Lefties are besides themselves with the desire to condemn AMERICANS for the actions of Muslims

the murderer was an american
The "MUSLIM TERRORIST" was only one in a long line of a liberally protected class.
Terrorists aren't a protected class, fuckwit. You sound more like Trump every day.
Anyone with brownish skin is adamantly defended or excused on a near daily basis on this site no matter what their accused of. The most agregious case being that fucking punk in Ferguson.

Terrorists aren't a protected class.

Not just a river in Egypt.

Shouldn't you go back to the rubber room and discuss the truly important topics? Like say, presidential hair....
Mitt's was much better than Trumps and you are a liar if you say differently.
the murderer was an american
The "MUSLIM TERRORIST" was only one in a long line of a liberally protected class.
Terrorists aren't a protected class, fuckwit. You sound more like Trump every day.
Brass tax

If they're not being protected then why do so many on the left absolutely refuse to call it what it is? RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORISM.

It's either an irrational fear of calling them out or a denial of what drives them. Either way the end result is the protection of a twisted religion & it's ideology & it's followers.
Funny thing is you all aren't even consistent with this stupidity as you're all constantly condemning Christians & Catholics.
I don't condemn Christians, especially Catholics. I may on occasion question their motives. I think Islam is a shit religion but that doesn't mean all Muslims are terrorists and that is how you try to paint them.
Not at all. I am talking about known terrorists & their twisted ideology. You have to conflate the issue in order to justify an argument.
You said Muslim Terrorists were a protected class. That is simply not true. What is the point of making these ridiculous statements, it only makes you look stupid.
the murderer was an american
The "MUSLIM TERRORIST" was only one in a long line of a liberally protected class.
Terrorists aren't a protected class, fuckwit. You sound more like Trump every day.
Brass tax

If they're not being protected then why do so many on the left absolutely refuse to call it what it is? RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORISM.

It's either an irrational fear of calling them out or a denial of what drives them. Either way the end result is the protection of a twisted religion & it's ideology & it's followers.
Funny thing is you all aren't even consistent with this stupidity as you're all constantly condemning Christians & Catholics.
I don't condemn Christians, especially Catholics. I may on occasion question their motives. I think Islam is a shit religion but that doesn't mean all Muslims are terrorists and that is how you try to paint them.
Not at all. I am talking about known terrorists & their twisted ideology. You have to conflate the issue in order to justify an argument.

Twisted ideology?


Why is it twisted ideology when the Muslims stand their ground?

The "MUSLIM TERRORIST" was only one in a long line of a liberally protected class.
Terrorists aren't a protected class, fuckwit. You sound more like Trump every day.
Anyone with brownish skin is adamantly defended or excused on a near daily basis on this site no matter what their accused of. The most agregious case being that fucking punk in Ferguson.

Terrorists aren't a protected class.

Not just a river in Egypt.

Shouldn't you go back to the rubber room and discuss the truly important topics? Like say, presidential hair....
Mitt's was much better than Trumps and you are a liar if you say differently.
the murderer was an american
The "MUSLIM TERRORIST" was only one in a long line of a liberally protected class.
Terrorists aren't a protected class, fuckwit. You sound more like Trump every day.
Brass tax

If they're not being protected then why do so many on the left absolutely refuse to call it what it is? RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORISM.

Why do you think calling terrorists "Radical Islamic Terrorists" is somehow attacking them?

Are you really this gullible?

We are attacking radical islamic terrorists in Iraq and Syria every day- and regularly in Somalia.

Are they somehow less dead because the President didn't say "Radical Islamic Terrorism"?

Are we somehow less safe because the President doesn't parrot the words that Trump and the right wing demands he mouth?

Are you really this gullible?
the murderer was an american
The "MUSLIM TERRORIST" was only one in a long line of a liberally protected class.
Terrorists aren't a protected class, fuckwit. You sound more like Trump every day.
Brass tax

If they're not being protected then why do so many on the left absolutely refuse to call it what it is? RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORISM.

Why do you think calling terrorists "Radical Islamic Terrorists" is somehow attacking them?

Are you really this gullible?

We are attacking radical islamic terrorists in Iraq and Syria every day- and regularly in Somalia.

Are they somehow less dead because the President didn't say "Radical Islamic Terrorism"?

