Leftists owe the rest of us an explanation for the Florida shooting

We banned guns from schools, just like you wanted. Even people with concealed carry permits trained to use their guns safely didn't have them. And your plan worked. No one had a gun and was able to defend themselves and shoot back. And 17 people died because of it.

You owe us an explanation. What is wrong with your plan? Why isn't it working?

Maybe you can ask your drug dealer why banning guns doesn't work the next time you buy a doobie ...

Conservatives and Trump made their very first piece of major legislation passed, giving the mentally ill the right to buy guns.

That's what you'd like to believe happened. Never mind the fact that reality refuses to conform to your fever dreams.

It's the way leftists argue.

No one has denied government the ability to remove the right to restrict gun purchases to mentally ill people through due process.

When we demand that people accused of mental illness get due process, Lewdog hears we are "giving the mentally ill the right to buy arms." He actually hears that, it's remarkable.

He only believes the Constitution is valid when it says what he wants. In times like this, it's toilet paper. Due process, shoe flosses, that's Lewdog's motto.

Then he wants to know why only leftists believe in the Constitution ...

It's an easy question to answer. The Constitution they believe in has all the substance and reality of fairy dust.

Then after ignoring what is actually in the Constitution, they make up crap that isn't there and claim it is. Unlimited abortion, prohibiting the death penalty, gay marriage, intr(a)state business ...

The Constitution is just a document to them that says whatever they want it to say

Where does the Constitution mention marriage?
We banned guns from schools, just like you wanted. Even people with concealed carry permits trained to use their guns safely didn't have them. And your plan worked. No one had a gun and was able to defend themselves and shoot back. And 17 people died because of it.

You owe us an explanation. What is wrong with your plan? Why isn't it working?

Maybe you can ask your drug dealer why banning guns doesn't work the next time you buy a doobie ...
People in other countries do not need guns to fight back at schools. It is an American epidemic, and guns are not the solution.

Single cause fallacy.

And we didn't have shooters 30 years ago and we had the guns. What you have here is a lot of nothing.

Have you mentioned to your drug dealer your theory that if we make something illegal, that means we can't get it?

We had shooters 30 years ago and we kept adding guns per the orders of the NRA. Now we have more shooters.

If we ban drugs only criminals will have drugs....so let’s give everyone drugs.

There weren't the mass shootings 30 years ago at a high rate, particularly at gun free zone schools. That's a lie.

It's racism, isn't it, dumb ass?

What we have here is a single cause fallacy. You're just guilty over the blood of 17 students on your hands.

Let's pretend that gun laws keep guns out of the hands of shooters and remove the ability of anyone to defend themselves now as if it does. Then when it doesn't work, we blame the NRA and demand more laws.

If one digs into your plan, it's as stupid as the first reading of our plan
"Leftists owe the rest of us an explanation for the Florida shooting"

No, they don't.

We followed your plan, it was a gun free zone. 17 are dead. Damned straight you owe us an explanation for your failure

You did not follow any plan from the left. Asshole.

So you're saying the school wasn't a gun-free zone? Or are you saying you don't think gun-free zones are a wonderful idea and didn't cheer when it became law?

LoneLaughedAt has said he's in favor of schools being gun free zones. He also lies that he has a CC which serves no purpose other than protection.

So he's actually claiming that he can defend himself with a gun.

But we can't defend children with guns.

He's a sick fuck

I think that's the REAL reason leftists keep harping on "Oh, but there was an armed guard at that school!" It's because they're pissed the school wasn't entirely gun-free.

And there's still no explanation of where the hell the one armed guard was. Some said he was off. Even the one I saw that claimed he wasn't off didn't know where the hell he was.

And none of this supports the simpleton response to my saying CC holders should be allowed to carry guns. But kaz, if you want CC holders to carry guns, that's refuted by that there was one armed guard where no one knows where the hell he was! No, that doesn't refute what I said
Conservatives and Trump made their very first piece of major legislation passed, giving the mentally ill the right to buy guns.

