Keystone XL Fails to Pass Senate 59 - 41

The times they are a-changing! In a couple of short weeks,the Democrats have got their tails between their legs. Who could have imagined this three weeks ago?

You forget the filibuster.

The democrats will do to the republicans what the republicans have been doing since they lost the majority in 2007. You people don't think that democrats won't play your game? You actually believe that your party could get away with their endless filibusters for all these years and not have it come back to bite them in the butt? LOL! You certainly are good for comic relief.

republicans may have the majority but the democrats will have control with the filibuster.

republicans don't have 60 seats so they won't get anything passed in the senate without the approval of the democrats.

And try taking a basic math corse or at least learn how to count. It's not just a couple of weeks. The republicans won't be sworn in until next year which is around 6 weeks from now.
Don't be daft. Keystone is going to be built, if not now then later. Playing to the left-wing base is no longer practical. If Obama doesn't sign it, the next president will.
The left has yet given a good reason not to build KXL. If Canada sells to China, that oil will be burnt without regard for polluting the air.
Democrats are suppose to be the party for the people

1000s of jobs they just voted down.

Rightwingers trying to pretend they're the protectors of good paying union jobs. Now, you've seen everything...
Well aaaahh... hate to break it to ya there bubble head, but in this instance, there's no pretending because that is exactly what's happening.
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I won't read all 14 pages. New Senate or not Obama will veto Keystone. Something for all the RW's who suggest the Dems can gloat for now. The RW's can talk trash for now, the biggest shoe has yet to fall on Keystone.

More far left propaganda based on the far left religious programming..

for an American Congress to enforce eminent domain on American citizens, grab their land so a French Canadian oil company can ship oil to China is WRONG .. that pisses me off ... if it doesn't piss off EVERY American obviously you're not an American ... like you Kosh.

More far left propaganda and scare tactics from the far left religious programming!

How about do NOT pay your taxes to the fed government or pay your property taxes and see how long you keep your land..

Go ahead!

so you're more than willing to give up land that doesn't belong to you just to support foreign countries long term ... damn, that's real big of you

can I call you Frenchie or do you prefer Hop Sing ?
You would think a canyon 20 miles deep was being gouged out west, splitting our country into.
Democrats are suppose to be the party for the people

1000s of jobs they just voted down.

Rightwingers trying to pretend they're the protectors of good paying union jobs. Now, you've seen everything...
Well aaaahh... hate to break it to ya there bubble head, but in this instance, there's no pretending because that is exactly what's happening.

Pipeline work is not a great union job. Ever tried working & living in a small camper in below freezing weather out in the middle of nowhere with the wife & kids for a couple years? Frozen sewer tanks, water pipes, propane tanks, propane heat & generator gas tank emptied daily, homeschooling kids, etc.
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You'd think by the reaction of the radical ocupy far left socialist wing, known also as the democrats, that Keystone was the first and only pipeline to ever be built in America! WTF is wrong with these people, other than just plain being anti American trash? There's pipelines ALL OVER America ALREADY. What is the major problem with Keystone?


Might want to remind your fellow far left drones of that!

So you now report trolling?

I've been on topic, I was just responding to your trolling.

No dear, you haven't made a fucking on topic statemetn in this entire thread that I have seen. Meanwhile I've been discussing the actual you know pipeline, which IS the topic.

See, here is one of my posts

Keystone XL Fails to Pass Senate 59 - 41 Page 15 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Please post a link to the message where you first posted this link and said it was from a cornell study. If I'm wrong and you DID say so, big deal. I'll apologize and move on. No big deal.

Completely on topic

Here is one of your posts

Keystone XL Fails to Pass Senate 59 - 41 Page 14 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

And you're a broken record.

And here is another

Keystone XL Fails to Pass Senate 59 - 41 Page 13 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Useless blabber.

Absolutely, completely NO comment on the topic at all, NONE.