Are we somehow less safe because the President doesn't parrot the words that Trump and the right wing demands he mouth?

Are you really this gullible?

EXCELLENT question !!!!!!!

The MUSLIM AVENGERS always die in the process.

Some of those who kamikazed into the world trade center were teenagers.

But they hate US warmongers and interventionists so much that killing some Americans bring them satisfaction.

But never mind the PACHYDERM IN THE ROOM
the murderer was an american
The "MUSLIM TERRORIST" was only one in a long line of a liberally protected class.
Terrorists aren't a protected class, fuckwit. You sound more like Trump every day.
Anyone with brownish skin is adamantly defended or excused on a near daily basis on this site no matter what their accused of. The most agregious case being that fucking punk in Ferguson.

Ah so now you are blaming anyone with a 'brownish' skin.

When did you start being so fucking stupid?
Not blaming them, blaming YOU (the left) for making excuses for them when they do shit they shouldn't.

Ah yes- because it is just so much easier to blame those you disagree with than actually caring about what happens and trying to prevent future attacks.

You are the one who brought up 'brownish' skin- not me- not anyone on the "left".

See I am not as fucking stupid as you are- so I am not going to say that everyone on the Right adamently believes that anyone with a 'brownish' skin must be guilty if they get shot. But that seems to be what you are implying.

Reasonable- rational people- believe both that police and our government can make mistakes- and can even have bad characters- and also believe that bad people can have 'brownish' skin.

You just want to rail about 'protected classes' because apparently it is a flea you have up your butt.

This asshole who killed people wasn't being protected by anyone- nor is he being defended by anyone. Why the hell do you- and so many others on both sides of politics think that mass killings are just another opportunity to lash out at anyone and everything you are pissed off about?
the murderer was an american
The "MUSLIM TERRORIST" was only one in a long line of a liberally protected class.
Terrorists aren't a protected class, fuckwit. You sound more like Trump every day.
Brass tax

If they're not being protected then why do so many on the left absolutely refuse to call it what it is? RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORISM.

Why do you think calling terrorists "Radical Islamic Terrorists" is somehow attacking them?

Are you really this gullible?

We are attacking radical islamic terrorists in Iraq and Syria every day- and regularly in Somalia.

Are they somehow less dead because the President didn't say "Radical Islamic Terrorism"?

Are we somehow less safe because the President doesn't parrot the words that Trump and the right wing demands he mouth?

Are you really this gullible?

EXCELLENT question !!!!!!!

The MUSLIM AVENGERS always die in the process.

Some of those who kamikazed into the world trade center were teenagers.

But they hate US warmongers and interventionists so much that killing some Americans bring them satisfaction.

But never mind the PACHYDERM IN THE ROOM

"Muslim Avengers"- i.e. asshole terrorists.

Some actually hate- many are just gullible fools, brainwashed by religious zealots- but all are assholes.

This asshole was an American- and appears to be a nut- and appears to have a very confused Jihadist hatred of....somebody.....Americans or gays or everyone.
The "MUSLIM TERRORIST" was only one in a long line of a liberally protected class.
Terrorists aren't a protected class, fuckwit. You sound more like Trump every day.
Brass tax

If they're not being protected then why do so many on the left absolutely refuse to call it what it is? RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORISM.

It's either an irrational fear of calling them out or a denial of what drives them. Either way the end result is the protection of a twisted religion & it's ideology & it's followers.
Funny thing is you all aren't even consistent with this stupidity as you're all constantly condemning Christians & Catholics.
I don't condemn Christians, especially Catholics. I may on occasion question their motives. I think Islam is a shit religion but that doesn't mean all Muslims are terrorists and that is how you try to paint them.
Not at all. I am talking about known terrorists & their twisted ideology. You have to conflate the issue in order to justify an argument.

Twisted ideology?

Why is it twisted ideology when the Muslims stand their ground?


The asshole in Orlando wasn't standing his ground- he was slaughtering people.
Same with Southern California.
Same with 9/11
Same with Boston Bombers.

Twisted sick motherfucking dogs that should rot in hell.
Terrorists aren't a protected class, fuckwit. You sound more like Trump every day.
Brass tax

If they're not being protected then why do so many on the left absolutely refuse to call it what it is? RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORISM.

