Leftists, prove it.

Neither Trumpā€™s policies not rhetoric is racist. Prove me wrong.

You must think Mexicans are rapists too then. Your blob does
He never said that. He said Mexico doesn't send their best. Never said all Mexicans are rapists....NEXT.....or will you put me on ignore like your weak constitution AOC sycophant friend?

Its okay that you have the same racists thoughts Trump does. Summon some manhood and admit it. Your "threat" to put me on ignore is laughable and tells me that you have no manhood to draw from.
My ā€œthreatā€ was asking you if you would put me on ignore. I dont ignore (for pussies) and I cannot open your link as I do not have a subscription to WAPO. I saw Zero wrong with what he said about illegals from Mexico. None.
Neither did these people.

View attachment 369276
His exact quote

They're sending people that have a lot of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."

Bingo...never said all Mexicans are rapists. Said they arenā€™t sending the best here and he is right.

"They're Rapists" Exactly the phrase you said he never uttered. Its a racist comment by anyone's standard except other racists. Just admit you're a racist and we can continue. You're not ashamed of your support for the blob are you?
Nope. I showed you the full quote. I am a racist now? LOL. This is rich. Find one racist post from me on this entire board and I will leave forever and if you cannot you leave forever. Deal?

I 100% support him and will vote for him. Your virtue signaling doesnā€™t work with me.

Funny how that quote outrages you but when Twitter bans the use of the a Star of David you remain silent. That was overt Antisemitism. I am a Jew btw...the people your party overly hates.

If you can't see the racist language in the "They're rapists" statement made by your blob....yes, you are a racist. You should be ashamed of yourself but we all know you're incapable of that.
If I say, too many NFL players are thugs with questionable character does that make me racist or an NFL player hater? He said they send many illegally of whom several are indeed criminals and rapists. Never said all because he doesn't believe that. Never said they cannot come here legally because he doesn't believe that. Again that outrages you but zero Democrats showing up for the embassy opening in Jerusalem doesn't. Twitter calling the Star of David a symbol of hate doesn't. Ilhan Omar says the Jews control the US with their "Benjamins" doesn't. Your priorities are whacked.

I have a ton of posts on this board. You find one racist one and you can have the Mods lock me out for life. Deal? You cannot you leave for life.

You accused me of being a racist so now live by that accusation or retract it.

Your call.

The NFL isn't a race so you wouldn't be racist if you said that. Your blob, however, is a racist.
So you called me a racist with zero proof. And you call Trump racist with zero proof. Your accusations fall on deaf ears.
Yet here you are responding. So you must have heard the response.

Again....it's a racist comment made by a racist. If you can't see that its a racist comment....you too are a racist. Be a man and admit it.
So because I disagree with you, I am a racist. LOL

Leftist logic 101. Conversations donā€™t work when they are one way. If you donā€™t want to answer my questions then stop responding. Youā€™re embarrassed. I get it. You spent the last hour looking through all my posts and could not find one racist one so now youā€™re scrambling.
No. Because you agree with the blobā€™s racist statement.
I disagree that it is a racist statement. You agree with Twitter, so does that make you an antisemite?
Boy. That was stupid. Thanks for the analogy
What is stupid is you for not answering me. Coward. Leftist coward. You are.
Fk dude
Would you accept the word of a non-leftist?
No. Don't paste fake news links. In your own words you tell me what is racist in terms of verbiage and or policies.

That wasnā€™t fake news. It was the statement of the Republican Speaker if the House. Supported by the Republican Senate Leader.

That is the real problem. Anything you do not like is Fake News. Well it doesnā€™t work like that in RL. Shooting the messenger may get you good news you like, but will not get you truth.

Seems to me like the real problem is that anything YOU do not like, you simply don't bother to read and just respond based on what you ASSume it says. It doesn't work like THAT in real life, either. Dodging the question may keep you from having to say what you don't want to admit, but will not stop us from knowing it's true.

Please refer to the operative part of his post: "In your own words you tell me what is racist . . ."

Touchy aren't we? My reply was that despite the "in your own words" reply that it was not fake news. Those quotes and statements were made by the people. But like most idiots, he objected and called it fake news. So you want it in my words? Fine. It isn't fake news.

