Lessons of History and Trying To Avoid the Same Mistakes

Not one of them is a Nazi.

They were not Neo Nazis or Nazis before 2016, when Trump followers started throwing that term to deflect their own Neo Nazi groups. You know which groups are White Supremacists and that they have been voting for Trump and all other Republicans to put them in power.

Grow up !!!
I say they are Nazis. Not much you can do about my opinion, traitor.
I post facts with evidence. Some people cannot deal with facts.
What evidence? The word of our government and politicians mean nothing. The fact that they lie constantly is now out in the open. You are content to spread the propaganda. I am not going to let that happen.
What evidence? The word of our government and politicians mean nothing. The fact that they lie constantly is now out in the open. You are content to spread the propaganda. I am not going to let that happen.
Then, that also goes for all other Presidents and their administrations. But you are focused on the current one. And only the current one.

Feel free to start any threads exposing this administration.
[First they came for the Jews....then.....then....then]

“Need total number of changes from male to female and female to male for the last 24 months, broken down by month,” the chief of the DPS driver’s license division said in an email to colleagues that’s dated June 30. The emails shared with the Post specify that Paxton’s office requested this information. Some of these communications are specifically titled “AG Request Sex Change Data” and “AG data request.”

Paxton’s office denies making any such request of DPS, despite these internal emails and the DPS spokesperson’s claim to the Post. According to Gillian Branstetter, a communications strategist at the ACLU’s Women’s Rights Project and LGBTQ & HIV Project, we’ve seen this secrecy around Texas’ surveillance of trans people, before—at the state Department of Family and Protective Services, employees working on gender-affirming care-related investigations were instructed “to leave no paper trail,” Branstetter told Jezebel.

(full article online)

[ Actions have consequences. Elon Musk is not the richest person in the world, anymore. How much will that matter in his future actions? ]


Stranger in a Strange Land

I landed in L.A. a couple of hours ago. I’ve only been here once, maybe twice, and it is just not my kind of city. Laws of physics notwithstanding, apparently everything is 45 minutes away from everything else, you have to drive everywhere, and the traffic is terrible. But we are doing the very first live on-stage version of “The Mary Trump Show with the Nerd Avengers” at a small theatre downtown (wherever that is), so here I am.

This is my second trip this week. I was in Chicago on Monday to do a fundraiser for Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s re-election campaign. The last time I’d flown before that was last November (which, incidentally, was the same week I started “The Good in Us”) when I attended an event in Amsterdam. Back then, which seems a decade ago, masks were mandatory. Now I’d say fewer than 1% of the people in the airport and on the plane were wearing masks—including staff. I just had pneumonia for two months so I find this infuriating, especially considering we’re in the middle of what they’re calling a tripledemic—the highly contagious flu, COVID, and RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus) trifecta.

I lay this squarely at Donald’s feet. His refusal to encourage mask wearing, isolation, and social distancing, at a time when COVID could have been eradicated, led to prolonging the need for mask wearing, isolation, and social distancing. A significant minority of Americans refused vaccines for the same reason they refused to wear masks. A lot of them died but many more of them keep getting infected, spreading COVID, and prolonging the virus’ ability to mutate and outsmart our vaccines. It’s gotten to the point where I think many of the rest of us are just sick of the whole thing.

I occasionally check The New York Times Corona virus tracker and I am gobsmacked every time I realize that 0.5% of the population of New York City died from COVID. It’s unfathomable. So as we head into winter and cases—of seemingly everything—are on the rise, please be safe. Which is to say, at the very least, wear a mask.


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