Keystone XL Fails to Pass Senate 59 - 41

Let's cut thru all the bullshit and get real.

Will refined products from Keystone XL be exported?

It should be noted that Keystone XL transports crude oil, not refined products.

TransCanada is an energy infrastructure company. We build energy infrastructure like pipelines, natural gas-fired power plants and wind farms.

We don’t actually extract or own a single molecule of oil or natural gas that we transport.

We are contracted to build the infrastructure to safely deliver those molecules to their destination.

We don’t own the oil we transport, much like a moving company doesn’t own your bed during a move.

Myths Facts Keystone XL Pipeline

This pipeline would be used to transport oil to the Gulf, loaded on Tankers, then sold on the worldwide oil market to the highest bidder. There are ZERO guarantees that any of this oil stays in America.

What are you going to do? This crude is going to the Gulf refineries no matter what. We are your number one supplier.

Rail or truck or pipeline. Pick your poison. Block the pipeline? Okey dokey what next?

Block all rail transport from Canada to the US? Or block all tankers from Canada to the US?

Because it might not all stay in the US?

You need the crude.

Or are you going to legislate that your very own US companies who have purchased the crude not be able to sell it anywhere but in America?

That would be very Venezuelan of you.

We already know they're not gonna sell it here; that's what she just said.

Strange post, TD.

Who cares if they sell it here. The pipeline itself would provide jobs NOW and it would be REFINED here.

Do you dumbfucks think that they are going to ship unrefined oi down to the Gulf Coast and then what ship it to China to be refined? Yeah , that would be MUCH more cost efficient than simply having the refineries that the pipeline itself goes to refine it.

35-50 jobs.....Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In Oklahoma alone union welders made $134,000 working on just one portion of the pipeline.

Construction jobs are temporary. Just by their nature but they pay big money for both skilled and unskilled labor. Your State department forecast over 40,000 jobs during the construction of the pipeline.

Think of it this way Plas. It takes 100000s of men and women to build highways, schools, bridges and there are zilch permanent jobs after those projects are completed.

So does a project like a highway not get built because there are jack shit jobs after the construction?


I don't think so.
the tax cuts were extended ... or show me the HR bill # and date

My My, the far left drones continue to show they do not understand how things work.

Are you seriously claiming that they "extended" the tax cuts without any type of Bill on the floor?

Here is a known far left blog that you should believe without question or hesitation.

President Obama signed into law the most significant tax bill in nearly a decade Friday, a day after overcoming liberal resistance in Congress to continue for two more years tax breaks enacted under president George W. Bush and to provide a fresh federal boost for the tepid economic recovery.

Obama signs bill to extend Bush-era tax cuts for two more years

my my, I said extended them just like the article says ...

how dumb di you say you are ? want me to look up the HR # for you El Dumbasso

Yes they put a BILL on the floor to extend them..

So yes! They passed them again..

Yes the far left would much rather watch the world burn than admit they are wrong!

or watch your stupid ass burn

H.R. 8 (fiscal cliff bill), Jan. 1, 2013

there's the HR# and date, not some dipshit article.

More proof that the far left is running on a programmed narrative not based on reality..

Date of the article Friday, December 17, 2010; 5:05 PM

So will this far left drone let the world burn than admit they were wrong?

so what are you trying to prove? you're a moron 2 years behind current events ?

helloooooooooooo, this is 2014.

you pathetic dumbass ... and you don't even have to try to be a dumbass do you?
This pipeline would be used to transport oil to the Gulf, loaded on Tankers, then sold on the worldwide oil market to the highest bidder. There are ZERO guarantees that any of this oil stays in America.

What are you going to do? This crude is going to the Gulf refineries no matter what. We are your number one supplier.

Rail or truck or pipeline. Pick your poison. Block the pipeline? Okey dokey what next?

Block all rail transport from Canada to the US? Or block all tankers from Canada to the US?

Because it might not all stay in the US?

You need the crude.

Or are you going to legislate that your very own US companies who have purchased the crude not be able to sell it anywhere but in America?

That would be very Venezuelan of you.

We already know they're not gonna sell it here; that's what she just said.

Strange post, TD.

Who cares if they sell it here. The pipeline itself would provide jobs NOW and it would be REFINED here.

Do you dumbfucks think that they are going to ship unrefined oi down to the Gulf Coast and then what ship it to China to be refined? Yeah , that would be MUCH more cost efficient than simply having the refineries that the pipeline itself goes to refine it.

35-50 jobs.....Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In Oklahoma alone union welders made $134,000 working on just one portion of the pipeline.

