Krazy Kamala to Fallon: "i hitchhiked to graduation, it was a very late night the previous night"

You know what's amusing, Joey? Trump is our President right now because the main stream media came out and pushed him hard...denying the other candidates coverage while they gave Trump lot's of it! They did so because they believed that Trump would be the easiest GOP candidate for Hillary Clinton to beat! You want to know who put Trump in the Oval Office? Look no further than CNN, MSNBC, The New York Times and The Washington Post!

I think you are confused. The main reason why the media paid so much attention to Trump in the primaries was because he was good for ratings... Why talk to Jeb Bush about boring old Common Core when you can listen to Trump scream about how Mexicans are all Rapists!!!!

The thing is, they probably never thought anyone would be dumb enough to vote for him.

And most of us didn't.

Yep, and the Democrats did the same and they both might do the same this election cycle. I’m not sure how anyone could have picked Trump or Clinton.

The Democrats didn't have anyone better in 2016. Commie Bernie? Pass. Jim Webb? Please. O'Malley? He was done when Baltimore had riots.

Now, I do agree, our system is broken. Decent people don't want to run for office, because only a sociopath would put their family through that.

they were still bottom rung joe....every fucking one of them...

Really? Hey, I disagree for most of what they stood for, but you had several governors and senators who were pretty accomplished running for the office. I personally don't like Jeb Bush, but if he were president, we wouldn't be having discussions about whether or not Mexicans are rapists or nuking hurricanes...
Decent people are running for office, his name is Bernie Sanders.....and no, he isn't a communist nor can anyone make that claim without looking like idiots --- or Trump supporters...which about the same thing.

Being a "decent" person doesn't mean you'd make a good leader, Biff! Jimmy Carter is a wonderful human being and about as decent as they come but he was a dumpster fire as POTUS. Bernie Sanders is an ideologue who hasn't had to deal with pragmatic solutions because he's a US Senator...not a CEO...not a Governor...not a Mayor. The US Senate is where ideologues go to hide from the real world...because in the real world an ideology that doesn't take into account human nature is doomed to failure.

I agree. Bernie has never held a real job in his entire life and he's all about "free" stuff. Of course the tax payers foot the bill for his "free" stuff.

Man is an ideologue without one ounce of common sense. He'd bankrupt the country if his bullshit ideas ever came to pass.
Then you must agree with me that Republicans in Appalachia getting all that free stuff is a disgrace. I say fuck ‘em, let them starve. Don’t you agree?
White males are last on the freebie list.
I think you are confused. The main reason why the media paid so much attention to Trump in the primaries was because he was good for ratings... Why talk to Jeb Bush about boring old Common Core when you can listen to Trump scream about how Mexicans are all Rapists!!!!

The thing is, they probably never thought anyone would be dumb enough to vote for him.

And most of us didn't.

The Democrats didn't have anyone better in 2016. Commie Bernie? Pass. Jim Webb? Please. O'Malley? He was done when Baltimore had riots.

Now, I do agree, our system is broken. Decent people don't want to run for office, because only a sociopath would put their family through that.

Really? Hey, I disagree for most of what they stood for, but you had several governors and senators who were pretty accomplished running for the office. I personally don't like Jeb Bush, but if he were president, we wouldn't be having discussions about whether or not Mexicans are rapists or nuking hurricanes...
Decent people are running for office, his name is Bernie Sanders.....and no, he isn't a communist nor can anyone make that claim without looking like idiots --- or Trump supporters...which about the same thing.

Being a "decent" person doesn't mean you'd make a good leader, Biff! Jimmy Carter is a wonderful human being and about as decent as they come but he was a dumpster fire as POTUS. Bernie Sanders is an ideologue who hasn't had to deal with pragmatic solutions because he's a US Senator...not a CEO...not a Governor...not a Mayor. The US Senate is where ideologues go to hide from the real world...because in the real world an ideology that doesn't take into account human nature is doomed to failure.

First of all, this was the comment I was referring to before yo goofy ass jumped in saying something stupid...

"Decent people don't want to run for office, because only a sociopath would put their family through that."

Bernie Sanders is a decent person, which is why folks like you have to make up dumb shit to try to demonize him -- you don't have to agree with his policies, but I give credit to any person who during the civil rights movement, actually did more than just look at it from the side lines -- what was Trump doing during that time??

Second of all, being a CEO doesn't make you a good leader either -- wasn't Bush a CEO, wasn't Romney a CEO?? Both nominated by your republican base and now both hated by that same republican base that nominated fuck what you yapping about....

