Leftwing - Rightwing and the Political Axis

Those are two countries worse than the US.

I love the US and I have done very well and moved from lower middle class to top 10%. But I do not go by anecdotal evidence, but by statistics and facts. Moving up in this country is hard, while a few do it, the vast majority never will. I am going out of my way to ensure my children will have a leg up, but I can only do that because of where my wife and I have gotten ourselves to.

Opportunity is here but many lack the desire IMO. I
am a child of immigrants. I have done OK.

Opportunity is here, but not to the extent many tell themselves it is.

Americans overestimate social mobility in their country

View attachment 259768

Define opportunity. Stats may be misleading. Not everyone has equal opportunities but everyone has equal rights

Those are two countries worse than the US.

I love the US and I have done very well and moved from lower middle class to top 10%. But I do not go by anecdotal evidence, but by statistics and facts. Moving up in this country is hard, while a few do it, the vast majority never will. I am going out of my way to ensure my children will have a leg up, but I can only do that because of where my wife and I have gotten ourselves to.

Opportunity is here but many lack the desire IMO. I
am a child of immigrants. I have done OK.

If it's a matter of will, why do you have it and many others don't?

Family values, maybe?

Those are two countries worse than the US.

I love the US and I have done very well and moved from lower middle class to top 10%. But I do not go by anecdotal evidence, but by statistics and facts. Moving up in this country is hard, while a few do it, the vast majority never will. I am going out of my way to ensure my children will have a leg up, but I can only do that because of where my wife and I have gotten ourselves to.

Opportunity is here but many lack the desire IMO. I
am a child of immigrants. I have done OK.

If it's a matter of will, why do you have it and many others don't?

Family values, maybe?

Because my parents both worked and dropped me off at Kung Fu class every day after school. Taught me discipline and to kick people’s ass. I translated that into a career and way of life.

Those are two countries worse than the US.

I love the US and I have done very well and moved from lower middle class to top 10%. But I do not go by anecdotal evidence, but by statistics and facts. Moving up in this country is hard, while a few do it, the vast majority never will. I am going out of my way to ensure my children will have a leg up, but I can only do that because of where my wife and I have gotten ourselves to.

Opportunity is here but many lack the desire IMO. I
am a child of immigrants. I have done OK.

Opportunity is here, but not to the extent many tell themselves it is.

Americans overestimate social mobility in their country

View attachment 259768

Define opportunity. Stats may be misleading. Not everyone has equal opportunities but everyone has equal rights

rights do not translate into upward mobility.
So would you rather live in Slovenia or Chile? Come on man.

Those are two countries worse than the US.

I love the US and I have done very well and moved from lower middle class to top 10%. But I do not go by anecdotal evidence, but by statistics and facts. Moving up in this country is hard, while a few do it, the vast majority never will. I am going out of my way to ensure my children will have a leg up, but I can only do that because of where my wife and I have gotten ourselves to.

Opportunity is here but many lack the desire IMO. I
am a child of immigrants. I have done OK.

Opportunity is here, but not to the extent many tell themselves it is.

Americans overestimate social mobility in their country

View attachment 259768

Define opportunity. Stats may be misleading. Not everyone has equal opportunities but everyone has equal rights

rights do not translate into upward mobility.

I will never play for the Patriots. We do the best we can

Those are two countries worse than the US.

I love the US and I have done very well and moved from lower middle class to top 10%. But I do not go by anecdotal evidence, but by statistics and facts. Moving up in this country is hard, while a few do it, the vast majority never will. I am going out of my way to ensure my children will have a leg up, but I can only do that because of where my wife and I have gotten ourselves to.

Opportunity is here but many lack the desire IMO. I
am a child of immigrants. I have done OK.

If it's a matter of will, why do you have it and many others don't?

Family values, maybe?

Because my parents both worked and dropped me off at Kung Fu class every day after school. Taught me discipline and to kick people’s ass. I translated that into a career and way of life.

Discipline...now there's something sorely lacking in today's socially liberal clown world.
Those are two countries worse than the US.

I love the US and I have done very well and moved from lower middle class to top 10%. But I do not go by anecdotal evidence, but by statistics and facts. Moving up in this country is hard, while a few do it, the vast majority never will. I am going out of my way to ensure my children will have a leg up, but I can only do that because of where my wife and I have gotten ourselves to.