Now, onto the issue of Racism. There are various brands of Racism. They all have one thing in common. Every racist will swear they are not racist. They will tell you they have reasons, statistics, beliefs, or whatever. But they will never come out and say they are racist.

If that is the standard you expect, the head of the KKK will not qualify. But we were talking about kinds of Racists. The first is what I like to think of as the "science" based racist. They will quote statistics put forth by other racists. We have to abuse the Constitution regarding Blacks, or Browns, or whatever. You see, statistically they are more criminal. Or Statistically they are dumber, or something. There is always a good scientific reason that is at best, completely taken out of context, or worst, completely made up.

As one example of these kinds they claim that since Blacks make up a larger percentage of prison populations, that the police are right and proper in targeting blacks, since statistically they are the most criminal. Unfortunately that is a self fulfilling prophecy. Let's say I pull over a hundred cars. I pull over fifty cars that are red. The month I announce that it is obvious that red cars are the most reckless and likely to speed since the majority of the cars I pulled over were Red. Yet, ignoring the other cars and focusing on the Red cars was the reason I pulled over the Red cars in the first place. Statistically, the Whites are more likely to have contraband in sufficient quantity to warrant an arrest in a car, yet, Blacks are searched more often by the same statistical review of traffic stops. So if we were driven by Statistics, we would focus our attention on the Whites since they are more likely to have drugs or weapons in the cars that were searched. But we don't. Instead the racists insist that since Blacks make up a larger portion of prison population compared to their percentage of the population we need to focus our attention on Blacks.

The next is the Social Racist. The Social Racist doesn't have a pseudoscience based explanation for his beliefs. The Social Racist like the "Scientific" racist will of course deny that he is a racist. This person likes to think they are not racist, but they avoid Minorities, and are wary around them. Want to have fun, go with some minority friends and spot these folks. They jump out of their skin when they are expected to shake hands. I guess the Black comes off.

The Social Racist is ignorant, and would not consciously consider the Minorities as bad, but is very uncomfortable because of their ignorance. So he avoids them, and thinks that is the best way. On weekends, he'll cheer for his team, which has those Black folks on it, and will even go to the games and cheer. That proves they aren't racist, they're cheering for a black guy right?

Next up we have the it's their fault racists. These idiots blame Minorities for all the ills in the world. While more Whites are on Welfare than Blacks, they'll continually scream that the Blacks are going to bankrupt the nation because of Welfare. Trump falls into the last two categories. Ignorance, and blaming.


Lastly we have the hateful hearts. These idiots believe that God hates Minorities, or there is a Genetic Proof that they are subhuman. Nazi's and Jews and of course the Blacks as one example. These are the folks who claim that all of mankind's advances are because of Whites, and that Whites did the Blacks a favor making them slaves and educating the savages.

When you point out that Minorities, like the Polynesians, were navigating across the entire Pacific Ocean while Whites were afraid to go out of sight of land for fear of falling off the edge of the world, they tell you that it is propaganda. When you list inventions and achievements made by Minorities, they either ignore you, or explain that the Blacks took credit for the White persons work.

These are some of those same people who blame Jews, and Israel for whatever it is this week. Sometimes for Killing Jesus. Of course, if Jesus had not sacrificed, suffered, and died, and risen then the prophecy would not be fulfilled in scripture. These Buffet Christians, I call them that because they ignore most of the lessons in the bible while screaming that they believe and God is on their side.

Now, the most radical hater of Whites will deny he is racist. The most radical member of the KKK will deny he is racist. The most radical will always deny they are whatever, because Racist is a negative, and they believe they have reasons. A black guy got a job that should have gone to me.

Trump is not one of the hatred hearts. His is ignorance and Belief. He honestly believes that pretty much everyone on welfare is black. Even when someone tells him that is not the case, he still believes it because he's always believed it. And Trump would rather eat a raw turd than admit he was wrong. Most Racists are stubborn if you had not figured it out.

Now, I don't know about you. I really don't care to be honest. You may be one of those who totally supports the idea of delaying the election. Even when pretty much everyone else is opposed. My Wife used to be a much more adamant trump supporter. Now she just wants him to shut up. We talked about him a couple days ago. Trump's biggest problem is the unforced errors he keeps making.

