Kid gets body slammed by congressional candidate

If the parents would have spanked these little snot nosed assholes and taught them how to act the rest of us wouldn’t have too.
If that was in my neighborhood I would've fucked the fat **** up for slamming a kid.
If the parents won't discipline their brats, you can bet your ass that eventually someone else will, either someone tougher or else the prison system.
The fat fuck is running for office and he couldn't control his anger and body slammed a kid a fucking kid who happens to be quarter his size.

Who said he couldn't control his anger? The punk got a taste of what his actions deserved.
I hate that shit; a certain type of self-righteous person always seems to believe that if someone uses violence, it's because they are not in control of themselves. That is complete bullshit, sometimes, in some circumstances, violence is the exact right thing to do. It is completely justified and wholly appropriate.

I think the people who try to always characterize all uses of force or violence as wrong, are those people who know that their own behavior can't withstand scrutiny, and that they themselves deserve an ass-whipping. So they want to discourage the handing out of educational beat-downs, because they would be some of the first recipients.

Dude we talking about a kid who happens to be 14.
A 14 year old that thinks he can walk up and fuck with a grown man. That’s the exact 14 year old who needs an ass kicking.

Better sooner than later.
A busted lip and a learned lesson now, might mean he avoids getting killed while behaving badly later.

It is beyond even that.

My wife is in the medical field, cancer, and she talks about patients that just don't seem to get that having a hissy fit, won't help, that there is no authority figure that can come and and decide that ok, you don't have to do all these treatments, and it will still be ok, because you are a special little snowflake.

And sometimes, they just fuck around until they die.

People that don't learn any self control or that actions have consequences, will pay for that, sooner or later, in one form or another.
Had a guy in the ER last night, wouldn't let the nurses or the doc take blood, or exam him, or basically do anything, so they discharged him....... and he flipped shit. I went over and tried to calm him down and he came at me, screaming in my face and took off his shirt, so I shoved him back. He jumped at me again and I arm-dragged him, spun him around, and ended up putting him into the wall. He screamed like an hysterical bitch from the floor while a couple of other staff helped me get him up and walked him out, the whole way he's raging that we weren't helping him.
I don't know how medical personnel are supposed to help someone who refuses to let them do anything for them, but that sure didn't stop him from feeling so entitled to it that he was willing to attack someone over it.

These youngsters are pretty fucked up.
Good job.
I fight crazy people regularly. It's no big deal.
I don't. Only once and it was a little dope head and I got written up and almost fired. It was a big deal to me, as I was hired to run a shift of maintenance. What is you gig at that ER?
I'm security. I was originally contracted to train the staff, ( I'm a MOAB instructor) but I enjoyed working the ER so much I been doing it as a regular job for awhile now.
I do consulting and teach various classes as well.
You knew what you were doing when you took it. The security aspect was thrown in as an additional duty if pulling a shift on evenings or midnights after working there for a year. Much preferred running conduit, wiring circuits and working on room air conditioners. Before this, security was checking to see who was trying to break into the gas farm to steal nitrous oxide tanks when the alarm went off.
The kids were idiots, but he was a grown man running for office. Serious lack of judgement and self control there. If he was a 6'2" 250lb. employee seen on video body slamming a 14 year old kid, he would probably be job hunting if he were salary.

He doesn't know the age of those kids. They were the ones who were violent... a man can protect himself and his property. When does the violence from the left end, when we stand up for ourselves.
Pushing a young teen girl off the curb out into street traffic and body slamming a little kid are a little beyond the pale. The dumb ass kids rattled the adults into a really messy incident. Betcha he doesn't get elected.

"really messy incident".... in which nobody got hurt and nobody pressed charges. Why have Americans gotten so soft?? And why does the left accept violence from their side? -You're poking a sleeping giant in the right, and it won't end well if it keeps going this direction. Whatever happened to the left being open to other opinions?
I'm not poking anybody. Left, right, center, or upside down, that was not right. That girl should not have been pushed backward into the street, and if I body slammed a little kid in public, I would be taken into custody, while the kids parents were called and since this is TN, somebody might have pulled a gun on me. It was a stupid bonehead move for a political office seeker and you know it. He didn't gain votes this afternoon. He sealed his defeat.

Not only should the kid have been body slammed but the stupid bitches who got in the guys face, should have been slapped down. Hard.
If you think it works for you, guess we will see you in the papers, unless you are just blowing off steam. Cannot act that way and get away with it forever. Seriously, try not to embarrass yourself and create liability if you still can.

But they can act that way with impunity? Different rules for us than for you? We have to just take it like good little bitches and if we fight back you call the police and arrest us for defending ourselves?

That is really the world you think you will like?
Works so far for me. You must have really shitty luck. Maybe you bring it on yourself. Just sayin, if you're 6'2, 250 Lb, 40 year old guy, do not get caught on camera beating the $hit out of a scrawny little 14 year old kid, or throwing him around like a rag doll. You can whine about it all you like, but if it goes to court, you won't like it. But, hey, it's your gig. He might not like it either, but his record will probably be clean after 18, where yours may be smudged for 18 years. Probably cost you a lot of money in legal fees to get out of it. In the usual equation of do you have more time than money, you should be careful of your reactions to situations that can cause you to lose both. I didn't make the rules and doubt you changing them. Beating crap out of somebody over 18 much safer bet.
The best thing to do is hire a hit kid.
Roger that. Cash only, no paper trail, and a badass 16 year old is probably the best the way to go as he would get in as much trouble if he actually does damage.
I was running guns at that age.
I don't care how you skinned it. Sounds good to me. :cool:
The kids were idiots, but he was a grown man running for office. Serious lack of judgement and self control there. If he was a 6'2" 250lb. employee seen on video body slamming a 14 year old kid, he would probably be job hunting if he were salary.

He doesn't know the age of those kids. They were the ones who were violent... a man can protect himself and his property. When does the violence from the left end, when we stand up for ourselves.
Pushing a young teen girl off the curb out into street traffic and body slamming a little kid are a little beyond the pale. The dumb ass kids rattled the adults into a really messy incident. Betcha he doesn't get elected.

"really messy incident".... in which nobody got hurt and nobody pressed charges. Why have Americans gotten so soft?? And why does the left accept violence from their side? -You're poking a sleeping giant in the right, and it won't end well if it keeps going this direction. Whatever happened to the left being open to other opinions?
I'm not poking anybody. Left, right, center, or upside down, that was not right. That girl should not have been pushed backward into the street, and if I body slammed a little kid in public, I would be taken into custody, while the kids parents were called and since this is TN, somebody might have pulled a gun on me. It was a stupid bonehead move for a political office seeker and you know it. He didn't gain votes this afternoon. He sealed his defeat.

Not only should the kid have been body slammed but the stupid bitches who got in the guys face, should have been slapped down. Hard.
If you think it works for you, guess we will see you in the papers, unless you are just blowing off steam. Cannot act that way and get away with it forever. Seriously, try not to embarrass yourself and create liability if you still can.

