Leftist douche nozzle promotes infanticide - after abortion

R.C. Christian

Gold Member
Jun 30, 2010
After-birth abortion: why should the baby live? -- Giubilini and Minerva -- Journal of Medical Ethics

After-birth abortion: why should the baby live?

Alberto Giubilini1,2,
Francesca Minerva3

+ Author Affiliations

1Department of Philosophy, University of Milan, Milan, Italy
2Centre for Human Bioethics, Monash University, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
3Centre for Applied Philosophy and Public Ethics, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Correspondence to Dr Francesca Minerva, CAPPE, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, VIC 3010, Australia; [email protected]

Contributors AG and FM contributed equally to the manuscript.

Received 25 November 2011
Revised 26 January 2012
Accepted 27 January 2012
Published Online First 23 February 2012


Abortion is largely accepted even for reasons that do not have anything to do with the fetus' health. By showing that (1) both fetuses and newborns do not have the same moral status as actual persons, (2) the fact that both are potential persons is morally irrelevant and (3) adoption is not always in the best interest of actual people, the authors argue that what we call ‘after-birth abortion’ (killing a newborn) should be permissible in all the cases where abortion is, including cases where the newborn is not disabled.

Severe abnormalities of the fetus and risks for the physical and/or psychological health of the woman are often cited as valid reasons for abortion. Sometimes the two reasons are connected, such as when a woman claims that a disabled child would represent a risk to her mental health. However, having a child can itself be an unbearable burden for the psychological health of the woman or for her already existing children,1 regardless of the condition of the fetus. This could happen in the case of a woman who loses her partner after she finds out that she is pregnant and therefore feels she will not be able to take care of the possible child by herself.

A serious philosophical problem arises when the same conditions that would have justified abortion become known after birth. In such cases, we need to assess facts in order to decide whether the same arguments that apply to killing a human fetus can also be consistently applied to killing a newborn human.

Such an issue arises, for example, when an abnormality has not been detected during pregnancy or occurs during delivery. Perinatal asphyxia, for instance, may cause severe brain damage and result in severe mental and/or physical impairments comparable with those for which a woman could request an abortion. Moreover, abnormalities are not always, or cannot always be, diagnosed through prenatal screening even if they have a genetic origin. This is more likely to happen when the disease is not hereditary but is the result of genetic mutations occurring in the gametes of a healthy parent. One example is the case of Treacher-Collins syndrome (TCS), a condition that affects 1 in every 10 000 births causing facial deformity and related physiological failures, in particular potentially life-threatening respiratory problems. Usually those affected by TCS are not mentally impaired and they are therefore fully aware of their condition, of being different from other people and of all the problems their pathology entails. Many parents would choose to have an abortion if they find out, through genetic prenatal testing, that their fetus is affected by TCS. However, genetic prenatal tests for TCS are usually taken only if there is a family history of the disease. Sometimes, though, the disease is caused by a gene mutation that intervenes in the gametes of a healthy member of the couple. Moreover, tests for TCS are quite expensive and it takes several weeks to get the result. Considering that it is a very rare pathology, we can understand why women are not usually tested for this disorder.

However, such rare and severe pathologies are not the only ones that are likely to remain undetected until delivery; even more common congenital diseases that women are usually tested for could fail to be detected. An examination of 18 European registries reveals that between 2005 and 2009 only the 64% of Down's syndrome cases were diagnosed through prenatal testing.2 This percentage indicates that, considering only the European areas under examination, about 1700 infants were born with Down's syndrome without parents being aware of it before birth. Once these children are born, there is no choice for the parents but to keep the child, which sometimes is exactly what they would not have done if the disease had been diagnosed before birth.
Ah look, the leftist whore is from Australia. Imagine that, a leftist whore from oz. Who'd have ever expected that ? <sarcasm>
Notice how the left uses clever word changes. Global Warming becomes climate change, and infanticide becomes after birth abortion. Hell, whey don't we just act like Spartans and through babies who don't score enough points over a cliff?
Notice how the left uses clever word changes. Global Warming becomes climate change, and infanticide becomes after birth abortion. Hell, whey don't we just act like Spartans and through babies who don't score enough points over a cliff?

I couldn't read the whole thing it turned my stomach so bad. Anyone promoting this Infanticide AKA after birth abortion has no conscience,moral compass,and no sense of humanity. It's an abomination.
Abortion should be completely banned then provide for narrow exceptions. The alternative that is developing is the reverse. The child is to be killed unless there is some reason to let them live.
Abortion should be completely banned then provide for narrow exceptions. The alternative that is developing is the reverse. The child is to be killed unless there is some reason to let them live.

