Leftwing - Rightwing and the Political Axis

As I said before, there is no solution under a free market system. I am not asking for it to be fixed, just providing the facts.
The facts are meaningless. You are throwing them around like they mean something.

All that data points to a bunch of tallest midget awards.

Number of Millionaires per country:

10. Spain 852,000
9. Australia 1,288,000
8. Canada 1,289,000
7. Italy 1,362,000
6. France 2,147,000
5. Germany 2,183,000
4. UK 2,433,000
3. Japan 2,809,000
2. China 3,480,000
1. US 17,350,000 (41% of the world total)

No, because I knew one. He didn't oversee shooting, though. :1peleas:

I did not either, I instructed people on the basics of using the 4 automatic weapons in the Marine Corps arsenal at the time. You can do that and wear glasses just as you can qualify with the rifle every year wearing glasses. Being a sniper not so much.
As I said before, there is no solution under a free market system. I am not asking for it to be fixed, just providing the facts.
The facts are meaningless. You are throwing them around like they mean something.

All that data points to a bunch of tallest midget awards.

Number of Millionaires per country:

10. Spain 852,000
9. Australia 1,288,000
8. Canada 1,289,000
7. Italy 1,362,000
6. France 2,147,000
5. Germany 2,183,000
4. UK 2,433,000
3. Japan 2,809,000
2. China 3,480,000
1. US 17,350,000 (41% of the world total)


They mean that it is harder to move up the economic ladder in the US than in many other industrialized nations.

How many of those millionaires stared off dirt poor?
They mean that it is harder to move up the economic ladder in the US than in many other industrialized nations.
All those figures show is that it is harder to go from the bottom to the top in the U.S. The top is WAY higher.

It's much easier to go from the bottom to next to the top in the US, which is probably higher than the top of most nations.

They mean that it is harder to move up the economic ladder in the US than in many other industrialized nations.
All those figures show is that it is harder to go from the bottom to the top in the U.S. The top is WAY higher.

It's much easier to go from the bottom to next to the top in the US, which is probably higher than the top of most nations.


This graph is not about getting from the bottom to the top, it is about merely making more than your father...


There is nothing wrong with being honest about our country, it does not mean you hate it.
I disagree. I think That index is bogus. As I said everyone is born with equal rights and “social mobility” is up to each individual. And you stated there is no solution so why even bring it up?

You think the index is bogus but do not care enough to find out, you willfully accept your ignorance and will not do anything about it.

I did not bring it up, I was responding to someone that did.

I'll take a deeper dive when I get some free time to thing.
They mean that it is harder to move up the economic ladder in the US than in many other industrialized nations.
All those figures show is that it is harder to go from the bottom to the top in the U.S. The top is WAY higher.

It's much easier to go from the bottom to next to the top in the US, which is probably higher than the top of most nations.


This graph is not about getting from the bottom to the top, it is about merely making more than your father...


There is nothing wrong with being honest about our country, it does not mean you hate it.
That chart is completely unintelligible.

Earnings elasticity? What the fuck is that supposed to mean?

That chart is meaningless.

They mean that it is harder to move up the economic ladder in the US than in many other industrialized nations.
All those figures show is that it is harder to go from the bottom to the top in the U.S. The top is WAY higher.

It's much easier to go from the bottom to next to the top in the US, which is probably higher than the top of most nations.


I'm not in denial! It is the facts that are wrong!
plug ears.gif
They mean that it is harder to move up the economic ladder in the US than in many other industrialized nations.
All those figures show is that it is harder to go from the bottom to the top in the U.S. The top is WAY higher.

It's much easier to go from the bottom to next to the top in the US, which is probably higher than the top of most nations.


I'm not in denial! It is the facts that are wrong!
View attachment 259806
Add to the discussion or shut the fuck up.

It isn't so much that Conservatives and Liberals disagree on economics and/or government.

It is the METHODS which either side is comfortable using to accomplish those goals.

Throughout history, leftists have created Totalitarian States in order to achieve their goals.