But they can act that way with impunity? Different rules for us than for you? We have to just take it like good little bitches and if we fight back you call the police and arrest us for defending ourselves?

That is really the world you think you will like?
Works so far for me. You must have really shitty luck. Maybe you bring it on yourself. Just sayin, if you're 6'2, 250 Lb, 40 year old guy, do not get caught on camera beating the $hit out of a scrawny little 14 year old kid, or throwing him around like a rag doll. You can whine about it all you like, but if it goes to court, you won't like it. But, hey, it's your gig. He might not like it either, but his record will probably be clean after 18, where yours may be smudged for 18 years. Probably cost you a lot of money in legal fees to get out of it. In the usual equation of do you have more time than money, you should be careful of your reactions to situations that can cause you to lose both. I didn't make the rules and doubt you changing them. Beating crap out of somebody over 18 much safer bet.
The best thing to do is hire a hit kid.
Roger that. Cash only, no paper trail, and a badass 16 year old is probably the best the way to go as he would get in as much trouble if he actually does damage.
I was running guns at that age.
I don't care how you skinned it. Sounds good to me. :cool:
Full autos and short shotguns in the trunk for cash, lol.
The kids were idiots, but he was a grown man running for office. Serious lack of judgement and self control there. If he was a 6'2" 250lb. employee seen on video body slamming a 14 year old kid, he would probably be job hunting if he were salary.

He doesn't know the age of those kids. They were the ones who were violent... a man can protect himself and his property. When does the violence from the left end, when we stand up for ourselves.
Pushing a young teen girl off the curb out into street traffic and body slamming a little kid are a little beyond the pale. The dumb ass kids rattled the adults into a really messy incident. Betcha he doesn't get elected.

"really messy incident".... in which nobody got hurt and nobody pressed charges. Why have Americans gotten so soft?? And why does the left accept violence from their side? -You're poking a sleeping giant in the right, and it won't end well if it keeps going this direction. Whatever happened to the left being open to other opinions?
I'm not poking anybody. Left, right, center, or upside down, that was not right. That girl should not have been pushed backward into the street, and if I body slammed a little kid in public, I would be taken into custody, while the kids parents were called and since this is TN, somebody might have pulled a gun on me. It was a stupid bonehead move for a political office seeker and you know it. He didn't gain votes this afternoon. He sealed his defeat.

Not only should the kid have been body slammed but the stupid bitches who got in the guys face, should have been slapped down. Hard.
If you think it works for you, guess we will see you in the papers, unless you are just blowing off steam. Cannot act that way and get away with it forever. Seriously, try not to embarrass yourself and create liability if you still can.

But they can act that way with impunity? Different rules for us than for you? We have to just take it like good little bitches and if we fight back you call the police and arrest us for defending ourselves?

That is really the world you think you will like?
Works so far for me. You must have really shitty luck. Maybe you bring it on yourself. Just sayin, if you're 6'2, 250 Lb, 40 year old guy, do not get caught on camera beating the $hit out of a scrawny little 14 year old kid, or throwing him around like a rag doll. You can whine about it all you like, but if it goes to court, you won't like it. But, hey, it's your gig. He might not like it either, but his record will probably be clean after 18, where yours may be smudged for 18 years. Probably cost you a lot of money in legal fees to get out of it. In the usual equation of do you have more time than money, you should be careful of your reactions to situations that can cause you to lose both. I didn't make the rules and doubt you changing them. Beating crap out of somebody over 18 much safer bet.
The best thing to do is hire a hit kid.
Roger that. Cash only, no paper trail, and a badass 16 year old is probably the best the way to go as he would get in as much trouble if he actually does damage.
I was running guns at that age.
I don't care how you skinned it. Sounds good to me. :cool:
Full autos and short shotguns in the trunk for cash, lol.
Guy I worked for was real good about paying me on time too.
The kids were idiots, but he was a grown man running for office. Serious lack of judgement and self control there. If he was a 6'2" 250lb. employee seen on video body slamming a 14 year old kid, he would probably be job hunting if he were salary.

He doesn't know the age of those kids. They were the ones who were violent... a man can protect himself and his property. When does the violence from the left end, when we stand up for ourselves.
Pushing a young teen girl off the curb out into street traffic and body slamming a little kid are a little beyond the pale. The dumb ass kids rattled the adults into a really messy incident. Betcha he doesn't get elected.

"really messy incident".... in which nobody got hurt and nobody pressed charges. Why have Americans gotten so soft?? And why does the left accept violence from their side? -You're poking a sleeping giant in the right, and it won't end well if it keeps going this direction. Whatever happened to the left being open to other opinions?
I'm not poking anybody. Left, right, center, or upside down, that was not right. That girl should not have been pushed backward into the street, and if I body slammed a little kid in public, I would be taken into custody, while the kids parents were called and since this is TN, somebody might have pulled a gun on me. It was a stupid bonehead move for a political office seeker and you know it. He didn't gain votes this afternoon. He sealed his defeat.

Not only should the kid have been body slammed but the stupid bitches who got in the guys face, should have been slapped down. Hard.
If you think it works for you, guess we will see you in the papers, unless you are just blowing off steam. Cannot act that way and get away with it forever. Seriously, try not to embarrass yourself and create liability if you still can.

But they can act that way with impunity? Different rules for us than for you? We have to just take it like good little bitches and if we fight back you call the police and arrest us for defending ourselves?

That is really the world you think you will like?
Works so far for me. You must have really shitty luck. Maybe you bring it on yourself. Just sayin, if you're 6'2, 250 Lb, 40 year old guy, do not get caught on camera beating the $hit out of a scrawny little 14 year old kid, or throwing him around like a rag doll. You can whine about it all you like, but if it goes to court, you won't like it. But, hey, it's your gig. He might not like it either, but his record will probably be clean after 18, where yours may be smudged for 18 years. Probably cost you a lot of money in legal fees to get out of it. In the usual equation of do you have more time than money, you should be careful of your reactions to situations that can cause you to lose both. I didn't make the rules and doubt you changing them. Beating crap out of somebody over 18 much safer bet.
The best thing to do is hire a hit kid.
Roger that. Cash only, no paper trail, and a badass 16 year old is probably the best the way to go as he would get in as much trouble if he actually does damage.
I was running guns at that age.
I don't care how you skinned it. Sounds good to me. :cool:
Full autos and short shotguns in the trunk for cash, lol.
Courier runs are better. Pick up / drop off and go.
The kids were idiots, but he was a grown man running for office. Serious lack of judgement and self control there. If he was a 6'2" 250lb. employee seen on video body slamming a 14 year old kid, he would probably be job hunting if he were salary.

He doesn't know the age of those kids. They were the ones who were violent... a man can protect himself and his property. When does the violence from the left end, when we stand up for ourselves.
Pushing a young teen girl off the curb out into street traffic and body slamming a little kid are a little beyond the pale. The dumb ass kids rattled the adults into a really messy incident. Betcha he doesn't get elected.

