Are we allowed to export our oil? I thought I had read somewhere, that there were laws in place that prevented us from doing that, BUT we could export oil byproducts, and some were complaining that the law is being sidestepped adding other things to the oil making it qualify for a byproduct...????

Did I understand any of it? NO!!! But if you do, or someone else does, or if I am just off the wall crazy with any of this, please speak up....I'd like to understand it all....
Hey, sweetly. Missed ya.

I'm no expert either. I've been reading and learning too.
Someone said something about no exporting, but I swear I heard Obama bragging.
Someone will be along soon enough to correct me, I'm sure
Missed you bunches as well Hortysir, glad to see you back!

Anyway, I 'll wait too, for someone else that knows more about this, to answer...

Maybe it is refined gasoline that we are exporting more than ever and not crude Horty?
Latin America and Mexico re the #9 and #10 producers in the WORLD, YOU RETARDED FUCK !

List of countries by oil production - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Canada at #5 IN THE WORLD!

You retard!!

notice the total global production for Canada ... a little over 4%

now notice the total production for Latin America and Mexico ... a little ove 8%

which # is bigger 4 or 8 ?

come on you can do it, 1st graders can anyway.


So your link lied?

nope, you're just too stupid to figure it out.

What is there to figure out? Canada produces more oil than Mexico.

By the way your original comment on this topic was about Mexico and Canada, but you figured out that you didn't have a chance in hell, so you then added Latin America. But I'm holding you to your original argument.

I'm guessing your employment history has the phrase" do you want fries with that" somewhere in it.

post # 148 ... I clearly stated Latin America AND Mexico produce more oil than Canada.

see, you're an idiot.

Can I get some fries with my Big Mac please.
"All the oil is going overseas!" "Nearly all the oil is staying here!" Jesus, did no one think to just look it up?

Fact Checking on Keystone XL and Exports - Oil Change InternationalOil Change International

According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, refineries in PADD 3 (called the Gulf Coast refineries district) produced 6.8 million bpd of refined product in August – the latest month data is available. However, some of these refineries are located in West Texas, New Mexico, Northern Louisiana and Arkansas, places too far inland to have access to the water for loading tankers. Coastal refineries in Texas and Louisiana produced about 6 million bpd of refined product, of which they exported 3.1 million bpd last month – over half of their production.

So it's hard to say for sure, but the answer is most likely a very boring one: a little more than half.

Except the Candian company said ALL of the Keystone sludge will be refined into aviation fuel and 100% of it will be sold outside the U.S.

You don't have to "guesstimate"
"All the oil is going overseas!" "Nearly all the oil is staying here!" Jesus, did no one think to just look it up?

Fact Checking on Keystone XL and Exports - Oil Change InternationalOil Change International

According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, refineries in PADD 3 (called the Gulf Coast refineries district) produced 6.8 million bpd of refined product in August – the latest month data is available. However, some of these refineries are located in West Texas, New Mexico, Northern Louisiana and Arkansas, places too far inland to have access to the water for loading tankers. Coastal refineries in Texas and Louisiana produced about 6 million bpd of refined product, of which they exported 3.1 million bpd last month – over half of their production.

So it's hard to say for sure, but the answer is most likely a very boring one: a little more than half.

Except the Candian company said ALL of the Keystone sludge will be refined into aviation fuel and 100% of it will be sold outside the U.S.

You don't have to "guesstimate"

I have not found any web-site with a definitive quote from TransCanada saying that 100% of the refined oil will be sold overseas.
"Canadian companies backing the Keystone XL – touted as enhancing US energy security with a big new surge of imported Canadian oil – actually expect it to supply more lucrative Gulf Coast export markets as well as raise Midwest oil prices by reducing “oversupply” in that region.

These little-publicized findings are contained in the studies and testimony of experts working for TransCanada, the company that wants to build the pipeline from Alberta’s tar sands across America’s heartland to Gulf Coast refineries."

Inside the Keystone pipeline How much would it really help US consumers -
"Canadian companies backing the Keystone XL – touted as enhancing US energy security with a big new surge of imported Canadian oil – actually expect it to supply more lucrative Gulf Coast export markets as well as raise Midwest oil prices by reducing “oversupply” in that region.

These little-publicized findings are contained in the studies and testimony of experts working for TransCanada, the company that wants to build the pipeline from Alberta’s tar sands across America’s heartland to Gulf Coast refineries."

Inside the Keystone pipeline How much would it really help US consumers -
China wants their oil and Canada their profits, don't try to stop them or you're un-american.
"Canadian companies backing the Keystone XL – touted as enhancing US energy security with a big new surge of imported Canadian oil – actually expect it to supply more lucrative Gulf Coast export markets as well as raise Midwest oil prices by reducing “oversupply” in that region.

These little-publicized findings are contained in the studies and testimony of experts working for TransCanada, the company that wants to build the pipeline from Alberta’s tar sands across America’s heartland to Gulf Coast refineries."

Inside the Keystone pipeline How much would it really help US consumers -
China wants their oil and Canada their profits, don't try to stop them or you're un-american.

I don't begrudge the Canadians their profits or the Chinese their oil. And I don't think this pipeline is the "Doom waiting to happen" that the far left claims.

IMHO: this is just a pretty mundane topic that the hyper-partisans and the self-interest promoters have turned into a hyper-partisan issue with their lies and rhetoric.
Keystone is a political pipeline. The oil cartel wants it so we get it. That's why I bitch about it. That's why everybody should bitch about it. The RW's love it because some puke behind a desk is shoving something up their ass.
If you oil hater libs want a pipeline to be concerned about turn your attention to the sewers spewing raw sewage into public waterways from your liberal cities. OH SNAP!
Keystone is a political pipeline. The oil cartel wants it so we get it. That's why I bitch about it. That's why everybody should bitch about it. The RW's love it because some puke behind a desk is shoving something up their ass.

I think that is coming dangerously close to opposing something JUST because of WHO supports it. Sorry, I can't go there. I just think folks need to be able to wade through the noise, get ALL the facts, and make up their own mind from there.

Both sides have been dishonest on this one from what I found in my research.

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