What comes after killing new born babies? Killing people who are not perfect? Killing the old because they can't work? Killing people we just don't like? Hmmmm where have I heard that before? Oh Yeah, HEIL HITLER!
Yep, it all leads to worse things. I may go to hell but it will never be for aborting a kid.
Italians and Austrailians. They still haven't thanked the US for saving their DNA. Let them rant.
OK, well I haven't posted here long and it's new news to me.

They are arguing for the mercy killing of disabled children who are born because the defects were not detected during pregnancy.

It is one thing to kill a healthy baby at birth, but another thing entirely to end the life of a child who is born physically disabled.

Basically, the argument is not for abortion at all - but for euthanasia.
OK, well I haven't posted here long and it's new news to me.

They are arguing for the mercy killing of disabled children who are born because the defects were not detected during pregnancy.

It is one thing to kill a healthy baby at birth, but another thing entirely to end the life of a child who is born physically disabled.

Basically, the argument is not for abortion at all - but for euthanasia.
You praise the authors with faint damns.
OK, well I haven't posted here long and it's new news to me.

They are arguing for the mercy killing of disabled children who are born because the defects were not detected during pregnancy.

It is one thing to kill a healthy baby at birth, but another thing entirely to end the life of a child who is born physically disabled.

Basically, the argument is not for abortion at all - but for euthanasia.
You praise the authors with faint damns.

Or just having an adult conversation about it.

You wingnuts new anti-choice tactic is to talk about "Fetal Pain", even though we really don't know when during fetal development the pain receptors are turned on.

But in your fanatic mercy, you would let a doomed infant live on for days with spina bifida or brittle bone syndrome. Has no chance of living, but gosh darn it, we aren't going to help it along.

And to a degree, I'm good with that. I don't want to ever get it to a point when the corporations that run health care EVER allow euthanasia as a valid treatment option. That's just asking for trouble.
OK, well I haven't posted here long and it's new news to me.

They are arguing for the mercy killing of disabled children who are born because the defects were not detected during pregnancy.

It is one thing to kill a healthy baby at birth, but another thing entirely to end the life of a child who is born physically disabled.

Basically, the argument is not for abortion at all - but for euthanasia.

Who makes the call and at what point ?
They are arguing for the mercy killing of disabled children who are born because the defects were not detected during pregnancy.

It is one thing to kill a healthy baby at birth, but another thing entirely to end the life of a child who is born physically disabled.

Basically, the argument is not for abortion at all - but for euthanasia.
You praise the authors with faint damns.

Or just having an adult conversation about it.

You wingnuts new anti-choice tactic is to talk about "Fetal Pain", even though we really don't know when during fetal development the pain receptors are turned on.

But in your fanatic mercy, you would let a doomed infant live on for days with spina bifida or brittle bone syndrome. Has no chance of living, but gosh darn it, we aren't going to help it along.

And to a degree, I'm good with that. I don't want to ever get it to a point when the corporations that run health care EVER allow euthanasia as a valid treatment option. That's just asking for trouble.

Joe on his white haus . You so sweet dude.
This is outrageous where do we stop. An elderly person gets cancer and we kill them so they don't need to suffer the treatment? Reminds me of obama saying instead of grandma getting a hip replacement, just give her a pain pill.
This is outrageous where do we stop. An elderly person gets cancer and we kill them so they don't need to suffer the treatment? Reminds me of obama saying instead of grandma getting a hip replacement, just give her a pain pill.

That's different. An adult has a say. I dont know that I would suffer the treatment for cancer. An adult deserves the option to opt out when ever they choose. But a new borne ? This article is some nazi crap.
They are arguing for the mercy killing of disabled children who are born because the defects were not detected during pregnancy.

It is one thing to kill a healthy baby at birth, but another thing entirely to end the life of a child who is born physically disabled.

Basically, the argument is not for abortion at all - but for euthanasia.
You praise the authors with faint damns.

Or just having an adult conversation about it.

You wingnuts new anti-choice tactic is to talk about "Fetal Pain", even though we really don't know when during fetal development the pain receptors are turned on.
Here's some of that science stuff progressives hate:

But in your fanatic mercy, you would let a doomed infant live on for days with spina bifida or brittle bone syndrome. Has no chance of living, but gosh darn it, we aren't going to help it along.

And to a degree, I'm good with that. I don't want to ever get it to a point when the corporations that run health care EVER allow euthanasia as a valid treatment option. That's just asking for trouble.
No, you just want the government making that decision.

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