Law professor: Comey memo leak not illegal

After having a really bad day yesterday, snowflakes are grabbing at any straw they can, no matter how small. Trying to argue that Comey's leak is ok because it was nothing classified is grabbing for a very tine straw.

The government has been besieged by leaks even before Obama left Office. (Of course he and Susan Rice were orchestrating / facilitating some of them.)

Trump has been trying to eliminate leaks. ALL leaks.

If that is the case, if you really want to get rid of all leaks, do you really want to make excuses for and allow your Director of the FBI out there leaking information and people making the case that individuals can leak information as long as they believe the information is not Classified?

HELL NO! Comey himself demonstrated why you do NOT want that. If you allow Comey to leak information then you will have everyone declaring they have a right to leak info for whatever reason they can come up with.

According to Trump (and most everyone else with any common sense), a 1-on-1 meeting between the President and the United States is, at the very least, CONFIDENTIAL (which is a level of classification). If the President would have wanted anyone else to know what was being said he would have invited the media.

There should also be an understood level of confidentially between the Director of the FBI and the President, whom the Director works for. (Anyone who suggests otherwise is either being partisan, foolish, or both.) Comey betrayed that confidentiality by orchestrating what HE called 'leaks'. Despite declaring on several occasions declaring leaks within the administration are bad and should not be happening, Comey himself was leaking information.

Classified or not, it can not be tolerated. Comey self-identified as a 'Leaker' and did so, despite knowing how bad of a problem with individuals leaking information was. He looked down on others doing so but justified his own decision to leak info. In testifying to this, Comey justified Trump's decision to fire him.
Comey got into politics and Trump was probably right

Trump actually tried to play politics using his dirty business tactics and tried to obstruct the investigation Comey was in charge of.

You must have missed the hearings... Comey testified that no one tried to stop the investigations and matter of fact, Trump encouraged them.
Comey testified Trump wanted him to say he was not under investigation, and Comey refused because he did not want to have to issue a correction if that changed.

In other words, tard, Comey was telling Trump, "You are not under investigation...YET."

So, was he under investigation or not?

In a
statement prepared ahead of testimony on Capitol Hill, Mr Comey said that at an intelligence briefing with the President-elect on January 6, he discussed with the FBI leadership team whether he could assure him “that we were not investigating him personally”.
Was Trump going to be on investigation at some point had he not fired Comey? You didn't ask that question., and Comey made it clear that he could not promise that Trump wouldn't become a target.
According to Trump (and most everyone else with any common sense), a 1-on-1 meeting between the President and the United States is, at the very least, CONFIDENTIAL (which is a level of classification). If the President would have wanted anyone else to know what was being said he would have invited the media.

You mean like the meeting between Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky?

Why want' that confidential?

Why weren't the leakers thrown in jail?
Comey got into politics and Trump was probably right

Trump actually tried to play politics using his dirty business tactics and tried to obstruct the investigation Comey was in charge of.

You must have missed the hearings... Comey testified that no one tried to stop the investigations and matter of fact, Trump encouraged them.

He was asked many times to drop the Flynn/Russian investigation. Comey didn't kiss the ring, he didn't drop the Flynn/Russian investigation. He was fired for not taking the pressure off the Grabby One via the Russian investigation. IMO that's obstruction.

Don't quit your day job.
Look what happens when we listen to the experts rather than to right-wing message board nicknames:

Steve Vladeck (Professor of Law at the University of Texas):

Did #Comey's orchestration of the memo leak break the law? In a word, no.
Steve Vladeck on Twitter

Does the law professor know the Memo was leaked while Comey was still FBI director thus the Memo belonged to the Gov't and was Classified? Or Does he think it was leaked after he became a citizen?
If you don't know the answer then you need to find out if his source of news being timeline ignorant might reflect how he views the law. Furthermore your argument is selective one opinion while we heard many more higher people say otherwise.
Your post: F- Epic Fail
Does the law professor know the Memo was leaked while Comey was still FBI director thus the Memo belonged to the Gov't and was Classified? Or Does he think it was leaked after he became a citizen?

The memo wasn't classified. Meetings with the President do not receive any kind of automatic classification.
The Senate has taken the position that Comey's memos are government documents not his personal property. Rut roh, Comey shot himself in the foot.

Have a link?


Link to video of Senator Collins who had asked the questions about how Comey's memo got to the NY Times. She makes the case that Comey's memos are not his personal property later in the video. She also lays out Comey's other more ethical option.

Comey fallout: Similarities in Times article, testimony could bolster Trump claims
Catch 22. If meetings with the president are automatically classified, it is a violation of law to reveal classified information to someone without a security clearance.

The President can't reveal the contents of his meeting to the person he's meeting with unless they have a security clearance.

Therefore the president can only meet with people with a security clearance. And that clearly is not the case.
The Senate has taken the position that Comey's memos are government documents not his personal property. Rut roh, Comey shot himself in the foot.

Have a link?


All work related papers, memos, etc. are the property of the employer.

Senator Collins stated Comey wrote these memos on FBI computers, in an FBI car, they are government work products. Its ironic Comey would fall into the same legal issues Hillary did, mishandling government documents.
Ewe both, sassafras and willow, are wrong. Comey did not break the law. We will see if Trump did break the law or if any of his associates did.
And another post with 0% concern about
Mexico interfering with our elections, imagine that.
Below we see Mexico bring in Permanent Mexican resident voters
led by Immigrant Voters Win PAC — a group of 30 community organizer groups dedicated to promoting illegal immigrants.
Even residents of other countries got naturalized to get in on this voter fraud.
One woman from Honduras said she responded to the Mexican government’s initiative.
11. load-out 1 april 17 2006.jpg
Does the law professor know the Memo was leaked while Comey was still FBI director thus the Memo belonged to the Gov't and was Classified? Or Does he think it was leaked after he became a citizen?

The memo wasn't classified. Meetings with the President do not receive any kind of automatic classification.

Then you are saying the Memo has nothing to do with the case, you can't have it both ways. Checkmate!
Senator Collins stated Comey wrote these memos on FBI computers, in an FBI car, they are government work products. Its ironic Comey would fall into the same legal issues Hillary did, mishandling government documents.

Federal regulations allow employees to use government computers for limited personal uses, and while the no smoking regulations extend to an FBI car, your writing, texting, or other non-government work done therein are not government property.
Then you are saying the Memo has nothing to do with the case, you can't have it both ways. Checkmate!

No checkmate. Trump and Comey both said Trump wasn't part of the investigation. In fact, Trump stated that in his letter firing Comey. Unless the memo had to do with the investigation, they aren't automatically government property.
You worry about it, HaShev, but yesterday was about Comey and Trump.
That's why your party lost, you don't care about this:nuestra_familia.jpg
Just as the middle east was not concerned about their jihaadist gang problems till it got out of hand, complacency is the death of a civilized society.

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