Let's Face It....Regardless Whom Is At Fault....Blacks Have Set Back Race-relations At Least 30 years


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009

After months of watching blacks break into businesses and commit violence day in and day out, America is waking up to the fact that the real systemic racism in this country seem to be blacks themselves.

After decades of progress, it appears the Democrats finally have succeeded in turning blacks into precisely that which they have hated being called the most. Nobody in their right mind will move their business into their neighborhoods these days. The businesses that were broken into and looted aren't rebuilding....but instead are moving out or closing down permanently.

The primary contributor to poverty in the black community is illegitimate childbirth and the racial gap when it comes to property values.
In both of these....blacks are their own worse enemies. Growing up in a family that has one earner is difficult to begin with when society demands two incomes. Now we have a reoccurring problem in the Hood.....the tearing down of property values because of riots. Nobody wants to move into a 3rd world Hell hole....so of course anyone who owns a home in these neighborhoods are seeing their property values plummet.

But the number one recurring issue when it comes to black Americans is the total lack of respect for authority. In almost every case blacks who have had run-ins with the police wouldn't have had a problem if they had just done what cops told them to do. So because of their lousy attitudes.....they perpetuate that which they are protesting. It's a never ending cycle.

Protests can move public opinion in a positive way.....but riots do the same in a negative way. Violence and destruction only assures one thing....that people will stop being empathetic to your plight. Nobody willingly gives into threats. It's getting to the point where blacks cannot claim to be the oppressed when they are the ones committing oppressive acts.
This could be true for many, but not all.

This is what I want to believe anyway. I want to believe that there is still a large portion of respectable black people that simply want peace and productivity in life.

The proof will be in the November polling.
Actually, most of the BLM rioters aren't black at all. Rosenbaum, the paedophile BLM'er who got clipped in Kenosha was a Honky. Ditto with so many of those who have been pinched and caught on video.

Blaming BLM riots on blacks just isn't accurate.
Pretty much accurate, though it all does add extra spotlights on the staggering crime rates and lack of respect issues of the low income black communities. BLM is just one of the anti American weapons being used.

Used by the democrats, who are controlled by the Clintons, Obamas.. firmly in bed with Soros and China.
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After months of watching blacks break into businesses and commit violence day in and day out, America is waking up to the fact that the real systemic racism in this country seem to be blacks themselves.

After decades of progress, it appears the Democrats finally have succeeded in turning blacks into precisely that which they have hated being called the most. Nobody in their right mind will move their business into their neighborhoods these days. The businesses that were broken into and looted aren't rebuilding....but instead are moving out or closing down permanently.

The primary contributor to poverty in the black community is illegitimate childbirth and the racial gap when it comes to property values.
In both of these....blacks are their own worse enemies. Growing up in a family that has one earner is difficult to begin with when society demands two incomes. Now we have a reoccurring problem in the Hood.....the tearing down of property values because of riots. Nobody wants to move into a 3rd world Hell hole....so of course anyone who owns a home in these neighborhoods are seeing their property values plummet.

But the number one recurring issue when it comes to black Americans is the total lack of respect for authority. In almost every case blacks who have had run-ins with the police wouldn't have had a problem if they had just done what cops told them to do. So because of their lousy attitudes.....they perpetuate that which they are protesting. It's a never ending cycle.

Protests can move public opinion in a positive way.....but riots do the same in a negative way. Violence and destruction only assures one thing....that people will stop being empathetic to your plight. Nobody willingly gives into threats. It's getting to the point where blacks cannot claim to be the oppressed when they are the ones committing oppressive acts.
It's probably closer to 50 years that race relations have been set back. Just dreadful.
Actually, most of the BLM rioters aren't black at all. Rosenbaum, the paedophile BLM'er who got clipped in Kenosha was a Honky. Ditto with so many of those who have been pinched and caught on video.

Blaming BLM riots on blacks just isn't accurate.

Its the 'diversity' push. The lie of systemic racism

Whites are being told they are racist just for the color of their skin and that is a lie. Blacks are waking up to the fact that their personal responsibility is what is either keeping them down or allowing them to prosper. Just in the last 3.5 years of Trump giving them back control of their very lives has changed the narrative for them.

Democrats have keept blacks and other ethnic groups on the slavery plantaion by telling them they are owed things and that they are the vicitims, then promising hand outs to keep them poor and ignorant. IT is nothing short of slavery by deception.
A fun drinking game - spot the differences between our shitholes and a Somalian shithole

I'm with you OP...but maybe more than 30 years.

It is amazing how such a systemic criminal group as blacks is being promoted like they are as peaceful and wonderful a group of humans as possible.

Black males are 6.3% of the population and do 52.5% of the murder, 62% of the robbery and 56% of the carjacking in the USA.

Stats from: National Crime Victimization Survey / Wikipedia

Sure the dems latched onto the blacks agenda. But the black supremists are trying to destroy America irrespective of the filthy dems. They will not be satisfied until blacks run all of America. And I'm not making that up.