Do you see the difference now dear? Here let me help you out

"Zone 2": Political Forum / Israel and Palestine Forum / Race Relations/Racism Forum / Religion & Ethics Forum: Baiting and polarizing OP's (Opening Posts), and thread titles risk the thread either being moved or trashed. Keep it relevant, choose wisely. Each post must contain content relevant to the thread subject, in addition to any flame. No trolling. No hit and run flames. No hijacking or derailing threads.

OMG, you're a whiny little girl. LOL!

Here ya go. 35 permanent jobs!

CNN s Van Jones says Keystone pipeline only creates 35 permanent jobs PunditFact
Van Jones is a self proclaimed communist.
Democrats are suppose to be the party for the people

1000s of jobs they just voted down.

Rightwingers trying to pretend they're the protectors of good paying union jobs. Now, you've seen everything...
Well aaaahh... hate to break it to ya there bubble head, but in this instance, there's no pretending because that is exactly what's happening.

Pipeline work is not a great union job. Ever tried living in a small camper in below freezing weather out in the middle of nowhere with the wife & kids for a couple years? Frozen sewer tanks, water pipes, propane tanks, propane emptied daily, homeschooling kids, etc.
Who says everyone is going to be married with a wife and kids in tow? Who says that even if they are married that they'd take the wife and kids with them? If you're making $150,000.00 a year, you can afford to leave the wife and kids at home, and visit once or twice a month.
It will eventually pass. May have to wait until Obama is gone, but it will pass eventually.

This was the final nail in the coffin for Landrieu though. Louisiana isn't fooled by her sudden move to bring the bill up for a vote, it reeks so bad of politics no one is fooled.
Democrats are suppose to be the party for the people

1000s of jobs they just voted down.

Rightwingers trying to pretend they're the protectors of good paying union jobs. Now, you've seen everything...
Well aaaahh... hate to break it to ya there bubble head, but in this instance, there's no pretending because that is exactly what's happening.

Pipeline work is not a great union job. Ever tried working & living in a small camper in below freezing weather out in the middle of nowhere with the wife & kids for a couple years? Frozen sewer tanks, water pipes, propane tanks, propane heat & generator gas tank emptied daily, homeschooling kids, etc.
Who says everyone is going to be married with a wife and kids in tow? Who says that even if they are married that they'd take the wife and kids with them? If you're making $150,000.00 a year, you can afford to leave the wife and kids at home, and visit once or twice a month.
There is a huge increase in living expense creating 2 households & travel. They aren't getting paid nearly that much unless they work massive overtime & that aint happening in the bitter cold snow & ice. I know skilled pipeline land surveyors & diesel mechanics out there right now not making that much. They had to rent out their home & take the wife & kids with them to make ends meet. They are further in debt than when they started on the pipeline job.
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You'd think by the reaction of the radical ocupy far left socialist wing, known also as the democrats, that Keystone was the first and only pipeline to ever be built in America! WTF is wrong with these people, other than just plain being anti American trash? There's pipelines ALL OVER America ALREADY. What is the major problem with Keystone?

If you aren't bright enough to know the difference between Keystone and the other crude oil pipelines, you are the Conservative's wet dream.
Ignorance is bliss...
Keystone XL dead in Senate . GOP picks up another Senate seat in Louisiana.

Why You Should Oppose the Keystone XL Pipeline

By Chris Mayer

by Chris Mayer Daily Reckoning

Previously by Chris Mayer: Lose the News

There is one reason why you should oppose the proposed $5.3 billion Keystone XL Pipeline. And it has nothing to do with “green religionists,” as The Wall Street Journal calls the opposition in today’s paper.

Instead, it has everything to do with a foreign oil company using U.S. government power to force Americans off their land in the name of “eminent domain.”
It has everything to do with putting a 78-year-old grandmother in jail, pepper-spraying protesters and using other bullying tactics that would make the Mafia proud.

This pipeline would connect the oil and gas producers in Western Canada with various U.S. endpoints. There are all kinds of economic benefits for a new pipeline. You’ve probably heard about the 16,000 jobs, for instance. I’m not disputing the supposed benefits.