That's what you'd like to believe happened. Never mind the fact that reality refuses to conform to your fever dreams.

It's the way leftists argue.

No one has denied government the ability to remove the right to restrict gun purchases to mentally ill people through due process.

When we demand that people accused of mental illness get due process, Lewdog hears we are "giving the mentally ill the right to buy arms." He actually hears that, it's remarkable.

He only believes the Constitution is valid when it says what he wants. In times like this, it's toilet paper. Due process, shoe flosses, that's Lewdog's motto.

Then he wants to know why only leftists believe in the Constitution ...

It's an easy question to answer. The Constitution they believe in has all the substance and reality of fairy dust.

Then after ignoring what is actually in the Constitution, they make up crap that isn't there and claim it is. Unlimited abortion, prohibiting the death penalty, gay marriage, intr(a)state business ...

The Constitution is just a document to them that says whatever they want it to say

Where does the Constitution mention marriage?

It doesn't. That's what I said, dumb ass
Kaz would bitch if it laid golden nuggets for turds...

If what laid golden nuggets for turds?

But if "it" (whatever the hell "it" is) laid golden nuggets for turds, you'd write an incomprehensible sentence (like that one), I'd ask like three times what the hell you even said and eventually I'd piece together an answer which might be what you meant.

Meanwhile, at some point you'd to go the bathroom and on the way utter some incomprehensible statement to someone who would just nod and pretend they understood because they learned a long time ago it's not worth the bother figuring out what the hell you say. Followed by background whispers that maybe it's time to pull the plug
That's what you'd like to believe happened. Never mind the fact that reality refuses to conform to your fever dreams.

It's the way leftists argue.

No one has denied government the ability to remove the right to restrict gun purchases to mentally ill people through due process.

When we demand that people accused of mental illness get due process, Lewdog hears we are "giving the mentally ill the right to buy arms." He actually hears that, it's remarkable.

He only believes the Constitution is valid when it says what he wants. In times like this, it's toilet paper. Due process, shoe flosses, that's Lewdog's motto.

Then he wants to know why only leftists believe in the Constitution ...

It's an easy question to answer. The Constitution they believe in has all the substance and reality of fairy dust.

Then after ignoring what is actually in the Constitution, they make up crap that isn't there and claim it is. Unlimited abortion, prohibiting the death penalty, gay marriage, intr(a)state business ...

The Constitution is just a document to them that says whatever they want it to say

Where does the Constitution mention marriage?

It doesn't. That's what I said, dumb ass

So if it doesn’t mention marriage at all, how is just gay marriage singled out by you, instead of all marriages?
It's the way leftists argue.

No one has denied government the ability to remove the right to restrict gun purchases to mentally ill people through due process.

When we demand that people accused of mental illness get due process, Lewdog hears we are "giving the mentally ill the right to buy arms." He actually hears that, it's remarkable.

He only believes the Constitution is valid when it says what he wants. In times like this, it's toilet paper. Due process, shoe flosses, that's Lewdog's motto.

Then he wants to know why only leftists believe in the Constitution ...

It's an easy question to answer. The Constitution they believe in has all the substance and reality of fairy dust.

Then after ignoring what is actually in the Constitution, they make up crap that isn't there and claim it is. Unlimited abortion, prohibiting the death penalty, gay marriage, intr(a)state business ...

The Constitution is just a document to them that says whatever they want it to say

Where does the Constitution mention marriage?

It doesn't. That's what I said, dumb ass

So if it doesn’t mention marriage at all, how is just gay marriage singled out by you, instead of all marriages?

I'm not clear what you're asking me.

I said that gay marriage is not in the Constitution, it's not.

Marriage is not in the Constitution, which means the Feds have no say over gay or any other marriage.

The full faith and credit clause gives them the power to say whether States are required to recognize marriages performed in other States, but other than that, they have no say.