Construction jobs are temporary. Just by their nature but they pay big money for both skilled and unskilled labor. Your State department forecast over 40,000 jobs during the construction of the pipeline.

Think of it this way Plas. It takes 100000s of men and women to build highways, schools, bridges and there are zilch permanent jobs after those projects are completed.

So does a project like a highway not get built because there are jack shit jobs after the construction?


I don't think so.

Little Miss Union Supporter ... you're on permanent record Mama Teamster.
My My, the far left drones continue to show they do not understand how things work.

Are you seriously claiming that they "extended" the tax cuts without any type of Bill on the floor?

Here is a known far left blog that you should believe without question or hesitation.

President Obama signed into law the most significant tax bill in nearly a decade Friday, a day after overcoming liberal resistance in Congress to continue for two more years tax breaks enacted under president George W. Bush and to provide a fresh federal boost for the tepid economic recovery.

Obama signs bill to extend Bush-era tax cuts for two more years

my my, I said extended them just like the article says ...

how dumb di you say you are ? want me to look up the HR # for you El Dumbasso

Yes they put a BILL on the floor to extend them..

So yes! They passed them again..

Yes the far left would much rather watch the world burn than admit they are wrong!

or watch your stupid ass burn

H.R. 8 (fiscal cliff bill), Jan. 1, 2013

there's the HR# and date, not some dipshit article.

More proof that the far left is running on a programmed narrative not based on reality..

Date of the article Friday, December 17, 2010; 5:05 PM

So will this far left drone let the world burn than admit they were wrong?

so what are you trying to prove? you're a moron 2 years behind current events ?

helloooooooooooo, this is 2014.

you pathetic dumbass ... and you don't even have to try to be a dumbass do you?

Another irony impaired post from this far left drone..

What are you going to do? This crude is going to the Gulf refineries no matter what. We are your number one supplier.

Rail or truck or pipeline. Pick your poison. Block the pipeline? Okey dokey what next?

Block all rail transport from Canada to the US? Or block all tankers from Canada to the US?

Because it might not all stay in the US?

You need the crude.

Or are you going to legislate that your very own US companies who have purchased the crude not be able to sell it anywhere but in America?

That would be very Venezuelan of you.

We already know they're not gonna sell it here; that's what she just said.

Strange post, TD.

Who cares if they sell it here. The pipeline itself would provide jobs NOW and it would be REFINED here.

Do you dumbfucks think that they are going to ship unrefined oi down to the Gulf Coast and then what ship it to China to be refined? Yeah , that would be MUCH more cost efficient than simply having the refineries that the pipeline itself goes to refine it.

35-50 jobs.....Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In Oklahoma alone union welders made $134,000 working on just one portion of the pipeline.

Construction jobs are temporary. Just by their nature but they pay big money for both skilled and unskilled labor. Your State department forecast over 40,000 jobs during the construction of the pipeline.

Think of it this way Plas. It takes 100000s of men and women to build highways, schools, bridges and there are zilch permanent jobs after those projects are completed.

So does a project like a highway not get built because there are jack shit jobs after the construction?


I don't think so.

Little Miss Union Supporter ... you're on permanent record Mama Teamster.

Oh so now the far left does not support unions, well we knew that when went up against the keystone pipeline..
Keystone XL dead in Senate . GOP picks up another Senate seat in Louisiana.

Which would be less expensive to the tax payer?

A refinery where the oil comes from or a pipeline that drives through America, it's nature, it's water sources, it's private property to make it's way to a refinery in idiot Texas?

No need for a pipeline if you aren't invested in it. Just make a refinery where the oil comes from.
We already know they're not gonna sell it here; that's what she just said.

Strange post, TD.

Who cares if they sell it here. The pipeline itself would provide jobs NOW and it would be REFINED here.

Do you dumbfucks think that they are going to ship unrefined oi down to the Gulf Coast and then what ship it to China to be refined? Yeah , that would be MUCH more cost efficient than simply having the refineries that the pipeline itself goes to refine it.

35-50 jobs.....Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In Oklahoma alone union welders made $134,000 working on just one portion of the pipeline.

Construction jobs are temporary. Just by their nature but they pay big money for both skilled and unskilled labor. Your State department forecast over 40,000 jobs during the construction of the pipeline.

Think of it this way Plas. It takes 100000s of men and women to build highways, schools, bridges and there are zilch permanent jobs after those projects are completed.

So does a project like a highway not get built because there are jack shit jobs after the construction?


I don't think so.

Little Miss Union Supporter ... you're on permanent record Mama Teamster.

