Let's Play The Game ...

For whom will you vote?

  • Adolf Hitler

    Votes: 2 66.7%
  • Josef Stalin

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
I appear to have hit a nerve. The Democrats here are really trying to defend ... something. :laugh:
Just looking at mindsets.

Well, this presents the voter with an impossible choice. Who (educated properly on who Hitler and Stalin are) would in their right mind vote for these people?

Bingo. One must decide which of the rhetoric is most correct.

Neither is correct then. But then again, we're working off faulty comparisons.

Perhaps, but those comparisons are being made.
Democrats think Trump is descended from Adolf Hitler.

Republicans think Hillary is descended from Josef Stalin.

It is increasingly likely these will be the candidates.

For whom will you vote? For this exercise, not voting is not an option. If no vote, don't respond.
Nice poll. Choose your damnation.
Voting proudly for HRC. She is easily the best qualified person to seek the Presidency since Bush 41. Her resume is impecable, her qualifications are once in a generation, her record is not one of perfection but one of staunch agency for what she believes in. It will be my pleasure to cast a ballot for her for President. With the Senate in the Democratic column as well, she will fill Scalia's seat with a center-left jurist. The first 100 days should see her robustly attack the 1% entitlements and return us (as close as she can anyway with the obstructionist House rowing in the other direction) to the 8 years of peace and prosperity her husban engendered.

As for Josef Stalin and Adolph Hitler, it's little surprise the best the OP could do is reach back 80 years to find examples to fill his cartoonish view of the world. That he spelle the names correctly is the only thing correct about the assessment.

Not me. The Democrats are considered by their opposition to be Communists. Do you dispute this?

The Democrats are considered by their oppostion to be....

I could care less. I'm not a Democrat for one. Secondly, if I were, the very last thing I would worry about is how the "opposition" thinks of or my Party.

At the end of the day, we are all Americans. I do not feel that there is any reason for HRC or Mr. Trump or anyone who wins to "reach out" to those who didn't vote for them. If they cannot understand the reason they lost, they need to study the subject harder; have an honest assessment, and come back with a new plan of engagement. That the GOP didn't do this after getting their ass handed to them engenders an unusual amount of confidence in me; that the fundamentals are still there even if the rhetoric is louder than normal.
I'd vote for Hitler as he invested greatly in his country and brought it back from the worse depression the world has ever seen pretty much. Certainly, he deserves the blame for his actions during the war but he's far better then stalin excluding the genocide and war.
Voting proudly for HRC. She is easily the best qualified person to seek the Presidency since Bush 41. Her resume is impecable, her qualifications are once in a generation, her record is not one of perfection but one of staunch agency for what she believes in. It will be my pleasure to cast a ballot for her for President. With the Senate in the Democratic column as well, she will fill Scalia's seat with a center-left jurist. The first 100 days should see her robustly attack the 1% entitlements and return us (as close as she can anyway with the obstructionist House rowing in the other direction) to the 8 years of peace and prosperity her husban engendered.

As for Josef Stalin and Adolph Hitler, it's little surprise the best the OP could do is reach back 80 years to find examples to fill his cartoonish view of the world. That he spelle the names correctly is the only thing correct about the assessment.

Not me. The Democrats are considered by their opposition to be Communists. Do you dispute this?

The Democrats are considered by their oppostion to be....

I could care less. I'm not a Democrat for one.

Not Democrat. Progressive? Communist? Same damn thing.

At the end of the day, we are all Americans.

No, we are not. America is a belief, and attitude. Simply being born here does not install it.

the fundamentals are still there even if the rhetoric is louder than normal.

The "fundamentals" are not what currently win elections, but media fantasies in an age of media idolatry.

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