By the way, Bernie was mayor actually, but don't let that stop you from being a moron.....
Decent people who love this country run for office because they want to do what’s best for the country. Trump ran for office to make money off this country. Which is pretty much what most Republicans do
You wouldn’t understand. It involves patriotism and all that other kind of stuff you laugh at.
Trump will leave office worth less than when he was elected. People like Bill Clinton and Barack Obama buy million dollar mansions when they leave office. So you tell me who's "making money" off of their office!
That would make Trump a failure financially if he can't make more money than Obama or the Clintons
Decent people are running for office, his name is Bernie Sanders.....and no, he isn't a communist nor can anyone make that claim without looking like idiots --- or Trump supporters...which about the same thing.

Being a "decent" person doesn't mean you'd make a good leader, Biff! Jimmy Carter is a wonderful human being and about as decent as they come but he was a dumpster fire as POTUS. Bernie Sanders is an ideologue who hasn't had to deal with pragmatic solutions because he's a US Senator...not a CEO...not a Governor...not a Mayor. The US Senate is where ideologues go to hide from the real world...because in the real world an ideology that doesn't take into account human nature is doomed to failure.

First of all, this was the comment I was referring to before yo goofy ass jumped in saying something stupid...

"Decent people don't want to run for office, because only a sociopath would put their family through that."

Bernie Sanders is a decent person, which is why folks like you have to make up dumb shit to try to demonize him -- you don't have to agree with his policies, but I give credit to any person who during the civil rights movement, actually did more than just look at it from the side lines -- what was Trump doing during that time??

Second of all, being a CEO doesn't make you a good leader either -- wasn't Bush a CEO, wasn't Romney a CEO?? Both nominated by your republican base and now both hated by that same republican base that nominated fuck what you yapping about....

By the way, Bernie was mayor actually, but don't let that stop you from being a moron.....
Decent people who love this country run for office because they want to do what’s best for the country. Trump ran for office to make money off this country. Which is pretty much what most Republicans do
You wouldn’t understand. It involves patriotism and all that other kind of stuff you laugh at.
Trump will leave office worth less than when he was elected. People like Bill Clinton and Barack Obama buy million dollar mansions when they leave office. So you tell me who's "making money" off of their office!
That would make Trump a failure financially if he can't make more money than Obama or the Clintons

Trump...unlike Obama or the Clintons obviously isn't doing it for the money! He's not a professional politician. For Barry, Bill and Hillary politics was how they made their fortunes.
I'm bemused by you on the left that view Obama and the Clinton's as "champions of the people" when the "people" who did the best when they had political power were the Obama's and the Clintons!
Being a "decent" person doesn't mean you'd make a good leader, Biff! Jimmy Carter is a wonderful human being and about as decent as they come but he was a dumpster fire as POTUS. Bernie Sanders is an ideologue who hasn't had to deal with pragmatic solutions because he's a US Senator...not a CEO...not a Governor...not a Mayor. The US Senate is where ideologues go to hide from the real world...because in the real world an ideology that doesn't take into account human nature is doomed to failure.

First of all, this was the comment I was referring to before yo goofy ass jumped in saying something stupid...

"Decent people don't want to run for office, because only a sociopath would put their family through that."

Bernie Sanders is a decent person, which is why folks like you have to make up dumb shit to try to demonize him -- you don't have to agree with his policies, but I give credit to any person who during the civil rights movement, actually did more than just look at it from the side lines -- what was Trump doing during that time??

Second of all, being a CEO doesn't make you a good leader either -- wasn't Bush a CEO, wasn't Romney a CEO?? Both nominated by your republican base and now both hated by that same republican base that nominated fuck what you yapping about....

By the way, Bernie was mayor actually, but don't let that stop you from being a moron.....
Decent people who love this country run for office because they want to do what’s best for the country. Trump ran for office to make money off this country. Which is pretty much what most Republicans do
You wouldn’t understand. It involves patriotism and all that other kind of stuff you laugh at.
Trump will leave office worth less than when he was elected. People like Bill Clinton and Barack Obama buy million dollar mansions when they leave office. So you tell me who's "making money" off of their office!
That would make Trump a failure financially if he can't make more money than Obama or the Clintons

Trump...unlike Obama or the Clintons obviously isn't doing it for the money! He's not a professional politician. For Barry, Bill and Hillary politics was how they made their fortunes.
So are you saying if before Obama was president, he earned his wealth from owning restaurants and resorts around the world -- and then due to his position as president was able to direct the military and other government officials to stay at his resorts, eat at his restaurants at taxpayer expense -- you are saying you wouldn't have a problem with it??

Why do you Trumpers purposely lie like this??? your moron crew had a hissy fit just over Obama wearing tan suit
First of all, this was the comment I was referring to before yo goofy ass jumped in saying something stupid...

"Decent people don't want to run for office, because only a sociopath would put their family through that."