Oh so now the far left does not support unions, well we knew that when went up against the keystone pipeline..

I'm not from the far left durrrrrrr.

see, you keep insisting I afford you the opportunity to prove how stupid you are Mr 2010 ...

Keystone XL dead in Senate . GOP picks up another Senate seat in Louisiana.

Which would be less expensive to the tax payer?

A refinery where the oil comes from or a pipeline that drives through America, it's nature, it's water sources, it's private property to make it's way to a refinery in idiot Texas?

No need for a pipeline if you aren't invested in it. Just make a refinery where the oil comes from.

Well since the far left set things up this way you will have to convince them to allow the building of more refineries.

You get to work on convincing the far left to allow this to happen by changing existing laws..

Report back when you have accomplished this..
Keystone XL dead in Senate . GOP picks up another Senate seat in Louisiana.

Which would be less expensive to the tax payer?

A refinery where the oil comes from or a pipeline that drives through America, it's nature, it's water sources, it's private property to make it's way to a refinery in idiot Texas?

No need for a pipeline if you aren't invested in it. Just make a refinery where the oil comes from.

Well since the far left set things up this way you will have to convince them to allow the building of more refineries.

You get to work on convincing the far left to allow this to happen by changing existing laws..

Report back when you have accomplished this..

So you think I have to convince the Left of more refineries........not convince the Right of Common Sense.

As it turns out, I'm not party person. You are stupid if you are stupid, no matter the party. Thanks for playing.
Who cares if they sell it here. The pipeline itself would provide jobs NOW and it would be REFINED here.

Do you dumbfucks think that they are going to ship unrefined oi down to the Gulf Coast and then what ship it to China to be refined? Yeah , that would be MUCH more cost efficient than simply having the refineries that the pipeline itself goes to refine it.

35-50 jobs.....Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In Oklahoma alone union welders made $134,000 working on just one portion of the pipeline.

Construction jobs are temporary. Just by their nature but they pay big money for both skilled and unskilled labor. Your State department forecast over 40,000 jobs during the construction of the pipeline.

Think of it this way Plas. It takes 100000s of men and women to build highways, schools, bridges and there are zilch permanent jobs after those projects are completed.

So does a project like a highway not get built because there are jack shit jobs after the construction?


I don't think so.

Little Miss Union Supporter ... you're on permanent record Mama Teamster.

Oh so now the far left does not support unions, well we knew that when went up against the keystone pipeline..

I'm not from the far left durrrrrrr.

see, you keep insisting I afford you the opportunity to prove how stupid you are Mr 2010 ...


Yes you are. All your posts prove that!
Keystone XL dead in Senate . GOP picks up another Senate seat in Louisiana.

Which would be less expensive to the tax payer?

A refinery where the oil comes from or a pipeline that drives through America, it's nature, it's water sources, it's private property to make it's way to a refinery in idiot Texas?

No need for a pipeline if you aren't invested in it. Just make a refinery where the oil comes from.

Well since the far left set things up this way you will have to convince them to allow the building of more refineries.

You get to work on convincing the far left to allow this to happen by changing existing laws..

Report back when you have accomplished this..

So you think I have to convince the Left of more refineries........not convince the Right of Common Sense.

As it turns out, I'm not party person. You are stupid if you are stupid, no matter the party. Thanks for playing.

Not saying you were just telling you who you had to get behind the actions..

However since you refuse to acknowledge the real problem on who is behind this (the far left and their neo-Nazi environmentalists) then I have to call into question your comments..
Keystone XL dead in Senate . GOP picks up another Senate seat in Louisiana.

Which would be less expensive to the tax payer?

A refinery where the oil comes from or a pipeline that drives through America, it's nature, it's water sources, it's private property to make it's way to a refinery in idiot Texas?

No need for a pipeline if you aren't invested in it. Just make a refinery where the oil comes from.

Well since the far left set things up this way you will have to convince them to allow the building of more refineries.

You get to work on convincing the far left to allow this to happen by changing existing laws..

Report back when you have accomplished this..

I'm sure you can make a post/link/some information of the Left turning down refineries and you aren't just being stupid here. I'll love to read it if you have that information........Since your name is Kosh and your posts in the past
Keystone XL dead in Senate . GOP picks up another Senate seat in Louisiana.

Which would be less expensive to the tax payer?

A refinery where the oil comes from or a pipeline that drives through America, it's nature, it's water sources, it's private property to make it's way to a refinery in idiot Texas?

No need for a pipeline if you aren't invested in it. Just make a refinery where the oil comes from.

Well since the far left set things up this way you will have to convince them to allow the building of more refineries.