In THIS Country, you can increasingly see the left's move to Totalitarian means to achieve its goals.

Would you, as a Conservative, be comfortable wearing a MAGA hat in Town? Virtually any decent size town?

Why is it that the Left thinks it's okay to intimidate little girls and grandmothers?

Why is it that they think it's okay to stalk people in restaurants and outside their homes?

Why is that the Left thinks it's okay to totally shut down any speech they don't agree with?

All of these things are the reason I seldom get into the nuts and bolts of political theory.

I could have a discussion with an honest socialist. Find me one.

I could have a discussion with an honest communist if he wasn't ready to put me in a gulag for disagreeing with his belief in the infallibility of socialism.

I could even have a discussion with an honest National Socialist if he didn't have a Concentration camp he wanted to put me in for disagreeing with his ideas of socialism.

It isn't about political beliefs people. You need to understand that.

It is about what the proponents of those political beliefs are willing to do in order to accomplish their goals.

dimocraps are scum

Not because I disagree with them. Not because I'm a Conservative and they're leftists.

Because they're scum.

They will commit any crime, any misdeed, any act of terror and justify it in their own minds as a 'Means to an end' that they see as holy.

dimocraps are scum.

Even the ones in here...... No, ESPECIALLY the ones in here.

How many of them have you ever heard (read) condemn an actual, honest to God crime committed by a dimocrap politician? How many will condemn Omar for her Anti-Americanism? How many will point up the stupidity of Occasional Cortex? How many will admit that Joe Biden is a creep? How many will confront the FACT that the Clintons are actually a crime family?

How many times? They're as bad as the criminals themselves -- Worse.

It isn't their politics I despise.

It is them. They are a totalitarian cult.

dimocraps are scum

It isn't so much that Conservatives and Liberals disagree on economics and/or government.

It is the METHODS which either side is comfortable using to accomplish those goals.

Throughout history, leftists have created Totalitarian States in order to achieve their goals.

In THIS Country, you can increasingly see the left's move to Totalitarian means to achieve its goals.

Would you, as a Conservative, be comfortable wearing a MAGA hat in Town? Virtually any decent size town?

Why is it that the Left thinks it's okay to intimidate little girls and grandmothers?

Why is it that they think it's okay to stalk people in restaurants and outside their homes?

Why is that the Left thinks it's okay to totally shut down any speech they don't agree with?

All of these things are the reason I seldom get into the nuts and bolts of political theory.

I could have a discussion with an honest socialist. Find me one.

I could have a discussion with an honest communist if he wasn't ready to put me in a gulag for disagreeing with his belief in the infallibility of socialism.

I could even have a discussion with an honest National Socialist if he didn't have a Concentration camp he wanted to put me in for disagreeing with his ideas of socialism.

It isn't about political beliefs people. You need to understand that.

It is about what the proponents of those political beliefs are willing to do in order to accomplish their goals.

dimocraps are scum

Not because I disagree with them. Not because I'm a Conservative and they're leftists.

Because they're scum.

They will commit any crime, any misdeed, any act of terror and justify it in their own minds as a 'Means to an end' that they see as holy.

dimocraps are scum.

Even the ones in here...... No, ESPECIALLY the ones in here.

How many of them have you ever heard (read) condemn an actual, honest to God crime committed by a dimocrap politician? How many will condemn Omar for her Anti-Americanism? How many will point up the stupidity of Occasional Cortex? How many will admit that Joe Biden is a creep? How many will confront the FACT that the Clintons are actually a crime family?

How many times? They're as bad as the criminals themselves -- Worse.

It isn't their politics I despise.

It is them. They are a totalitarian cult.

dimocraps are scum

In sum, the authoritarian methods are the problem, not necessarily the ideology.

In other words, left and right do not mater. Up and down (authoritarian v. libertarian) do matter.

In sum, the authoritarian methods are the problem, not necessarily the ideology. In other words, left and right do not mater. Up and down (authoritarian v. libertarian) do matter.
Good point. The authoritarian impulse is the issue, and both ends of the spectrum suffer from it - just on different issues.