What I don’t like is the eminent domain abuse. In fact, I don’t like eminent domain at all. The fact that a government can force you off your own property shows that property rights are not secure, even in the U.S.
We already know they're not gonna sell it here; that's what she just said.

Strange post, TD.

Who cares if they sell it here. The pipeline itself would provide jobs NOW and it would be REFINED here.

Do you dumbfucks think that they are going to ship unrefined oi down to the Gulf Coast and then what ship it to China to be refined? Yeah , that would be MUCH more cost efficient than simply having the refineries that the pipeline itself goes to refine it.

35-50 jobs.....Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In Oklahoma alone union welders made $134,000 working on just one portion of the pipeline.

Construction jobs are temporary. Just by their nature but they pay big money for both skilled and unskilled labor. Your State department forecast over 40,000 jobs during the construction of the pipeline.

Think of it this way Plas. It takes 100000s of men and women to build highways, schools, bridges and there are zilch permanent jobs after those projects are completed.

So does a project like a highway not get built because there are jack shit jobs after the construction?


I don't think so.

Little Miss Union Supporter ... you're on permanent record Mama Teamster.

Oh so now the far left does not support unions, well we knew that when went up against the keystone pipeline..

If conservatives want to pretend they support good paying union jobs, why won't they support any infrastructure spending?

That represents tens of thousands of good paying union jobs in constructions jobs, and the difference between that and Keystone is,

afterwards with infrastructure, you have something worthwhile to show for it.

You people are not fooling anyone.
Democrats are suppose to be the party for the people

1000s of jobs they just voted down.

Rightwingers trying to pretend they're the protectors of good paying union jobs. Now, you've seen everything...
Well aaaahh... hate to break it to ya there bubble head, but in this instance, there's no pretending because that is exactly what's happening.

The Right has no interest in the jobs. If they did they'd support the infrastructure bills that aren't about the pipeline.
You'd think by the reaction of the radical ocupy far left socialist wing, known also as the democrats, that Keystone was the first and only pipeline to ever be built in America! WTF is wrong with these people, other than just plain being anti American trash? There's pipelines ALL OVER America ALREADY. What is the major problem with Keystone?

The Canadians need higher capacity, cheaper access to the coast so they can sell their oil overseas at world market prices.

Right now they are selling US their oil at a discount, because they can't move enough of it to foreign markets.

They want Keystone so they don't have to sell it to us at a discount.

Get it?
Keystone XL dead in Senate . GOP picks up another Senate seat in Louisiana.

Why You Should Oppose the Keystone XL Pipeline

There is one reason why you should oppose the proposed $5.3 billion Keystone XL Pipeline. And it has nothing to do with “green religionists,” as The Wall Street Journal calls the opposition in today’s paper.

Instead, it has everything to do with a foreign oil company using U.S. government power to force Americans off their land in the name of “eminent domain.”
It has everything to do with putting a 78-year-old grandmother in jail, pepper-spraying protesters and using other bullying tactics that would make the Mafia proud.

This pipeline would connect the oil and gas producers in Western Canada with various U.S. endpoints. There are all kinds of economic benefits for a new pipeline. You’ve probably heard about the 16,000 jobs, for instance. I’m not disputing the supposed benefits.

What I don’t like is the eminent domain abuse. In fact, I don’t like eminent domain at all. The fact that a government can force you off your own property shows that property rights are not secure, even in the U.S.

Last year Bakken & Clearbrook oil was selling at a premium yo West Texas WTI. There was no legitimate demand for this pipeline, yet Repubtards pounded the media claiming Obamacrats are destroying America by refusing to steal their lands for this KXL4 pipeline. Today oil & gas are much lower, so the KXL4 pipeline played absolutely no part in that. Bakken & Clearbrook oil is finally selling at a discount to WTI showing there is finally a demand for the KXL4 pipeline, so now it is finally appropriate to vote on this which is what the Senate just did.

Republicans are the ones who destroyed America
Republicans are the ones who killed US oil production
Republicans are the ones who drove up Gasoline Prices
Obama increased US energy production every year!

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