You get to work on convincing the far left to allow this to happen by changing existing laws..

Report back when you have accomplished this..

So you think I have to convince the Left of more refineries........not convince the Right of Common Sense.

As it turns out, I'm not party person. You are stupid if you are stupid, no matter the party. Thanks for playing.

Not saying you were just telling you who you had to get behind the actions..

However since you refuse to acknowledge the real problem on who is behind this (the far left and their neo-Nazi environmentalists) then I have to call into question your comments..

So you are digging deeper. I'm sure you must have a link to "Environmentalists" that used government to stop the building of a refinery near Canada................Otherwise, you are just a puppet.
America has had enough of large Corporations using scare tactics to gain more profits.
Keystone XL dead in Senate . GOP picks up another Senate seat in Louisiana.

Which would be less expensive to the tax payer?

A refinery where the oil comes from or a pipeline that drives through America, it's nature, it's water sources, it's private property to make it's way to a refinery in idiot Texas?

No need for a pipeline if you aren't invested in it. Just make a refinery where the oil comes from.

Well since the far left set things up this way you will have to convince them to allow the building of more refineries.

You get to work on convincing the far left to allow this to happen by changing existing laws..

Report back when you have accomplished this..

I'm sure you can make a post/link/some information of the Left turning down refineries and you aren't just being stupid here. I'll love to read it if you have that information........Since your name is Kosh and your posts in the past
Keystone XL dead in Senate . GOP picks up another Senate seat in Louisiana.

Which would be less expensive to the tax payer?

A refinery where the oil comes from or a pipeline that drives through America, it's nature, it's water sources, it's private property to make it's way to a refinery in idiot Texas?

No need for a pipeline if you aren't invested in it. Just make a refinery where the oil comes from.

Well since the far left set things up this way you will have to convince them to allow the building of more refineries.

You get to work on convincing the far left to allow this to happen by changing existing laws..

Report back when you have accomplished this..

So you think I have to convince the Left of more refineries........not convince the Right of Common Sense.

As it turns out, I'm not party person. You are stupid if you are stupid, no matter the party. Thanks for playing.

Not saying you were just telling you who you had to get behind the actions..

However since you refuse to acknowledge the real problem on who is behind this (the far left and their neo-Nazi environmentalists) then I have to call into question your comments..

So you are digging deeper. I'm sure you must have a link to "Environmentalists" that used government to stop the building of a refinery near Canada................Otherwise, you are just a puppet.

Well I am sure you have the information to prove the far left (and their environmental Nazi groups) will support refineries to be built anywhere including near Canada

I am all for building the refineries closer to the source. I know of one in Wyoming that opened, but if you see how long it took to get that through and what it took you will understand my comments..

Ground was broken in N. Dakota..

However the far left had very little to do with wanting them built, thus upholding my comments on who you really have to convince..
Keystone XL dead in Senate . GOP picks up another Senate seat in Louisiana.

Which would be less expensive to the tax payer?

A refinery where the oil comes from or a pipeline that drives through America, it's nature, it's water sources, it's private property to make it's way to a refinery in idiot Texas?

No need for a pipeline if you aren't invested in it. Just make a refinery where the oil comes from.

Well since the far left set things up this way you will have to convince them to allow the building of more refineries.

You get to work on convincing the far left to allow this to happen by changing existing laws..

Report back when you have accomplished this..

I'm sure you can make a post/link/some information of the Left turning down refineries and you aren't just being stupid here. I'll love to read it if you have that information........Since your name is Kosh and your posts in the past
Which would be less expensive to the tax payer?

A refinery where the oil comes from or a pipeline that drives through America, it's nature, it's water sources, it's private property to make it's way to a refinery in idiot Texas?

No need for a pipeline if you aren't invested in it. Just make a refinery where the oil comes from.

Well since the far left set things up this way you will have to convince them to allow the building of more refineries.

You get to work on convincing the far left to allow this to happen by changing existing laws..

Report back when you have accomplished this..

So you think I have to convince the Left of more refineries........not convince the Right of Common Sense.

As it turns out, I'm not party person. You are stupid if you are stupid, no matter the party. Thanks for playing.

Not saying you were just telling you who you had to get behind the actions..

However since you refuse to acknowledge the real problem on who is behind this (the far left and their neo-Nazi environmentalists) then I have to call into question your comments..

So you are digging deeper. I'm sure you must have a link to "Environmentalists" that used government to stop the building of a refinery near Canada................Otherwise, you are just a puppet.

