Kremlin papers appear to show Putin’s plot to put Trump in White House

Reliable sources say that papers that APPEAR to be from the Kremlin maybe definitely show some extremely possible connections that are likely to be Russian. Furthermore there is a definite maybe pointing to very possible probability that Trump was theoretically definitely involved in what appears to be something that definitely resembles a factually possible plot!
Looks like Christopher Steele has been paid by Democrats again.
I agree I noticed that they can't hide their hate.
I don't hate trump, but I do despise ignorance, arrogance and liars. trump is all of those things rolled into one. I actually feel sorry for the guy he's got about everything a guy could want and he's still a miserable human being.
You're deranged, moron. Only someone with the I.Q. of a flatworm could believe this stuff.
you sound like a very angry bitch...

Reliable sources say that papers that APPEAR to be from the Kremlin maybe definitely show some extremely possible connections that are likely to be Russian. Furthermore there is a definite maybe pointing to very possible probability that Trump was theoretically definitely involved in what appears to be something that definitely resembles a factually possible plot!
I believe trump was brainwashed by the Russians during his visits to Moscow; Russians like long range plans and the opportunity was there to utilize the fool.

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