Let's Stop These Backstabbing Attacks On Our Troops Right Now


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
After the Vietnam War, there were apocryphal stories about hippies spitting on our returning veterans and calling them baby killers.

Today, we have people who are doing worse than that. And it isn't hippies. It is deranged UnConservatives.

It is time to put a stop to this crap right here and now.

The bogus stories about DHS buying 1.6 billion rounds of ammo (they haven't) have now bloomed into full-fledged insanity, with the UnConservative loons saying the US Army is going to start slaughtering Americans and putting us in FEMA camps.

Some samples:

1. DHS has 270,000 personnel including an army of 70,000 armed agents. Among other things, it controls the internet and all communications.
2. An Army manual says Posse Comitatus will be sidestepped by the president so uniformed troops can become national police.
3. FEMA camps are being organized and serviced.
4. The 4th and 10th Amendments are ignored by DHS, and the 2nd Amendment's ‘right to bear arms,' is under vigorous attack.
5. Executive Orders enable the president to control food, utilities, and the internet. When grocery stores are empty, citizens must go to FEMA camps for bread and water. (Leave your guns at the door, please.)
6. A "civilian national security force" that candidate Obama wanted in 2008 is now the DHS, and it takes orders from President Obama.

Read more: Family Security Matters Family Security Matters
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Going to the link provided by the whackjob:

And the U.S. Army issued a 326 page manual, Internment and Resettlement Operations? It might be just a manual for army camps holding foreign prisoners of war, except for the sections under "Civil Support Operations," and how the Army will handle "DCs," that is, Dislocated Civilians. It details how Psychological Operations Officers will "reduce or remove antagonistic attitudes," including "muffling" (gagging) agitators. The manual clearly states it applies within "the U.S. and its territories," and that the Posse Comitatus Act prohibiting using U.S. soldiers as a police force in America can be sidestepped by the president "invoking his executive authority."

Another sample:

In plain English, the commander in chief ordering the regular army to slaughter Americans is not a violation of the Posse Comitatus Act so long as military operations against Americans are commanded by dual officers; i.e., officers holding commissions in both forces.

Bottom line: Officers in the Reserve Corps becoming officers in the regular army effectively administers the coup de grâce to the Posse Comitatus Act.

Some of the stuff in this article needs more proof, but the history of P. C. is right on point:

U.S. Military To Assault U.S. Citizens: 1878 Posse Comitatus Act Destroyed

Untitled Document

This insanity is really starting to catch on, fueled by assholes like Alex Jones, who has pole vaulted to the number one position on my List of People To Gut Punch On Sight.

I bet some of these retards used to wear flag pins and have "Support Our Troops" yellow ribbon bumper stickers on their cars.

Now we know how they REALLY feel. They HATE our troops. They are SPITTING on them.

These little twerps are drinking the piss being poured for them, and regurgitating it brainlessly. Denigrating the men and women who have been doing four, five, six combat tours in shitholes on the other side of the world for the past ten years, getting shot at, maimed, and killed. These parroting little shitbirds are the biggest cowards I have ever encountered.

They have NO shame.

It is time to just start giving them the bitch slaps they so well deserve.

The next time one of them begins squawking, whether it is on the internet or in real life, just bitch slap them. For our troops.
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You are absolutely right. The constant rightwingnutter attempt to try to paint the military as treasonous scum bags has sickened me from the very beginning.
This isn't catching on to anyone or anything. The only people paying attention to nonsense like this are loons on the right and left. I suspect you're on the left.
You are absolutely right. The constant rightwingnutter attempt to try to paint the military as treasonous scum bags has sickened me from the very beginning.

Oh really? I do agree with you. But who's exactly ordering drone strikes on sovereign nations that kill thousands of people most of whom are innocent civilians? That's right, it's Obama. I used to be a liberal...until I realized its all politics, you guys don't care about the people being brutally murdered. It's just a pissing contest.
You are absolutely right. The constant rightwingnutter attempt to try to paint the military as treasonous scum bags has sickened me from the very beginning.

Oh really? I do agree with you. But who's exactly ordering drone strikes on sovereign nations that kill thousands of people most of whom are innocent civilians? That's right, it's Obama. I used to be a liberal...until I realized its all politics, you guys don't care about the people being brutally murdered. It's just a pissing contest.
What does that have to do with the OP?
You are absolutely right. The constant rightwingnutter attempt to try to paint the military as treasonous scum bags has sickened me from the very beginning.

Oh really? I do agree with you. But who's exactly ordering drone strikes on sovereign nations that kill thousands of people most of whom are innocent civilians? That's right, it's Obama. I used to be a liberal...until I realized its all politics, you guys don't care about the people being brutally murdered. It's just a pissing contest.
What does that have to do with the OP?