What is your question?
We need to start holding parents accountable for the monsters they unleash on the world.
No, the left's plan is that when he had an AR-15, no one had a gun. The result were 17 deaths, your plan failed. What sort of introspection are you doing about that? What is your explanation for your failure. How are you proposing to fix it going forward?

Why do you keep repeating a statement that is not true? There was an armed guard on campus.

If armed guards don't deter these shooters, why do you believe armed civilians would?

Maybe because there are more of them, and it's harder to account for lots of people than it is to account for one?

That'd be some of that math stuff you've heard educated people mention.

No to mention that none of the liberals claiming there was "an" armed guard can back that up with a link proving that and explaining where the hell he was

School resource officer was elsewhere on campus during shooting, Runcie says

Okay. NOW tell us what your fucking point is with constantly bringing him up.
You unmitigated moron... I brought him up because your fellow yahoos keep denying he was on the campus that day. How dim-witted are you not to observe that?
It's an easy question to answer. The Constitution they believe in has all the substance and reality of fairy dust.

Then after ignoring what is actually in the Constitution, they make up crap that isn't there and claim it is. Unlimited abortion, prohibiting the death penalty, gay marriage, intr(a)state business ...

The Constitution is just a document to them that says whatever they want it to say

Where does the Constitution mention marriage?

It doesn't. That's what I said, dumb ass

So if it doesn’t mention marriage at all, how is just gay marriage singled out by you, instead of all marriages?
Marriage is not in the Constitution, which means the Feds have no say over gay or any other marriage.
Well that’s pretty fucking rightarded. The Judicial branch absolutely has a say in marriage laws if marriage laws violate the Constitution.

Chalk this up to yet more subjects you know nothing about.
We followed your plan, it was a gun free zone. 17 are dead. Damned straight you owe us an explanation for your failure

You did not follow any plan from the left. Asshole.

So you're saying the school wasn't a gun-free zone? Or are you saying you don't think gun-free zones are a wonderful idea and didn't cheer when it became law?

LoneLaughedAt has said he's in favor of schools being gun free zones. He also lies that he has a CC which serves no purpose other than protection.

So he's actually claiming that he can defend himself with a gun.

But we can't defend children with guns.

He's a sick fuck

I think that's the REAL reason leftists keep harping on "Oh, but there was an armed guard at that school!" It's because they're pissed the school wasn't entirely gun-free.

And there's still no explanation of where the hell the one armed guard was. Some said he was off. Even the one I saw that claimed he wasn't off didn't know where the hell he was.

And none of this supports the simpleton response to my saying CC holders should be allowed to carry guns. But kaz, if you want CC holders to carry guns, that's refuted by that there was one armed guard where no one knows where the hell he was! No, that doesn't refute what I said

Last I heard, the campus is 45 acres, and he was on another part of the grounds.
Conservatives and Trump made their very first piece of major legislation passed, giving the mentally ill the right to buy guns.

That's what you'd like to believe happened. Never mind the fact that reality refuses to conform to your fever dreams.

It's the way leftists argue.

No one has denied government the ability to remove the right to restrict gun purchases to mentally ill people through due process.

When we demand that people accused of mental illness get due process, Lewdog hears we are "giving the mentally ill the right to buy arms." He actually hears that, it's remarkable.

He only believes the Constitution is valid when it says what he wants. In times like this, it's toilet paper. Due process, shoe flosses, that's Lewdog's motto.

Then he wants to know why only leftists believe in the Constitution ...

It's an easy question to answer. The Constitution they believe in has all the substance and reality of fairy dust.

Then after ignoring what is actually in the Constitution, they make up crap that isn't there and claim it is. Unlimited abortion, prohibiting the death penalty, gay marriage, intr(a)state business ...

The Constitution is just a document to them that says whatever they want it to say

Where does the Constitution mention marriage?

I think that was his point: it doesn't, but leftists keep telling us it does.
It's the way leftists argue.

No one has denied government the ability to remove the right to restrict gun purchases to mentally ill people through due process.

