LDS church and children of LGBT couples: Jesus weeps

I can image an active LDS member writing,

"All children are born perfect. They should be welcome in almost any setting, particularly in a church that claims to be of God. All children, all babies, with no exceptions.

That my chosen faith proclaimed otherwise last Thursday is sad. This has hurt many people, particularly those who are gay, or have gay family members. I am so sorry for this hurt.

When you piss off those of us who would be your friends, who put our butts in the pews or who stand and conduct, who give our funds, you have gone too far.

All babies, all children, are welcome in any church or organization that I might choose to attend. All babies. No exceptions."

That person would be completely ignorant of the scriptures then. There was a time that the Lord commanded His servants not to go to the gentiles. The gospel was withheld from the Israelites in favor of the law of Moses. These restrictions did not occur during childhood but for all their mortal lives.

You are complaining about what happens now but completely miss the fact that the Lord has.view of the long game. He knows the way to direct His work in the way that will bring to pass the immortality and eternal life for the most people possible over all of time.

He has people wait on His timing to receive blessings. I'm sure as I am I would do things differently. But that's because I don't the end from the beginning.

And I think you should remember that our actions do effect others. Particularly our children. Maybe if we were wiser with our own actions they could have greater blessings.
That person understands the principles far better than you, I suspect.

Your fallacy of false equivalency of missionary work flops immediately. We are talking about thousands of children, some who go to the LDS church, who are already intimately connected to the church.

You want children to be denied the blessings of your church, then in order to be baptized, to disavow publicly their parents.

You are as bad as Jehovah Witnesses in this area.

For shame.

There are not thousands of children of same sex couples in the Church. Seriously do you listen to yourself?
Seriously, are you that stupid. There are thousands of children in LGBT homes connected by family to the church. What area of non-reality do you live.

Truly contact the JWs. You will find a set as weird as you on being dedicated to breaking up families.

Let's get it on record. You want children to disavow their parents?

How does stating gay marriage is wrong disavow parents? Seriously what do you think is so wrong about expecting people to acknowledge the teachings of the Church you are joining. We ask people to not smoke or drink as well, are we somehow asking people to disavow their alcoholic or smoking parents when we ask them to acknowledge that they aren't supposed to drink or smoke?

Why is acknowledging sin as sin so difficult? Seriously it's not like you don't know what they are when you are taught. Why would you even want to join if you don't want to accept and live with the teachings?

And why is it bad for children to wait until they are old enough to accept that and not be living in homes with such conflict?

What exactly do you think we should be doing? Actively proselytizing the children and creating an inherent conflict in the home? Why would we do that when we won't even baptize any minor with parents opposing it?
If you, Avatar, have not seen it on social media, then you are very, very sheltered, Avatar. The Church wants children to disavow their parents. You agree with that head up its ass policy.

Yes I agree with the policy. What is so crazy about expecting converts to acknowledge that gay marriage is a sin before God when joining a Church that teaches that?

It's the same policy we have with polygamists.

But that might require people be honest about sin, we can't have that because that might lead to repentance.
Your church, tyrone and avatar, wants children to disavow their parents.

Here's a crazy idea. Don't divorce your wife to shack up with your boyfriend and actually keep the covenants you make and you don't have to worry about it causing problems for your kids.

But no, it's the Church doing that. Right. No blame for the parents. There isn't going to be any sort of problems with minor children living In that situation and attending a Church that teaches it's wrong. The kids won't feel any conflict whatsoever.
Avatar does not support families.

Avatar does not support a church that is about children and families, because the LDS church is about separating families and making children disavow their parents.

The LDS church is anti-family and anti-children.


"Children, you got rid of the other woman. Good.
You can come unto Me now."
Avatar does not support a church that is about children and families, because the LDS church is about separating families and making children disavow their parents.

The LDS church is anti-family and anti-children.
Fake Jake loves making idiotic statements. ...... :cuckoo: .. :lol: :lol:
Their roof, their rules.
Yup, their asses getting kicked.
Well, then, when you turn 18 you can join the church or not join. your choice.
Mean while we'll get to see you go thru puberty.

btw jake, do you believe in infant baptism??? Cause every one of those kids in that depiction are under age to quality for baptism.
Way to deceive the less enlightened.
Wrong question, ty. The right one is why do you discriminate against children? Why do you break up families? You obviously don't believe in baptism at eight, it's not doctrine then if you can move it willy nilly. And why do you want children to disavow their parents? Shameful.
Jesus says, "You alone are worthy in and of yourself to come unto me whenever and wherever you wish. I love your parents, your family, and all of your friends, too, as I do all of My Creation.