"really messy incident".... in which nobody got hurt and nobody pressed charges. Why have Americans gotten so soft?? And why does the left accept violence from their side? -You're poking a sleeping giant in the right, and it won't end well if it keeps going this direction. Whatever happened to the left being open to other opinions?
I'm not poking anybody. Left, right, center, or upside down, that was not right. That girl should not have been pushed backward into the street, and if I body slammed a little kid in public, I would be taken into custody, while the kids parents were called and since this is TN, somebody might have pulled a gun on me. It was a stupid bonehead move for a political office seeker and you know it. He didn't gain votes this afternoon. He sealed his defeat.

Not only should the kid have been body slammed but the stupid bitches who got in the guys face, should have been slapped down. Hard.
If you think it works for you, guess we will see you in the papers, unless you are just blowing off steam. Cannot act that way and get away with it forever. Seriously, try not to embarrass yourself and create liability if you still can.

But they can act that way with impunity? Different rules for us than for you? We have to just take it like good little bitches and if we fight back you call the police and arrest us for defending ourselves?

That is really the world you think you will like?
Works so far for me. You must have really shitty luck. Maybe you bring it on yourself. Just sayin, if you're 6'2, 250 Lb, 40 year old guy, do not get caught on camera beating the $hit out of a scrawny little 14 year old kid, or throwing him around like a rag doll. You can whine about it all you like, but if it goes to court, you won't like it. But, hey, it's your gig. He might not like it either, but his record will probably be clean after 18, where yours may be smudged for 18 years. Probably cost you a lot of money in legal fees to get out of it. In the usual equation of do you have more time than money, you should be careful of your reactions to situations that can cause you to lose both. I didn't make the rules and doubt you changing them. Beating crap out of somebody over 18 much safer bet.
The best thing to do is hire a hit kid.
Roger that. Cash only, no paper trail, and a badass 16 year old is probably the best the way to go as he would get in as much trouble if he actually does damage.
I was running guns at that age.
I don't care how you skinned it. Sounds good to me. :cool:
Full autos and short shotguns in the trunk for cash, lol.
Courier runs are better. Pick up / drop off and go.
Pretty much what I was doing, delivering guns, bringing back cash.
The kids were idiots, but he was a grown man running for office. Serious lack of judgement and self control there. If he was a 6'2" 250lb. employee seen on video body slamming a 14 year old kid, he would probably be job hunting if he were salary.

He doesn't know the age of those kids. They were the ones who were violent... a man can protect himself and his property. When does the violence from the left end, when we stand up for ourselves.
Pushing a young teen girl off the curb out into street traffic and body slamming a little kid are a little beyond the pale. The dumb ass kids rattled the adults into a really messy incident. Betcha he doesn't get elected.

"really messy incident".... in which nobody got hurt and nobody pressed charges. Why have Americans gotten so soft?? And why does the left accept violence from their side? -You're poking a sleeping giant in the right, and it won't end well if it keeps going this direction. Whatever happened to the left being open to other opinions?
I'm not poking anybody. Left, right, center, or upside down, that was not right. That girl should not have been pushed backward into the street, and if I body slammed a little kid in public, I would be taken into custody, while the kids parents were called and since this is TN, somebody might have pulled a gun on me. It was a stupid bonehead move for a political office seeker and you know it. He didn't gain votes this afternoon. He sealed his defeat.

Not only should the kid have been body slammed but the stupid bitches who got in the guys face, should have been slapped down. Hard.
If you think it works for you, guess we will see you in the papers, unless you are just blowing off steam. Cannot act that way and get away with it forever. Seriously, try not to embarrass yourself and create liability if you still can.

But they can act that way with impunity? Different rules for us than for you? We have to just take it like good little bitches and if we fight back you call the police and arrest us for defending ourselves?

That is really the world you think you will like?
Works so far for me. You must have really shitty luck. Maybe you bring it on yourself. Just sayin, if you're 6'2, 250 Lb, 40 year old guy, do not get caught on camera beating the $hit out of a scrawny little 14 year old kid, or throwing him around like a rag doll. You can whine about it all you like, but if it goes to court, you won't like it. But, hey, it's your gig. He might not like it either, but his record will probably be clean after 18, where yours may be smudged for 18 years. Probably cost you a lot of money in legal fees to get out of it. In the usual equation of do you have more time than money, you should be careful of your reactions to situations that can cause you to lose both. I didn't make the rules and doubt you changing them. Beating crap out of somebody over 18 much safer bet.
The best thing to do is hire a hit kid.
Roger that. Cash only, no paper trail, and a badass 16 year old is probably the best the way to go as he would get in as much trouble if he actually does damage.
I was running guns at that age.
I don't care how you skinned it. Sounds good to me. :cool:
Full autos and short shotguns in the trunk for cash, lol.
Courier runs are better. Pick up / drop off and go.
Pretty much what I was doing, delivering guns, bringing back cash.
Carried cash. Won't discuss what was brought back.
The kids were idiots, but he was a grown man running for office. Serious lack of judgement and self control there. If he was a 6'2" 250lb. employee seen on video body slamming a 14 year old kid, he would probably be job hunting if he were salary.

He doesn't know the age of those kids. They were the ones who were violent... a man can protect himself and his property. When does the violence from the left end, when we stand up for ourselves.
Pushing a young teen girl off the curb out into street traffic and body slamming a little kid are a little beyond the pale. The dumb ass kids rattled the adults into a really messy incident. Betcha he doesn't get elected.

"really messy incident".... in which nobody got hurt and nobody pressed charges. Why have Americans gotten so soft?? And why does the left accept violence from their side? -You're poking a sleeping giant in the right, and it won't end well if it keeps going this direction. Whatever happened to the left being open to other opinions?
I'm not poking anybody. Left, right, center, or upside down, that was not right. That girl should not have been pushed backward into the street, and if I body slammed a little kid in public, I would be taken into custody, while the kids parents were called and since this is TN, somebody might have pulled a gun on me. It was a stupid bonehead move for a political office seeker and you know it. He didn't gain votes this afternoon. He sealed his defeat.

Not only should the kid have been body slammed but the stupid bitches who got in the guys face, should have been slapped down. Hard.
If you think it works for you, guess we will see you in the papers, unless you are just blowing off steam. Cannot act that way and get away with it forever. Seriously, try not to embarrass yourself and create liability if you still can.

But they can act that way with impunity? Different rules for us than for you? We have to just take it like good little bitches and if we fight back you call the police and arrest us for defending ourselves?

That is really the world you think you will like?
Works so far for me. You must have really shitty luck. Maybe you bring it on yourself. Just sayin, if you're 6'2, 250 Lb, 40 year old guy, do not get caught on camera beating the $hit out of a scrawny little 14 year old kid, or throwing him around like a rag doll. You can whine about it all you like, but if it goes to court, you won't like it. But, hey, it's your gig. He might not like it either, but his record will probably be clean after 18, where yours may be smudged for 18 years. Probably cost you a lot of money in legal fees to get out of it. In the usual equation of do you have more time than money, you should be careful of your reactions to situations that can cause you to lose both. I didn't make the rules and doubt you changing them. Beating crap out of somebody over 18 much safer bet.

