Leftwing - Rightwing and the Political Axis

Several Western industrialized nations not 3rd world backwaters are doing many orders of magnitude better than the US on the upward mobility thing.
Which ones?

Do you have some numbers?


Do you not read the thread before asking for things that have already been provided?


Ahh, I didn't read the fine print. :funnyface:

So, what grain bullet does an m40 shoot? Mr. alleged gunnery sergeant.

I already know because my hunting partner taught Ranger battle tactics.
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You have a point developing countries in Asia and Africa. but we also fare poorly compared to other just as developed countries as this one.
Which ones?

How are we falling behind?

It was not in the articles you provided. Do you have something else?

Our standard of living is better than most industrialized nations. It's hard to improve on it when we are one of the nations at the cutting edge. Even the poorest among us have technology better than many industrialized nations.


We, we, we.

What are you, some kind of collectivist?
The original claim had to do with conservative ideology and social mobility.

We have had two full generations of leftist systems of racial privilege through the process of affirmative action that punishes Asians, Jews and others so blacks can get ahead.

Since you are arguing on the basis of social mobility, and you are arguing that these leftist policies are innefective, you are actually arguing against yourself, here.

Well, except that I am not a leftist and I do not agree with any of the leftist polices such as affirmative action or the rest. In fact I do not even agree with any anti-discrimination law being applied to any private company.

You people and your fucked up judgments of who is left or right get old after a while.
You have told me that but you have not demonstrated it to be true. As a statistician I hear "stats can be misleading" a lot, most often they are not.

Not even sure there is a solution in a free market society.

NBA is 75% black but the US is only 13% black. Is the NBA racist? No. Stats may be misleading.

Yes, they can be. Now, show me that the stats on social mobility are misleading.

You really want me to dig deep and research this? Come on man. IDC all that much.

The better choice would be to not make claims or accusations that you do not wish to or cannot support.
The original claim had to do with conservative ideology and social mobility.

We have had two full generations of leftist systems of racial privilege through the process of affirmative action that punishes Asians, Jews and others so blacks can get ahead.

Since you are arguing on the basis of social mobility, and you are arguing that these leftist policies are innefective, you are actually arguing against yourself, here.

Who was it who said there are lies, damn lies and statistics? You point to numbers but apply no reason . Numbers without reason are just numbers

You neglected to mention a certain racial group that bears the brunt of leftist social sabotage.
westwall What defines them? I think it's misleading to look at it solely as defined by the absence or presence of government (or state).

Individual Authority
Individual Liberty
Favoring Hierarchy
Socially Conservative
Equal playing field

Collective Authority
Collective Liberty
Favoring Equality
Socially Liberal
Social spending
Equal outcome

Individual Authority. Correct. The individual takes precedence over the collective.

Individual Liberty. Correct, the individual is free to do what they want, with who they want, when they want.

Rightwing doesn't favor hierarchy, it accepts that there needs to be some form of it, but begrudgingly.

Socially conservative is not rightwing, it is leftwing.

Nationalism is ultimately leftwing. Look at the way collectivist governments refer to their countries. Nazis called Germany the Fatherland, communists called Russia the Motherland. The ultimate form of rightwing is anarchy. There can be no nationalism when there is no nation.

Anti Taxation, yup. To a point.

Equal Playing Field, absolutely.

Pro-military, yes, but so are leftwing groups. After all, you need a strong military to subjugate your citizens. The difference is in a rightwing government military service is normally voluntary, in a leftwing government it is mandatory.

Traditional, true, for a leftwing government to survive it must first destroy the traditions that came before it so they can replace those traditions with their own.

Pretty much correct down the line, however equal outcome ultimately means driving everything down to the lowest common denominator.

Not anti military, just anti volunteer military.

What exactly does progressive mean?

The world is really more complicated than this. I for example LOVE the death penalty but wanna keep the government out of what you do with your sticks and holes.

BUT, these X/Y charts are better than a simple left right, if no one has posted them yet.

