Leftists' Tactic Today: Speak Against Trump or You're Racist!!!


Diamond Member
Jul 18, 2018
In response to Pres. Trump's tweets yesterday regarding "the squad", Leftists apparently received their marching orders all over Twitter and other platforms: the Inquisition is on. If conservatives and Trump supporters do not denounce, we agree and are also "RACISTS"!!

Read my lips: NO.

No, as I refuse to dance to your tune.

No, I will not take part in your Inquisition.

Since you were shrugging away the black face of Ralph Northam, as just one example, I will shrug the tweets of Donald Trump.

Since Robert Byrd was YOUR senator for years and years and years...and he was in the KKK, I will not be forced to speak on Donald Trump.

So cry, weep, wail and mourn. If you want to know where I stand on racism, search me up. But I will not play your Inquisition games.

Who's with me?
a lot of headlines call him racist for these tweets
.....MORE proof of what I've been saying = the racist word means nothing---they use it so much for crap
---WHAT MORONS--there's nothing racist about what he said --PLAIN AND SIMPLE
NYTimes Opinion--this idiot is the racist--not Trump

Opinion | Trump’s Tweets Prove That He Is a Raging Racist
In response to Pres. Trump's tweets yesterday regarding "the squad", Leftists apparently received their marching orders all over Twitter and other platforms: the Inquisition is on. If conservatives and Trump supporters do not denounce, we agree and are also "RACISTS"!!

Read my lips: NO.

No, as I refuse to dance to your tune.

No, I will not take part in your Inquisition.

Since you were shrugging away the black face of Ralph Northam, as just one example, I will shrug the tweets of Donald Trump.

Since Robert Byrd was YOUR senator for years and years and years...and he was in the KKK, I will not be forced to speak on Donald Trump.

So cry, weep, wail and mourn. If you want to know where I stand on racism, search me up. But I will not play your Inquisition games.

Who's with me?
He made an ass out of himself this time, Sue. Yeah, I agree, the old "racist" label is getting used so much it almost means nothing anymore. But I'm sure as a teacher, you know he was inappropriate saying that. He's not Joe Schmoe at the end of the bar. He is President and if he wants the respect that goes with it, he ought to try acting it for a change.
In response to Pres. Trump's tweets yesterday regarding "the squad", Leftists apparently received their marching orders all over Twitter and other platforms: the Inquisition is on. If conservatives and Trump supporters do not denounce, we agree and are also "RACISTS"!!

Read my lips: NO.

No, as I refuse to dance to your tune.

No, I will not take part in your Inquisition.

Since you were shrugging away the black face of Ralph Northam, as just one example, I will shrug the tweets of Donald Trump.

Since Robert Byrd was YOUR senator for years and years and years...and he was in the KKK, I will not be forced to speak on Donald Trump.

So cry, weep, wail and mourn. If you want to know where I stand on racism, search me up. But I will not play your Inquisition games.

Who's with me?
He made an ass out of himself this time, Sue. Yeah, I agree, the old "racist" label is getting used so much it almost means nothing anymore. But I'm sure as a teacher, you know he was inappropriate saying that. He's not Joe Schmoe at the end of the bar. He is President and if he wants the respect that goes with it, he ought to try acting it for a change.

You'll note the topic of this thread is not whether he should have said it. I have already addressed that in another post, but I will do it here ONE time and ONE time only. I know what he was getting at and he is right. These women, like many Progressives, don't like much about America and imply and sometimes even state that America is a failed nation. In that case, they should return to the nations their parents came from, since they are usually making references anyway--after all, this is Progressive bread-and-butter, ie: AFRICAN-American. The African is FIRST.

However the WAY he said it was clunky, unfortunate, and feeds too many tropes already in existence.

Now, the topic of this thread is Leftists gleefully undergoing their Inquisition. It's not just that Trump said it: it's that now, everyone must line up to renounce. Inquisition-style.

Your folks' Puritan urges are comical these days.
In response to Pres. Trump's tweets yesterday regarding "the squad", Leftists apparently received their marching orders all over Twitter and other platforms: the Inquisition is on. If conservatives and Trump supporters do not denounce, we agree and are also "RACISTS"!!

Read my lips: NO.

No, as I refuse to dance to your tune.

No, I will not take part in your Inquisition.

Since you were shrugging away the black face of Ralph Northam, as just one example, I will shrug the tweets of Donald Trump.

Since Robert Byrd was YOUR senator for years and years and years...and he was in the KKK, I will not be forced to speak on Donald Trump.

So cry, weep, wail and mourn. If you want to know where I stand on racism, search me up. But I will not play your Inquisition games.

Who's with me?
He made an ass out of himself this time, Sue. Yeah, I agree, the old "racist" label is getting used so much it almost means nothing anymore. But I'm sure as a teacher, you know he was inappropriate saying that. He's not Joe Schmoe at the end of the bar. He is President and if he wants the respect that goes with it, he ought to try acting it for a change.

You'll note the topic of this thread is not whether he should have said it. I have already addressed that in another post, but I will do it here ONE time and ONE time only. I know what he was getting at and he is right. These women, like many Progressives, don't like much about America and imply and sometimes even state that America is a failed nation. In that case, they should return to the nations their parents came from, since they are usually making references anyway--after all, this is Progressive bread-and-butter, ie: AFRICAN-American. The African is FIRST.

However the WAY he said it was clunky, unfortunate, and feeds too many tropes already in existence.

Now, the topic of this thread is Leftists gleefully undergoing their Inquisition. It's not just that Trump said it: it's that now, everyone must line up to renounce. Inquisition-style.

Your folks' Puritan urges are comical these days.
Well, since the fact that he shouldn't have said it is my only concern, I'll leave you to yet another mindless lib bashing thread.

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