Bernie Sanders is a decent person, which is why folks like you have to make up dumb shit to try to demonize him -- you don't have to agree with his policies, but I give credit to any person who during the civil rights movement, actually did more than just look at it from the side lines -- what was Trump doing during that time??

Second of all, being a CEO doesn't make you a good leader either -- wasn't Bush a CEO, wasn't Romney a CEO?? Both nominated by your republican base and now both hated by that same republican base that nominated fuck what you yapping about....

By the way, Bernie was mayor actually, but don't let that stop you from being a moron.....
Decent people who love this country run for office because they want to do what’s best for the country. Trump ran for office to make money off this country. Which is pretty much what most Republicans do
You wouldn’t understand. It involves patriotism and all that other kind of stuff you laugh at.
Trump will leave office worth less than when he was elected. People like Bill Clinton and Barack Obama buy million dollar mansions when they leave office. So you tell me who's "making money" off of their office!
That would make Trump a failure financially if he can't make more money than Obama or the Clintons

Trump...unlike Obama or the Clintons obviously isn't doing it for the money! He's not a professional politician. For Barry, Bill and Hillary politics was how they made their fortunes.
So are you saying if before Obama was president, he earned his wealth from owning restaurants and resorts around the world -- and then due to his position as president was able to direct the military and other government officials to stay at his resorts, eat at his restaurants at taxpayer expense -- you are saying you wouldn't have a problem with it??

Why do you Trumpers purposely lie like this??? your moron crew had a hissy fit just over Obama wearing tan suit

I'm simply pointing out that it's ludicrous to accuse Trump of only wanting to be President to make money...when having the Presidency is costing him money. It's even more ludicrous when you see a couple like the Clinton's leaving the White House and buying not one but TWO million dollar mansions in the first year! Your narrative that Trump is trying to cash in on his position is laughable. He's not even taking his salary! He takes a single dollar to be President. Why? Because it was never about the money for him.
My only problem with people like Barack Obama is when they get on a soap box, lecture about "income inequality", then hop down off the soap box and jet off to Martha's Vineyard to party with all of their elite friends! If you're going to talk the talk...then walk the walk!
Decent people are running for office, his name is Bernie Sanders.....and no, he isn't a communist nor can anyone make that claim without looking like idiots --- or Trump supporters...which about the same thing.

I'm not a Trump supporter.

Bernie Sanders is a fucking commie who hasn't accomplished one thing in his life.
I watched CNN's coverage of Trump go from positive to negative AFTER he won the nomination...which tells me that CNN saw themselves as "king makers"...using their influence to get the candidate they thought didn't have a chance at beating Hillary Clinton in place and then pushing the candidate they REALLY wanted to win!

I think the reason why CNN is so hysterical in their negative coverage of Trump that they KNOW that their plan backfired on them!

Trump's coverage remained the same. CNN did the same thing after he won the nomination as they did before he did. They'd spend hours focusing on an empty podium while ignoring substantive speeches made by Hillary or The Republicans.

Because he was good for ratings. That's the problem with our whole news cycle. It's always about the ratings. This was wonderfully parodied by the Movie Network, but Howard Beale seems quite sedate compared to the Crazies on Fox, MSNBC and CNN.
Trump...unlike Obama or the Clintons obviously isn't doing it for the money! He's not a professional politician. For Barry, Bill and Hillary politics was how they made their fortunes.

I always have to wonder what goes on in DogStyle's mind.

Trump says something stupid. Like lets say, Trump proposing nuking a hurricane.

Do you pick

A) Scream "FAKE NEWS"
B) Try to rationalize why nuking hurricanes is a good idea!
C) "But, but, but... Oooobaaaaaaaammmmaaaa" (Hillary and Bill also work here, but not as good.)
I watched CNN's coverage of Trump go from positive to negative AFTER he won the nomination...which tells me that CNN saw themselves as "king makers"...using their influence to get the candidate they thought didn't have a chance at beating Hillary Clinton in place and then pushing the candidate they REALLY wanted to win!

I think the reason why CNN is so hysterical in their negative coverage of Trump that they KNOW that their plan backfired on them!

Trump's coverage remained the same. CNN did the same thing after he won the nomination as they did before he did. They'd spend hours focusing on an empty podium while ignoring substantive speeches made by Hillary or The Republicans.

Because he was good for ratings. That's the problem with our whole news cycle. It's always about the ratings. This was wonderfully parodied by the Movie Network, but Howard Beale seems quite sedate compared to the Crazies on Fox, MSNBC and CNN.
Fox is not like the other two. Fox usually responds to the other two. And it has just a few people who do it. They need pure anti progs on it. No prog guests. what is the point of that anyway? People who even start companies are being thrown by the wayside because of stupid remarks they may have made decades before. Their politics are wrong. Every company that happens to will eventually be run into the ground.
Fox is not like the other two. Fox usually responds to the other two.

