Last Stand: I Refuse to Give Up This Republic Without a Fight

How do you people find those zaney websites :eusa_eh:

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I don't see one thing "zany" about it.

If we wish to honor those who served, lost their lives and limbs, we CANNOT allow another four years of King Barry Hussein!
It is rather zany when republicans start acting as if they have natural ownership of the patriotic symbols and military history of the United States and are the only legitimate rulers of OUR nation.
It is rather zany when republicans start acting as if they have natural ownership of the patriotic symbols and military history of the United States and are the only legitimate rulers of OUR nation.

There is not such thing as a Legitimate ruler of our Nation. we elect leaders not Rulers. Obama is perfectly Legitimate, just not very Competent.
It is rather zany when republicans start acting as if they have natural ownership of the patriotic symbols and military history of the United States and are the only legitimate rulers of OUR nation.
They have a far better claim. There was nothing zany about that link. It was a testament to the patriotism of people for something they believed in and the price they were willing to pay for it. I look around me now and see a generation of self-entitled wimps and parasites, not unlike yourself.
In short, He'll be sure to keep the QE going.. in three years the dollar will be worth ten cents.
He gets in again and you can bet on it. Get ready for everything and anything you can't possibly imagine if your not already.
It is rather zany when republicans start acting as if they have natural ownership of the patriotic symbols and military history of the United States and are the only legitimate rulers of OUR nation.

There is not such thing as a Legitimate ruler of our Nation. we elect leaders not Rulers. Obama is perfectly Legitimate, just not very Competent.

Tell that to the birther conspiracists/ACORN conspiracists/secret Muslim conspiracists etc. who have done nothing but attack the president with spurious claims of illegitimatcy. Authoritarians are keen on the subject of legitimacy and for some reason they love to flock to the republican side.
It is rather zany when republicans start acting as if they have natural ownership of the patriotic symbols and military history of the United States and are the only legitimate rulers of OUR nation.
They have a far better claim. There was nothing zany about that link. It was a testament to the patriotism of people for something they believed in and the price they were willing to pay for it. I look around me now and see a generation of self-entitled wimps and parasites, not unlike yourself.

So only republicans stormed the beach at Normandy or fought in Nam? Kiss my veteran ass.
You just have to take the time to rally your neighbors, your family members and your co-workers to vote for candidates who believe in the Constitution.

Then you and your neighbors will be voting for Obama and other democrats running for elected office.
It is rather zany when republicans start acting as if they have natural ownership of the patriotic symbols and military history of the United States and are the only legitimate rulers of OUR nation.
They have a far better claim. There was nothing zany about that link. It was a testament to the patriotism of people for something they believed in and the price they were willing to pay for it. I look around me now and see a generation of self-entitled wimps and parasites, not unlike yourself.

So only republicans stormed the beach at Normandy or fought in Nam? Kiss my veteran ass.
If you actually stormed the beach at Normandy or fought in "Nam" I might just do so. I have a hunch that you did neither. Sorry, I still see you like my now-deceased leftist brother who spent two weeks at boot camp and was given an "honorable discharge" for "psychiatric maladjustment " and still claimed to be a vet.

Still, I'm sure you have a few Purple Hearts and a Medal of Honor up your sleeve.:clap2::clap2::clap2:
They have a far better claim. There was nothing zany about that link. It was a testament to the patriotism of people for something they believed in and the price they were willing to pay for it. I look around me now and see a generation of self-entitled wimps and parasites, not unlike yourself.

So only republicans stormed the beach at Normandy or fought in Nam? Kiss my veteran ass.
If you actually stormed the beach at Normandy or fought in "Nam" I might just do so. I have a hunch that you did neither. Sorry, I still see you like my now-deceased leftist brother who spent two weeks at boot camp and was given an "honorable discharge" for "psychiatric maladjustment " and still claimed to be a vet.

Still, I'm sure you have a few Purple Hearts and a Medal of Honor up your sleeve.:clap2::clap2::clap2:

You can see what you like as I am not putting my military record up for discussion as I feel, unlike some others around here, that it does not give me any special insight into civilian politics. All kinds of people bled for this country, republicans have no right to highjack their sacrifice for the greater profit of the god damned defense establishment.
these super patriot memes make me sick no matter what side is foisting them on USMB, right or left.
So only republicans stormed the beach at Normandy or fought in Nam? Kiss my veteran ass.
If you actually stormed the beach at Normandy or fought in "Nam" I might just do so. I have a hunch that you did neither. Sorry, I still see you like my now-deceased leftist brother who spent two weeks at boot camp and was given an "honorable discharge" for "psychiatric maladjustment " and still claimed to be a vet.

Still, I'm sure you have a few Purple Hearts and a Medal of Honor up your sleeve.:clap2::clap2::clap2:

You can see what you like as I am not putting my military record up for discussion as I feel, unlike some others around here, that it does not give me any special insight into civilian politics. All kinds of people bled for this country, republicans have no right to highjack their sacrifice for the greater profit of the god damned defense establishment.
I can certainly see why you are not putting you military record up for discussion, but you were as certainly trying to use it as imagined leverage. Why else would you discuss it in the first place. Frankly, what I see is a disillusioned vet who was unsuccessful in the military as in civilian life. I of course cannot say that without doubt, the internet being what it is, but I am quite sure that you never bled, nor were wiling to bleed for your country.

Believe it or not, there are takers and givers in that regard, and your whinnyess leaves me little doubt as to your station.
these super patriot memes make me sick no matter what side is foisting them on USMB, right or left.

Damned straight, glorifying our wars for political gain is nothing new. Those who see though it for the chickenhawk sham it is are branded cowards or even traitors by those who just love it when someone else's kid goes out fight and die for increasingly useless causes.
If you actually stormed the beach at Normandy or fought in "Nam" I might just do so. I have a hunch that you did neither. Sorry, I still see you like my now-deceased leftist brother who spent two weeks at boot camp and was given an "honorable discharge" for "psychiatric maladjustment " and still claimed to be a vet.

Still, I'm sure you have a few Purple Hearts and a Medal of Honor up your sleeve.:clap2::clap2::clap2:

You can see what you like as I am not putting my military record up for discussion as I feel, unlike some others around here, that it does not give me any special insight into civilian politics. All kinds of people bled for this country, republicans have no right to highjack their sacrifice for the greater profit of the god damned defense establishment.
I can certainly see why you are not putting you military record up for discussion, but you were as certainly trying to use it as imagined leverage. Why else would you discuss it in the first place. Frankly, what I see is a disillusioned vet who was unsuccessful in the military as in civilian life. I of course cannot say that without doubt, the internet being what it is, but I am quite sure that you never bled, nor were wiling to bleed for your country.

Believe it or not, there are takers and givers in that regard, and your whinnyess leaves me little doubt as to your station.

Another shit head psychic tells me all about myself though their ESP, Eternally Shitty Perception.
It is rather zany when republicans start acting as if they have natural ownership of the patriotic symbols and military history of the United States and are the only legitimate rulers of OUR nation.
We do NOT have rulers. We have elected public servants.

But hey, try this.

Stop with the instinct to blame America first for EVERYTHING, and maybe we'll let you have a few of those symbols back.

What say you? Care to name one thing....just one...that America is exceptional for?

Just one..

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