Take anything. Hell he announced that he would not attend the viewing of John Lewis. Stupid. Stupid unforced error. Trump if he didn't want to say anything nice about Lewis, could have made it about civil rights, and the giants of the era. He could have quoted MLK's brilliant I have a dream. He could have talked about how many more Blacks are graduating college today because of the civil rights movement. He could have talked about anything. Instead, he comes off as petty and petulant. A stupid unforced error.

Will you support the results of the election? The answer, the American Answer is yes. I believe the American People will reelect me, but if in their wisdom they choose another, I will respect the people of this nation enough to absolutely accept their decision. The honor is the serve, and to serve the people. Instead, another UNFORCED ERROR.

I voted for Trump. I don't think I'll vote this year. I do not see either of them worth the time it would take to cast a ballot. We're screwed either way.

Trump's biggest failure, is he won't learn. He won't find good Political advisors, and he won't listen to them unless they tell him exactly what he wants to hear. Much like the response I posted above. It was not fake news. It happened. And we are not living in a country which censors news because someone doesn't like it. We have a President, not a Kaiser.
fk dude we didnā€™t need a novel. Just explain why when whites left blacks didnā€™t take the jobs?
Would you accept the word of a non-leftist?
No. Don't paste fake news links. In your own words you tell me what is racist in terms of verbiage and or policies.

That wasnā€™t fake news. It was the statement of the Republican Speaker if the House. Supported by the Republican Senate Leader.

That is the real problem. Anything you do not like is Fake News. Well it doesnā€™t work like that in RL. Shooting the messenger may get you good news you like, but will not get you truth.

Yeah.. It was more accurately a case of accusing the judge of possible racial bias.. He wasn't saying the Judge was "inferior" or sub-human or a stupid beaner.. This is the kind of "new yorker tough" that gets Trump "chronic foot in mouth"..

But when you accuse a person of BEING A RACIST -- if ya want that to MEAN ANYTHING, you're gonna hafta find some ACTUAL OVERT racism expressed.. Tell me you wouldn't make a comment about a DEEPLY RELIGIOUS judge taking an abortion case.. Also bias.. But you KNOW it happens...

Dont even have to have a RABID HATRED of religious people to notice that possible "bias" on the part of a judge... PERSONALLY -- I need much more than that to call a person a racist..
No you don't have to find overt racism. You have to find racism whether it's overt or covert. trump is not going to publicly use racial slurs, nor is any other racist going to in the 21st century. trump is a racist. He's shown it. So if you're waiting to hear or see something overt to prove racism, you need to join us here in 2020 instead of pretending the same rules apply that did in 1950.

You're definition of "covert racism" is 85% politics and 15% mistaking racism for being in culture that's not majority black... So no -- I'll stick with the folks who are SOLIDLY sick with the beliefs that ANY race is inherently inferior, violent, dumb, or smelly...
Would you accept the word of a non-leftist?
No. Don't paste fake news links. In your own words you tell me what is racist in terms of verbiage and or policies.

That wasnā€™t fake news. It was the statement of the Republican Speaker if the House. Supported by the Republican Senate Leader.

That is the real problem. Anything you do not like is Fake News. Well it doesnā€™t work like that in RL. Shooting the messenger may get you good news you like, but will not get you truth.

Yeah.. It was more accurately a case of accusing the judge of possible racial bias.. He wasn't saying the Judge was "inferior" or sub-human or a stupid beaner.. This is the kind of "new yorker tough" that gets Trump "chronic foot in mouth"..

But when you accuse a person of BEING A RACIST -- if ya want that to MEAN ANYTHING, you're gonna hafta find some ACTUAL OVERT racism expressed.. Tell me you wouldn't make a comment about a DEEPLY RELIGIOUS judge taking an abortion case.. Also bias.. But you KNOW it happens...

Dont even have to have a RABID HATRED of religious people to notice that possible "bias" on the part of a judge... PERSONALLY -- I need much more than that to call a person a racist..
No you don't have to find overt racism. You have to find racism whether it's overt or covert. trump is not going to publicly use racial slurs, nor is any other racist going to in the 21st century. trump is a racist. He's shown it. So if you're waiting to hear or see something overt to prove racism, you need to join us here in 2020 instead of pretending the same rules apply that did in 1950.