When we demand that people accused of mental illness get due process, Lewdog hears we are "giving the mentally ill the right to buy arms." He actually hears that, it's remarkable.

He only believes the Constitution is valid when it says what he wants. In times like this, it's toilet paper. Due process, shoe flosses, that's Lewdog's motto.

Then he wants to know why only leftists believe in the Constitution ...

It's an easy question to answer. The Constitution they believe in has all the substance and reality of fairy dust.

Then after ignoring what is actually in the Constitution, they make up crap that isn't there and claim it is. Unlimited abortion, prohibiting the death penalty, gay marriage, intr(a)state business ...

The Constitution is just a document to them that says whatever they want it to say

Where does the Constitution mention marriage?

It doesn't. That's what I said, dumb ass

So if it doesn’t mention marriage at all, how is just gay marriage singled out by you, instead of all marriages?

Marriages are covered by state laws, and until the left adopted homosexuals as one of their "human shield" special interest groups, no state law recognized homosexual marriages.
Why do you keep repeating a statement that is not true? There was an armed guard on campus.

If armed guards don't deter these shooters, why do you believe armed civilians would?

Maybe because there are more of them, and it's harder to account for lots of people than it is to account for one?

That'd be some of that math stuff you've heard educated people mention.

No to mention that none of the liberals claiming there was "an" armed guard can back that up with a link proving that and explaining where the hell he was

School resource officer was elsewhere on campus during shooting, Runcie says

Okay. NOW tell us what your fucking point is with constantly bringing him up.
You unmitigated moron... I brought him up because your fellow yahoos keep denying he was on the campus that day. How dim-witted are you not to observe that?

No one's denying it. Kaz pointed out that you kept babbling about it, without actually showing any evidence. You brought him up before Kaz said anything about him.

Now that you've gotten around to providing evidence, I'd like you to tell us why you kept babbling about it, necessitating Kaz asking for substantiation.

If you weren't making a point, why did you bring him up?
You did not follow any plan from the left. Asshole.

So you're saying the school wasn't a gun-free zone? Or are you saying you don't think gun-free zones are a wonderful idea and didn't cheer when it became law?

LoneLaughedAt has said he's in favor of schools being gun free zones. He also lies that he has a CC which serves no purpose other than protection.

So he's actually claiming that he can defend himself with a gun.

But we can't defend children with guns.

He's a sick fuck

I think that's the REAL reason leftists keep harping on "Oh, but there was an armed guard at that school!" It's because they're pissed the school wasn't entirely gun-free.

And there's still no explanation of where the hell the one armed guard was. Some said he was off. Even the one I saw that claimed he wasn't off didn't know where the hell he was.

And none of this supports the simpleton response to my saying CC holders should be allowed to carry guns. But kaz, if you want CC holders to carry guns, that's refuted by that there was one armed guard where no one knows where the hell he was! No, that doesn't refute what I said

Last I heard, the campus is 45 acres, and he was on another part of the grounds.

I saw one article that claimed that, but it sounded more like speculation, not established fact. It did not say where specifically he was or why he didn't get involved eventually in pursuing the shooter. Have you seen anything more specific?

And I know you agree with this, but even if true, that doesn't contradict my argument that people with CC permits should be able to CC
Maybe because there are more of them, and it's harder to account for lots of people than it is to account for one?

That'd be some of that math stuff you've heard educated people mention.

No to mention that none of the liberals claiming there was "an" armed guard can back that up with a link proving that and explaining where the hell he was

School resource officer was elsewhere on campus during shooting, Runcie says

Okay. NOW tell us what your fucking point is with constantly bringing him up.
You unmitigated moron... I brought him up because your fellow yahoos keep denying he was on the campus that day. How dim-witted are you not to observe that?

No one's denying it. Kaz pointed out that you kept babbling about it, without actually showing any evidence. You brought him up before Kaz said anything about him.

Now that you've gotten around to providing evidence, I'd like you to tell us why you kept babbling about it, necessitating Kaz asking for substantiation.

If you weren't making a point, why did you bring him up?