It's either an irrational fear of calling them out or a denial of what drives them. Either way the end result is the protection of a twisted religion & it's ideology & it's followers.
Funny thing is you all aren't even consistent with this stupidity as you're all constantly condemning Christians & Catholics.
I don't condemn Christians, especially Catholics. I may on occasion question their motives. I think Islam is a shit religion but that doesn't mean all Muslims are terrorists and that is how you try to paint them.
Not at all. I am talking about known terrorists & their twisted ideology. You have to conflate the issue in order to justify an argument.

Twisted ideology?

Why is it twisted ideology when the Muslims stand their ground?


The asshole in Orlando wasn't standing his ground- he was slaughtering people.
Same with Southern California.
Same with 9/11
Same with Boston Bombers.

Twisted sick motherfucking dogs that should rot in hell.

Instead of making up facts - propagandizing

Why don't you read the 09/11 report?

Could you point out where NYCARBINEER has supported all things Islam...? Or did you just make that up?

Yes i could. I specifically recall him saying numerous times that American foriegn pollicy, that he disagrees with, is the reason behind all this hatered from the islamic world. He said 911 because we deployed troops in mecca. He knows he hates america.

Sounds to me like he disagrees with our policy of intervention in the ME and is of the opinion that the policy is the reason for the violent hatred we see towards us from the Islamic world. Not that he agrees with or approves of the violence.
Of which are both positions of ignorance.

You're entitled to your opinion as well. However the proclamation that those opinions automatically qualifies one as hating America, is just a lazy exercise in stupidity.
I wouldn't call them anti Patriots or whatever but I would call them VERY UNEDUCATED on the issue of what drives Islamic terrorism.

Saying we're bringing it on ourselves is as patently stupid as saying the girl who got raped deserved it because she flaunted her body or the kid that got picked on deserved it because the bully didn't like the way the kid was looking at him.

Sorry gramps but that is also a lazy comparison. To say our policy of intervention in the ME has nothing to do with why they hate us is ignorant.
Brass tax

If they're not being protected then why do so many on the left absolutely refuse to call it what it is? RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORISM.

It's either an irrational fear of calling them out or a denial of what drives them. Either way the end result is the protection of a twisted religion & it's ideology & it's followers.
Funny thing is you all aren't even consistent with this stupidity as you're all constantly condemning Christians & Catholics.
I don't condemn Christians, especially Catholics. I may on occasion question their motives. I think Islam is a shit religion but that doesn't mean all Muslims are terrorists and that is how you try to paint them.
Not at all. I am talking about known terrorists & their twisted ideology. You have to conflate the issue in order to justify an argument.

Twisted ideology?

Why is it twisted ideology when the Muslims stand their ground?


The asshole in Orlando wasn't standing his ground- he was slaughtering people.
Same with Southern California.
Same with 9/11
Same with Boston Bombers.

Twisted sick motherfucking dogs that should rot in hell.

Instead of making up facts - propagandizing

Why don't you read the 09/11 report?


Read it.

The asshole in Orlando wasn't standing his ground- he was slaughtering people.
Same with Southern California.
Same with 9/11
Same with Boston Bombers.

Twisted sick motherfucking dogs that should rot in hell.
Yes i could. I specifically recall him saying numerous times that American foriegn pollicy, that he disagrees with, is the reason behind all this hatered from the islamic world. He said 911 because we deployed troops in mecca. He knows he hates america.

Sounds to me like he disagrees with our policy of intervention in the ME and is of the opinion that the policy is the reason for the violent hatred we see towards us from the Islamic world. Not that he agrees with or approves of the violence.
Of which are both positions of ignorance.

You're entitled to your opinion as well. However the proclamation that those opinions automatically qualifies one as hating America, is just a lazy exercise in stupidity.
I wouldn't call them anti Patriots or whatever but I would call them VERY UNEDUCATED on the issue of what drives Islamic terrorism.

Saying we're bringing it on ourselves is as patently stupid as saying the girl who got raped deserved it because she flaunted her body or the kid that got picked on deserved it because the bully didn't like the way the kid was looking at him.

Sorry gramps but that is also a lazy comparison. To say our policy of intervention in the ME has nothing to do with why they hate us is ignorant.

It has 'something' to do with the terrorism- but frankly we are an excuse for the conflict within the ME.