You're definition of "covert racism" is 85% politics and 15% mistaking racism for being in culture that's not majority black... So no -- I'll stick with the folks who are SOLIDLY sick with the beliefs that ANY race is inherently inferior, violent, dumb, or smelly...
White Men Canā€™t Jump....no one said it was racist...why can we not just have some fun with stereotypes and not have everyone get offended? Crazy times. And that was a great movie.
Neither Trumpā€™s policies not rhetoric is racist. Prove me wrong.

You must think Mexicans are rapists too then. Your blob does
He never said that. He said Mexico doesn't send their best. Never said all Mexicans are rapists....NEXT.....or will you put me on ignore like your weak constitution AOC sycophant friend?

Its okay that you have the same racists thoughts Trump does. Summon some manhood and admit it. Your "threat" to put me on ignore is laughable and tells me that you have no manhood to draw from.
My ā€œthreatā€ was asking you if you would put me on ignore. I dont ignore (for pussies) and I cannot open your link as I do not have a subscription to WAPO. I saw Zero wrong with what he said about illegals from Mexico. None.
Neither did these people.

View attachment 369276
His exact quote

They're sending people that have a lot of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."

Bingo...never said all Mexicans are rapists. Said they arenā€™t sending the best here and he is right.

"They're Rapists" Exactly the phrase you said he never uttered. Its a racist comment by anyone's standard except other racists. Just admit you're a racist and we can continue. You're not ashamed of your support for the blob are you?
Nope. I showed you the full quote. I am a racist now? LOL. This is rich. Find one racist post from me on this entire board and I will leave forever and if you cannot you leave forever. Deal?

I 100% support him and will vote for him. Your virtue signaling doesnā€™t work with me.

Funny how that quote outrages you but when Twitter bans the use of the a Star of David you remain silent. That was overt Antisemitism. I am a Jew btw...the people your party overly hates.

If you can't see the racist language in the "They're rapists" statement made by your blob....yes, you are a racist. You should be ashamed of yourself but we all know you're incapable of that.
If I say, too many NFL players are thugs with questionable character does that make me racist or an NFL player hater? He said they send many illegally of whom several are indeed criminals and rapists. Never said all because he doesn't believe that. Never said they cannot come here legally because he doesn't believe that. Again that outrages you but zero Democrats showing up for the embassy opening in Jerusalem doesn't. Twitter calling the Star of David a symbol of hate doesn't. Ilhan Omar says the Jews control the US with their "Benjamins" doesn't. Your priorities are whacked.

I have a ton of posts on this board. You find one racist one and you can have the Mods lock me out for life. Deal? You cannot you leave for life.

You accused me of being a racist so now live by that accusation or retract it.

Your call.

The NFL isn't a race so you wouldn't be racist if you said that. Your blob, however, is a racist.
So you called me a racist with zero proof. And you call Trump racist with zero proof. Your accusations fall on deaf ears.
Yet here you are responding. So you must have heard the response.

Again....it's a racist comment made by a racist. If you can't see that its a racist comment....you too are a racist. Be a man and admit it.
So because I disagree with you, I am a racist. LOL

Leftist logic 101. Conversations donā€™t work when they are one way. If you donā€™t want to answer my questions then stop responding. Youā€™re embarrassed. I get it. You spent the last hour looking through all my posts and could not find one racist one so now youā€™re scrambling.
No. Because you agree with the blobā€™s racist statement.
I disagree that it is a racist statement. You agree with Twitter, so does that make you an antisemite?
Boy. That was stupid. Thanks for the analogy
What is stupid is you for not answering me. Coward. Leftist coward. You are.
I just checked. It was still among the dumbest things you've ever said; and that's quite the accomplishment.
Would you accept the word of a non-leftist?
No. Don't paste fake news links. In your own words you tell me what is racist in terms of verbiage and or policies.

he can't hear you. your words are too alien to him.
Funny, isn't it? Democrats never said Trump was racist until he announced his Presidential candidacy as a Republican.
He was called a racist by the NIXON Department of Justice in 1973. trump has shown everyone his racism. So just stop asking for proof because it's been shown to you guys time and again but you refuse to believe it because that's how you think too.

If he's racist then you should be able to say anything he has said or done that is racist. Your post is typical of the TDS crowd: Orangeman bad. That's all the proof you have.