Opportunity is here but many lack the desire IMO. I
am a child of immigrants. I have done OK.

Opportunity is here, but not to the extent many tell themselves it is.

Americans overestimate social mobility in their country

View attachment 259768

Define opportunity. Stats may be misleading. Not everyone has equal opportunities but everyone has equal rights

rights do not translate into upward mobility.

I never play for the Patriots. We do the best we can

Opportunity is here but many lack the desire IMO. I
am a child of immigrants. I have done OK.

Opportunity is here, but not to the extent many tell themselves it is.

Americans overestimate social mobility in their country

View attachment 259768

Define opportunity. Stats may be misleading. Not everyone has equal opportunities but everyone has equal rights

rights do not translate into upward mobility.

I never play for the Patriots. We do the best we can


I am serious. We need to do the best we can with the tools we are given. Where are you going with this? LinkedIn is free. Kids can get on there build a network and help themselves find a career they want.
westwall What defines them? I think it's misleading to look at it solely as defined by the absence or presence of government (or state).

Individual Authority
Individual Liberty
Favoring Hierarchy
Socially Conservative
Equal playing field

Collective Authority
Collective Liberty
Favoring Equality
Socially Liberal
Social spending
Equal outcome

But the right is not totally for individual authority they are only for it when it fits their narrative. Same with the left they're not totally for collective authority.
I am serious. We need to do the best we can with the tools we are given. Where are you going with this? LinkedIn is free. Kids can get on there build a network and help themselves find a career they want.

I agree that we need to do the best we can with the tools we are given, that does not change the facts. Did you even bother to read any of the links that I gave you?

LinkedIn is a joke, it is basically just FB these days. There "endorsement" button is basically the like button from FB. I have skills endorsed by people in my network that I have met one time and they have no idea what I am good at. Employers know this.
Where are the libertarians?

They can be left or right or center, but under less authority?

That's why I think a linear left-right only axis doesn't work too well.

I don't so much care about "right" or "left" as I do about "up" (authority) or "down" (liberty).

The objective of all government/political actions should be the preservation of liberty.

People can respectfully disagree on the how to preserve liberty, but when said preservation ceases to be the objective of one or both parties, respect goes out the window.

I am serious. We need to do the best we can with the tools we are given. Where are you going with this? LinkedIn is free. Kids can get on there build a network and help themselves find a career they want.

I agree that we need to do the best we can with the tools we are given, that does not change the facts. Did you even bother to read any of the links that I gave you?

LinkedIn is a joke, it is basically just FB these days. There "endorsement" button is basically the like button from FB. I have skills endorsed by people in my network that I have met one time and they have no idea what I am good at. Employers know this.

It’s a joke if you don’t use it correctly. It has helped me and many I advise tremendously. I have Told you that stats may be misleading. What would your solution be?
westwall What defines them? I think it's misleading to look at it solely as defined by the absence or presence of government (or state).

Individual Authority
Individual Liberty
Favoring Hierarchy
Socially Conservative
Equal playing field

Collective Authority
Collective Liberty
Favoring Equality
Socially Liberal
Social spending
Equal outcome

But the right is not totally for individual authority they are only for it when it fits their narrative. Same with the left they're not totally for collective authority.

Favoring collectives over individuals is just one of many policy positions, still plenty of other issues that might tilt the scales towards the left or right. Not only that but it's a matter of degrees. You don't have to be 100% collectivist and absolutely anti-individual.

A nationalist collective govt would naturally be focused on tradition and heritage, which would make it a very right wing thing indeed.
For the large majority here, politics is not a matter of any sort of political philosophy, but merely membership in a tribe and the corresponding conformity to the group think of the tribe.
I have Told you that stats may be misleading

You have told me that but you have not demonstrated it to be true. As a statistician I hear "stats can be misleading" a lot, most often they are not.

What would your solution be?

Not even sure there is a solution in a free market society.
I have Told you that stats may be misleading

You have told me that but you have not demonstrated it to be true. As a statistician I hear "stats can be misleading" a lot, most often they are not.

What would your solution be?

Not even sure there is a solution in a free market society.

NBA is 75% black but the US is only 13% black. Is the NBA racist? No. Stats may be misleading.

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