Come unto Me."

Jesus says, "You alone are worthy in and of yourself to come unto me whenever and wherever you wish. I love your parents, your family, and all of your friends, too, as I do all of My Creation.
Fake Jake.......what chapter and verse in the Bible says those exact words?

Or did you just make them up as usual......... :cuckoo:
it is still a church led by a prophet and interested in profit.

I'm starting to think L-Ron was on the right path after all. I just need to start my own religion and rake in the bucks.

Shit, maybe I'll buy my own island, declare independence from whatever nation owns it, and sign a few treaties and BAM! I get diplomatic immunity to boot.
Avatar does not support families.

Avatar does not support a church that is about children and families, because the LDS church is about separating families and making children disavow their parents.

The LDS church is anti-family and anti-children.


"Children, you got rid of the other woman. Good.
You can come unto Me now."
My dog knows more about Sunday School than you know about the LDS church.
Avatar does not support families.

Avatar does not support a church that is about children and families, because the LDS church is about separating families and making children disavow their parents.

The LDS church is anti-family and anti-children.


"Children, you got rid of the other woman. Good.
You can come unto Me now."
My dog knows more about Sunday School than you know about the LDS church.
You would lose the bet and the dog, too.
Wait a minute. Doesn't the LDS church simply baptize everyone after they die (not just Mormons, but everyone) unless they specifically opt out? If true, then why wait? Just baptize the kids of rump rangers and be done with it.
Wait a minute. Doesn't the LDS church simply baptize everyone after they die (not just Mormons, but everyone) unless they specifically opt out? If true, then why wait? Just baptize the kids of rump rangers and be done with it.
even me being LDS had to chuckle at this one
My mother taught me at her knee how to kneel, how to fold my little arms, and how to pray to the One, she assured me, Who loved all little children forever and forever, to Him, Who would always love us never mind whatever happened. Jesus, she assured me, always suffers the little ones to come unto Him.

He always has, He does now, He always will: worlds without end.

The church's policy is not Christ-centered, it is not Christian.
My mother taught me at her knee how to kneel, how to fold my little arms, and how to pray to the One, she assured me, Who loved all little children forever and forever, to Him, Who would always love us never mind whatever happened. Jesus, she assured me, always suffers the little ones to come unto Him.

He always has, He does now, He always will: worlds without end.

The church's policy is not Christ-centered, it is not Christian.
How do you get VA benefits? One of your own squad members throw a grenade at ya
The fact is that all these whiny and wacky little special interest groups (particularly those interested in odd bodily practices and diverse couplings) are not interested in mere general tolerance or even in acceptance, but instead demand endorsement by those who find their practices abhorrent.

They should exercise caution in pushing too hard, lest they in the end lose even the tolerance.
This is not about the parents. This is about children, who will not be allowed to baptized because their parents are LGBT.
The kids are better off not being part of that cult, IMO
My mother taught me at her knee how to kneel, how to fold my little arms, and how to pray to the One, she assured me, Who loved all little children forever and forever, to Him, Who would always love us never mind whatever happened. Jesus, she assured me, always suffers the little ones to come unto Him.

He always has, He does now, He always will: worlds without end.

The church's policy is not Christ-centered, it is not Christian.
How do you get VA benefits? One of your own squad members throw a grenade at ya

Attacking me personally while ignoring the OP means you have failed the discussion.

My mother taught me at her knee how to kneel, how to fold my little arms, and how to pray to the One, she assured me, Who loved all little children forever and forever, to Him, Who would always love us never mind whatever happened. Jesus, she assured me, always suffers the little ones to come unto Him.

He always has, He does now, He always will: worlds without end.

The church's policy is not Christ-centered, it is not Christian.
How do you get VA benefits? One of your own squad members throw a grenade at ya

Attacking me personally while ignoring the OP means you have failed the discussion.

View attachment 54358
Isn't that rather contradictory using pictures from a Jehovah's Witness webpage and serving in the military?
The pictures above come from a variety of places on youtube. That is amazing that, if you are right about the source of one of the pictures, the JWs get it right and the LDS fail.

The images all testify to the love of Jesus for little children, for His desire to come unto Him. Why does your church possible imagines that it can prevent children from coming to Jesus?

Why are you so full of anger, tyrone?

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