I have done so plenty. I mentioned the 1973 case, Central Park 5, Birtherism, his comments about Mexicans , Charlottesville, shithole countries, telling 4 congresswomen of color to go back where they came from, defense of the confederacy, his recent comments to suburban whites. That's just a few. You know he's a racist yourself. We don't have to show you the same evidence over and over. The punk is a racist and that's that.

gish gallop bullshit.
Funny, isn't it? Democrats never said Trump was racist until he announced his Presidential candidacy as a Republican.
He was called a racist by the NIXON Department of Justice in 1973. trump has shown everyone his racism. So just stop asking for proof because it's been shown to you guys time and again but you refuse to believe it because that's how you think too.
Oh, be honest for a change. You don't mind racism...you just want it to be your brand.
Would you accept the word of a non-leftist?
No. Don't paste fake news links. In your own words you tell me what is racist in terms of verbiage and or policies.

That wasnā€™t fake news. It was the statement of the Republican Speaker if the House. Supported by the Republican Senate Leader.

That is the real problem. Anything you do not like is Fake News. Well it doesnā€™t work like that in RL. Shooting the messenger may get you good news you like, but will not get you truth.

Yeah.. It was more accurately a case of accusing the judge of possible racial bias.. He wasn't saying the Judge was "inferior" or sub-human or a stupid beaner.. This is the kind of "new yorker tough" that gets Trump "chronic foot in mouth"..

But when you accuse a person of BEING A RACIST -- if ya want that to MEAN ANYTHING, you're gonna hafta find some ACTUAL OVERT racism expressed.. Tell me you wouldn't make a comment about a DEEPLY RELIGIOUS judge taking an abortion case.. Also bias.. But you KNOW it happens...

Dont even have to have a RABID HATRED of religious people to notice that possible "bias" on the part of a judge... PERSONALLY -- I need much more than that to call a person a racist..
No you don't have to find overt racism. You have to find racism whether it's overt or covert. trump is not going to publicly use racial slurs, nor is any other racist going to in the 21st century. trump is a racist. He's shown it. So if you're waiting to hear or see something overt to prove racism, you need to join us here in 2020 instead of pretending the same rules apply that did in 1950.
Well, that's handy, isn't it? He says nothing racist...so to you that's proof he's a racist.

I suppose it's easier than thinking for yourself.
Would you accept the word of a non-leftist?
No. Don't paste fake news links. In your own words you tell me what is racist in terms of verbiage and or policies.

That wasnā€™t fake news. It was the statement of the Republican Speaker if the House. Supported by the Republican Senate Leader.

That is the real problem. Anything you do not like is Fake News. Well it doesnā€™t work like that in RL. Shooting the messenger may get you good news you like, but will not get you truth.

Yeah.. It was more accurately a case of accusing the judge of possible racial bias.. He wasn't saying the Judge was "inferior" or sub-human or a stupid beaner.. This is the kind of "new yorker tough" that gets Trump "chronic foot in mouth"..

But when you accuse a person of BEING A RACIST -- if ya want that to MEAN ANYTHING, you're gonna hafta find some ACTUAL OVERT racism expressed.. Tell me you wouldn't make a comment about a DEEPLY RELIGIOUS judge taking an abortion case.. Also bias.. But you KNOW it happens...

Dont even have to have a RABID HATRED of religious people to notice that possible "bias" on the part of a judge... PERSONALLY -- I need much more than that to call a person a racist..
No you don't have to find overt racism. You have to find racism whether it's overt or covert. trump is not going to publicly use racial slurs, nor is any other racist going to in the 21st century. trump is a racist. He's shown it. So if you're waiting to hear or see something overt to prove racism, you need to join us here in 2020 instead of pretending the same rules apply that did in 1950.
Well, that's handy, isn't it? He says nothing racist...so to you that's proof he's a racist.

I suppose it's easier than thinking for yourself.

i'm pretty sure in 1950, racists were not afraid to be publicly racist.
What is stupid is you for not answering me. Coward. Leftist coward. You are.
I just checked. It was still among the dumbest things you've ever said; and that's quite the accomplishment.

How does it rate on when Trump said some of the people who come here illegally are murderers and rapists (which is true), you heard that he said everyone in Mexico is a murder and a rapist.