Because all OPs from both of you alike contain the same thing, attempts to defy each others parties. But it's so hypocritical. What shocks me is none of is intended because any of you actually concerned of other people's well being. It's about your party's stature. It's not about the humanity or the mass murder of people overseas. So all this fake plea crap is worthless. It's only to show liberals are better than republicans. How about both of you actually start caring about people's lives overseas being destroyed with our taxpayer money rather than point fingers at each other? Once someone actually stands up for the right thing, then they can get my support. But it appears none of you actually have any sense of humanity towards people but you expect them to have unwavering support to our humanity. I support the truth. The truth is we have taken too many brutal actions overseas and our media likes to justify it and ignore it in the most horrible ways possible. It's time some of you wake up.
It's pure Alinsky to accuse conservatives of the things liberals do. Democrats authorized the Iraq conflict (at least 42%) and then they undermined the mission for the next several years. Democrat senate majority leader Harry Reid told the Troops "the war is lost" (throw down your arms?) just before the Troop surge. It certainly wasn't conservatives who purchased a $10,000 ad in the NY Times that called the Commander "betray-us", it was the freaking liberal cowards. Cindy Sheehan's radical anti-war nut cases were all over the place but disappeared as soon as Obama was elected. Obama's Homeland Security put out a notice that Veterans were potential terrorists. Speculation about the agenda of Hussein regime has nothing to do with respect for the Military.
"American soldiers [are] going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children, you know, women, breaking sort of the customs of the � of � the historical customs, religious customs." --John Kerry in 2005

Thank you Mr. Kerry, I'll bet Ravi was on the phone IMMEDIATELY when this asshole said this, weren't you Ravi?

You are absolutely right. The constant rightwingnutter attempt to try to paint the military as treasonous scum bags has sickened me from the very beginning.
Oh really? I do agree with you. But who's exactly ordering drone strikes on sovereign nations that kill thousands of people most of whom are innocent civilians? That's right, it's Obama. I used to be a liberal...until I realized its all politics, you guys don't care about the people being brutally murdered. It's just a pissing contest.
What does that have to do with the OP?

Because all OPs from both of you alike contain the same thing, attempts to defy each others parties. But it's so hypocritical. What shocks me is none of is intended because any of you actually concerned of other people's well being. It's about your party's stature. It's not about the humanity or the mass murder of people overseas. So all this fake plea crap is worthless. It's only to show liberals are better than republicans. How about both of you actually start caring about people's lives overseas being destroyed with our taxpayer money rather than point fingers at each other? Once someone actually stands up for the right thing, then they can get my support. But it appears none of you actually have any sense of humanity towards people but you expect them to have unwavering support to our humanity. I support the truth. The truth is we have taken too many brutal actions overseas and our media likes to justify it and ignore it in the most horrible ways possible. It's time some of you wake up.

At least you're consistent, that's better than nothing. But the next time you find me demonizing the troops will be the first time.
This isn't catching on to anyone or anything. The only people paying attention to nonsense like this are loons on the right and left. I suspect you're on the left.

I am old school Republican conservative. A Bill Buckley acolyte who was a card carrying member of Young Americans for Freedom when I was a teenager. I was active in politics from a young age, and my mother was chairman of our state's branch of the American Conservative Union. Before I enlisted, I made many speeches before our state legislature for conservative causes, and worked for two Republican congressional campaigns.

And I am retired military.

I am also a critical thinker. How sad is it you mistake a critical thinker as being from the Left? That all by itself says a lot about the New Right today.

These anti-military conspiracy theories emanating from the New Right are sickening, and are just the latest development of an intellectual devolution process that has been going on for some time.

What is it going to take before those who believe themselves to be conservatives wake up to the fact the UnConservatives who have hijacked the conservative movement are going full batshit insane?

What will it take before conservatives begin policing themselves and throwing out the psychopaths?

It is way past time to start bitch slapping the crazies. We are seriously infected with them. They are a plague on our house.
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"American soldiers [are] going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children, you know, women, breaking sort of the customs of the � of � the historical customs, religious customs." --John Kerry in 2005

Thank you Mr. Kerry, I'll bet Ravi was on the phone IMMEDIATELY when this asshole said this, weren't you Ravi?

You are absolutely right. The constant rightwingnutter attempt to try to paint the military as treasonous scum bags has sickened me from the very beginning.

Some of them were, sadly, yep. But that isn't the same thing as pretending that our troops are going to turn on American citizens, is it, you little piece of shit?

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