Political Axis - Google Search
Several Western industrialized nations not 3rd world backwaters are doing many orders of magnitude better than the US on the upward mobility thing.
Which ones?

Do you have some numbers?


Do you not read the thread before asking for things that have already been provided?


Ahh, I didn't read the fine print. :funnyface:

So, what grain bullet does an m40 shoot? Mr. alleged gunnery sergeant.

No idea, I was not a sniper...got to have far better eyesight than I do for that.
The original claim had to do with conservative ideology and social mobility.

We have had two full generations of leftist systems of racial privilege through the process of affirmative action that punishes Asians, Jews and others so blacks can get ahead.

Since you are arguing on the basis of social mobility, and you are arguing that these leftist policies are innefective, you are actually arguing against yourself, here.

Well, except that I am not a leftist and I do not agree with any of the leftist polices such as affirmative action or the rest. In fact I do not even agree with any anti-discrimination law being applied to any private company.

You people and your fucked up judgments of who is left or right get old after a while.
I am sorry you have such difficulties with reading comprehension.

It must make you feel inadequate .
Several Western industrialized nations not 3rd world backwaters are doing many orders of magnitude better than the US on the upward mobility thing.
Which ones?

Do you have some numbers?


Do you not read the thread before asking for things that have already been provided?


Ahh, I didn't read the fine print. :funnyface:

So, what grain bullet does an m40 shoot? Mr. alleged gunnery sergeant.

No idea, I was not a sniper...got to have far better eyesight than I do for that.

I bet you don't. :rolleyes:
yes, the actual is far worse than the perceived...which is demonstrated in this thread.
Am I reading that wrong?

It shows that the actual is better than the perceived for the U.S., right?


Yes, you are reading it wrong. On the left is the chance of remaining in the bottom if you start in the bottom...the reality is a bit higher htan we think it is. On the right is the chance of going from the bottom to the top, and we think that there is a 12% chance when there is really only a 7.5% chance.

The original claim had to do with conservative ideology and social mobility.

We have had two full generations of leftist systems of racial privilege through the process of affirmative action that punishes Asians, Jews and others so blacks can get ahead.

Since you are arguing on the basis of social mobility, and you are arguing that these leftist policies are innefective, you are actually arguing against yourself, here.

Well, except that I am not a leftist and I do not agree with any of the leftist polices such as affirmative action or the rest. In fact I do not even agree with any anti-discrimination law being applied to any private company.

You people and your fucked up judgments of who is left or right get old after a while.
I am sorry you have such difficulties with reading comprehension.

It must make you feel inadequate .

Poor little sheep cannot admit when he was wrong...how typical
Several Western industrialized nations not 3rd world backwaters are doing many orders of magnitude better than the US on the upward mobility thing.
Which ones?

Do you have some numbers?


Do you not read the thread before asking for things that have already been provided?


Ahh, I didn't read the fine print. :funnyface:

So, what grain bullet does an m40 shoot? Mr. alleged gunnery sergeant.

No idea, I was not a sniper...got to have far better eyesight than I do for that.

I bet you don't. :rolleyes:

been wearing glasses since the 2nd grade...can't be a sniper with 20/400 vision.
The original claim had to do with conservative ideology and social mobility.

We have had two full generations of leftist systems of racial privilege through the process of affirmative action that punishes Asians, Jews and others so blacks can get ahead.

Since you are arguing on the basis of social mobility, and you are arguing that these leftist policies are innefective, you are actually arguing against yourself, here.

Well, except that I am not a leftist and I do not agree with any of the leftist polices such as affirmative action or the rest. In fact I do not even agree with any anti-discrimination law being applied to any private company.

You people and your fucked up judgments of who is left or right get old after a while.
I am sorry you have such difficulties with reading comprehension.

It must make you feel inadequate .

Poor little sheep cannot admit when he was wrong...how typical

You claim to not be a leftist, yet cheerlead for all the leftist causes. What is one to think of that?

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