You preset yourself as some sort of reasonable leftist. This sort of shit proves you're not. It's completely and utterly inane to take some illegals = ALL Mexicans. It's motivated by hate
In this day and age, you can literally hold a random object in front of a Democrat and that Democrat will tell you why that random object is racist.

Democrats are so racist they believe certain races can't be racist because of their race.

The most important thing to a Democrat about their vp nomination is its race and gender.

Democrats = the racist they came to hate.
What is stupid is you for not answering me. Coward. Leftist coward. You are.
I just checked. It was still among the dumbest things you've ever said; and that's quite the accomplishment.

How does it rate on when Trump said some of the people who come here illegally are murderers and rapists (which is true), you heard that he said everyone in Mexico is a murder and a rapist.

You preset yourself as some sort of reasonable leftist. This sort of shit proves you're not. It's completely and utterly inane to take some illegals = ALL Mexicans. It's motivated by hate

they call trump "divisive" based on their lies about what he has said and done.

and they act like we are being unreasonable, when we express how we are done with their bullshit.
What is stupid is you for not answering me. Coward. Leftist coward. You are.
I just checked. It was still among the dumbest things you've ever said; and that's quite the accomplishment.

How does it rate on when Trump said some of the people who come here illegally are murderers and rapists (which is true), you heard that he said everyone in Mexico is a murder and a rapist.

You preset yourself as some sort of reasonable leftist. This sort of shit proves you're not. It's completely and utterly inane to take some illegals = ALL Mexicans. It's motivated by hate

they call trump "divisive" based on their lies about what he has said and done.

and they act like we are being unreasonable, when we express how we are done with their bullshit.

Yep. I remember politics back to roughly 1980. Democrats have pulled this shit since then.

The stick up their ass now is Trump is the first Republican to give back to them what they so freely dish out, and they don't like eating their own gruel.

But rather than getting it and saying wow, maybe they shouldn't do that, they double down on their hate filled crap
What is stupid is you for not answering me. Coward. Leftist coward. You are.
I just checked. It was still among the dumbest things you've ever said; and that's quite the accomplishment.

How does it rate on when Trump said some of the people who come here illegally are murderers and rapists (which is true), you heard that he said everyone in Mexico is a murder and a rapist.

You preset yourself as some sort of reasonable leftist. This sort of shit proves you're not. It's completely and utterly inane to take some illegals = ALL Mexicans. It's motivated by hate

they call trump "divisive" based on their lies about what he has said and done.

and they act like we are being unreasonable, when we express how we are done with their bullshit.

Yep. I remember politics back to roughly 1980. Democrats have pulled this shit since then.

The stick up their ass now is Trump is the first Republican to give back to them what they so freely dish out, and they don't like eating their own gruel.

But rather than getting it and saying wow, maybe they shouldn't do that, they double down on their hate filled crap

they type of person that is happy to dish it out, but cries like a little girl, when they get the same treatment back,

is deserving of nothing but contempt. they are disgustingly weak and cowardly.
I have done so plenty. I mentioned the 1973 case, Central Park 5, Birtherism, his comments about Mexicans , Charlottesville, shithole countries, telling 4 congresswomen of color to go back where they came from, defense of the confederacy, his recent comments to suburban whites. That's just a few. You know he's a racist yourself. We don't have to show you the same evidence over and over. The punk is a racist and that's that.

  • He made a statement in an ad about the Central Park 5 based on the public evidence, not their skin color.
  • Birtherism is not about skin color; it's about the evidence, or lack of evidence.
  • His comments about illegal, criminal, aliens clearly did not refer to all aliens or Mexicans. In the very same breath that he said they're not sending their best, he also said that the rapists and murderers did not represent all Mexicans.
  • There were three groups of people at Charlottesville, Antifa communist disruptors, right-wing conservative protesters, and white supremacists. Trump was extremely clear that his comments didn't apply to the white supremacists. In fact, he said there were good people on both sides - Antifa and the conservatives. Imagine that - saying there are some fine people in Antifa. Now THAT is the thing for which he should be called out because Antifa hates black people. It's an absolute lie that Trump supported white supremacists or neo Nazi's at Charlottesville. Here's what he said with context. Of course you'll have to read the entire press conference transcript to get the entire context which proves the lie in the claims against him.