You are sort of missing the big picture. There is always some excuse for you people to get a pass, and always some bullshit "reason" why the person being attacked by you people, needs to be punished.

If he is not "14", he is "traditionally disadvantaged" or "unarmed" or "protesting a terrible injustice" or "suffering the legacy of slavery" or blah, blah, blah.

It is always something and we can see on the horizon, the time coming where you won't even bother to make up shit anymore, you will just have your Reign of Terror.
What do want from me? I said the kids were wrong in my comments and stated it could have led to him having something on his record until he is 18 years old. I did not write any laws or rules or never argued before a jury about body slamming lil kids trying to steal a political candidates sign in public from the candidate himself and him body slamming the kid. Face it. It just doesn't come up. Adults know what the imagery looks like. Public relations people know how it plays. If you want to plan ahead for your next rally hire some tough punk kids to handle your light work, but my personal recommendation if you are the candidate is to keep you hands off the kid, except possibly to restrain and then only if you have to. How would it look if you owned a restaurant and your manager was that size and did it on camera, good PR or bad PR. If he did it on your property, liability or no liability. Quit whining and trying to argue right and wrong. You weren't born yesterday.

No, I will keep arguing right and wrong. You keep going with what things "look like". And if you win, we get shit like we have today, with mobs killing people in the streets and burning down BILLIONS of dollars of personal property while the mayors order the cops to arrest anyone that defends themselves.

If I win, we get civilization back.

Not sure why you WANT to win.
I have an idea. Lets flip the switch.
Nicholas Sandman was a teenager. No, he was not physically body slammed. No, he did nothing wrong. No, he did not try to suppress ones freedom of speech. He simply stood there and allowed a man to express his own freedom of speech.
And what happened? The media metaphorically body slammed him. He was a teenager who did nothing wrong but stand his ground, allow one to express their freedom of speech, showed no resistance....and he was body slammed.
Sure....easy to say "not physically hurt"....but then again, he did nothing wrong to warrant any type of retaliation.
But he was body slammed non the less.
And for some reason, he deserved it but a same age individual who committed an act of violence to suppress ones freedom of speech did not deserve it.
Think about it.
I have an idea. Lets flip the switch.
Nicholas Sandman was a teenager. No, he was not physically body slammed. No, he did nothing wrong. No, he did not try to suppress ones freedom of speech. He simply stood there and allowed a man to express his own freedom of speech.
And what happened? The media metaphorically body slammed him. He was a teenager who did nothing wrong but stand his ground, allow one to express their freedom of speech, showed no resistance....and he was body slammed.
Sure....easy to say "not physically hurt"....but then again, he did nothing wrong to warrant any type of retaliation.
But he was body slammed non the less.
And for some reason, he deserved it but a same age individual who committed an act of violence to suppress ones freedom of speech did not deserve it.
Think about it.

Like I said, there is always a "reason" why their side gets a pass and our side gets "slammed".
I have an idea. Lets flip the switch.
Nicholas Sandman was a teenager. No, he was not physically body slammed. No, he did nothing wrong. No, he did not try to suppress ones freedom of speech. He simply stood there and allowed a man to express his own freedom of speech.
And what happened? The media metaphorically body slammed him. He was a teenager who did nothing wrong but stand his ground, allow one to express their freedom of speech, showed no resistance....and he was body slammed.
Sure....easy to say "not physically hurt"....but then again, he did nothing wrong to warrant any type of retaliation.
But he was body slammed non the less.
And for some reason, he deserved it but a same age individual who committed an act of violence to suppress ones freedom of speech did not deserve it.
Think about it.

Like I said, there is always a "reason" why their side gets a pass and our side gets "slammed".
actually, it is a very basic mentality.
If you commit a crime and it is perceived as for a good reason, you get a pass.
If you don't commit a crime, but it can be construed as a crime, you deserve to be criticized.

Here is a question that will spin the heads of many....and as I ask it, I want to make it clear that some of the recent white police vs. black deaths is worthy of are black police vs white deaths are worthy of investigation.

But when was the last time there were protests, rioting, arson and looting after a black cop shot a white alleged criminal?

Do you think such cop shootings don't exist?

Are you sure you want to blindly answer that question without looking at the stats?
So I can't tell what is more messed up, the continued violence from the left against anyone who disagrees with them, the fact that 14yrs think they can fight grown men, or the idiot reporter who clearly sides with the attackers in this video.

SEATTLE — A fight over a political sign became violent in Seattle’s Ballard neighborhood. It started with a couple of teens trying to steal a sign but ended with one of those teens getting body slammed and U.S. Congressional Candidate Craig Keller getting involved.
Keller is the Republican candidate in Washington’s 7th U.S. House District race. He’s facing off against Democratic incumbent, Pramila Jayapal.
The trouble started around 5:45 p.m. Wednesday. Mortikye “Mo” Aylward, 14, said he and his friends passed the Trump/Culp rally at 15th Ave and Market Street. He said their friend group was trying to share their views with those at the rally when words got heated.


Share their views? Lol! Kids weren’t sharing anything, the adults should have ignore the parrots. The kids were stupid for trying to steal, the adults should have remained adults and the parents are just going overboard in defending the kids.

Silly, stupid and needless.
The kids were idiots, but he was a grown man running for office. Serious lack of judgement and self control there. If he was a 6'2" 250lb. employee seen on video body slamming a 14 year old kid, he would probably be job hunting if he were salary.

He doesn't know the age of those kids. They were the ones who were violent... a man can protect himself and his property. When does the violence from the left end, when we stand up for ourselves.
Stealing a sign is violent??
Snatch and grab robbery, yes.
"Robbery??" What are you, fucked in the head?

A person commits robbery when he or she unlawfully takes personal property from the person of another or in his or her presence against his or her will by the use or threatened use of immediate force, violence, or fear of injury to that person or his or her property or the person or property of anyone. Such force or fear must be used to obtain or retain possession of the property, or to prevent or overcome resistance to the taking; in either of which cases the degree of force is immaterial. Such taking constitutes robbery whenever it appears that, although the taking was fully completed without the knowledge of the person from whom taken, such knowledge was prevented by the use of force or fear.[/url]​

So who did those kids threaten with force or fear of injury?​
You can't read?
Sure I can. Apparently, you can't answer...

So who did those kids threaten with force or fear of injury?

Just pulling the sign from the hands of another is a use of force. I guess you're just too ignorant to realize it.

Dumbfuck, it's not force to grab the sign that would make it a robbery... it's using force or threatening to use force against the person they're taking the sign from. What the kids committed was theft, not robbery.

Yeah, what ever cupcake. LMAO They used force to try to keep the sign and were most likely going to try to destroy it.

