Kremlin papers appear to show Putin’s plot to put Trump in White House

I don't remember the exact quote but he basically said NATO was useless in today's world. If he had his way Europe would be defenseless against Russia.

The only people who have trump derangement syndrome are the people who still believe in him. Fortunately that number gets less and less as each day passes.
/——-/ Here’s an exact quote for ya Spanky: “Americans know that a strong alliance of free, sovereign and independent nations is the best defense for our freedoms and for our interests. That is why my administration has demanded that all members of NATO finally meet their full and fair financial obligation. As a result of this insistence, billions of dollars more have begun to pour into NATO. In fact, people are shocked. But billions and billions of dollars more coming in from countries that, in my opinion, would not have been paying so quickly.” President Trump
I don't remember the exact quote but he basically said NATO was useless in today's world. If he had his way Europe would be defenseless against Russia.

The only people who have trump derangement syndrome are the people who still believe in him. Fortunately that number gets less and less as each day passes.
Nothing wrong here
“I think NATO is obsolete. NATO was done at a time you had the Soviet Union, which was obviously larger - much larger than Russia is today. I'm not saying Russia is not a threat. But we have other threats. We have the threat of terrorism. And NATO doesn't discuss terrorism. NATO's not meant for terrorism. NATO doesn't have the right countries in it for terrorism.”
Nothing wrong here
“I think NATO is obsolete. NATO was done at a time you had the Soviet Union, which was obviously larger - much larger than Russia is today. I'm not saying Russia is not a threat. But we have other threats. We have the threat of terrorism. And NATO doesn't discuss terrorism. NATO's not meant for terrorism. NATO doesn't have the right countries in it for terrorism.”
/—-/ Stan just hates Trump and will look for anything to twist and distort. He doesn’t give a rat’s ass about NATO.
No really shocking news, here. Just a glimpse into the Russian intelligence apparatus, and their intent and all-out effort to weaken the United States in many ways by getting Trump into the White House.

Some highlights:

- There is a brief psychological assessment of Trump, who is described as an “impulsive, mentally unstable and unbalanced individual who suffers from an inferiority complex”.

- There is also apparent confirmation that the Kremlin possesses kompromat, or potentially compromising material, on the future president, collected – the document says – from Trump’s earlier “non-official visits to Russian Federation territory”.

- “It is acutely necessary to use all possible force to facilitate his [Trump’s] election to the post of US president,” the paper says.

They won, the fact that a thug like trump became president was anti-climatic, it made America weaker and a beacon of anguish and despair for the rest of the world. Our great President Biden is working to reverse the damage...

/——-/ Here’s an exact quote for ya Spanky: “Americans know that a strong alliance of free, sovereign and independent nations is the best defense for our freedoms and for our interests. That is why my administration has demanded that all members of NATO finally meet their full and fair financial obligation. As a result of this insistence, billions of dollars more have begun to pour into NATO. In fact, people are shocked. But billions and billions of dollars more coming in from countries that, in my opinion, would not have been paying so quickly.” President Trump
Nice try, no the quote I talked about was when he said and I looked it up the word he used was NATO is " obsolete " and he wanted to pull the us out of NATO.
At this point in history Russia can "leak" anything to the Brit blog and they will treat it as news rather than propaganda. The Guardian throws the propaganda to the willing morons in the U.S. and Russia creates chaos in American elections without lifting a finger.
Nice try, no the quote I talked about was when he said and I looked it up the word he used was NATO is " obsolete " and he wanted to pull the us out of NATO.
I posted the quote after you read the whole quote in context you see nothing he said was wrong and correct.
At this point in history Russia can "leak" anything to the Brit blog and they will treat it as news rather than propaganda. The Guardian throws the propaganda to the willing morons in the U.S. and Russia creates chaos in American elections without lifting a finger.
Remember those Russia pee pee tapes?
No really shocking news, here. Just a glimpse into the Russian intelligence apparatus, and their intent and all-out effort to weaken the United States in many ways by getting Trump into the White House.

Some highlights:

- There is a brief psychological assessment of Trump, who is described as an “impulsive, mentally unstable and unbalanced individual who suffers from an inferiority complex”.

- There is also apparent confirmation that the Kremlin possesses kompromat, or potentially compromising material, on the future president, collected – the document says – from Trump’s earlier “non-official visits to Russian Federation territory”.

- “It is acutely necessary to use all possible force to facilitate his [Trump’s] election to the post of US president,” the paper says.

It shows nothing but a bad translation.
No really shocking news, here. Just a glimpse into the Russian intelligence apparatus, and their intent and all-out effort to weaken the United States in many ways by getting Trump into the White House.

Some highlights:

- There is a brief psychological assessment of Trump, who is described as an “impulsive, mentally unstable and unbalanced individual who suffers from an inferiority complex”.

- There is also apparent confirmation that the Kremlin possesses kompromat, or potentially compromising material, on the future president, collected – the document says – from Trump’s earlier “non-official visits to Russian Federation territory”.

- “It is acutely necessary to use all possible force to facilitate his [Trump’s] election to the post of US president,” the paper says.

Putin had good reason to dislike or distrust Hillary.

When mass protests against Russian President Vladimir Putin erupted in Moscow in December 2011, Putin made clear who he thought was really behind them: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

With the protesters accusing Putin of having rigged recent elections, the Russian leader pointed an angry finger at Clinton, who had issued a statement sharply critical of the voting results. “She said they were dishonest and unfair,” Putin fumed in public remarks, saying that Clinton gave “a signal” to demonstrators working “with the support of the U.S. State Department” to undermine his power. “We need to safeguard ourselves from this interference in our internal affairs,” Putin declared.

Hillary was a corrupt, power hungry politician who bragged about killing Gaddafi. Trump was a legitimate businessman. If you were Putin who would you want to see win the Presidency in the United States.

Note in passing, I do not consider Putin to be a good leader. He’s evil and dangerous and might be insane.

No really shocking news, here. Just a glimpse into the Russian intelligence apparatus, and their intent and all-out effort to weaken the United States in many ways by getting Trump into the White House.

Some highlights:

- There is a brief psychological assessment of Trump, who is described as an “impulsive, mentally unstable and unbalanced individual who suffers from an inferiority complex”.

- There is also apparent confirmation that the Kremlin possesses kompromat, or potentially compromising material, on the future president, collected – the document says – from Trump’s earlier “non-official visits to Russian Federation territory”.

- “It is acutely necessary to use all possible force to facilitate his [Trump’s] election to the post of US president,” the paper says.

"Kremlin documents?" That certainly sounds credible. Is that like "unnamed sources?"
At this point in history Russia can "leak" anything to the Brit blog and they will treat it as news rather than propaganda. The Guardian throws the propaganda to the willing morons in the U.S. and Russia creates chaos in American elections without lifting a finger.
I'm sure Russia didn't willingly disclose this. It would make putin out as just as big a liar as trump is. They seem to be able to accept him as an ex-KGB murdering thug as long as they believe he's honest.
No really shocking news, here. Just a glimpse into the Russian intelligence apparatus, and their intent and all-out effort to weaken the United States in many ways by getting Trump into the White House.

Some highlights:

- There is a brief psychological assessment of Trump, who is described as an “impulsive, mentally unstable and unbalanced individual who suffers from an inferiority complex”.

- There is also apparent confirmation that the Kremlin possesses kompromat, or potentially compromising material, on the future president, collected – the document says – from Trump’s earlier “non-official visits to Russian Federation territory”.

- “It is acutely necessary to use all possible force to facilitate his [Trump’s] election to the post of US president,” the paper says.

Pretty selective in choosing which Russian propaganda you wish to accept.

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