TRUMP: OK. Good. Are we going to take down the statue? Because he was a major slave owner. Now, are we going to take down his statue? So you know what? Itā€™s fine. Youā€™re changing history. Youā€™re changing culture. And you had people, and Iā€™m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists, because they should be condemned totally. But you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists. OK? And the press has treated them absolutely unfairly. Now, in the other group also, you had some fine people, but you also had troublemakers and you see them come with the black outfits and with the helmets and with the baseball bats. Youā€™ve got -- you had a lot of bad -- you had a lot of bad people in the other groupā€¦


QUESTION: ... treated unfairly (inaudible) you were saying. You were saying the press has treated white nationalists unfairly? (inaudible) understand what youā€™re saying.

TRUMP: No, no. There were people in that rally, and I looked the night before. If you look, they were people protesting very quietly the taking down of the statue of Robert E. Lee. Iā€™m sure in that group there were some bad ones. The following day, it looked like they had some rough, bad people -- neo-Nazis, white nationalists, whatever you want to call them. But you had a lot of people in that group that were there to innocently protest and very legally protest, because you know -- I donā€™t know if you know, they had a permit. The other group didnā€™t have a permit. So, I only tell you this, there are two sides to a story. I thought what took place was a horrible moment for our country, a horrible moment. But there are two sides to the country (sic). Does anybody have a final -- doesnā€™t anybody have a -- you have an infrastructureā€¦

  • He called El Salvador, Haiti, and some African countries shithole countries. Tell me, why do people who live in tropical paradises want to leave for the racist shithole that is America? Oh, I know; they just want to come here and spread the good word and help America become like their homeland... Because these articles show just how wonderful life is in El Salvador; nothing there that screams shithole.

  • Guess what. There are shithole countries and Trump was just being honest. If you try to claim the truth is racist then you are the racist. You want to cover up the evil that is happening to latinos throughout the US and central/south America. Who care about lost generations of latinos? Who cares about the gangland murders of children? Apparently you don't, racist.

  • It was not racist when Trump told the squad to go back to where they're from. It was ignorant, yes. He didn't realize that 3 of the 4 were born in the US. But he didn't say it in the way that KKK members suggest black people should go back to Africa. His comments were very specific to those specific people and in response to their specific words and actions. In response to their hate for the America.

  • That the women were all women of color is coincidence. It is not automatically racist to attack a person of color. Congresswoman Omar came from Mogadishu, Somalia - a shithole, by the way. She was rescued and given a home in the greatest nation on earth. She wanted her family here so badly that she broke our laws to get them here. Then she gets here and starts telling us how awful we are. If a visitor comes to your home and starts telling you how awful your home is and you are, what would you say to them? There's the door; don't let it hit you in the ass o the way out. If Omar wants to fix what's wrong with a country, why not go home to where she was born and fix a country that needs fixing a hell of a lot more than the one that adopted her and saved her life. There was nothing racist in Trump's comments. They were defensive, and not politically smart but they were morally accurate.
You'll have to tell me where Trump has defended the confederacy and which comments to suburbanites that you're referring to.
In this day and age, you can literally hold a random object in front of a Democrat and that Democrat will tell you why that random object is racist.

Democrats are so racist they believe certain races can't be racist because of their race.

The most important thing to a Democrat about their vp nomination is its race and gender.

Democrats = the racist they came to hate.

My son likes this YouTube program that consists of updates of "What's Racist Now". Every so often, he comes and reads me the new list of things that are considered racist by the left. I think the only thing that hasn't been mentioned yet is breathing, and I expect that to be racist sometime later this week.
In this day and age, you can literally hold a random object in front of a Democrat and that Democrat will tell you why that random object is racist.

Democrats are so racist they believe certain races can't be racist because of their race.

The most important thing to a Democrat about their vp nomination is its race and gender.

Democrats = the racist they came to hate.

My son likes this YouTube program that consists of updates of "What's Racist Now". Every so often, he comes and reads me the new list of things that are considered racist by the left. I think the only thing that hasn't been mentioned yet is breathing, and I expect that to be racist sometime later this week.
well damn straight, you're now taking oxygen from the blacks. and you're carbon output is killing them as well.

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