Lake Schools the Media

Really? That whine again. Is it because the media catches Repubs in so many lies? Or because the foundational narrative of the POT (party of Trump) is based on a steaming pile of horseshit?
Spoken like a true one party deep state stooge.
Lake provides example after example of Democrat media bias yet when you people are called to provide examples to back up your specious claims, you call it a deflection. File that in your notes.
What would you like me to provide an example of? More examples of Lake's inveterate lying?
For one thing she said she would not have certified the 2020 election if she had the opportunity. IOW, she would not have respected the will of the voters. That's as undemocratic as it gets.
You mean, she should not have questioned the results or required an independent investigation before certifying the election?

What would you like me to provide an example of? More examples of Lake's inveterate lying?
Don’t do it for me…. Do it for yourself. Backing up statements and opinions with verifiable facts only serves to help yourself.
Why isn't anyone discussing what she started her rant about.

Was there an actual break-in to Hobbs Campaign HQ?
Lake is saying this is ALL a big lie.

The Phoenix Police Department has arrested a 36-year-old man in connection with a break-in at Democratic Arizona gubernatorial candidate Katie Hobbs’ campaign headquarters earlier this week.
Why isn't anyone discussing what she started her rant about.

Was there an actual break-in to Hobbs Campaign HQ?
Lake is saying this is ALL a big lie.

The Phoenix Police Department has arrested a 36-year-old man in connection with a break-in at Democratic Arizona gubernatorial candidate Katie Hobbs’ campaign headquarters earlier this week.

Lake never said the break-in didn't happen She said she had nothing to do with it, even though Hobbs accused her of being involved, despite having zero evidence whatsoever to back up an accusation like that.

I have NO doubt you fell for it hook, line, and sinker though, because you're as dumb as dogshit.

How A Conspiracy-Theorizing Documentary Fueled A Wave Of Voter Intimidation In Arizona

On Monday, October 17, a little after sunset, a couple went to deposit their ballots at a drop box near a courthouse in Mesa, Arizona. As they approached the box, they noticed that a group of people was “hanging out” nearby, according to a complaint they later filed through the secretary of state’s website.

“They took photographs of our license plate and of us,” one of the voters wrote, “and then followed us out the parking lot in one of their cars continuing to film.”

That same day, a woman named Melody Jennings appeared on Steve Bannon’s War Room podcast with a pitch: Bannon’s listeners should take photos of voters dropping off their ballots to help monitor for election fraud. Her group, Clean Elections USA, was “gathering across the nation in every drop box state,” she told Bannon. “And we are actually making a difference,” she said. “We’re not intimidating voters, but the mules do not want to be caught on film and that’s what we’re doing.”

There has never been a more dangerous fraud perpetrated on the American public than the Big Lie. A close second, there were WMD in Iraq.
A leadership PAC sponsored by Representative Liz Cheney, Republican of Wyoming, announced on Friday a $500,000 media buy in Arizona, where it will air a television spot urging voters to reject Kari Lake, the Republican running for governor, and Mark Finchem, the party’s nominee for secretary of state.

“I don’t know that I’ve ever voted for a Democrat, but if I lived in Arizona, I absolutely would,” Ms. Cheney says in the ad. “If you care about the survival of our republic, you cannot give people power who will not honor elections.”

Lake never said the break-in didn't happen She said she had nothing to do with it, even though Hobbs accused her of being involved, despite having zero evidence whatsoever to back up an accusation like that.

I have NO doubt you fell for it hook, line, and sinker though, because you're as dumb as dogshit.
I read up on it.
The break-in happened.

Lake screamed "I had nothing to do with it."
There is no PROOF either way, so SUCK it Marvin.
But her rant, as I could only stomach the 1st 5 minutes, was about the break-in.
Hobbs blames GOP incitement over break-in.
Which is TRUE.
Find me the STATEMENT where Hobbs claims that Lake was behind it.
It's complete Bullshit.

The story was about a breakin, which happened.

Lake is a vile ****.
Unemployment isn't low, the number of people who qualify to be counted as unemployed is lo, due to disqualifications.

You're worth a reply only because you're useful to this issue.
What would you know about useful?
I was commenting on lake and Donald's prognostication about "IF" they win Zippy!. IMHO, Lake is a Jim Jordan clone with a pusswah. She spews out so many lies so fast that the common man is overwhelmed or basically, baffled by bullshit.
What is she lying about?
Don admitted he lost.

During the ninth and possibly final hearing, the committee investigating the January 6 insurrection shared new testimony from Alyssa Farah, a former White House aide, who said that a week after the election was called in favor of Biden, Trump was watching Biden on the television in the Oval Office, and said: “‘Can you believe I lost to this effing guy?’”

But in order to keep the con going, and the money coming in, he's still lying to you gullible rubes.
Hearsay. Trump has never conceded. Until he does he has admitted nothing.
There goes Winky always looking to suck on something.

Dude, you should get a dictionary to help you spell words. Governor has 8 letters in it!
Dude, don't get ahead of yourself.

Lake is promoting an 11 point lead, so in case she loses, she can scream fraud.
"How could we be ahead by 11 points (sure, in 1 Fox10 poll, he old station) and lose, it MUST be fraud.

She's setting it up already.

Screen Shot 2022-10-28 at 1.59.19 PM.png
What is she lying about?
What isn't she lying about? She is Neo-GOP and as require by their by-laws, every single time she opens her mouth, she must lie about something. I'm sure it's required. Why else would they lie so much? Lots of people are talking about how much they lie too. All over the place, they're talking....really really saying bad things about her too.... really really bad. I wouldn't say them but they are.....really sad. So sad.
What isn't she lying about? She is Neo-GOP and as require by their by-laws, every single time she opens her mouth, she must lie about something. I'm sure it's required. Why else would they lie so much? Lots of people are talking about how much they lie too. All over the place, they're talking....really really saying bad things about her too.... really really bad. I wouldn't say them but they are.....really sad. So sad.
That is not an answer. What is she lying about?

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