It doesnt excuse the assholes like the Orlando killer or the Boston bombers.
Sounds to me like he disagrees with our policy of intervention in the ME and is of the opinion that the policy is the reason for the violent hatred we see towards us from the Islamic world. Not that he agrees with or approves of the violence.
Of which are both positions of ignorance.

You're entitled to your opinion as well. However the proclamation that those opinions automatically qualifies one as hating America, is just a lazy exercise in stupidity.
I wouldn't call them anti Patriots or whatever but I would call them VERY UNEDUCATED on the issue of what drives Islamic terrorism.

Saying we're bringing it on ourselves is as patently stupid as saying the girl who got raped deserved it because she flaunted her body or the kid that got picked on deserved it because the bully didn't like the way the kid was looking at him.

Sorry gramps but that is also a lazy comparison. To say our policy of intervention in the ME has nothing to do with why they hate us is ignorant.

It has 'something' to do with the terrorism- but frankly we are an excuse for the conflict within the ME.

It doesnt excuse the assholes like the Orlando killer or the Boston bombers.

Of course because nothing is black or white. Understanding their motives is not excusing barbarous acts.
American liberals are 100 times more upset when a Christian calls for the killing of LBGT's than when a Muslim actually carries it out.
Yes i could. I specifically recall him saying numerous times that American foriegn pollicy, that he disagrees with, is the reason behind all this hatered from the islamic world. He said 911 because we deployed troops in mecca. He knows he hates america.

Sounds to me like he disagrees with our policy of intervention in the ME and is of the opinion that the policy is the reason for the violent hatred we see towards us from the Islamic world. Not that he agrees with or approves of the violence.
Of which are both positions of ignorance.

You're entitled to your opinion as well. However the proclamation that those opinions automatically qualifies one as hating America, is just a lazy exercise in stupidity.
I wouldn't call them anti Patriots or whatever but I would call them VERY UNEDUCATED on the issue of what drives Islamic terrorism.

Saying we're bringing it on ourselves is as patently stupid as saying the girl who got raped deserved it because she flaunted her body or the kid that got picked on deserved it because the bully didn't like the way the kid was looking at him.

Sorry gramps but that is also a lazy comparison. To say our policy of intervention in the ME has nothing to do with why they hate us is ignorant.

What exactly were we doing to them when they were seizing our ships and selling people into slavery back in the early 1800's?

Sorry, Islam has been at war with humanity since its inception.
Sounds to me like he disagrees with our policy of intervention in the ME and is of the opinion that the policy is the reason for the violent hatred we see towards us from the Islamic world. Not that he agrees with or approves of the violence.
Of which are both positions of ignorance.

You're entitled to your opinion as well. However the proclamation that those opinions automatically qualifies one as hating America, is just a lazy exercise in stupidity.
I wouldn't call them anti Patriots or whatever but I would call them VERY UNEDUCATED on the issue of what drives Islamic terrorism.

Saying we're bringing it on ourselves is as patently stupid as saying the girl who got raped deserved it because she flaunted her body or the kid that got picked on deserved it because the bully didn't like the way the kid was looking at him.

Sorry gramps but that is also a lazy comparison. To say our policy of intervention in the ME has nothing to do with why they hate us is ignorant.

What exactly were we doing to them when they were seizing our ships and selling people into slavery back in the early 1800's?

Sorry, Islam has been at war with humanity since its inception.


Read the 09/11 Report

How to defeat the Islamist fanatics

1- RETURN Palestine to Palestinians

2- The US must CEASE AND DESIST intervening in the internal affairs of middle eastern nations

3- The US must CEASE AND DESIST its war against Islam

Fact is, the Terrorist asshole was a Muslim and registered Democrat. It all gets back to the Left's bizarre alliance with Islam. .

Fact is that the Terrorist asshole was a) born in the United States b) male c) Muslim d) a legal gun owner.

Fact is Pauli and other Right Wing nut jobs just want to use this tragedy to attack 'the Left' and Democrats.

As pathetic as blaming all gun owners.
slow down there, let's not get all radicalized here... criticizing you and your beliefs is not really an attack, is it? sticks and stones, right? you see the problem with hyperbole now? you see how much spiraling out of control with the imagination the use of idioms can result? the frustration on the right-wing is dealing with the hysteria on the left-wing, or who is the most drama queen of the hour? it's usually the gays, because when the muslims attack you'll know it.

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