The is the WA state law on robbery. My B/U/color

RCW 9A.56.190

A person commits robbery when he or she unlawfully takes personal property from the person of another or in his or her presence against his or her will by the use or threatened use of immediate force, violence, or fear of injury to that person or his or her property or the person or property of anyone. Such force or fear must be used to obtain or retain possession of the property, or to prevent or overcome resistance to the taking; in either of which cases the degree of force is immaterial. Such taking constitutes robbery whenever it appears that, although the taking was fully completed without the knowledge of the person from whom taken, such knowledge was prevented by the use of force or fear.

It's pretty fucking simple, the thugs robbed the guy according to WA law. It's full stop at the first OR.


Dumbfuck, the theft has to include violence or threat of violence. According to an imbecile like you, there's no difference between theft and robbery.

In order for a crime to be classified as robbery and not a lesser crime in Washington State, there are three key elements that must be present:
The trespassing and taking and moving of money or property from another without consent and with the intent to permanently deprive that person of the money or property (the offender doesn’t intend to return the property)
There must be violence or threat of immediate violence.
The taking must be from the victim or in the victim’s presence.

You're full of shit, this is all you need from the law for that situation. No other element is required.
A person commits robbery when he or she unlawfully takes personal property from the person of another

If you disagree, then you're telling the world how illiterate you are.


You dumbfuck, that's a Washington state lawyer explaining the law to you that you're incapable of understanding. Here's another one...

In the interest of simplifying, robbery is perhaps best understood by breaking the crime down into three elements. These include:
The taking of personal property from another;
This taking is done against a person’s will; and,
The taking is committed by the use or threatened use of immediate force, violence, or fear of injury.

Need I post more lawyers describing this law to you or do you finally realize I was right? As much as that annoys the shit out of you.


Perhaps you should try looking up the meaning of "OR". And in this case force was used to take and an attempt to retain the property, the degree of force is immaterial. Like I said, learn how to read you illiterate asshole.


Now you admit, albeit unwittingly, that you don't understand how "or" clauses impact a sentence. :lmao:

No worries, I can do this all day long as there's no shortage of Washington state lawyers describing the required elements of robbery. Here's a third who will attempt to educate you...

There must have been use of violence or threat of violence. It is usually fairly easy to establish that violence occurred if there was physical contact. It should however be noted that there is no legal baseline for how much contact suffices. Even the smallest degree of physical contact may constitute use of violence.​

The kids were idiots, but he was a grown man running for office. Serious lack of judgement and self control there. If he was a 6'2" 250lb. employee seen on video body slamming a 14 year old kid, he would probably be job hunting if he were salary.

He doesn't know the age of those kids. They were the ones who were violent... a man can protect himself and his property. When does the violence from the left end, when we stand up for ourselves.
Stealing a sign is violent??
Snatch and grab robbery, yes.
"Robbery??" What are you, fucked in the head?

A person commits robbery when he or she unlawfully takes personal property from the person of another or in his or her presence against his or her will by the use or threatened use of immediate force, violence, or fear of injury to that person or his or her property or the person or property of anyone. Such force or fear must be used to obtain or retain possession of the property, or to prevent or overcome resistance to the taking; in either of which cases the degree of force is immaterial. Such taking constitutes robbery whenever it appears that, although the taking was fully completed without the knowledge of the person from whom taken, such knowledge was prevented by the use of force or fear.[/url]​

So who did those kids threaten with force or fear of injury?​
You can't read?
Sure I can. Apparently, you can't answer...

So who did those kids threaten with force or fear of injury?

Just pulling the sign from the hands of another is a use of force. I guess you're just too ignorant to realize it.

Dumbfuck, it's not force to grab the sign that would make it a robbery... it's using force or threatening to use force against the person they're taking the sign from. What the kids committed was theft, not robbery.

Yeah, what ever cupcake. LMAO They used force to try to keep the sign and were most likely going to try to destroy it.

The is the WA state law on robbery. My B/U/color

RCW 9A.56.190

A person commits robbery when he or she unlawfully takes personal property from the person of another or in his or her presence against his or her will by the use or threatened use of immediate force, violence, or fear of injury to that person or his or her property or the person or property of anyone. Such force or fear must be used to obtain or retain possession of the property, or to prevent or overcome resistance to the taking; in either of which cases the degree of force is immaterial. Such taking constitutes robbery whenever it appears that, although the taking was fully completed without the knowledge of the person from whom taken, such knowledge was prevented by the use of force or fear.

It's pretty fucking simple, the thugs robbed the guy according to WA law. It's full stop at the first OR.


Dumbfuck, the theft has to include violence or threat of violence. According to an imbecile like you, there's no difference between theft and robbery.

In order for a crime to be classified as robbery and not a lesser crime in Washington State, there are three key elements that must be present:
The trespassing and taking and moving of money or property from another without consent and with the intent to permanently deprive that person of the money or property (the offender doesn’t intend to return the property)
There must be violence or threat of immediate violence.
The taking must be from the victim or in the victim’s presence.

You're full of shit, this is all you need from the law for that situation. No other element is required.
A person commits robbery when he or she unlawfully takes personal property from the person of another

If you disagree, then you're telling the world how illiterate you are.


You dumbfuck, that's a Washington state lawyer explaining the law to you that you're incapable of understanding. Here's another one...

In the interest of simplifying, robbery is perhaps best understood by breaking the crime down into three elements. These include:
The taking of personal property from another;
This taking is done against a person’s will; and,
The taking is committed by the use or threatened use of immediate force, violence, or fear of injury.

Need I post more lawyers describing this law to you or do you finally realize I was right? As much as that annoys the shit out of you.


Perhaps you should try looking up the meaning of "OR". And in this case force was used to take and an attempt to retain the property, the degree of force is immaterial. Like I said, learn how to read you illiterate asshole.


Now you admit, albeit unwittingly, that you don't understand how "or" clauses impact a sentence. :lmao:

No worries, I can do this all day long as there's no shortage of Washington state lawyers describing the required elements of robbery. Here's a third who will attempt to educate you...

There must have been use of violence or threat of violence. It is usually fairly easy to establish that violence occurred if there was physical contact. It should however be noted that there is no legal baseline for how much contact suffices. Even the smallest degree of physical contact may constitute use of violence.​

So if I were to see a car where the door was unlocked, opened it up and went through the console and found a wallet with cash in it and took the cash (not the credit cards, just the cash)....Nicely closed the console with no damage to the car, closed the car door and caused no damage whatsoever, committed no act of violence, simply just took what was not mine.....that is not a crime?

What if an officer saw me do it and arrested me? Is there no case for prosecution? I did not commit an act of violence, I did not create damage to the car, I did not resist arrest. I did not commit credit card fraud. I took nothing but the cash in the wallet. All I did was capitalize on a situation where I can take what is not mine.

Are you sure there is no crime committed?
The kids were idiots, but he was a grown man running for office. Serious lack of judgement and self control there. If he was a 6'2" 250lb. employee seen on video body slamming a 14 year old kid, he would probably be job hunting if he were salary.