Well I am sure you have the information to prove the far left (and their environmental Nazi groups) will support refineries to be built anywhere including near Canada

I am all for building the refineries closer to the source. I know of one in Wyoming that opened, but if you see how long it took to get that through and what it took you will understand my comments..

Ground was broken in N. Dakota..

However the far left had very little to do with wanting them built, thus upholding my comments on who you really have to convince..

"Well I am sure you have the information to prove the far left (and their environmental Nazi groups) will support refineries to be built anywhere including near Canada"

Your post shows your ignorance of the topic and politics in general. I have no need to prove my stance because no one ever tried to make a refinery near Canada. Only small brains like you jumped to the conclusion that the only place we can refine oil is in Texas. And you are not alone.

You do understand the makers of the Pipeline invested large amounts of money to politicians who fight for a pipe over American property. If the pipeline went over your "down home" house, would you want to give it up? They are going to seize property to run it and it will run over America's biggest water source just years after showing they can corrupt an entire GULF of water.

It's time you grew a brain and stopped fighting for the profits of others and started fighting for your own well being.
America has had enough of large Corporations using scare tactics to gain more profits.

Incorrect since they are the ones that buy and pay for these politicians regardless of party..

Heavy Hitters Top All-Time Donors 1989-2014 OpenSecrets

The irony of you solidifying my point..........

The irony of proving my comments by proving yours incorrect!

If you are correct then show where the "Left" said we can't make a refinery closer to the oil source........that's the point.

I'm sure you can make 101 posts about the Left wanting alternative energy, because to not make them would be ignorance.

But let's see one that attacks the issue at hand. You stated the Left wouldn't allow oil refineries near Canada and that's why it has to go all the way through the nation to Texas.............basic ignorance......

It's topic time. Go ahead. Show your links.
Keystone XL dead in Senate . GOP picks up another Senate seat in Louisiana.

Which would be less expensive to the tax payer?

A refinery where the oil comes from or a pipeline that drives through America, it's nature, it's water sources, it's private property to make it's way to a refinery in idiot Texas?

No need for a pipeline if you aren't invested in it. Just make a refinery where the oil comes from.

Well since the far left set things up this way you will have to convince them to allow the building of more refineries.

You get to work on convincing the far left to allow this to happen by changing existing laws..

Report back when you have accomplished this..

I'm sure you can make a post/link/some information of the Left turning down refineries and you aren't just being stupid here. I'll love to read it if you have that information........Since your name is Kosh and your posts in the past
Well since the far left set things up this way you will have to convince them to allow the building of more refineries.

You get to work on convincing the far left to allow this to happen by changing existing laws..

Report back when you have accomplished this..

So you think I have to convince the Left of more refineries........not convince the Right of Common Sense.

As it turns out, I'm not party person. You are stupid if you are stupid, no matter the party. Thanks for playing.

Not saying you were just telling you who you had to get behind the actions..

However since you refuse to acknowledge the real problem on who is behind this (the far left and their neo-Nazi environmentalists) then I have to call into question your comments..

So you are digging deeper. I'm sure you must have a link to "Environmentalists" that used government to stop the building of a refinery near Canada................Otherwise, you are just a puppet.

Well I am sure you have the information to prove the far left (and their environmental Nazi groups) will support refineries to be built anywhere including near Canada

I am all for building the refineries closer to the source. I know of one in Wyoming that opened, but if you see how long it took to get that through and what it took you will understand my comments..

Ground was broken in N. Dakota..

However the far left had very little to do with wanting them built, thus upholding my comments on who you really have to convince..

"Well I am sure you have the information to prove the far left (and their environmental Nazi groups) will support refineries to be built anywhere including near Canada"

Your post shows your ignorance of the topic and politics in general. I have no need to prove my stance because no one ever tried to make a refinery near Canada. Only small brains like you jumped to the conclusion that the only place we can refine oil is in Texas. And you are not alone.

You do understand the makers of the Pipeline invested large amounts of money to politicians who fight for a pipe over American property. If the pipeline went over your "down home" house, would you want to give it up? They are going to seize property to run it and it will run over America's biggest water source just years after showing they can corrupt an entire GULF of water.

It's time you grew a brain and stopped fighting for the profits of others and started fighting for your own well being.

So did warren buffet that owns many of the trains to keep the pipeline from being built..

And I as I stated already (which you conveniently ignored) I am all for building refineries closer to the source.

However the bulk of the pipeline has already been built, now they just talking about completing the project..

However if you look at the history you will understand why those refineries are the cost..

And once again shows and proves my comments from earlier..

Have you convinced the far left to let it happen yet?

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