No, sadly, Fox established the model the other two are now following, which is to throw journalism out the window and do partisan opinion, which is kind of the problem. They both engage in a lot of political theater, but if a serious discussion on policy happens, it's often an accident.
Fox is not like the other two. Fox usually responds to the other two.

No, sadly, Fox established the model the other two are now following, which is to throw journalism out the window and do partisan opinion, which is kind of the problem. They both engage in a lot of political theater, but if a serious discussion on policy happens, it's often an accident.
Is that what you really really think? Fox is nothing compared to them. You have maybe 3 people at night and a couple of shows on the weekend. With a breakfast show. Much of their spewing is moderate. The issue of judges being vote in is legit. But prog judges are revolutionaries and not the norm.
I watched CNN's coverage of Trump go from positive to negative AFTER he won the nomination...which tells me that CNN saw themselves as "king makers"...using their influence to get the candidate they thought didn't have a chance at beating Hillary Clinton in place and then pushing the candidate they REALLY wanted to win!

I think the reason why CNN is so hysterical in their negative coverage of Trump that they KNOW that their plan backfired on them!

Trump's coverage remained the same. CNN did the same thing after he won the nomination as they did before he did. They'd spend hours focusing on an empty podium while ignoring substantive speeches made by Hillary or The Republicans.

Because he was good for ratings. That's the problem with our whole news cycle. It's always about the ratings. This was wonderfully parodied by the Movie Network, but Howard Beale seems quite sedate compared to the Crazies on Fox, MSNBC and CNN.

Bullshit. Trump's coverage when he was running against other Republicans was positive because Trump was who CNN wanted to run against Clinton. When he secured the nomination however then Trump's coverage became non stop attacks.

You're really claiming that the liberal media "ignored" Hillary Clinton? Oh, must be referring to the period of time when Hillary wasn't giving press conferences or taking questions from the media because she didn't want to answer questions about her secret servers that she'd used to run her little pay for play scheme at the State Department? It wasn't that they "ignored" her! It's that they let her get away with not answering tough questions!
Bullshit. Trump's coverage when he was running against other Republicans was positive because Trump was who CNN wanted to run against Clinton. When he secured the nomination however then Trump's coverage became non stop attacks.

Okay, if that's the myth you want to tell yourself. The fact is, the guy still got on TV whenever he wanted, and spewed whatever racist non-sense he wanted because it was good for ratings. If anything, I blame the media for not challenging him when he did it, because they thought Americans were smart enough to see through it and reject him.

They did, of course, they just didn't count on Russian intereference and a Racist electoral college helping him out.
Close your eyes and think about want Harris looked like on her knees in front of Willie Brown. Now spit out the vomit in your toilet bowl.
You know what's amusing, Joey? Trump is our President right now because the main stream media came out and pushed him hard...denying the other candidates coverage while they gave Trump lot's of it! They did so because they believed that Trump would be the easiest GOP candidate for Hillary Clinton to beat! You want to know who put Trump in the Oval Office? Look no further than CNN, MSNBC, The New York Times and The Washington Post!

I think you are confused. The main reason why the media paid so much attention to Trump in the primaries was because he was good for ratings... Why talk to Jeb Bush about boring old Common Core when you can listen to Trump scream about how Mexicans are all Rapists!!!!

The thing is, they probably never thought anyone would be dumb enough to vote for him.

And most of us didn't.

Yep, and the Democrats did the same and they both might do the same this election cycle. I’m not sure how anyone could have picked Trump or Clinton.

The Democrats didn't have anyone better in 2016. Commie Bernie? Pass. Jim Webb? Please. O'Malley? He was done when Baltimore had riots.

Now, I do agree, our system is broken. Decent people don't want to run for office, because only a sociopath would put their family through that.

they were still bottom rung joe....every fucking one of them...

Really? Hey, I disagree for most of what they stood for, but you had several governors and senators who were pretty accomplished running for the office. I personally don't like Jeb Bush, but if he were president, we wouldn't be having discussions about whether or not Mexicans are rapists or nuking hurricanes...
Decent people are running for office, his name is Bernie Sanders.....and no, he isn't a communist nor can anyone make that claim without looking like idiots --- or Trump supporters...which about the same thing.

Bernie is a commie. In capitalist system, he calls himself a socialist. How stupid you have to be not to recognize that? Or rather, is there anyone on the left that confirms it?
Decent people are running for office, his name is Bernie Sanders.....and no, he isn't a communist nor can anyone make that claim without looking like idiots --- or Trump supporters...which about the same thing.

I'm not a Trump supporter.

Bernie Sanders is a fucking commie who hasn't accomplished one thing in his life.

There it is. One.

A completely agree with this post.

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