Kneeling is for cowards

BLM is a violent racist hate group.
They are not a Civil Rights group.
They have murdered policemen.
They have murdered citizens.
They have beaten people in our streets.
They are laundering donations to the Corrupt Democrat Party.
They are lining their pockets.
They are not helping the needy.
They are destroying people's businesses.
They are destroying cities.
They are destroying the NFL, NBA, MLB......
Brave Men stand-up to these cretins, they don't kneel like COWARDS.

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Do you actually believe in this idiocy that you typed? Do you actually believe in authoritarianism run by incompetents? How old are you?
The Left are the real control freaks

genuflecting (present participle)
  1. lower one's body briefly by bending one knee to the ground, typically in worship or as a sign of respect.
    "she genuflected and crossed herself"
    fall to one's knees · get down on one's knees · bow · bow down · make obeisance · kowtow · curtsy · show reverence · show deference · crouch · squat · hunch down · hunker down · scooch
    • show deference or servility.
      "politicians had to genuflect to the far left to advance their careers"
      incline the body · incline the head · make an obeisance · make a bow · nod · curtsy · drop a curtsy · bob · salaam · bend the knee · kowtow
If you don't like it, get your white robes back out of the closet.
As opposed to BLM putting their fists in the air for Black Power?

Yeah, I don't remember them putting their fists in the air, then dressing in black robes and then going around to search out white people to lynch.
You righties get so triggered.
So you're scapegoating them for the Black Power fists. Got it.
BLM is a violent racist hate group.
They are not a Civil Rights group.
They have murdered policemen.
They have murdered citizens.
They have beaten people in our streets.
They are laundering donations to the Corrupt Democrat Party.
They are lining their pockets.
They are not helping the needy.
They are destroying people's businesses.
They are destroying cities.
They are destroying the NFL, NBA, MLB......
Brave Men stand-up to these cretins, they don't kneel like COWARDS.

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I wouldn't kneel for BLM, and neither would President Trump- is that why he was disinvited?
The Trumpsters continue to conflate the group and the movement.

Incredible. By all means, keep going.
The group and movement is their business. Stop forcing people to pay for it though. Change the Cable TV Basic cable into ala carte tiers to start. So if the Cable Customer is forced to support the Prog sports stations who support the Prog run NBA who support the Prog WNBA then when the women players walk off the court during the national anthem there will be a chance of real push back for their beliefs.
If kneeling is for cowards,saluting the flag is being brainwashed sheep moronswhich sadly,there are millions in the world the fact the song has the biggest propaganda words being the land of the free and home of the brave,it’s the home of the cowards who let this government become corrupt as it is and that’s the most sick lie in the world calling it the land of the free when we are one of the most suppressed countries in the world and it’s actually a facist dictatership,and yet we got brainless sheep worshipping those propaganda words,sick.

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