He doesn't know the age of those kids. They were the ones who were violent... a man can protect himself and his property. When does the violence from the left end, when we stand up for ourselves.
Stealing a sign is violent??
Snatch and grab robbery, yes.
"Robbery??" What are you, fucked in the head?

A person commits robbery when he or she unlawfully takes personal property from the person of another or in his or her presence against his or her will by the use or threatened use of immediate force, violence, or fear of injury to that person or his or her property or the person or property of anyone. Such force or fear must be used to obtain or retain possession of the property, or to prevent or overcome resistance to the taking; in either of which cases the degree of force is immaterial. Such taking constitutes robbery whenever it appears that, although the taking was fully completed without the knowledge of the person from whom taken, such knowledge was prevented by the use of force or fear.[/url]​

So who did those kids threaten with force or fear of injury?​
You can't read?
Sure I can. Apparently, you can't answer...

So who did those kids threaten with force or fear of injury?

Just pulling the sign from the hands of another is a use of force. I guess you're just too ignorant to realize it.

Dumbfuck, it's not force to grab the sign that would make it a robbery... it's using force or threatening to use force against the person they're taking the sign from. What the kids committed was theft, not robbery.

Yeah, what ever cupcake. LMAO They used force to try to keep the sign and were most likely going to try to destroy it.

The is the WA state law on robbery. My B/U/color

RCW 9A.56.190

A person commits robbery when he or she unlawfully takes personal property from the person of another or in his or her presence against his or her will by the use or threatened use of immediate force, violence, or fear of injury to that person or his or her property or the person or property of anyone. Such force or fear must be used to obtain or retain possession of the property, or to prevent or overcome resistance to the taking; in either of which cases the degree of force is immaterial. Such taking constitutes robbery whenever it appears that, although the taking was fully completed without the knowledge of the person from whom taken, such knowledge was prevented by the use of force or fear.

It's pretty fucking simple, the thugs robbed the guy according to WA law. It's full stop at the first OR.


Dumbfuck, the theft has to include violence or threat of violence. According to an imbecile like you, there's no difference between theft and robbery.

In order for a crime to be classified as robbery and not a lesser crime in Washington State, there are three key elements that must be present:
The trespassing and taking and moving of money or property from another without consent and with the intent to permanently deprive that person of the money or property (the offender doesn’t intend to return the property)
There must be violence or threat of immediate violence.
The taking must be from the victim or in the victim’s presence.

You're full of shit, this is all you need from the law for that situation. No other element is required.
A person commits robbery when he or she unlawfully takes personal property from the person of another

If you disagree, then you're telling the world how illiterate you are.


You dumbfuck, that's a Washington state lawyer explaining the law to you that you're incapable of understanding. Here's another one...

In the interest of simplifying, robbery is perhaps best understood by breaking the crime down into three elements. These include:
The taking of personal property from another;
This taking is done against a person’s will; and,
The taking is committed by the use or threatened use of immediate force, violence, or fear of injury.

Need I post more lawyers describing this law to you or do you finally realize I was right? As much as that annoys the shit out of you.


Perhaps you should try looking up the meaning of "OR". And in this case force was used to take and an attempt to retain the property, the degree of force is immaterial. Like I said, learn how to read you illiterate asshole.


Now you admit, albeit unwittingly, that you don't understand how "or" clauses impact a sentence. :lmao:

No worries, I can do this all day long as there's no shortage of Washington state lawyers describing the required elements of robbery. Here's a third who will attempt to educate you...

There must have been use of violence or threat of violence. It is usually fairly easy to establish that violence occurred if there was physical contact. It should however be noted that there is no legal baseline for how much contact suffices. Even the smallest degree of physical contact may constitute use of violence.​

So if I were to see a car where the door was unlocked, opened it up and went through the console and found a wallet with cash in it and took the cash (not the credit cards, just the cash)....Nicely closed the console with no damage to the car, closed the car door and caused no damage whatsoever, committed no act of violence, simply just took what was not mine.....that is not a crime?

What if an officer saw me do it and arrested me? Is there no case for prosecution? I did not commit an act of violence, I did not create damage to the car, I did not resist arrest. I did not commit credit card fraud. I took nothing but the cash in the wallet. All I did was capitalize on a situation where I can take what is not mine.

Are you sure there is no crime committed?

Libs just say shit. They think if they say shit, that they have created the FORM of a defense of their idea.

THey can't seem to distinguish between a SUCCESSFUL defense and a complete failure of a defense.
The kids were idiots, but he was a grown man running for office. Serious lack of judgement and self control there. If he was a 6'2" 250lb. employee seen on video body slamming a 14 year old kid, he would probably be job hunting if he were salary.

He doesn't know the age of those kids. They were the ones who were violent... a man can protect himself and his property. When does the violence from the left end, when we stand up for ourselves.
Stealing a sign is violent??
Snatch and grab robbery, yes.
"Robbery??" What are you, fucked in the head?

A person commits robbery when he or she unlawfully takes personal property from the person of another or in his or her presence against his or her will by the use or threatened use of immediate force, violence, or fear of injury to that person or his or her property or the person or property of anyone. Such force or fear must be used to obtain or retain possession of the property, or to prevent or overcome resistance to the taking; in either of which cases the degree of force is immaterial. Such taking constitutes robbery whenever it appears that, although the taking was fully completed without the knowledge of the person from whom taken, such knowledge was prevented by the use of force or fear.[/url]​

So who did those kids threaten with force or fear of injury?​
You can't read?
Sure I can. Apparently, you can't answer...

So who did those kids threaten with force or fear of injury?

Just pulling the sign from the hands of another is a use of force. I guess you're just too ignorant to realize it.

Dumbfuck, it's not force to grab the sign that would make it a robbery... it's using force or threatening to use force against the person they're taking the sign from. What the kids committed was theft, not robbery.

Yeah, what ever cupcake. LMAO They used force to try to keep the sign and were most likely going to try to destroy it.

The is the WA state law on robbery. My B/U/color

RCW 9A.56.190

A person commits robbery when he or she unlawfully takes personal property from the person of another or in his or her presence against his or her will by the use or threatened use of immediate force, violence, or fear of injury to that person or his or her property or the person or property of anyone. Such force or fear must be used to obtain or retain possession of the property, or to prevent or overcome resistance to the taking; in either of which cases the degree of force is immaterial. Such taking constitutes robbery whenever it appears that, although the taking was fully completed without the knowledge of the person from whom taken, such knowledge was prevented by the use of force or fear.

It's pretty fucking simple, the thugs robbed the guy according to WA law. It's full stop at the first OR.


Dumbfuck, the theft has to include violence or threat of violence. According to an imbecile like you, there's no difference between theft and robbery.

In order for a crime to be classified as robbery and not a lesser crime in Washington State, there are three key elements that must be present:
The trespassing and taking and moving of money or property from another without consent and with the intent to permanently deprive that person of the money or property (the offender doesn’t intend to return the property)
There must be violence or threat of immediate violence.
The taking must be from the victim or in the victim’s presence.