Ah, that's the article that makes vague statements, but can't explain where the hell he was. It even says he was "communicated with." So? Why didn't he come to the shooting.

And again, I know we're not disagreeing on anything, but my point was again that CC carriers should have had the option to be armed, and were prohibited.

I'm not getting in any way how the security guard even if he was there where ever he was contradicts that.

I sure the hell wasn't advocating there be one gun somewhere on the 45 acre campus
Why do you keep repeating a statement that is not true? There was an armed guard on campus.

If armed guards don't deter these shooters, why do you believe armed civilians would?

Maybe because there are more of them, and it's harder to account for lots of people than it is to account for one?

That'd be some of that math stuff you've heard educated people mention.

No to mention that none of the liberals claiming there was "an" armed guard can back that up with a link proving that and explaining where the hell he was

School resource officer was elsewhere on campus during shooting, Runcie says

Okay. NOW tell us what your fucking point is with constantly bringing him up.
You unmitigated moron... I brought him up because your fellow yahoos keep denying he was on the campus that day. How dim-witted are you not to observe that?

You charmer, you're trying to sweep Celia off her feet, aren't you?

I felt bad she's translating for you, so I decided to give you a break from your obsession with trying to get my attention and just respond to a couple of your dim witted posts.

So on this, I said CC holders should be armed. I never said I wanted one gun somewhere on a 45 acre campus. How does this in any way contradict that?

Don't bother answering, you're too stupid.

And I keep telling you I'm not gay and even if I were, eew. Stalker boy
Maybe because there are more of them, and it's harder to account for lots of people than it is to account for one?

That'd be some of that math stuff you've heard educated people mention.

No to mention that none of the liberals claiming there was "an" armed guard can back that up with a link proving that and explaining where the hell he was

School resource officer was elsewhere on campus during shooting, Runcie says

Okay. NOW tell us what your fucking point is with constantly bringing him up.
You unmitigated moron... I brought him up because your fellow yahoos keep denying he was on the campus that day. How dim-witted are you not to observe that?

No one's denying it. Kaz pointed out that you kept babbling about it, without actually showing any evidence. You brought him up before Kaz said anything about him.

Now that you've gotten around to providing evidence, I'd like you to tell us why you kept babbling about it, necessitating Kaz asking for substantiation.

If you weren't making a point, why did you bring him up?
No one’s denying it??

WTF are you smoking?

OMG, leftists keep repeating that there were guns to protect the kids because there was one security guard and it was his day off?
We banned guns from schools, just like you wanted. Even people with concealed carry permits trained to use their guns safely didn't have them. And your plan worked. No one had a gun and was able to defend themselves and shoot back. And 17 people died because of it.

You owe us an explanation. What is wrong with your plan? Why isn't it working?

Maybe you can ask your drug dealer why banning guns doesn't work the next time you buy a doobie ...

delusional lying trumptards are funny

blame everything and everyone except yourselves... you go for it, little one.
Then after ignoring what is actually in the Constitution, they make up crap that isn't there and claim it is. Unlimited abortion, prohibiting the death penalty, gay marriage, intr(a)state business ...

The Constitution is just a document to them that says whatever they want it to say

Where does the Constitution mention marriage?

It doesn't. That's what I said, dumb ass

So if it doesn’t mention marriage at all, how is just gay marriage singled out by you, instead of all marriages?
Marriage is not in the Constitution, which means the Feds have no say over gay or any other marriage.
Well that’s pretty fucking rightarded. The Judicial branch absolutely has a say in marriage laws if marriage laws violate the Constitution.

Chalk this up to yet more subjects you know nothing about.

Showing again your complete inability to grasp simple logic.

I said marriage isn't in the Constitution. This doesn't contradict that.

kaz: What is the capital of Canada

faun: flounder!

kaz: um ... no. What is 2 + 2.

faun: macaroni and cheese!

I'd say you're a brainiac, but wow, you're not

I see nothing else from you here, so see ya

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