And they always have an excuse for more.
In sum, the authoritarian methods are the problem, not necessarily the ideology. In other words, left and right do not mater. Up and down (authoritarian v. libertarian) do matter.
Good point. The authoritarian impulse is the issue, and both ends of the spectrum suffer from it - just on different issues.

And they always have an excuse for more.

Oh, fuck you and your BULLSHIT Tu Quoque fallacy.

Don't you have a fence you need to fall off of?
They mean that it is harder to move up the economic ladder in the US than in many other industrialized nations.
All those figures show is that it is harder to go from the bottom to the top in the U.S. The top is WAY higher.

It's much easier to go from the bottom to next to the top in the US, which is probably higher than the top of most nations.


This graph is not about getting from the bottom to the top, it is about merely making more than your father...


There is nothing wrong with being honest about our country, it does not mean you hate it.
That chart is completely unintelligible.

Earnings elasticity? What the fuck is that supposed to mean?

That chart is meaningless.


This Chart Makes A Joke Out Of The American Dream

Intergenerational Income Mobility

Intergenerational income mobility refers to the extent to which income levels are able to change across generations. If there were no intergenerational mobility at all (that is, the intergenerational income elasticity was equal to 1), all poor children would become poor adults and all rich children would become rich adults.
They mean that it is harder to move up the economic ladder in the US than in many other industrialized nations.
All those figures show is that it is harder to go from the bottom to the top in the U.S. The top is WAY higher.

It's much easier to go from the bottom to next to the top in the US, which is probably higher than the top of most nations.


This graph is not about getting from the bottom to the top, it is about merely making more than your father...


There is nothing wrong with being honest about our country, it does not mean you hate it.
That chart is completely unintelligible.

Earnings elasticity? What the fuck is that supposed to mean?

That chart is meaningless.


To put it as simple as possible, on that chart the higher the number the more important your starting point is on the move up the ladder
This Chart Makes A Joke Out Of The American Dream

Intergenerational Income Mobility

Intergenerational income mobility refers to the extent to which income levels are able to change across generations. If there were no intergenerational mobility at all (that is, the intergenerational income elasticity was equal to 1), all poor children would become poor adults and all rich children would become rich adults.

And this formula makes a joke out of your chart --

They mean that it is harder to move up the economic ladder in the US than in many other industrialized nations.
All those figures show is that it is harder to go from the bottom to the top in the U.S. The top is WAY higher.

It's much easier to go from the bottom to next to the top in the US, which is probably higher than the top of most nations.


This graph is not about getting from the bottom to the top, it is about merely making more than your father...


There is nothing wrong with being honest about our country, it does not mean you hate it.
That chart is completely unintelligible.

Earnings elasticity? What the fuck is that supposed to mean?

That chart is meaningless.


To put it as simple as possible, on that chart the higher the number the more important your starting point is on the move up the ladder
What does "0.47" represent? The chart does not explain any of that shit, and just vomits out a conclusion. This is classic bullshit.

They mean that it is harder to move up the economic ladder in the US than in many other industrialized nations.
All those figures show is that it is harder to go from the bottom to the top in the U.S. The top is WAY higher.

It's much easier to go from the bottom to next to the top in the US, which is probably higher than the top of most nations.


This graph is not about getting from the bottom to the top, it is about merely making more than your father...


There is nothing wrong with being honest about our country, it does not mean you hate it.
That chart is completely unintelligible.

Earnings elasticity? What the fuck is that supposed to mean?

That chart is meaningless.


To put it as simple as possible, on that chart the higher the number the more important your starting point is on the move up the ladder
What does "0.47" represent? The chart does not explain any of that shit, and just vomits out a conclusion. This is classic bullshit.


Basically it means you have a 47% chance of remaining in the same economic status as your father, while in Denmark you have a 15% chance of remaining in the same economic status as your father.

I am not sure what is so complicated about it

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