You're full of shit, this is all you need from the law for that situation. No other element is required.
A person commits robbery when he or she unlawfully takes personal property from the person of another

If you disagree, then you're telling the world how illiterate you are.


You dumbfuck, that's a Washington state lawyer explaining the law to you that you're incapable of understanding. Here's another one...

In the interest of simplifying, robbery is perhaps best understood by breaking the crime down into three elements. These include:
The taking of personal property from another;
This taking is done against a person’s will; and,
The taking is committed by the use or threatened use of immediate force, violence, or fear of injury.

Need I post more lawyers describing this law to you or do you finally realize I was right? As much as that annoys the shit out of you.


Perhaps you should try looking up the meaning of "OR". And in this case force was used to take and an attempt to retain the property, the degree of force is immaterial. Like I said, learn how to read you illiterate asshole.


Now you admit, albeit unwittingly, that you don't understand how "or" clauses impact a sentence. :lmao:

No worries, I can do this all day long as there's no shortage of Washington state lawyers describing the required elements of robbery. Here's a third who will attempt to educate you...

There must have been use of violence or threat of violence. It is usually fairly easy to establish that violence occurred if there was physical contact. It should however be noted that there is no legal baseline for how much contact suffices. Even the smallest degree of physical contact may constitute use of violence.​

So if I were to see a car where the door was unlocked, opened it up and went through the console and found a wallet with cash in it and took the cash (not the credit cards, just the cash)....Nicely closed the console with no damage to the car, closed the car door and caused no damage whatsoever, committed no act of violence, simply just took what was not mine.....that is not a crime?

What if an officer saw me do it and arrested me? Is there no case for prosecution? I did not commit an act of violence, I did not create damage to the car, I did not resist arrest. I did not commit credit card fraud. I took nothing but the cash in the wallet. All I did was capitalize on a situation where I can take what is not mine.

Are you sure there is no crime committed?
Where did I say no crime was committed? :eusa_doh:

You do know there are other crimes for stealing besides "robbery," don't you?
The kids were idiots, but he was a grown man running for office. Serious lack of judgement and self control there. If he was a 6'2" 250lb. employee seen on video body slamming a 14 year old kid, he would probably be job hunting if he were salary.

He doesn't know the age of those kids. They were the ones who were violent... a man can protect himself and his property. When does the violence from the left end, when we stand up for ourselves.
Stealing a sign is violent??
Snatch and grab robbery, yes.
"Robbery??" What are you, fucked in the head?

A person commits robbery when he or she unlawfully takes personal property from the person of another or in his or her presence against his or her will by the use or threatened use of immediate force, violence, or fear of injury to that person or his or her property or the person or property of anyone. Such force or fear must be used to obtain or retain possession of the property, or to prevent or overcome resistance to the taking; in either of which cases the degree of force is immaterial. Such taking constitutes robbery whenever it appears that, although the taking was fully completed without the knowledge of the person from whom taken, such knowledge was prevented by the use of force or fear.[/url]​

So who did those kids threaten with force or fear of injury?​
You can't read?
Sure I can. Apparently, you can't answer...

So who did those kids threaten with force or fear of injury?

Just pulling the sign from the hands of another is a use of force. I guess you're just too ignorant to realize it.

Dumbfuck, it's not force to grab the sign that would make it a robbery... it's using force or threatening to use force against the person they're taking the sign from. What the kids committed was theft, not robbery.

Yeah, what ever cupcake. LMAO They used force to try to keep the sign and were most likely going to try to destroy it.

The is the WA state law on robbery. My B/U/color

RCW 9A.56.190

A person commits robbery when he or she unlawfully takes personal property from the person of another or in his or her presence against his or her will by the use or threatened use of immediate force, violence, or fear of injury to that person or his or her property or the person or property of anyone. Such force or fear must be used to obtain or retain possession of the property, or to prevent or overcome resistance to the taking; in either of which cases the degree of force is immaterial. Such taking constitutes robbery whenever it appears that, although the taking was fully completed without the knowledge of the person from whom taken, such knowledge was prevented by the use of force or fear.

It's pretty fucking simple, the thugs robbed the guy according to WA law. It's full stop at the first OR.


Dumbfuck, the theft has to include violence or threat of violence. According to an imbecile like you, there's no difference between theft and robbery.

In order for a crime to be classified as robbery and not a lesser crime in Washington State, there are three key elements that must be present:
The trespassing and taking and moving of money or property from another without consent and with the intent to permanently deprive that person of the money or property (the offender doesn’t intend to return the property)
There must be violence or threat of immediate violence.
The taking must be from the victim or in the victim’s presence.

You're full of shit, this is all you need from the law for that situation. No other element is required.
A person commits robbery when he or she unlawfully takes personal property from the person of another

If you disagree, then you're telling the world how illiterate you are.


You dumbfuck, that's a Washington state lawyer explaining the law to you that you're incapable of understanding. Here's another one...

In the interest of simplifying, robbery is perhaps best understood by breaking the crime down into three elements. These include:
The taking of personal property from another;
This taking is done against a person’s will; and,
The taking is committed by the use or threatened use of immediate force, violence, or fear of injury.

Need I post more lawyers describing this law to you or do you finally realize I was right? As much as that annoys the shit out of you.


Perhaps you should try looking up the meaning of "OR". And in this case force was used to take and an attempt to retain the property, the degree of force is immaterial. Like I said, learn how to read you illiterate asshole.


Now you admit, albeit unwittingly, that you don't understand how "or" clauses impact a sentence. :lmao:

No worries, I can do this all day long as there's no shortage of Washington state lawyers describing the required elements of robbery. Here's a third who will attempt to educate you...

There must have been use of violence or threat of violence. It is usually fairly easy to establish that violence occurred if there was physical contact. It should however be noted that there is no legal baseline for how much contact suffices. Even the smallest degree of physical contact may constitute use of violence.​

So if I were to see a car where the door was unlocked, opened it up and went through the console and found a wallet with cash in it and took the cash (not the credit cards, just the cash)....Nicely closed the console with no damage to the car, closed the car door and caused no damage whatsoever, committed no act of violence, simply just took what was not mine.....that is not a crime?

What if an officer saw me do it and arrested me? Is there no case for prosecution? I did not commit an act of violence, I did not create damage to the car, I did not resist arrest. I did not commit credit card fraud. I took nothing but the cash in the wallet. All I did was capitalize on a situation where I can take what is not mine.

Are you sure there is no crime committed?

Libs just say shit. They think if they say shit, that they have created the FORM of a defense of their idea.

THey can't seem to distinguish between a SUCCESSFUL defense and a complete failure of a defense.
Dumbfuck, I've now quoted 3 law firms (so far) stating that robbery involves the use of violence or threat of violence. You know, what you mindlessly refer to as just saying shit.
Stupid kid tries to steal shit, stupid kid gets caught, stupid kid gets body slammed. :thup:
The operative word is "kid".

We can accurately describe someone aged 14 years as a kid. How would you accurately describe an adult who body slams a kid? The term "Trumpian" might suffice.