Below is a short audio on multicultural congregations from NPR. It discusses what white supremacy means to a black person.

If you don't want to listen to audio, this quote from the story sums up a black's view of white supremacy.

"I came to a point where I realized that, you know, these multiracial churches, just because they're multiracial, doesn't mean they have somehow escaped white supremacy," she says. "Being diverse doesn't mean that white people are not going to still be in charge and run things."

I lived with blacks for 35 years bordering So.L.A. I was under constant racial attack from blacks starting from age 8 or 9. I was almost killed a few times when I was shot at on the Santa Monica Fwy. Another time they tried to run me off the road on my M/C. It is just a game with blacks...polar bear hunting. Blacks are as racist as they come.

We are headed for a race war. Or the whites will knuckle under and be ruled by a small group of criminal blacks. The few blacks I see now after moving out of L.A. all have hate in their eyes whenever I look at them. I have no doubt they would kill me if they thought they would not get caught.
yes yes blacks objecting to being killed for any damn reason...how uncivil of them..most of the blm demonstrations are peaceful but that doesnt suit your narrative now does it?

if my son left my home and was killed over the color of his skin...i would burn the mf place down too
They are campaigning for Trump. Every disruption sends more voters to team Trump.

I find it Hillaryous they're going to start a siege on the White House on Sept. 17 and will riot for everyone to see for 50 days.

I can't believe the DNC isn't trying to stop this.

Quiet...let them riot. The filthy dems can't figure this out on their own. No coaching!

Sieg Heil!

Democrat party 2020 lr.jpg
yes yes blacks objecting to being killed for any damn reason...how uncivil of them..most of the blm demonstrations are peaceful but that doesnt suit your narrative now does it?

if my son left my home and was killed over the color of his skin...i would burn the mf place down too

How convenient you leave out blacks seldom obey police orders. Maybe they should try following the laws.
Actually, most of the BLM rioters aren't black at all. Rosenbaum, the paedophile BLM'er who got clipped in Kenosha was a Honky. Ditto with so many of those who have been pinched and caught on video.

Blaming BLM riots on blacks just isn't accurate.
You're confusing ANTIFA with BLM.
All you have to do to start a looting spree in a black neighborhood is send in a couple of BLM or ANTIFA activists to break a few windows...and the inconsiderate blacks that live there do the rest.
They are campaigning for Trump. Every disruption sends more voters to team Trump.

I find it Hillaryous they're going to start a siege on the White House on Sept. 17 and will riot for everyone to see for 50 days.

I can't believe the DNC isn't trying to stop this.
Normally Dems garner 90% of the black vote.
Trump is getting alot of movement in the previously monolithic black voter base towards him. He's currently at 27% with black voters.
Even they don't like the constant unrest around them.
I'm with you OP...but maybe more than 30 years.

It is amazing how such a systemic criminal group as blacks is being promoted like they are as peaceful and wonderful a group of humans as possible.

Black males are 6.3% of the population and do 52.5% of the murder, 62% of the robbery and 56% of the carjacking in the USA.

Stats from: National Crime Victimization Survey / Wikipedia

Sure the dems latched onto the blacks agenda. But the black supremists are trying to destroy America irrespective of the filthy dems. They will not be satisfied until blacks run all of America. And I'm not making that up.

Below is a short audio on multicultural congregations from NPR. It discusses what white supremacy means to a black person.

If you don't want to listen to audio, this quote from the story sums up a black's view of white supremacy.

"I came to a point where I realized that, you know, these multiracial churches, just because they're multiracial, doesn't mean they have somehow escaped white supremacy," she says. "Being diverse doesn't mean that white people are not going to still be in charge and run things."

I lived with blacks for 35 years bordering So.L.A. I was under constant racial attack from blacks starting from age 8 or 9. I was almost killed a few times when I was shot at on the Santa Monica Fwy. Another time they tried to run me off the road on my M/C. It is just a game with blacks...polar bear hunting. Blacks are as racist as they come.

We are headed for a race war. Or the whites will knuckle under and be ruled by a small group of criminal blacks. The few blacks I see now after moving out of L.A. all have hate in their eyes whenever I look at them. I have no doubt they would kill me if they thought they would not get caught.
Something I learned traveling the world is that whenever any race has a monopoly....they tend to take advantage of it.
The difference seems to be that even in Africa...wherever whites rule you find productive societies.
Wherever blacks are in the majority and in control you find war.
They are campaigning for Trump. Every disruption sends more voters to team Trump.

I find it Hillaryous they're going to start a siege on the White House on Sept. 17 and will riot for everyone to see for 50 days.

I can't believe the DNC isn't trying to stop this.

A "Front Porch Campaign" ala Harding and McKinley might be a good strategy for President Trump this fall... Keep the rioting on the front page.

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