A lack of maturity applies to both.
The "kids" involved were fourteen and fifteen according to the reporter, Kyle Rittenhouse is sixteen, I don't see you calling him a "kid" and making excuses for his behavior.
One took a yard sign, the other murdered two people.

Do you want to draw some equivalents?
No he didn't.
No who didn't? Are there two dead people BY HIS HAND in Kenosha or not?
I don't even know for sure how many people I've killed but I've never murdered anyone.
Do Trumpians have any sense of where the bottom is?
I think I do, yeah......

I ever tell you about the Guatemalan death squad I used to get drunk with after operations in Central America in the 90's?

So the punk in Kenosha is a freedom fighter?

Is this how you rationalize his murders?
Kyle Rittenhouse is a hero.
What? He is a murderer.
He had a choice. Kill or be killed. He chose not to be a victim. It is the same choice I would have made. All that is necessary for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing. Kyle Rittenhouse did something. He will not be convicted of anything.
People tackled him because HE HAD ALREADY KILLED TWO PEOPLE!
Who both assaulted him.

Why are you so upset that violent criminals were shot? Why does it bother you so much that people like that, people who are willing to violently attack people on the street, were killed?
Do you want people like this on the street or something? Or is it that you wish violence upon the people you hate, and their vigorous and effective defense of self both scares and offends you?
He has no authority to take the law into his hands. He had no training. He brought a deadly weapon with him and used it.

Why do you celebrate lawlessness?
The entire situation was lawless. Burning down building and looting is lawless. Beating people with a skateboard is lawless. Stopping these criminals isn't lawless. It is necessary.
The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.
The kids were idiots, but he was a grown man running for office. Serious lack of judgement and self control there. If he was a 6'2" 250lb. employee seen on video body slamming a 14 year old kid, he would probably be job hunting if he were salary.

He doesn't know the age of those kids. They were the ones who were violent... a man can protect himself and his property. When does the violence from the left end, when we stand up for ourselves.
Stealing a sign is violent??
Snatch and grab robbery, yes.
"Robbery??" What are you, fucked in the head?

A person commits robbery when he or she unlawfully takes personal property from the person of another or in his or her presence against his or her will by the use or threatened use of immediate force, violence, or fear of injury to that person or his or her property or the person or property of anyone. Such force or fear must be used to obtain or retain possession of the property, or to prevent or overcome resistance to the taking; in either of which cases the degree of force is immaterial. Such taking constitutes robbery whenever it appears that, although the taking was fully completed without the knowledge of the person from whom taken, such knowledge was prevented by the use of force or fear.[/url]​

So who did those kids threaten with force or fear of injury?​
You can't read?
Sure I can. Apparently, you can't answer...

So who did those kids threaten with force or fear of injury?

Just pulling the sign from the hands of another is a use of force. I guess you're just too ignorant to realize it.

Dumbfuck, it's not force to grab the sign that would make it a robbery... it's using force or threatening to use force against the person they're taking the sign from. What the kids committed was theft, not robbery.

Yeah, what ever cupcake. LMAO They used force to try to keep the sign and were most likely going to try to destroy it.

The is the WA state law on robbery. My B/U/color

RCW 9A.56.190

A person commits robbery when he or she unlawfully takes personal property from the person of another or in his or her presence against his or her will by the use or threatened use of immediate force, violence, or fear of injury to that person or his or her property or the person or property of anyone. Such force or fear must be used to obtain or retain possession of the property, or to prevent or overcome resistance to the taking; in either of which cases the degree of force is immaterial. Such taking constitutes robbery whenever it appears that, although the taking was fully completed without the knowledge of the person from whom taken, such knowledge was prevented by the use of force or fear.

It's pretty fucking simple, the thugs robbed the guy according to WA law. It's full stop at the first OR.


Dumbfuck, the theft has to include violence or threat of violence. According to an imbecile like you, there's no difference between theft and robbery.

In order for a crime to be classified as robbery and not a lesser crime in Washington State, there are three key elements that must be present:
The trespassing and taking and moving of money or property from another without consent and with the intent to permanently deprive that person of the money or property (the offender doesn’t intend to return the property)
There must be violence or threat of immediate violence.
The taking must be from the victim or in the victim’s presence.

You're full of shit, this is all you need from the law for that situation. No other element is required.
A person commits robbery when he or she unlawfully takes personal property from the person of another

If you disagree, then you're telling the world how illiterate you are.


You dumbfuck, that's a Washington state lawyer explaining the law to you that you're incapable of understanding. Here's another one...

In the interest of simplifying, robbery is perhaps best understood by breaking the crime down into three elements. These include:
The taking of personal property from another;
This taking is done against a person’s will; and,
The taking is committed by the use or threatened use of immediate force, violence, or fear of injury.

Need I post more lawyers describing this law to you or do you finally realize I was right? As much as that annoys the shit out of you.


Perhaps you should try looking up the meaning of "OR". And in this case force was used to take and an attempt to retain the property, the degree of force is immaterial. Like I said, learn how to read you illiterate asshole.


Now you admit, albeit unwittingly, that you don't understand how "or" clauses impact a sentence. :lmao:

No worries, I can do this all day long as there's no shortage of Washington state lawyers describing the required elements of robbery. Here's a third who will attempt to educate you...

There must have been use of violence or threat of violence. It is usually fairly easy to establish that violence occurred if there was physical contact. It should however be noted that there is no legal baseline for how much contact suffices. Even the smallest degree of physical contact may constitute use of violence.​

So if I were to see a car where the door was unlocked, opened it up and went through the console and found a wallet with cash in it and took the cash (not the credit cards, just the cash)....Nicely closed the console with no damage to the car, closed the car door and caused no damage whatsoever, committed no act of violence, simply just took what was not mine.....that is not a crime?

What if an officer saw me do it and arrested me? Is there no case for prosecution? I did not commit an act of violence, I did not create damage to the car, I did not resist arrest. I did not commit credit card fraud. I took nothing but the cash in the wallet. All I did was capitalize on a situation where I can take what is not mine.

Are you sure there is no crime committed?

Libs just say shit. They think if they say shit, that they have created the FORM of a defense of their idea.

THey can't seem to distinguish between a SUCCESSFUL defense and a complete failure of a defense.
Dumbfuck, I've now quoted 3 law firms (so far) stating that robbery involves the use of violence or threat of violence. You know, what you mindlessly refer to as just saying shit.
Nice language.

But I noticed you did not answer my question.

So the scenario I laid out for you....there is no crime committed? So If I, say as a 250 jacked up guy in a cut off shirt, walk into a house where the door was unlocked with a woman and child there in the kitchen eating PB and J sandwiches, I offer no threat of violence...and I simply say, I am here to take your jewelry...I ransack nothing, I break nothing, I offer no threat of bodily injury....I go up to her bedroom, open her dresser draw, find her jewelry box, take her jewelry, offer her a good day and walk out. No one hurt, no one threatened and no damage done to the crime was committed?

Are you sure you are not reading your "internet findings" without bias?

Are you sure?


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